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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 5, 2024 12:00am-12:30am MSK

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he didn’t even serve in the military, but here he’s definitely in the right place, he says, he went to fight because of the barbaric shelling of russian cities, oh, well, well, some kind of heightened sense of injustice. unrealistic anger, well, i really want to be somehow on our side and effective, when you look at footage from the same belgorod, something like this, indiscriminate attacks by militants of the kiev regime on civilians, many who are now inspired to take up arms weapon. we stop by the terek reconnaissance brigade, it is staffed by volunteers. kambrik, general fadyukhin, on the front line, says the situation is difficult. here, on
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the solidar-artyomovsky front , paratroopers, motorized riflemen, reconnaissance officers and volunteers fight side by side. cossacks. every meter of liberated land is difficult for our troops. the enemy is actively defending. we are not fighting with the army of ukraine, in principle with an army with the intelligence of nato and the west. therefore , it is clear that all enemy actions are fully supported. and developed. information and other types of support, precisely our most important enemy, who everyone it is known, well, naturally, that the enemy suffers heavy losses, because we, too, as they say, do not eat our bread in vain, we constantly suffer fire damage, we work with all our might in order to inflict maximum damage on our enemies. at the front line there is round-the-clock combat work; in the immediate rear, units of the russian army are preparing to move to the front line, training at training grounds. this is how attack aircraft
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learn to work in combat conditions in a populated area, every week our troops are liberated villages of donbass and almost all units have to fight in villages. actions with all the features are practiced at the training ground.
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the fighters of this formation will replace the attack aircraft, who are at the forefront and there will no longer be time to study. evgeny poddubny, ruben mirobov and stanislav yalovsky. news. from the zone of special military operation. friday marks exactly 5 years since us president donald trump destroyed the foundation of global security. washington unilaterally stopped complying with the conditions. rsmd. here which was officially announced in our foreign ministry that day. on august 2, 2019, at the initiative of the american side , the agreement between the union of soviet socialist republics and the united states of america on the elimination of their intermediate -range and shorter-range missiles, signed in washington on december 8, 1987, was terminated. since then the situation has been washington only. pumped up, pushing
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the planet straight into the abyss. moreover, in july of this year, the white house announced plans to deploy american shorter- range missiles in germany. putin warned the us as is customary in russia three times. moscow's response will be ironclad. june 28, during a meeting with members of the security council, july 4 in astana and last sunday. speaking at the parade in honor of navy day. noteworthy is the statement of the american administration and the german government about plans to deploy american long-range high-precision missile systems on the territory of the federal republic of germany from 2026. important russian government and military facilities will be within its reach. management. our administrative and industrial
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centers are defense infrastructure, and the flight time to targets on our territory are such missiles that in the future may be equipped with nuclear warheads
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. i would not like to speak in terms of we are in free fall, we are flying into the abyss, we are on the verge of sliding into uncontrollable
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chaos and so on, although logic dictates that this kind of epithets probably comes to mind more and more often, 2 minutes before midnight. i would say that this clock now shows something like two minutes to does not mean that the course of the clock is irreversible and the doomsday clock will begin to strike, but it is necessary to approach what is happening with all responsibility, the military needs to hold on.
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make this decision based on a combination of factors, i admit that a moment may come when this is needed, the third stage of exercises to prepare for the use of non-strategic nuclear weapons has now begun, the signal in itself is very powerful, in general, of course, a radical turn. assassination attempt then removal of the second applicant from the run rubs his hands, that is, there are fewer problems now, i think we we have a situation where everything that makes up
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the american political mainstream, well , excuse me, is a relief, but it doesn’t make it any easier for the whole world. between the ussr and the usa in 1987 . in accordance with the agreement between gorbachev and reagan, the ussr and the usa destroyed all ground -launched intermediate- and shorter-range ballistic cruise missiles. also, committing not to produce, test or deploy such. usa 846, that is, the soviet union cut twice as many of its missiles. and
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putin, comparing the current situation with the same double decision of the eighties that he means, washington outplayed us then, washington gorbachev. then deceived our current conditions for resolving the crisis, how tough are they? the time of moscow's unilateral concessions is irrevocably in the past.
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that austin fidgeted. the russians learned about ukraine's secret operation against russia, which they
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believed was approved by the americans. pentagon officials were surprised by the accusation and were unaware of any such conspiracy. but so as not to reveal mr. belousov, officials stated that it was taken seriously enough that the americans contacted the ukrainians and said: if you are thinking of doing something like this, don't do it. rebkov reveals details for the first time and only to us. kyiv operation if it happened with a stop.
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the episode, as they say, passed, thank god, that is, the signal from our military leadership and the minister of defense to the american colleague apparently had an effect, something was being prepared in russia at the parade, i don’t want to go into details, but in principle there was a certain connection with this kind of events, details of the daring action up to this moment.
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we will ensure our security and
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our enemy , the collective west, will not have any unilateral advantages, we will not allow him to gain these advantages, we do not feel like we are catching up in this situation, when we always only respond, but never act preventively, i am still a supporter in order to proactively avoid escalation, but scenarios in which an escalatory step is actually possible are undoubtedly being considered, that’s all. too much seriously, to talk about this kind of topic abstractly, and secondly, if we move into this plane, the matter should not be limited to signals, it should be actions, otherwise we will devalue the effect
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that needs to be obtained from this kind of steps, with germany in this does the connection make sense?
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f-16s made their first flights in ukraine, strikes on russia are also allowed, our actions, they do not have the means that could change the situation on the battlefield in their favor. f-16, just like everything we saw on poklonnaya hill, we can now see in the park
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patriot, their wreckage, their charred fuselages will be exhibited in the same way.
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a list of goals is not a question that we should discuss when we are on television, but again here, too, the scenarios are different and it’s not for me to exclude any of them, thank you for a very interesting conversation, thank you, you answered all the questions, more thank you very much for your time; as always , it’s a pleasure to communicate with you. and against this background, today zelensky officially announced the arrival of the f-16 in ukraine. the spectators were shown fighter jets with a ukrainian trident on them. tail and a couple of americans flying in the sky. zelensky did not specify their exact number or in which country they
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are based, but thanked denmark, the netherlands and the united states. suspended missiles and weapons. the subject of close study, at a minimum , air-to-air missiles have fuel tanks to increase flight duration. earlier, the economist wrote that kiev was given 10 f-16s, and bloomberg questioned whether ukrainian pilots who trained abroad would be able to immediately use the planes in combat, and besides, hopes for western weapons are collapsing statistics of his losses, only. over the past 7 days, jewelry, long-range and high-precision strikes at the front have destroyed a german leopard, two american bradleys, several hanveys and a max pro.
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our report is about how powerful projectiles for hitting areas began to hit a penny. just look at the power of the rszzo tornado s, it’s been a long time since it’s been called not a russian hymers, but a hymers killer, it’s more powerful, it’s long-range. it is more precise and much more efficient than its american counterpart, this machine has already several americans, there is a dpz, there is a post, there is a four-hour charge, yes. at the beginning of the special operation, a rare curiosity, now
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a standard combat unit, the industry has saturated the front with high-precision tornado missile launchers, due to the battle, modern combat operations dictate. conditions and the rszz tornado s exactly corresponds to them, flies into position in order to hit the enemy with high-precision, long-range missiles. the letter c in the name of the modified tornado means not only a tornado, but the older brother of the soviet one. installation, it has become longer-range and highly accurate. smerch became one of the last soviet rocket artillery installations. rszzo entered vska in 1987. since then, engineers
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have been thinking about how to hit the wrong area with a powerful projectile, on a dime, so they appeared in 2016 . tornado and tornado s. well, let's see what the tornado s car is like inside. it hits far.
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after using this complex, it’s as if a tornado has passed, it leaves nothing behind, a tornado with, a tornado a tornado, two in one. in flight, the missile spirals like a fired bullet. from a rifled barrel, hence the name rszzo. here it is, an eight-meter projectile from tornado s,
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it is a projectile, not a rocket, the tornado s operators call it, 300 mm, caliber, flies at a distance of 120-200 km. how do you like it when they compare your swallow with a hymers, they say the russian hymers tornado s. but, in fact, our complex is much more effective than all its western analogues, superior in all technical characteristics. tornados, like haimers, is a multiple launch rocket system, which is probably why they are compared, but tornados wins because the projectile's flight range is much further. as far as i understand, the accuracy of the analogue is better than that, this is an achievement in recent years, yes, we have new guided missiles that hit exactly the target,
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the projectile has the maximum spread there.
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the loading process takes a matter of minutes, the eight-hundred-kilogram projectile is sent into the guide, then it’s just entering the ordinates and the launch command, all this is an instant, then only the impact. enjoy rolls from tasty point. caesar roll with tender chicken in crispy breading with tomato and cheese. try a caesar roll and other rolls at a delicious spot or stop by your drive-thru for them. formula adaptek engine oil
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