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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 5, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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beat yourself over the head, you have a nickname , it goes where it’s needed, that’s what my name is, because i’m not taking you where you fool want, where you need it, flint soon. ironclad evidence: how the exchanged american spies gershkovich and willon were caught, the intelligence services revealed the details of the operation. rain floods flood buryatia , the trans-baikal region, washed out the baikal highway between ulan-udy and chita, causing a huge traffic jam. the kiev regime supports terrorists, why is mali breaking off diplomatic relations with ukraine? protesters in britain hotel with illegal migrants, how the night went after. skirmishes in the country. the russian
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economy is the third in the world with the lowest level of public debt. the most difficult situation in the usa. russian intelligence agencies presented evidence in the cases against american spies evan gershkovich and paul villon. the facts completely refute all statements by western publications that us citizens were convicted of nothing. anton potkovenko. got acquainted with the evidence. march twenty-third , yekaterinburg, correspondent for the moscow bureau of the wall street journal, evan gershkovich i arranged a meeting with a representative of ural-vagonzavod. referring to the editorial assignment, he asked to provide him with information about the activities of the defense enterprise in the context of the northern military district and to disclose state secrets. well, what 's the best way to do this? i did everything so beautifully, do i have it with me? yes. the only thing that's good is that it's very funny, because... we won’t even write that we
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saw the documents, we will only have an anonymous source, that is, we are not suspected of collecting and no one is suspected of being a sensor, we will say anonymous sources said that this is a recruitment process, which we have heard, we see, this is nothing more than recruitment, and recruitment is an operational activity that is carried out only by representatives of the special services, so to say that he is simply a journalist, this is funny, this is exactly what they write in the western media, saying that the journalist was sentenced on the basis of allegedly false charges, here is a wall street journal article from august 2, a day after the big exchange. the gershkovich trial, which washington called a sham was conducted in secret, and russian authorities have not publicly released any evidence to support their claims. so here is the evidence: secret documents are in the hands of gershkovich, the one whom he considered his source at ... a defense
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enterprise realized that the american, in quotes, journalist needed information classified as secret, brought the papers towards him, notifying the fsb when they arrived operatives, gershkovich, this is clearly visible, wanted to hide the documents somewhere under the table, shove them between the sofa and the wall, in as a result, he was caught red-handed, just like former us marine paul willan, here he is on december 28, 2018, during a secret meeting in the toilet room of one of the rooms of the metropol hotel, his... contact, as the intelligence services say, gives wheelon a flash drive with secret information about personnel of the fsb of russia, well, then wilon was caught red-handed, his room was searched, and now he was already pensive in the fsb reception area. now after the exchange he has perked up, is ironic, and is watching the wall street journal again. you know, the fsb grabbed me, said i was a spy, apparently a general army, secret agent, this is an absurd story that they came up with and they would not have left it so easily. i visited these spies
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in the detention center in rifortovo when they were there even before the court decision came into force, well, it is clear that today they will in every possible way deny their connection with the american intelligence services, work for them, for many of my colleagues , who today work in the west, it is no secret that willan and gershkovich were directly involved here. both were sentenced to russia to 16 years in prison for espionage, both were returned to the states in exchange for our citizens, trying to present uyun and gershkovich as some kind of victims, the western media are signing their own lies, because you can’t argue with these materials. anton potkovenko, lead. in the zaporozhye region, russian special services detained a suspect of spying for the kiev regime. according to the fsb, residents of the region were recruited by the main intelligence directorate of the ukrainian ministry of defense.
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information about where the unit of our troops is located and transmitted this data enemy so that he can strike at them . the detainee also admitted that he was preparing a terrorist attack. detained for... manufacturing and storing an explosive device, he worked on the instructions of his friend, who went to zaporozhye and, in fact, in my opinion, worked for the armed forces of ukraine, they sent me the coordinates via messenger and took the coordinates from the bookmarks. in three regions of ukraine at once there were explosions at night from kharkov and its suburbs; in recent hours several such messages have already arrived, a similar picture in kyiv and venets. regions, the consequences have not yet been reported, air raid sirens in ukraine sounded several times during the night, in total they were heard in eight regions of the country. in the special operation zone, fighters from the north group of troops destroyed camouflaged positions of the ukrainian armed forces. scouts using drones discovered
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machine-gun emplacements of ukrainian militants in the forest belt. the coordinates were transmitted to the crew of the bmp-2m with the berezhok universal combat module. combat vehicles drove into the line of fire. against the enemy, the nationalists had to retreat, while they fired an anti-tank guided missile along the bank, but it did not reach the target, and as a result of the attack by russian fighters, the enemy abandoned their positions. due to the flood, the shs mode was introduced in three regions of buryatia at once, in one of them a dam broke, hundreds of household plots, residential buildings, roads, including the baikal federal highway, were washed away , six bridges were washed away, and more were flooded this night. village from buryatia, our correspondent ilya koshlyunov joins us. ilya, i welcome the situation with the residents of the flooded village when they promise to open traffic on the highway baikal? greetings, roman, but it is too early to talk about the complete restoration of traffic on the baikal federal highway, but more on that a little later. as for the village of chelutai 3,
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where water came last night, all the residents who fell under the flood zone were evacuated, only 11 people, seven of whom. they were all taken to temporary accommodation centers. 15 areas of five houses were flooded with water, now some may already return home. and this morning the most, this morning the head of buryatia alexey tsedenov visited the settlements that suffered the most. in general , three districts fell into the disaster zone this weekend in buryatia, these are zaigraevsky district and trobagataisky. and a little earlier the head of buryatia spoke on the air about... about the work that is being carried out to eliminate the consequences, as well as support measures, let's listen, restoration work is already underway, 22 areas in the ten's district have already been cleared, more are being added today, more have been found bobcats, the city of old had all its outlying areas, and the removal of silt
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balances from the yards continues, today the first payments to the victims will begin, this is primarily the bataisky district, they had it before, so they are now... they have time to draw up the documents, payments will be made promptly, as the documents are submitted, payments will be made directly through the ministry of social protection, since we have raised the level of emergency to the republican level, as for the road that i said earlier, the baikal federal highway, of course, traffic there is not yet open, let me remind you that due to the spill of the reservoir there were several sections were sunk, as well as approaches to several bridges. restoration work continues. now several bypass routes have been organized, that is , there is a connection with the neighboring region of the trans-baikal territory, but unfortunately we have to rebuild the routes. a representative of the southern baikal road administration told us about what work is currently being carried out there, let’s listen. partial traffic has been restored on
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the section from chita to mukharshibir, and the passage of passenger vehicles has been ensured, freight transport is still limited. currently, the contracting organization is carrying out work in two sections, the first section is from the ulanda side , the excavation of the excavated area on the bridge over the tubnoy river is being poured, in addition, after this we are moving the next bridge over the sukhara river on the approaches to the horse at kilometer 5006. at the end, i will add, as you can see, the rains have stopped in buryatia, so in some places the water has begun to recede, but it is already expected in other settlements, so monitoring of the situation continues. thank you, our correspondent ilya koshlyunov spoke about the flood in buryaki. the consequences
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of heavy downpours are being eliminated in the neighboring trans-baikal territory; the region was flooded all weekend, as a result, in some areas the water level in the rivers approached critical values. dozens of houses were sunk. 100 people were evacuated, additional pumps were sent to the affected villages to pump out water, a huge traffic jam grew on the washed-out baikal highway between ulan, ude and chita the day before, and it was only opened in the evening. detour routes, cars were able to continue moving, the bad weather is in no hurry to destroy the region; today weather forecasters again promise rain and strong winds. the mali authorities are breaking off diplomatic relations with ukraine. this was announced by the press secretary of the country's government. according to him , kiev openly supports terrorists on the territory of an african state. in the meantime, the first f-16 fighters were met in ukraine itself. the topic will be continued by alika komarova. the planes will come first, and the pilots will be found later. kiev finally received
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10 f-16 fighters, but they know how to fly them only 20 people from all over ukraine. denmark and the netherlands provided four aircraft each, and two more from the united states. military experts say that the american aircraft will be dismantled into pieces, because they are so old that the glass of the pilot’s cockpit has already turned yellow. and on some fighters the technical inscriptions have been erased. this was called connivance on the part of kiev’s allies. a banal desire to earn money. the reason for the transfer of these aircraft to ukraine is that these countries received a lucrative deal to purchase the f-35. but this is another sensitive issue in which they decided to get involved. however, f-16s are obsolete aircraft that will theoretically withstand the best air defense system in the world, which has been clearly and indisputably proven. and the russian air force, which, according to western media, has seven hundred aircraft. only in the region of ukraine, while in fact, the planes were not even entrusted to kiev, judging by
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information from open sources, the fighters take off from a nato airbase in romania, they are refueled there by a british military transport aircraft, then the f-16 is sent to a border airfield in odessa region, it was here that zelensky held his ceremonial assembly, after which the planes departed back to romania, even the american media write that in this situation, expect at least some progress on the field... the situation on the diplomatic line is even worse for several representatives of african countries they said kiev openly supports terrorists on the dark continent. in my opinion, as far as diplomatic issues are concerned, it is not appropriate for ukraine to constantly violate the sovereignty of our countries. kiev obviously has differences with moscow, but this does not give them the right to destabilize africa. a week ago, in northern mali, rebels were among them. ukrainian armed forces commanders killed and wounded dozens of soldiers. in response, the authorities of the african country broke off
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diplomatic relations with kiev. the decision was made in connection with the recognition by the ukrainian side of support for the tuareg separatists, who at the end of july attacked a column of malian government troops and fighters from private military companies fighting on their side. the fate of ukraine, unfortunately, is entrusted to puppets who confuse the international stage from the theater. political scientists say. the allies of mali, burkino fasso and niger may well support this diplomatic demarche, which a priori will make not only ukraine, but also the entire west, losers in the struggle for the global south and the so-called world domination. alek komarov, lead. iran and hezbollah may launch an attack on israel in the next 24 hours. this statement was made by american secretary of state antony blinken. the axios portal reports this with reference to sources. blingen allegedly noted that the united states was confident of a response. by israel, but they do not yet know how it will be inflicted. the iranian foreign ministry said tehran is not
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going to soften its reaction to the murder of the hamas leader. israel must receive a decisive and brutal response in order to realize that violent behavior in the security sector has dire consequences. meanwhile, a hezbollah unit fired several rockets from lebanon into the israeli border region. as a result, two servicemen were injured. hundreds of demonstrators gathered at a hotel in the city of tamward in the uk, where there is a temporary
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illegal migrants are being held, they arrived in the country to ask for asylum, protesters threw molotov cocktails at the buildings , after which the hotel caught fire, police officers came out to protect the building, the british government said that every participant in the riots will be brought to justice. i guarantee you will regret taking part in...
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according to the korean central news agency, 250 weapons were personally designed by the korean leader. in his ceremonial speech, kim jong-in stated, that the missile launchers were made using special north korean technology, called them powerful, ultra-modern tactical offensive weapons. now economic news, konstantin churikov joins me. konstantin, good morning. russia was among the three largest economies with the lowest. level of government debt. yes, roman, hello, we are talking about the national debt in terms of one resident of our country. russia is one of the three largest economies in the world with the lowest level of public debt per capita. this was reported by ria-news on based on this year's data for g20 countries. from these it turns out that india has the most modest sovereign debt - just over $1,300 per person.
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indonesia took second place. our country's third indicator per capita is russia's national debt. it’s not hard to guess what’s going on with the debt of the countries of the so-called collective west, here are the top five from the g20 among the anti-leaders of the usa, each american owes $104,500 by default, followed by japan, italy, great britain and france. experts believe that the lessons of the default of 1998 helped russia avoid such a result. we did not step on the same rake. correspond to our income, in this case, of course, we really did not accumulate debts; moreover, there may have been some period of time when the state debt began to grow, but then this situation
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changed; in recent years , the state debt has really increased from year to year, especially external... public debt, it is decreasing. moscow tops the ranking of innovative development regions. st. petersburg took second place, tatarstan took third place. she reports this with reference to materials from the higher school of economics. moscow topped the rankings for the seventh time. according to the study, the city demonstrates the highest level of educational potential and digitalization. in addition, it is the first in terms of innovation costs. compared to the previous ranking in 2019, nine regions were able to do so. significantly strengthen its position, this indicates an improvement in socio-economic conditions there. japanese the nike index fell by more than 5.5% at the opening of trading today. periodically , the decline now accelerates to more than 9%. this is the dynamics on the largest asian stock exchange, the tokyo stock exchange, due to the sharp collapse on american stock exchanges. in
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turn, the catalyst for concern among western investors was data on the us labor market, which turned out to be. significantly worse than forecast. in july, only 114,000 new jobs were created, compared to forecasts of 185,000. the dollar index on friday because of this fell by 7%, which was the largest drop since may 2. the market now considers it more likely that the fed will cut the rate in september. the regulator is obliged to somehow boost the us economy. at the end of the issue about currencies: the us dollar exchange rate today is at around 8570. that’s all the economic news for now. konstantin, thank you, we continue. in the irkutsk region, miners are carrying out a complex operation, preparing special equipment for work in new areas of the coal deposit. some cars have been mothballed for a long time and were waiting in the wings for 20 years. one of the first to be transported to another
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site would be a huge walking excavator to dismantle and then reassemble the multi-ton excavator. subject to time, this fifteen-cubic-meter bucket lay here for 20 years, the same amount of time the walking excavator was mothballed. in this machine, everything is measured in thousands, for example, the weight is more than 2.0 tons, against the backdrop of large-scale details, working with sledgehammer seems like jewelry, but otherwise 25.00 rivets cannot be removed, ilya matuzov is already accustomed to such volumes. knocks out one, on average in three hits, difficulty, sometimes limited for example, we knock out space, because not only from above, it happens from below. what’s inside, in the hatches, yes, endurance is needed, and strength too. instead of rivets, workers will install high-strength bolts, this is only one of the stages of a large-scale repair, the equipment itself is not
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unique, this one has a serial number of 119, but dismantling is most likely not an ordinary event in the coal mining industry. there is no regulatory documentation for dismantling as such, and the manufacturer only provides for assembly on its own, so we developed our own. documentation for dismantling process, the excavator worked for about 30 years at the cheremkhovo coal deposit, now new areas have begun to be developed here and additional equipment is needed, it turned out that disassembling, repairing and moving mothballed machines is more expedient than buying, like any equipment, the heart of a walking excavator is the motor , the mechanism powers this electric motor; during its dismantling, workers will disassemble even such large parts into small segments to make it more convenient... to transport to a new site, including on public roads . the new site is located 70 km away, the giant will be transported there in a few months, and then assembly will begin. the work
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ahead is no less elaborate; for example, when installing an arrow 90 m long , an error of only 5 mm is allowed. over the next 7 years , eight excavators will be moved to new sites at the cheremkhovo coal deposit; they are necessary for coal mining and the further operation of the enterprise, which is a city-forming city for cheremkhovo, a city with a population.
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four victories at grand slam tournaments, the current olympic gold was the first of his career. he previously took bronze in 2008 at the games in china. now the serb has all the major trophies in tennis. russians mira andreeva and diana schneider became silver medalists at the paris olympics tennis tournament in doubles. in the final they lost to the italian pair sara erani and jasmine paolini. read more in the article by stas ridekultsev. first. russian medal at the paris olympics, silver for seventeen-year-old mira andreeva and twenty-year-old diana schneider, having teamed up before the games , the russians brilliantly went through the tournament, which
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was not a match, then a concert. diana and mira played, well , practically in one breath, all the matches, including the first set of the final, so i don’t think that they even expected such a performance from themselves, that is, they played so inspiredly with such courage and such charge. emotions, yes, that they essentially left their rivals no chance in all matches until the final. from the magnificent seven russian clay court tennis players only a couple, andreeva and schneider, reached the podium in paris. in the final they are up against an experienced and well-played italian duo, sara irani and jasmine paalini, who are less titled than the czech tennis players who were already beaten in the quarterfinals. rana is 37 years old, the same amount in total for andreeva and schneider back in 2012. the italian lost in the final of rolangaro with maria sharapova, for many years she was considered the best guy in the world of women's tennis, in paris rana is paired with the fifth racket of the world in alina,
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the russians begin the final as confident as possible, schneider is great at the net, andreeva is flawless on the back line, the russians playfully take the first set 6:2 of the world and diana, they seemed to have found what is called chemistry between themselves, it was clear that they were comfortable with each other, they played fervently, supported each other, which, for example, was not the case for the same czech couple, who were titled, who had a large number of grandslams won, who won the olympics, but it was clear that on the court they were not teams, i mean sinyakova and krejcikova, and diana imira this happened, therefore, and even more so in fact the olympics differs from grand slam tournaments and regular tournaments in that here only part of the pairs are made up of traditional doubles players, in the second set the magic disappeared, the russians lost. serving, the opponents grabbed the chance and took the game 6:1. in the championship tiebreak up to 10 points , the experience of the italian pair played a role. andreeva and schneider tried to turn the game around in the end, but this
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evening it was italian. the duo was stronger 7:10, the italian pair won. the silver medal of the young russian duo on the olympic courts in paris is a tremendous success for the athletes. from with only fifteen russians at the olympics, andreeva and schneider seem to have survived the maximum. one hundred sredekul residents, karen melikyan, to lead. the next day of the olympics in paris was not without scandal. belgian triathlete claire michel was hospitalized with e. coli after a competitive swim in the seine. according to media reports. the athlete was admitted to the hospital 4 days ago, but this became known only now. against the backdrop of these events, the belgian team, which includes michel, has decided to abandon the mixed relay scheduled for today. 3 and 4 august, the organizers canceled the training swims. on the first day due to a thunderstorm, on the second - due to unsatisfactory water quality in the hay. and this is not the first time that training in paris has been canceled due to bacterial contamination of the river.
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boxer svetlana staneva refused to shake hands with her taiwanese opponent after their fight at the olympics. stanevo showed an x gesture, hinting that, unlike her opponent, she only has female x chromosomes. the fight in the weight category up to 57 kg ended in victory for lini. previously, she and another participant olympics representative algeria's iman khililif was disqualified from the 2023 world championships due to failing gender tests and exceeding the level. male hormone testosterone, while iyutin and iman received admission to the olympics, since mog does not recognize the international boxing association under the leadership of russian umar kremlev. note that yuiten and iman have already secured at least bronze at the games in france. now about football. in two sunday matches of the third round of the russian premier league , defeats were recorded. moscow lokomotiv in grozny beat akhmat 5:0.
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capital club. already in the first half he scored three goals, in the seventh minute dmitry vorobyov opened the scoring from the penalty spot, then french defender gerdinon yamsi scored a double. in the second half , vadim rakov and alexey batrakov scored goals for the winners. nineteen-year-old batrakov also made three assists and became the youngest author of four scoring actions in one rpl match. another defeat happened in moscow, where cska was stronger than orenburg with a score of 5:1, and in only one goal was scored in the other two sunday matches. parin defeated makhachkala dynamo 1:0 on the road. the meeting between torch and krasnodar in voronezh ended in a goalless draw. on saturday, talyatinsky okron lost at home to dynamo moscow 0:2. zenit in st. petersburg defeated rostov 5:0. khimki in kazan defeated rubin 3:2. the third round will end today in moscow with a match between spartak and the samara wings of the soviets. that's about... and notable
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news from the sports world up to this minute.
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specialists, yes, specialists, yes, people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger spirit. sometimes it’s a symbol, sometimes it’s worn, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should follow it, it can’t be worse, it can be better, we’ve always had this motto in life, i pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it’s all a dream , and you want to open your eyes and wake up.


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