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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 4, 2024 6:00pm-6:31pm MSK

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used to watching videos online, it stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels, all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname, it’s where it needs to be, that ’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need it, fire soon, this is russia 24, and we continue to talk about the main thing for today, so, ukrainian formations struck lugansk and released them into so. 12 western missiles hit the city
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production, presumably eight atacoms missiles and four stormshadows, as reported by the head of the lpr, leonid pasichnik, four missiles were shot down by air defense forces on approach to the city, due to falling debris, dry grass caught fire, the strikes hit warehouses where tanks with fuel were located, to the private sector. all emergency services, as well as city leaders, are on site. it is not yet known whether there are any casualties. and in the meantime, the russian military liberated another settlement in the donetsk people's republic, a division of the military group the center was taken under control of the village of novoselovsk first, novoselovka first, and as the ministry of defense reported, fighters from the west group knocked out three tanks, including two german leopards; over the past 24 hours, russian air defense shot down a ukrainian s-27 fighter and 162 drones. our correspondent has the latest information on the progress of the special operation.
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they work on everything in the sky, russian anti-aircraft gunners and northern troop groups destroy enemy air targets, creatively - the soldiers say. terrain, setting, closing angle, how once the position is determined, the command is to defeat. the crew of the tor m2 air defense system hit the enemy leleka 100 uav with pinpoint accuracy, providing the troops with a reliable shield from airborne threats; the air defense crew was first shot down by special operations. drones such as switchblade, this is the enemy's komicadza drone, which he actively uses, there are also their own production, mainly spotters, we mainly work on drones that correct enemy artillery, we work on them, such as the lileca 100, and various
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homemade drones, even including some kind of drones, an army aviation crew on a k-52 helicopter is preparing to take off, the target is an enemy stronghold, an area where enemy manpower is concentrated has moved forward, the work was carried out from an extremely low altitude, an air strike was carried out from a pitched position with c8 missiles whom, according to the aircraft controller’s report, all targets were hit, everyone returned home safe, healthy, and liberated another populated area. our military in the dpr, novoselovka was the first to come under the control of the grouping of troops center, the ukrainian armed forces lost an important logistics node, and the russian army has secured access to the volchie river, where one of the enemy’s key lines of defense is, this is the sixth village in a week that the center group has liberated, following lazovatsky, progress, evgenovka, volchiy and leninsky. during the day , the military liquidated 365 vsushniki and destroyed a missile and artillery weapons depot. advantageous positions along the lines of
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the units of the west group of forces , the artilleryman of the mlrs fences destroyed ammunition depots in the direction, accumulation of manpower and military equipment of the ukrainian armed forces. there was a warehouse ammunition, destroyed, and so basically we hit the enemy’s manpower, we hit with confidence, so to speak, we work. the enemy lost up to 490 troops, three tanks, including two german-made leopards, and two infantry fighting vehicles. made in the usa and eight cars. in addition, during the counter-battery fight, two 155 mm m777 howitzers made in the usa, two 155 mm m198 howitzers made in the usa, a 152 mm d-20 gun, a 32 mm d-30 howitzer, and a 105 mm l-119 gun were hit . great britain, two electronic warfare stations: notta and bukavel.
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direction, ensured control of the island zone of the dnieper river, prevented the regrouping of enemy troops with artillery fire, and continued to destroy the fsu watercraft trying to land on the left bank of the dnieper. the russian military destroyed the radar station of the american patriot complex, shot down an enemy su-27, intercepted 13 hymers missiles and 162 drones. margarita semenyuk, news. in transbaikalia, more than 100 people were evacuated due to the flood, its peak has arrived. the rivers came out there from the banks, as a result, a bridge was destroyed, roads, hundreds of detached plots and dozens of houses were flooded. the head of transbaikalia instructed to send additional motor pumps to pump out water. our
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correspondent, odisso batoeva, is monitoring the situation. as a result of heavy rains, five settlements in the aginsky district alone were damaged, including the urban settlement of orlovsky. since yesterday , a state of emergency has been introduced here, within the boundaries of the village, an operational headquarters, a commission to inspect the damage to residential buildings of the population, and also a district commission for the inspection have been created social institutions. according to local residents, just yesterday at lunchtime a heavy downpour fell here for about 2 hours without stopping, since the village is located in the very lowlands, all the water came from the flasks. the strongest stream demolished everything in its path, flooding streets, houses, cars, according to preliminary information. according to data , more than 50 residential buildings, where about 85 people live, including 48 children, were damaged , personal plots were also damaged, vegetation, potato fields, vegetable gardens were destroyed, streets were washed away, victims and there were no casualties, a
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temporary accommodation center was also organized on the basis of the cultural center, but they refused to evacuate the population, the majority stayed at home, or spent the night with relatives, and joined on the spot. about 10 units of equipment, more than 40 people, that is , employees of the ministry of emergency situations, specialists from the administration of the village, district, the governor of the trans-baikal territory is now working on the site, he has already managed to inspect the most damaged streets, houses and personal plots, the damage is being assessed. odissobotoev with a hundred dandaks, read the news. well and let's return to the first topic of the issue: the armed forces of ukraine today shelled lugansk. here our colleagues from the state television and radio broadcasting company of the lpr are publishing these photos, fragments, enemy missiles on the streets of the city, in lugansk, as the head of the republic leonid pasechnik said, the ukrainian armed forces fired 12 missiles, presumably these are eight atacoms and
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four stormshadow. in the middle east, the israel defense forces and the military units of the lebanese hezbollah movement exchanged blows. hezbollah militants hit businesses in the israeli city of kiryat shmana. an object is located only 2 km from the border with lebanon, so the po systems were unable to repel the attack. no casualties were reported. israeli artillery, in turn, shelled the village of ed teibe in southern lebanon. as a result, a fuel storage facility at a local electrical substation caught fire. the jewish state continues its military operation against the palestinians.
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protesters claim that the hotel is housing refugees and illegal immigrants. the police repelled the attack among law enforcement officers, there were casualties. opponents of migrants broke glass in the windows, hooligans are also trying use hot garbage cans to set the doors to the building on fire. stay at the hotel as a precaution and evacuate to the upper floors. the chaos happened over the weekend. in several cities of the country, in a number of cases , opponents of emigrants fought with representatives of muslim communities. the cause for unrest was the southport massacre, where an ethnic rwandan, sorry rwandan, killed three girls and seriously injured
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eight more children on monday. the riots are accompanied by looting of stores. with details natalya grancharova. robbery live. v british social networks have seen a video of how, during protests, looters, that is, looters, clean out a store with electronic equipment. users write comments, frightened buyers quickly run out into the street. to the sound of alarms, the benefit of chaos, that’s what the daily calls what happened, crash equipment, alcohol, clothing are in the top, this is footage of a store with shoes being cleaned out, looters stole goods, scattered the remaining assortment and set fire to the outlet. in manchester, lutars robbed a grocery store. they took out everything that was more expensive. this photo a young man in a mask who decided to profit. bottles of collection wine.
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the reason for the pogroms was the massacre in saudport. during a dance lesson, a seventeen-year-old boy stabbed three girls, eight more children and two adults were injured. the attacker's parents are refugees from rwanda. after this became known, right-wing activists decided to fight retail outlets that, in their opinion, belong to people from other countries, and also staged a real hunt for... we feared for our lives, at some point even we thought we wouldn't be able to survive this night, the streets looked like a war zone. security measures are being tightened across the uk. 400 police officers were deployed to try to stop the protesters. sky news reports more than 90 demonstrators.
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representatives of national and religious minorities, as well as people with disabilities, it is because of this mechanism that many university graduates cannot get a job. the russian embassy at one time calls on its compatriots to avoid
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crowded places. us presidential candidate donald trump criticized the joe biden administration for the terms of the prisoner exchange in russia. according to the republican, russia made a great deal, while the united states, on the contrary, made terrible mistakes. many western media agree with this assessment; our boris ivanin has studied all the opinions. putin’s victory, with this headline comes out the german daily develt, speaking about the exchange between moscow and the west, which took place on russia’s terms, the foreign press emphasizes. in her opinion, the very fact of exchange is important; it gives hope for further dialogue with our country, which europe, apparently, is secretly waiting for. putin’s triumph is echoed by the authoritative südeutsche zeitung. europe submits to the will of the united states, that’s what the deal proves in putin’s eyes. it also successfully tested how flexible the united states could be in relation. with him, when they themselves want something, germany lost in this game to both moscow and washington,
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the american media hint, optikayma call the defeat of olaf scholz a difficult decision, when he, in fact, himself admitted that he had surrendered under pressure from the white house. the call came personally from president biden, and shultz attaches great importance to transatlantic relations. according to sources familiar with the progress of negotiations with the german side, the americans applied pressure for several months. however, america did not speak from a position of strength in this exchange with moscow, according to experts in the united states. washington, which constantly claims to be the world's policeman, is no longer in control of the situation. i wish president biden would stop saying the word stop and don't do it to america's enemies because every time he does pronounces, he is simply ignored. today, when he talks about putin, there is only one word in his vocabulary - stop, and he is ignored, just as calls were ignored before. and biden’s actions, when he, apparently, having watched
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the footage of vnukov’s meeting with the honorary guard at the airport, also rushed to the ramp, looked more like political theater, sums up observers in the united states. the performance at an airbase in maryland became part of the democratic election race, where they tried to promote kamla to the main role of a screenwriter from the white house charis, but will this help her company? the american press wonders. in addition to the prompt greeting of the released appeals on thursday. in the evening, representatives of the us administration also rushed to emphasize the role of haris in the historic deal, which is considered one of the largest exchanges since the cold war and significant enough to break through the constant... information noise around the elections, however, any western politician would not mind making money on this exchange political points for yourself. donald trump, who promised that the exchange will take place as soon as he becomes president, and now he has lost this trump card and paid tribute to moscow. i would like to congratulate vladimir putin on another great deal. you saw the deal we made.
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the unconditional success of moscow is also recognized by the french figaro, which very accurately noted in its conclusions. the main thing is that we don’t abandon our own people in russia, not just words, but a way of thinking and concrete actions that save people’s destinies. boris ivanin, news! well, now there is footage from china, in the southwest of the country, flooding, landslides, eight are known killed, dozens of people missing, about a thousand evacuated. the emergency occurred as a result of tidal rains in the city of kandina, several were destroyed. several buildings and bridges are blocked by tunnels on the expressway. authorities are currently conducting search and rescue operations. in the center of rostov-on-don , the roof of an ancient apartment building , built at the beginning of the last century, caught fire. by this moment , the fire had been localized to an area of ​​300 km. the fire was assigned the first rank
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of complexity. 49 emergency situations ministry employees and 16 pieces of equipment are working on site. i'll add. in the past year, the house was recognized as a cultural heritage site, the residents were resettled, the unsafe buildings were mothballed, and in april the building was put up for auction. the sberthank you loyalty program has been updated. every month, choose up to five top categories with cashback up to 10%. supermarkets, gas stations, cafes, restaurants, taxis and others. and even.
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our release. russian railway workers are celebrating their professional holiday today. an area where almost a million people work, without which it is impossible to imagine the economy of modern russia. workers. russia at a new technological level, using the most advanced developments, and here we must proceed not only from the needs of today, but create a foundation for the future for decades to come, this is exactly how our people thought and worked great ancestors, therefore on our agenda. in connection with the central transport hub, the creation of international logistics corridors, the development of the azov-black sea
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transport direction, the organization of the so -called seamless railway communication from the baltic and barents sea to the coast of the persian gulf and the indian ocean. the tasks are truly large-scale and i am sure, thanks to your knowledge and experience. focus on results in the interests of the country, we will definitely solve them. all over russia, today on railway worker's day they are holding holiday events, including traditional charity races. many employees of the russian railways division have been participating in them for several years, and with their entire families. based on the results of the moscow race alone, they have already managed to collect 5 million rubles. evgeniy nipot will tell you how the holiday is going and what distances for the races were chosen this year. the main event is this. region of the country there will be a charity race, the event is divided into three stages: 500 m is a children's race, 5 km
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is a race for professional amateurs, a symbolic distance of 1520 m, symbolizing the actual width of the railway track (1520 mm) , the minister of transport roman strava took part in the 5 km and 1520 m races. but at the same time, 200,000, more than 200 thousand railway workers are engaged in business, provide transportation, ensure safety, we take advantage of the opportunities
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of the railway, but we do not stop, now we are actively moving forward, on behalf of the president, according to the decisions made, we are developing in all directions, north, south, east, west, decision made unique, we increase the speed of our movement.
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i’ll ask the operator, you see their medals, that is, they have now run a marathon, now they continue to exercise on exercise bikes,
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now the start will begin. and we will show this competition, now literally a moment remains, the energy is supplied to the engine, and movement is allowed, now i ’ll ask the operator to show this, here for now these same locomotives with a load are approaching and this is how you can compete here, but this is of course but only one of dozens of locations, we will now move on to another, here there are... very popular and very interesting stands, where you can feel like an electric train driver, but of course you won’t be crowded to the train, there are a lot of people there, now let’s try to approach the swallow, here, of course , you can also try to drive this electric train, you can see it now, please allow me, a young man is driving an electric train like a swallow, what do you think, okay,
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beautiful, well done, you can also see a real station bell here, you should it should be noted that today a star was unveiled near the russian railways arena in memory of the fiftieth anniversary of the baikal-amur mainline. evgeny nibot, sergey soldatov, artyom, ryzhikov and varvara pastushnaya news. in a few minutes , watch the final issue of weather 24, right now a report on the government’s work for the past week. the government has allocated additional funding for payments to heroine mothers and holders of the order of parental glory. women raising at least ten children are awarded the title of mother-heroine and are entitled to a one-time payment of 1 million rubles. parents of families or more children are awarded the order of parental glory
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and receive 5,000 rubles. families with more than four children are awarded a medal of this order and a reward in the amount of 200,000 rubles. as the head of state noted, a large family should become the norm in the philosophy of society. it is important to continue to do everything necessary to support them as a guideline for the entire state strategy. the government also extended the provision of mortgage repayment payments. for large families for another 7 years, families in which the third or subsequent children born between january 1, 2024 and december 31, 2030 will be able to receive a payment in the amount of 450 thousand rubles and make it as a mortgage payment. the government has extended it mortgages until 2030 . since august 2024
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, elmeshtin held a strategic session on the national project personnel. the new national project will include four federal projects. their implementation will make it possible in the next 6 years to increase the involvement of citizens in employment and to balance the labor market. activities are also being implemented to support the already working citizens, assisting them in changing their profession or acquiring new competencies. to get a comprehensive result, you need to clearly understand what kind of workers are required in the next 3-5 years, you need to take into account trends, of course, in the field of technology, industry development strategies, as well as national projects, infrastructure programs and investment plans of enterprises, also in coordination a strategic session on the national project
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for environmental well-being was held at the government center.


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