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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 5, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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rain floods flood the transbaikal region and buryatia. a state of emergency was immediately introduced in three regions of the republic; in one of them, a dam broke. bridges and railway tracks were destroyed, and more than 100 people were evacuated in the neighboring region. there is a huge traffic jam on the washed-out baikal highway. fsb officers detained a resident of the zaporozhye region suspected of espionage. according to the security forces, he collected and transmitted information to the kiev regime about the whereabouts of the russians. troops, and also
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planned to organize a tirakt. the republic of mali breaks off diplomatic relations with ukraine, an african state made this decision due to the fact that kiev openly supports terrorists on the territory of this country. the us state department believes that iran and hezbollah will strike israel in the next 24 hours. american media reported this. it is still unknown how exactly the blow will be delivered; the iranian foreign ministry announced that they do not intend to soften the reaction to the murder of the hamas leader. a state of emergency due to floods was introduced in three districts of buryatia at once; in one of them , a dam broke, hundreds of household plots, residential buildings, roads, etc. including a section of the baikal federal highway, where traffic is blocked, bridges and railway tracks are destroyed. our correspondent evgeniy zhantsuev will talk about the situation in the flood zone. he is in direct contact with the studio. evgeniy, greetings, what is the scale of the disaster? hello colleagues, i remind you
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that in buryat there is a state of emergency of republican significance, the muharshibir, torbogatai, zaigraevsky districts are suffering from flooding in buryat, but the water is receding, only at night the village of chelutai-3 was flooded, 15 plots of five houses were damaged, there were no casualties, the water blocked the road, and the local authorities responded. promptly transported 11 people to a temporary residence center, among them seven children, many did not even understand what had happened, but the situation is aggravated by the fact that the water continues to flow, and today the head of buryatia alexey tsidenov came to the disaster site and talked with local residents regarding of the deceased harvest, residents will be provided with borscht sets. and just a few minutes ago he held an emergency committee meeting.
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about 85 km of local regional roads, but within the framework of the current floods, in general, if we take those that were beyond kamensk dzhida, in previous memorials, in total, 170 km of our roads were damaged in one way or another, and now six bridges have been washed away, this is on regional local roads, three on the federal road , the federal road today while there is no traffic, uh, in the best case, in the best case , traffic on the federal road may be open by tomorrow evening.
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there was flooding, but i repeat, we do not have completely isolated settlements, provision of water, food, medicines, medical care, where necessary, if you need to take someone to a medical facility, everything is fully provided, now restoration work is already underway, 22 areas have already been cleared in the foreman's department, more are being added today , more bobcats have been found, the city of oland has all its distant there were, and the removal of sludge residues...
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payments will be made promptly as documents are submitted, payments go directly through minus, since we have raised the level of emergency to the republican level, well the volunteers are working, i would like to say thank you to our well-caring people, as always they stood up, help, they come from different areas, including from the city, schoolchildren are coming, it should be noted that the military personnel also came to the rescue in the torbogatai district, that is, now this is happening with common efforts. cleaning is underway - the contaminated areas are returning to normal life, the precipitation has stopped, while the water flow continues, but there is no additional precipitation, we are now collecting those waves that continue to gather about the reservoirs, the situation is stable, that is, we have the aganovsky
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reservoir, it was the most in the area of ​​attention, there are 18 million cubic meters of water, but preventive measures are now limiting the inflow there, the dam’s reserves are sufficient, there is no drainage. in general - everything is provided for the reservoirs, in general the situation is under control, we are working with people, we will provide assistance to everyone, that is , we will not forget anyone, we will go around everyone, the commission is working in all settlements, where vegetable gardens have been damaged, they will be given emergency kits, here for everyone per person the amount of food for the year, that is, in general , everything is calculated, so dear fellow countrymen, in general we will do everything, everything will be fine, well, that’s all for us, thank you colleagues, yes, thank you, our correspondent spoke about the large-scale flood in buryatia, well the head of the republic of buryat, alexey tsedenov, also spoke about the consequences of the liquidation. rains also flood the neighboring trans-baikal territory, dozens of houses are drowned, more than 100 people are evacuated, additional pumps are sent to the affected areas to pump out water,
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the baikal highway between ulanudei and chita is washed out a huge traffic jam grew, and only the evening before they opened bypass routes. our correspondent joins us out of the blue. like weather forecasters, when will the rain stop? restoration work is underway and what they say in hello, colleagues, in transbaikalia, let me remind you that due to floods, two settlements were flooded: the village of orlovsky, agent buryadsky district, as a result of the floods, private houses, personal plots were damaged, tens of kilometers of roads and heating mains were washed away. the head of the region, alexander osipov, the day before, together with the head of the administration of the aginsky buryat district, bazar dugorzhapov, representatives of interested departments looked at the consequences of heavy rains, talked with local residents, the head of the region, in turn, gave a number of instructions: the floor covering, the underground, all this is damaged, this also requires compensation, says alexander osipov, but this is only during the commission it will be established, now the most important thing is to organize,
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restore the life of the village itself, organize the restoration of the streets, carry out the work of the commission, identify everyone victims, compile lists, assess the damage caused to housing, let us remind you that in orlovsky 21 streets have been recorded for erosion, 23 houses have been inspected to date, 35 specialists are working on site. according to operational data from another locality, the deputy chairman of the regional government nikolai zakharov is working on site in the city of petrovsk zabaikalsky, twenty-four houses have been inspected to date, and the streets have been filled with soil. on behalf of the regional governor, water level monitoring is carried out hourly. there are 64 working on site a specialist from specialized services and departments was sent to... the city by the ministry of emergency situations to pump pumps for pumping water from houses and underground areas of private houses. the victims are settled in a medical college, the local village of petrovzabaikalsk, there are only about 100 local residents. alarming news comes today from the okshinsky district, where the water in the anon river began to rise to a critical level,
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literally 5 cm remained. this was reported by the head of the district, pavel kapustin. according to him, the dam is still in good condition and no destruction has been detected. near the village of btf now almost 6 cm remains below the critical level, but according to the head of the district , it can easily withstand a greater rise, one way or another , constant duty of operational services has been organized there, i would like to remind you that in chita the humanitarian aid headquarters for victims and evacuated residents continues to operate at borguzinskaya 49 , this building of the transbaikal state university is open from 8 to 23 hours, what do the weather forecasters tell us? today, in some places in the trans-baikal territory , very heavy rains, heavy downpours, and wind increases of up to 24 m per second are expected. how the hydrometeorological center reports that on the anon river near the village of verkhniy ulkhun, in the next 24 hours the water level will approach the level of adverse events
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and may exceed it. the main directorate of the ministry of emergency situations of russia in the region recommends that the population be vigilant, calling emergency services 112 or 101. colleagues. thank you, with the last one. our correspondent provided information about the transbaikalia region captured by the flood. explosions from kharkov and its suburbs occurred at once in three regions of ukraine at night. over the past few hours, several such messages have already arrived. a similar picture is in the kiev and vinnytsia regions. the consequences have not yet been reported. air raid sirens in ukraine sounded several times during the night. in total they were heard in eight regions of the country. in the zaporozhye region, russian special services detained a suspect of spying for the kiev regime. according to the fsb, residents of the region were recruited by the main intelligence directorate of the ukrainian ministry of defense. he collected information about where the units of our troops were and passed them on.
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according to him, kyiv openly supports terrorists relations with ukraine, the press secretary of the country's government announced this. according to him , on the territory of an african state. in the meantime, in ukraine itself we met the first tranche of f-16 fighters. the topic will be continued by alika komarova. the planes will come first, and the pilots will be found later. kiev finally received 10 f-16 fighters, but only 20 people from all over ukraine can fly them. four aircraft were provided to denmark. and the netherlands, two more - the usa. military experts say that the american aircraft
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will be dismantled into pieces, because they are so old, that the glass of the pilot's cockpit has already turned yellow, and the technical inscriptions on some fighters have been erased. such connivance on the part of kiev’s allies was called a banal desire to make money. the reason for the transfer of these aircraft to ukraine is that these countries received a favorable deal to purchase the f-35. but this is another sensitive issue. which they decided to get involved in, however, the f-16s are outdated aircraft that will theoretically resist the best air defense system in the world, which has been unequivocally and indisputably proven, and the russian air force, which, according to western media they have seven hundred aircraft in the ukraine region alone. at the same time, in fact, the planes were not even entrusted to kiev; judging by information from open sources, the fighters take off from a nato air base in romania, where they are refueled by the british military. transport board, then the f-16 is sent to the border airfield in the odessa region. it was here that zelensky
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held his ceremonial assembly, after which the planes flew back to romania. even the american media write that in this situation, expect at least some progress on the battlefield it is simply pointless. the situation is even worse diplomatically: several representatives of african countries said that kiev openly supports terrorists on the dark continent. in my opinion, everything related to diplomatic issues is not appropriate for ukraine, constantly violating the sovereignty of our countries. kiev obviously has differences with moscow, but this does not give them the right to destabilize africa. a week ago, in northern mali, rebels, including ukrainian armed forces commanders, killed and wounded dozens of soldiers. in response, the authorities of the african country broke off diplomatic relations with kiev. the decision was made in connection with recognition by the ukrainian side.
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political scientists argue that the allies of mali, burkina faso and niger may well support this diplomatic demarche, which a priori will make not only ukraine, but also the entire west, losers in the struggle for the global south and so -called world domination. and a violent response to recognize that violent behavior in security has
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dire consequences. now there is footage from the uk, there are hundreds of demonstrators there gathered at a hotel in the city of tamward, where illegal immigrants are temporarily being held, protesters are throwing firecrackers at the building, part of the hotel is already on fire, look, now these images are on your screens, the hotel is guarded by the police, but bottles are being thrown at the security forces, according to journalists, how at least one of the security forces... was injured, no arrests were reported. now economic news, konstantin churikov joins me. konstantin, good morning. russia is among the three largest economies with the lowest level of public debt. yes, a novel hello, we are talking about public debt in terms of one resident of our country. russia is one of the three largest economies in the world with the lowest level of government debt per capita. this is reported based on this year's data for g20 countries. from these it turns out that india's most modest sovereign debt
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is just over $1,300 per person. indonesia took second place, third. our country’s indicator per capita, russia’s national debt is slightly above 2 thousand dollars, what ’s going on with the debt, the so-called of the collective west, it’s not difficult to guess, here are the top five from the g20 among the us anti-leaders, each american owes $104,500 by default. next on the list are japan, italy, great britain, france. experts believe that russia was helped to avoid such a result by the lessons of the default of 1998, but... we really didn’t accumulate debts, moreover, perhaps there was some period of time when the national debt began to grow, but then
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this situation changed over recent years... indeed, from year to year the national debt, especially external public debt, it is decreasing. moscow topped the ranking of regional innovative development. petersburg took second place, tatarstan took third place. she reports this with reference to materials from the higher school of economics. moscow topped the rankings for the seventh time. according to the study, the city demonstrates the highest level of educational potential and digitalization. in addition, it is the first in terms of innovation costs. compared to... this indicates an improvement in socio-economic conditions. japanese nike index at the opening trading today fell by more than 5.5%. this dynamics on asia's largest tokyo stock exchange is due to a sharp collapse on american stock exchanges. in
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turn, the catalyst for concern among western investors was data on the us labor market, which turned out to be significant. worse than forecasts, only 144.00 new jobs were created in july against forecasts of 185. because of this, the dollar index on friday fell by 7%, which was the maximum drop since may 2. the market now considers it more likely that the fed will cut the rate in september. the regulator is obliged to somehow boost the us economy. a collapse occurred today in the cryptocurrency market. bitcoin immediately collapsed to... $53,000. ethereum has gone negative since the beginning of the year. if investors are leaving the stock for something, it is clearly not this sector. the broad index, which includes the top 20 digital coins, is down more than 12% in the past 24 hours. the weekly dynamics of bitcoin are now comparable to what they were at the time of the collapse of the ftx exchange in 2022.
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technical analysts note that bitcoin is now below its two-hundred-day average level, and this is a bad sign for cryptocurrencies. it is also worth recalling that on friday , bitcoin exchange-traded funds in the united states experienced the largest outflow of funds in the last three months. well, at the end of the issue about currencies, i’ll tell you the dollar exchange rate today at around 87.85 70 - this is important. 85.70 euros costs 92 rubles 82 kopecks. that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. now to the most recent messages. fsb officers detained the suspect. in the zaporozhye region, a resident of the region worked for the kiev regime, collected data on the deployment of russian troops to transfer them to the ukrainian armed forces. large-scale floods in buryatia in three regions, the chis regime broke a dam, houses, roads and bridges are under water. in transbaikalia, rains flood villages, more than 100 people are evacuated. in the uk, protests, hundreds of demonstrators
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threw firecrackers at a hotel in the city of tamward. illegal migrants live there. the building caught fire and it started. clashes with the police. russian athletes won the first award at the olympic games in paris. tennis players mira andreeva and diana schneider received silver medals. in the doubles final the russians lost in the category to the duet from italy. about this first medal at the olympics for our athletes and not only in sports news in a couple of minutes. still thinking about the perfect home? it's time to go to domklik to find housing to suit every taste. with a mortgage to build a house. new building or resale? choose something that everyone will like. at domklik everyone will find housing for themselves. attacked by credit card debt? i
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do decide what your future will be. go wherever you want, with an educational loan from sberbank, with government support. calculate payments right now! time for sports news, ilya kostin will tell you about the most notable ones. ilya, good morning, to the russians competing at the olympics in neutral status, first medal. yes, good morning, rom, young tennis players mira andreeva and diana schneider have silver in doubles, i’ll tell you more about this issue. novak djokovic became the olympic champion in the singles tennis tournament. in the final, the thirty-seven-year-old serb defeated the spaniard carlos al-karaz. the tennis players did not return a single serve during the entire match, both the first and... djokovic. after the end of the meetings, both tennis players cried. serbian with joy. spaniard with chagrin for defeat.
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for djokovic, who has 24 wins to his name grand slam tournaments, the current olympic gold was the first in his career. he previously took bronze in the 2008 games in china. now the serb has all the major trophies in tennis. russians mira andreeva and diana schneider became '. medalists of the tennis tournament of the olympic games in paris in doubles, in the final they lost to the italian pair sarah irani and jasmine paollina, more details in the material of stas ridekultsev. the first medal of russians at the olympics in paris was the silver of seventeen-year-old mira andreeva and twenty-year-old diana schneider, united in a couple before the games, the russians brilliantly went through the tournament, which was not a match, then a concert. diana and mira spent almost all their matches in one breath. including the first set of the final, so i don’t think that they even expected such a performance from themselves, that is, they played, well, so inspired with such
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courage with such a charge of emotions, yes, that they essentially left their rivals no chance in all matches to the final, of the magnificent seven russian tennis players on the clay courts of paris, only a couple reached the podium andreeva schneider, in the final they are opposed by an experienced italian duo, sara irani and jasmine paalini, less titled than the czech tennis players already beaten in the quarterfinals. rana is 37 years old, the same age as andreeva and schneider. back in 2012, the italian lost to maria sharapova in the rolanga ross final. for many years she was considered the best player in the world of women's tennis. in paris, iran, paired with the fifth racket of the world, alina. the russians start the final as confidently as possible. schneider is excellent at the net, andreeva is excellent on the baseline. what,
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for example, the same czech couple who were titled, who won a large number of grandslams, won the olympics, but it was clear that they were not a team on the accord, i mean sinyakova and krejcikova, but diana emira had this , therefore, and even more so, in fact, the olympics differ from grand slam tournaments and ordinary tournaments in that here only part of the pairs are made up of traditional doubles players; in the second set the magic disappeared. the russians lost their serve, their opponents grabbed the chance and took the game 6:1. in the championship tiebreak up to 10 points was influenced by the experience of the italian pair. andreeva and schneider tried to turn the game around in the end, but this evening the italian duo was stronger. 7:10. victory of the italian pair. the silver medal of the young russian duo on the olympic courts in paris is a tremendous success for the athletes. of the only fifteen russians at the olympics, andreeva and schneider seem to have survived the maximum. stas ridikultsev, karen melikyan, lead.
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the next day of the olympics in paris was not without scandal. belgian triathlete claire michel was hospitalized with intestinal wand after a competitive swim in the seine. according to media reports, the athlete was admitted to the hospital 4 days ago, but this became known only now. against the backdrop of these events, the belgian national team, of which michel is a member, decided to refuse to participate in the mixed relay scheduled for today. 3 and 4 august organizers. or training swims on the first day due to a thunderstorm, on the second due to unsatisfactory water quality. and this is not the first time that training in paris has been canceled due to bacterial contamination of the river. bulgarian boxer svetlana staneva refused to shake hands with her taiwanese opponent after their fight at the olympics. staneva showed the x gesture, hinting that she, unlike her rival, has only female x chromosomes. the fight in the weight category up to 57
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kg has ended. previously, she and another olympic participant, algerian representative iman hililif, were disqualified from the 2023 world championships due to failed gender tests and exceeding the level of the male hormone testosterone, while both yuiten and iman received admission to the olympics in paris. because he could not recognize the international boxing association under the leadership of russian umar kremlev. note that both yuiten and iman have already secured at least bronze. at the games in france. now about football. in two sunday matches of the third round of the russian premier league , defeats were recorded. moscow lokomotiv beat akhmat 5:0 in grozny. the capital club scored three goals in the first half. in the seventh minute, dmitry vorobyov opened the scoring from the penalty spot, then french defender nayamaisi scored a double. in the second half vadim rakov and alexey botrakov scored goals in the winning team. also made three
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assists and became the second youngest author of an assist hat-trick in rpl history. at a younger age , former dynamo midfielder arsen zakharyan scored three assists. another defeat happened in moscow, where cska was stronger than orenburg with a score of 5:1. only one goal was scored in sunday's other two matches. parene defeated makhochekolinskoe dynamo 1:0 on the road. meeting of fakel and krasnodar in voronezh ended. a goalless draw, on saturday talyatinsky okron lost at home to dynamo moscow 0:2, zenit in st. petersburg defeated rostov 5:0, khimki in kazan defeated rubin 3:2. the third round will end today in moscow, with a match between spartak and the samara wings of the soviets. this was the most noticeable news in the sports world up to that moment.
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