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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 5, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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spirit, a maroon beret is a symbol, he wears it, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should follow him, worse is not possible, better is possible, we have always had such a motto in life, i pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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the news from the middle of the hour is short: rain floods are flooding the trans-baikal region and buryaaya, a state of emergency has been introduced in three regions of the republic at once, in one of them the dam has broken, bridges and railway tracks have been destroyed, in the neighboring region more than 100 people have been evacuated, in the washed-out there is a traffic jam on the baikal highway. fsb officers.
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according to the security forces, he collected and transmitted information to the kiev regime about the location of russian troops, and also planned to arrange tirak. the republic of mali breaks off diplomatic relations with ukraine; the african state made this decision due to the fact that kiev openly supports terrorists on the territory of this country. the us state department believes that iran and hezbollah will strike israel in the next 24 hours, it is reported. kansk media, how exactly the blow will be delivered is unknown, in the mid iran announced that it does not intend to soften its reaction to the murder of the camas leader. in the special operation zone, fighters from the west group of troops destroyed camouflaged positions of the ukrainian armed forces. the crews of t-72 tanks moved to a firing position at night and fired volleys at the enemy. the shooting was adjusted from the air, and as a result, it was possible to destroy the camouflaged strongholds of the nationalists. successful combat
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work, the tankers quickly changed their position to avoid return fire. we are already knocking out the enemy from his prepared positions. the mood is only positive that we will win and peace will begin. everyone already knows their immediate task, what they need to do when. in the lugansk people's republic , the renovated krasnodon maternity hospital began work and doctors have already admitted the first baby, now... mother and baby are under observation, on the first day of work 45 women were admitted to the medical institution, and in a year the maternity hospital will be able to receive about 100 thousand patients, more details nadezhda ostapuschenko: back, don’t be afraid, please, in the krasnodon maternity hospital, for the first time in 2 years, children can be heard again crying, in the wards there is a future mother, a new modern and beautiful building, it has been completely renovated and is already accepting patients. the delivery is on... like the lamp itself moves
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anywhere, not only is the table equipped, you can do an x-ray for a child. natalya sokolenko, an obstetrician in a maternity hospital , has delivered several thousand babies over 30 years in the profession. in conditions like now, an innovative pelinating table, an automatic bed, suction and oxygen have never worked in the office. we now have an operating room on our floor. i immediately decided that i would trust the doctors i already knew, it was here that her eldest son came into the world, i see from the same doctor
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who helped me, let’s say, get pregnant initially, and carry my first child and my second. a major renovation of the maternity hospital was carried out by the head of the tyumen region, practically from the previous building. nothing was left, new engineering systems were installed, including ventilation and heating, and the operating rooms, delivery rooms and intensive care unit for newborns were completely replaced. previously, patients had to go to the operating room lift on a stretcher up the stairs. elevator shafts were created back in the fifties during the creation of the building itself. but the first lifting machines appeared here only 70 years later. there are two elevators in the maternity hospital: passenger and freight. speakers for emergency communications in each room and operating corridors. representatives of the region's chief consulted with doctors on how to equip a warning system, and also took into account the doctors' request to install generators
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for modern incubators for intensive care. we consulted with the bosses, they told us they brought different pallets, we chose everything, there was nothing like what they did, nati, here you go into what. they did. the area of ​​the building is almost 4.2 m2, not only it, but also the surrounding area was updated. now women from all over the region will be accepted here, and, if necessary, from nearby cities. the department's capacity is designed for 100,000 patients per year; the maternity rooms will be able to accommodate up to one and a half thousand new babies. nadezhda ostapuschenko, alexander filyana aleshina. vesti lugansk, krasnodon. right after the commercial. we'll tell you how the russian market for new cars is growing, about this and more in economic news. pain can be different, no matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin,
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a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin, we can do without pain. loved ones always choose free delivery by click on the megamarket. this is your personal pick-up point, and you won’t have to cancel the summer one. plans, you don’t need to go anywhere, stand in line to receive an order, or wait at home for the courier all day. click delivery works like this: click order issued, it goes to the nearest dark store, push order in the dark store, stored for 5 days, click and in 15-30 minutes the order is at your home, free, delivery by click is your personal pick-up point, catch moments of summer with the megamarket, free to protect subscribers from spam - this is normal. that’s why we protect sbermobile and attack credit card debts, i’ll show you a couple of tricks, collect all credit card debts in one place, conveniently pay off them within 24 months, and don’t forget about purchases in installments, simple installment plans in any
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helps support joint health. artneo - just one capsule a day to protect the joints of the spine. what do we bring back from savita’s travels? cashback bonuses next avito trip trip everything will go as booked with cashback bonuses giving 30 gb every month when you transfer your number - this is normal, so we are giving sbermobile from btb a new credit card with a huge plus plus 20,000 rubles for regular spending, imagine with it you can do anything, everything, and even do not pay interest for more than 200 days. another category of cashback get in rubles cashback get take out all year using a credit card buy buy buy buy buy in rubles make up it's time to get a cashback bonus get a free vtb vtb credit card everything will work out i know how to take a punch
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no matter how they break me i will be back on the road again i am made of iron unlike you take the speed into your own hands choose life the izber thank you loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with an izber subscription, plus two top categories of cashback, one percent for everything there are twice as many bonuses every month. in savings it’s more profitable with prime, one of my friends has the fastest mobile internet, cool video, how high the speed is, you haven’t connected it to 5g yet, although you’re better off no need, megaphone number one in terms of speed of coverage, now economic news, konstantin, car sales in russia have increased sharply, roman, we are talking about an increase of more than... one and a half times. so, the russian market of cars and new cars at the end of
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the first half of the year exceeded one million cars, the ministry of industry and trade reports. the current figure is almost 60% higher than last year. the bulk of the volume falls on passenger cars, almost 850,000, and this is an increase of almost 70%. at the same time, sales of new domestically produced cars increased by third. in general, growth is observed in most segments, except for trucks. slight decrease. russian banks and microfinance organizations are now required to store the entire history of messages and calls to debtors for 3 years. this law comes into force today. in addition, lenders must have the hardware and software to record and store the information. if it does not meet the established requirements, banks and microfinance organizations will be prohibited from communicating with debtors through calls, audio and text messages. these measures are aimed at protecting citizens from unreasonable pressure from debt collectors. clients of financial institutions must be warned about the fact of audio recording at the very
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beginning of the conversation. the departure of programmers has ceased to be a problem for russian companies. this is reported with reference to data from market participants. as noted, the leak of developers in a key profession for the it industry has stopped. if in the entire twenty-second year 17,000 programmers left to work abroad, then in 2023 no more. well, besides, this year it became there are far fewer companies that see employees moving abroad as a problem. their share was only 14%. of these, only 7 tenths experienced mass migration cases. this is a record low figure over the past 5 years. germany's budget deficit will reach 5 billion euros next year. this data was provided by finance minister christian lindner in an interview with the cdf television channel.
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place in global competitiveness, then we got worse, especially in the last 3 years, because we had to completely change the energy supply, we took a long time benefited from the import of cheap fossil energy from russia, now this is no longer the case, so our inflation has become high and many economic problems have arisen. the head of the israeli ministry of finance announced a decision to confiscate more than $25 million of palestinian funds, the minister explained it this way: they say the authorities of the autonomy... previously, they paid a similar amount to the families of militants, and now, in his opinion, tel aviv has every right
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to pay the same amount to the families of terrorist victims . since 1993, israel has been collecting on behalf of the palestinian national administration of taxes and customs duties. following the hamas attack last october , state authorities suspended transfers of collected funds to palestine. at the end of the issue of currencies, the dollar exchange rate today is at around 8570, the euro costs 90.2 rubles. 82 kopecks that's all i have for now. novel. konstantin, thank you. we continue. museum complex new khersonez. during the first days of work , more than 50,000 people visited. it only opened to the public last week. one of the main objects of the complex is the cathedral mosque. the largest in crimea. the building is still being completed, but the first services have already been held there. they planned to build such a mosque back in tsarist times, then under soviet rule only in...
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from kiev, we chose the russian orthodox world, we have no regrets, we are very happy, we live in the best here in the country. services are underway in st. vladimir's cathedral; the renovated church is covered with mosaics. at the entrance, parishioners are greeted by a sculpture of prince vladimir, the young sovereign immediately after baptism, opposite - the heart of new khersanes.
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the mesmerizing beauty of open-air worship takes place in the first in russia templepark under the light. amazing art, which today, yesterday, and many years ago, ennobled the souls of people, their lives, and what is very, very important to me, people come and say: you know, it seems that these buildings have always stood here, the history of the ancient land the new hersenez speaks in
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languages ​​accessible to all ages. the first museum that opened in hersanes tells the history of crimea. and novorossia, here is the central square of the ancient city, this is how it looked in the 20th century, musical instruments of the peoples that inhabit crimea, their varied cuisine. of course, the great patriotic war and the heroic defense of sevastopol, and this is modern history that is being written right now. crimea is a special region; representatives of over 160 nations live together here, multinational and many. national. a majestic building that can be seen from almost every corner of simferopol, the dream of many generations of muslims in crimea: a cathedral mosque, is preparing to open its doors. the vaults are striking in their beauty, the painted dome at the base is, of course, a tulip. cathedral mosque the largest on the entire peninsula. it was planned to build it in crimea back in tsarist times.
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the project also appeared in ukraine, but the kiev authorities did not seem to plan to build a mosque. and after the reunification of crimea with russia. and large-scale construction began in the capital of the republic. it’s been 10 years since we ’ve been part of russia, frankly, i can’t believe what we’ve built, we see with our own eyes, we’ve already held holiday prayers here, we’re happy, all the muslims of crimea, the entire umma of muslims, we thank you. prayers were held in the cathedral mosque even before opening of 300 people, these are imams of the crimean regions and representatives of the spiritual administration of muslims, but when the mosque. will open its doors to all believers, it will be able to receive up to 400 people. the juma mosque or cathedral is ready to welcome muslims from all over the world; tourists are also welcome here, regardless of their faith. yana cherbaty, andrey terenyev and maria slyaguzova, conduct. crimea. in the far east, the consequences
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of the flood are being eliminated; four regions were immediately affected by the disaster. there are dozens of settlements in the disaster zone . only in buryat it requires restoration of 170 km of roads. we will tell you how the event in the far east will develop further after the advertisement. the two components of phosphoglyph help not only restore liver cells, but also fight the cause of their destruction, inflammation. phosphoglyph, now in economical packaging of 96 capsules. loan with cashback from sper. this is even more opportunities, up to 30 million rubles. register in the app in 5 minutes and receive monthly cashback with sberspasibo bonuses, reliable, the same reliable tools for small workshops of large productions all tools ru for home, cottage, construction and
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themselves, the entire far east is in the grip of floods, flooding buryatia, transbaikalia, primorye and sakhalin, where the situation is the most difficult, when the rains stop ? current weather analytics on the russia-24 channel. i'm vadim zavodchenkov, leading specialist at the fobas center. hello, the showers in the far east will take a break for now. the day before the water level was petrovsk zabaikalsky began to decline. rescuers continue to provide assistance to the population and carry out emergency restoration work. let me remind you that due to the sudden flood of two rivers at once, 21 houses and almost fifty were flooded here. garden plots from the flood also affected the village of orlovsky and the village of balyaga. in total , more than 100 people had to be evacuated from the danger zone. the flood
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was so rapid that many residents did not have time not only to save valuables, but also to drive the cattle to the hills. and these are stills from the scene. khankhalkhal reservoir in buryati. the dam of the hydraulic structure simply could not stand it and 2 million cubic meters of water flowed through the hole. in addition, the flood damaged the federal highway and 170 km of local and regional roads in the region. nine settlements were affected to varying degrees by the flood . by sunday evening the storm began to recede. however, there is a situation with flooding in a number of areas. still remained tense, he can’t even drive the kamaz, he pulled out the pipe by the roots, the kamaz is standing there, there’s just no road, extreme downpours
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caused betas on sakhalin, from saturday to in the nevelsk region, more than twenty mudflows occurred, with 10 registered in nevelsk itself, on one of the streets, a mud-stone flow partially destroyed a residential building, in total in the municipality, due to... heavy rains , 70 houses were flooded, i note that things are happening on the other side of the tatar strait things are almost better, catch the bridge! in this filming, the current carries away the capital bridge, which until recently connected two villages in the volginsky district of primorye with the outside world. as local residents say, it rained for only 4 hours, but during this time the river managed to overflow and literally washed away. and this is the situation now in many areas of the region: in some places, driving on the roads is impossible due to overflow, and in others they are completely washed out? here are some numbers
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to illustrate. the rampant nature in the affected areas of transbaikalia, buryatia and sakhalin in the first days of august, up to one and a half months of normal rainfall fell. this has never happened here, at least not in the entire era of global warming. two cyclones drowned the south of the far east at once, and a pacific vortex spun up over sakhalin along the coast of the tatar strait. they always bring these a lot of rain. but its... brother above the mainland pulled humid air from the yellow sea into its area, and this also provoked extreme rainfall. today the pacific cyclone will rush further to the east, so that the weather on sakhalin will improve, while the sky over the mainland of the far east will still be covered with fields of frontal clouds, but now the heaviest precipitation is expected in the north of the amur region and the south of yakutia. here in some places...
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about a third of the monthly volume of moisture may fall in day. however, tomorrow the main masses of rain clouds will begin to move to the northern part of the sea of ​​​​okhotsk, so that in the south, in the zone from baikal to sakhalin, showers with thunderstorms will acquire a local short-term character, only at the end of the working week new clouds will break into the region from china vortices. for example, in nevelsk, until thursday, there is a probability. will be small, in such a situation the daytime temperature will increase from today's +19 to +22-24, only on friday the cloudiness over the city will thicken and below accompanied by the rains, a slight cooling will begin, in transbaikalia today there will still be light thunderstorms, but then the clouds will clear and the temperature will immediately warm up to +25-26, this
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will stabilize the flood situation. from thursday, a new wave of bad weather will cover the region, showers will bring another third of the monthly volume of moisture, so flooding is again possible in some places. that's all for me, goodbye. i choose rosselkhozbank, it has everything i need, high cashback, profitable deposits , a convenient credit card. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think.
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large-scale floods in several regions of the country at once, where is the most difficult situation? western media write about the innocence of us spies evan gershkovich and paul willan. why isn't this true? russia is one of the three largest economies in the world with the lowest level of government debt per capita. let's tell you the details. belgorod celebrates the 80th first anniversary of liberation from the nazi invaders, we are waiting for our correspondent to participate directly. the us state department believes that iran and hezbollah will strike israel in the next 24 hours. how was last night in region? tennis players mira andreeva and diana schneider won silver medals at the games in paris. find out more from our sports editorial team. american spies evan
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gershkovich and paul willan were caught red-handed. russian intelligence services have published irrefutable evidence against the convicts. the facts completely refute the west’s version that these are allegedly not intelligence agents, but that the evidence from the russian side is fictitious. anton potkovenko has all the details. march twenty-third , yekaterinburg. moscow correspondent wall street journal bureau evan gershkovitch. arranged a meeting with a representative of the ural carriage plant, referring to the editorial assignment, asked to provide him with information about the activities of the defense enterprise in the context of the northern military district, to disclose state secrets, well, what is the best way to do this, he asked for all this, i did it with me, yeah , the only thing that ’s good, please be very clear, because there’s very specific, secret information there, we won’t even write that we saw
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the documents, we’ll just keep it anonymous.


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