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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 5, 2024 9:30am-10:01am MSK

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a dam broke, bridges and sections of railway tracks were damaged, and more than a thousand people were in the flood zone. in transbaikalia , over 100 residents were evacuated on the washed-out baikal highway, a huge traffic jam. riots in great britain; in one of the cities, hundreds of demonstrators gathered near a hotel where illegal migrants are temporarily being held. protesters threw firecrackers at the building, fortunately the hotel was engulfed in fire. according to media reports, one policeman was injured as a result of the clashes. russian athletes won the first award at olympic games in paris. miro andreeva and diana schneider received silver medals. in the doubles final, the russians lost to a duo from italy. so, in buryat, due to the flood , several sections of the federal highway were washed away, three bridges were damaged. traffic movement between ulanu and chita is difficult. due to the arrival of high water in populated areas, it was necessary. introduces a state of emergency
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at the republican level, people are being evacuated, the head of the region, alexey tsedenov, announced this, and he is now joining us, we are in direct contact, alexey samboevich, hello, good afternoon, how is the situation with the flood at the moment, which settlements and holiday villages are flooded, and what about the roads and bridges? well, today the rains have stopped, that is, there has been additional flooding, and there is now a clearing. water today , traffic on the federal road has been stopped, you said correctly, three bridges on the federal road are growing, for another day, at least restoration work will be carried out, before which the movement of vehicles is carried out along the bypass road along the regional one, all information is given, including the ministry of emergency situations, it is reported in sms messages indicated for drivers, on regional roads we have six bridges washed out, about 80 km of roads are washed out in - 510 areas
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, houses are flooded, 1,200 people are in one way or another affected by the flood, but today in temporary accommodation centers only - these are children, everyone else is either with relatives or at home, the consequences are not so severe yet, restoration work is already underway, all help will be provided to people, work, how critical is the dam break that was reported the day before? not glepichen, it's a dam we had 2 million water supplies. and the landscape reserve is 6 km of valley points, so there were no destructive consequences after the dam broke, for the rest of the dams that exist, they carried out an examination of preventive measures and reduced the influx of water, the dams were preserved, that is, so far there are no more threats than others, so this is the only one the khankholoi dam did not entail any consequences, but you have already talked about the evacuation, are there any difficulties in general? movement of people,
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no, there are no difficulties, people all treat understanding, well, i repeat, we don’t have that much flooding specifically in houses, only about ten houses where the water rose above the floor level, and in general it’s mainly flooding of house plots and gardens, right now there are seven children at the temporary accommodation center, that’s one family, this is no longer needed, so the situation is stable, i repeat, help will be provided to people, financial assistance will be paid, today is the first payment. plus for those who have lost their gardens, lost their harvest, we have our own regulatory framework for paying so-called borscht sets, standards for potatoes, cabbage, onions, beets, carrots, so that people are provided for if they don’t lose their harvest, so this kind of help also provides, in general, we won’t leave people behind, we’ll do everything, preliminary calculations, are there any how long it takes to restore the roads in the first place? well, the federal road
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will be restored, i repeat tomorrow by the end of the day, on regional roads, now the water has not yet receded, so work on many has not yet begun, but in our isolated there are no settlements such that there are no entrances, that is, we have complete access to supplies of water, food, essential goods, medical care, we have this provided, so we do not have an emergency...
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since the hydrology has changed, therefore , now there is only an assessment, well , the amount will be quite significant, we understand this, we are calculating, i have one last question, if we talk about experts, which ones? not joining, katya, good morning, tell me what’s going on with the forecasts, good, well, it’s necessary to say that a period of calm has now begun, there will be precipitation, but in some places it will not be as intense as the day before, but nevertheless, at the end of the week the rains will resume, we will monitor the situation, well, now let’s start with a video from the zaigraevsky district of buryatia,
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the flooded shabr river, translated from buryat it means mud, slush, washed away the tractor. the tractor driver tried to move to the other side of brod. at night the water began to decline in six settlements, but it has begun. rise downstream. 11 people were evacuated to a temporary accommodation center. in the zaigraevsky district is monitoring the situation today, the head of buryatia himself in the mokhashibirsky district deformed a bridge, the federal highway was temporarily completely blocked, and a multi-kilometer traffic jam of trucks accumulated at the crossing. the consequences of extreme rains are being eliminated on sakhalin. since saturday , more than twenty mudflows have occurred in the neevelsky district, with 10 directly in the city. flooded due to heavy rains. houses, in the morning in the area they pump out water from the courtyards, remove stones and dirt from the roads. difficult flood situation remains in the coastal area, more than twenty settlements in seven municipal districts are cut off from transport links, several bridges are damaged or completely washed away. in the morning, water
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began to remain in dalnerechensk, and now they are hastily strengthening the embankment between the treatment facilities and the dam near the railway tracks. employees of the ministry of emergency situations are helping residents prepare for the possible arrival of large waters. the geography of neasti in the south of the far east is expanding. in the last 24 hours , the amur region has been at the epicenter of the most intense rains. in places in the northeast region in the zeya region more than 80 mm of precipitation fell. and now there is a danger of river flooding here. but intense precipitation in the south of the far east occurred against the backdrop of intensified processes on the polar front. the polar front is the air divide between the temperate tropical air masses. in summer it runs along the border with mongolia. crosses the north-primary region. cyclones forming on the polar front further enhance the contrasts, which provokes the formation of powerful rain clouds. one of these cyclones is circling over the amur region today region. its cloud system stretches from the khabarovsk territory to buryatia. this vortex
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draws into its circulation warm, moist air from the yellow sea and cool air from the lower reaches of the lena. the most intense precipitation will occur in the center of the cyclone, that is, directly in the north. in the south of yakutia, here in some places up to a third of the monthly volume of moisture can fall in just a day. to the west in buryat, in the next 2 days without precipitation in ulan d the air will warm up to 25-27°. short-term moderate rains are possible on wednesday into thursday, but at the end of the week, with a new cyclone , heavy downpours will return to the region; in total , up to 50 mm of rain may fall on the capital of buryatia over friday and saturday. it's cloudy in yuzhno-sakhalinsk today. cool +17, but no precipitation, mostly dry weather will continue on tuesday into wednesday, the temperature will rise to 22-26°, but from thursday short-term thunderstorms are possible, which will bring about 8-9 mm of precipitation, they will also return coolness to the south of sakhalin, on friday
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again only +17, and a few words about the capital, in the center of the country the temperature regime is close to normal, a little cooler than expected, 23° in the daytime, partly cloudy, intermittent rain, perhaps... tomorrow the day after tomorrow the weather pattern will not change, but we continue to monitor the changing situation in the far east. the pain can vary. it doesn’t matter what caused the pain if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy against different types of pain. pentalgin. let's do without pain. tired of looking for a loan that will be approved? compare simplifies this task. take a loan on the website or in the mobile application. compare. the time has come for alfabank. benefit time for everyone. from beijing to the baltic sea. with
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now to the news marked urgently. usa plans the next stage of the unsuccessful ongoing campaign to isolate russia in the global sports movement. this was reported by the russian foreign intelligence service. number of disciplines, where. washington’s new project against our sport is being supervised by the ex-leaders of the moscow anti-doping laboratory, rodchenkov and sobolevsky. and now we move on to other topics. russia entered the top three largest economies in the world with the lowest level of government debt per capita. our country also took first place among the states with the lowest level of unemployment. my colleague konstantin churikov was looking into this and he is joining us. bones, good morning. but, if we talk about
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the country’s low public debt, then who have we overtaken? sash, hello, next to us in the ranking are friendly countries, at the very bottom are our former partners. russia is one of the three largest economies in the world with the lowest level of public debt per capita. this follows from the latest data from the g20 countries, which are leading. first place goes to india, debt per capita is just over 1,300 dollars, second place to indonesia, then comes our country, $2.76 per person. also in the top were turkey, china, south africa, which owed between 5 and 10 thousand per capita, brazil, mexico, and saudi arabia. the study notes that the average level of public debt among g20 countries is $23,600. well , there are those who have significantly exceeded this figure and live directly. and all this concerns the so -called collective west. france,
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great britain, italy, japan have high levels of debt, well, the united states has accumulated the most debt, $104,500 per american. what was clear is that this is 80 times more than the indian figure, and our russian figure is 50. of all the states on the planet, only singapore has a higher public debt. $149,300 per person, but singapore is not a member of the g20. on this background. the total amount of us government debt, according to the country's ministry of finance, several days ago exceeded $35 trillion. united states of america, probably. throughout the 20th century and now already in the 20th century they really quickly increased their national debt. home the problem is that the national debt is increasing rapidly, by 10% per year, even a little more, and this is fraught with the fact that
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there may simply not be any on the market, and there are no longer any creditors who are ready. to absorb such debts, as the almayadeen arab news channel writes, the united states drove itself into a debt hole, provoking and financing military conflicts around the world. now states face serious economic problems, and the country's treasury secretary janit yelin warns of the risk of default and global economic instability. the main holders of government debt in the united states of america are the americans themselves, so any cataclysms. with the national debt will affect first of all the population of the country, and only then other investors, and foreign countries who will suffer from this will be europe and japan, since they mainly hold the government debt from the united states of america, well, sorry, sorry , sorry, while the united states has $35 trillion
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in national debt, russia, for comparison, owes only $306 billion. this is a recently published estimate. the bank of russia in its report notes that our country’s external debt has decreased by more than $10.5 billion or 3.4% since the beginning of the year. experts call this dynamics good and associate it with revenues coming into the budget. according to the ministry of economic development , russia's gdp increased by 5% year-on -year in january-may. for comparison, the us economy grew by only 1.4% in the first quarter, and by 2.8% in the second. and one more fact: at the end of june , russia became the country with the lowest unemployment among the world’s largest economies; in this indicator, we overtook japan, mexico, south korea, like the rest of the twenty countries. as rosstat recently reported, in june the unemployment rate in our country reached a historical low and amounted to 2.4%. for comparison, in the usa and australia
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the unemployment rate is more than 4%, in germany 6, in italy seven, in spain generally more than 11%. the population cannot find employment. analysts note achieving noticeable results. russia is helped by an independent economic policy, which would be impossible under the dictates of the imf. we owed such a large borrower as international currency fund. what’s bad about him is that he set his own conditions. aa within which the government must act. and if the government did not comply with the imf conditions. then the government debt was recalled, that is, we had to urgently pay it off, that is, return it, and so that there was no external pressure, accordingly, we very quickly got rid of these debts, which created precisely this external pressure, as a result, debt pressure from western countries was replaced by sanctions, and even in this case, for 10 years under the russian embargo shows growth. the russian economy,
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despite sanctions pressure , is growing quite confidently. that is why it can develop calmly. in the global economy, states, just like people, sometimes also have to make a choice: work for yourself or work for someone else? well, in this case, we even know this guy 's name, uncle sam. thank you, kostya, it was konstantin churikov with a story about how important it is to pay your loans on time. next, to
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the news marked urgent and this is economic news: the cost of bitcoin falls by 17%. falling below the $50,000 mark for the first time since february. and in continuation of more economic news. the price of brand oil on the london ice exchange dropped below $76 for the first time since january 9. now we turn to international topics. iran and hezbollah may launch an attack on israel in the next 24 hours. this statement was made by american secretary of state antony blinken. the media reported this with reference to sources. blinken allegedly noted. that the united states is confident of a retaliatory strike against israel, but does not yet know how it will be applied. the iranian foreign ministry said tehran is not going to soften its reaction to the murder of the hamas leader. israel must receive a decisive and brutal response in order to realize that violent behavior in the security sector has dire consequences. meanwhile, in
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the jerusalem area, military personnel are preparing a bunker for the country's leadership. according to local media, the shelter has already been brought into working order, due to the expected massive attack from the shiite hezbol movement. and the israeli authorities themselves are considering the possibility of launching a preventive strike on iran if... an attack from tehran is inevitable. earlier, the lebanese group showed a video of long-range missiles with the caption punishment is painful. let me remind you that the situation became tense after one of the hamas leaders was killed in tehran. iran blamed israel for the attack. british prime minister starmer is convening an emergency meeting of the government's emergency committee, cobra, today. anti-migrant protests in the country are spiraling out of control. last night the demonstrators under... the chaos began after the high-profile
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murder of three girls in the city of southport, they were attacked with a knife by a teenager whose family had moved from rwanda. the police are unable to suppress the protests; the courts are overloaded with cases of detainees, which have to work without breaks and days off. the government promises to severely punish anyone who expressed dissatisfaction with the revelry. post on social networks, where schneider expressed support for the russian armed forces, schneider responded by saying that i will not discuss this, i will only talk at the press conference about
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tennis, more about the silver success of our tennis players in the issue: russian amira andreeva and diana schneider became olympic silver medalists in doubles, in the final they lost to italians sari erani and jasmine paolini. the russians confidently took the first set 6:2, at first. in the second game , andreev and schneider began to have difficulties, they made many unforced errors, and the experienced italian couple, who have been playing together for 5 years, took advantage of the chances, erani and paolini took the second set with a score 6:1. according to the rules of the doubles tournament in paris, the fate of the gold medals was not decided in the third game, but in the championship tiebreak to 10 points, where the italians were stronger, 10-7. silver for seventeen-year-old andreeva and twenty-year-old schneider was the first for russian athletes. performing at the olympic games in paris in a neutral status. novak djokovic became the olympic champion in the singles tennis tournament. in the final, the thirty-seven-year-old serb defeated the spaniard from
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carlos al-karaz. the tennis players did not return a single serve during the entire match, and the first the second set ended in tiebreaks, where djokovic was stronger both times. after the end of the match, both tennis players cried. the serb is happy, the spaniard is angry at the defeat. for. with 24 victories at grand slam tournaments, the current olympic gold was the first in his career. he previously took bronze in 2008 at the games in china. now the serb has all the major trophies in tennis. the next day of the olympics in paris was not without scandal. belgian triathlete claire michel was hospitalized with e. coli after a competitive swim in seine. according to media reports, the athlete was taken to the hospital.
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refused to shake hands with her taiwanese opponent after their fight at the olympics. staneva showed the x gesture, hinting that she, unlike her opponent, only has female x chromosomes. the fight in the weight category up to 57 kg ended in victory for line. previously, she and another olympiad participant, algerian representative iman khililif, were disqualified from the 2023 world championships due to failed gender tests and exceeding the level. male hormone testosterone, with both yuiten and iman received admission to the olympics in paris, since mog does not recognize the international boxing association led by russian umar
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kremlev. note that yuiten and iman have already secured at least bronze at the games in france. now about football. in two sunday matches of the third round of the russian premier league , defeats were recorded. moscow lokomotiv beat akhmat 5:0 in grozny. the capital club scored three goals in the first half. in the seventh minute , dmitry vorobyov opened the scoring from the penalty spot, then scored a double french defender jorzinon iamsi. in the second half, he scored goals among the winners. the transfer became the youngest author of four effective actions in a single rpl match. another defeat happened in moscow, where cska was stronger than orenburg with a score of 5:1. only one goal was scored in sunday's other two matches. parene defeated makhachkala dynamo 1:0 on the road. the meeting between fakel and krasnodar in voronezh ended
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in a goalless draw. on saturday, talyatinsky okron lost to dynamo moscow 0:2, zenit in st. petersburg defeated rostov 5:0. khimki in kazan defeated rubin 3:2. the third round will end today in moscow, with a match between spartak and the samara wings of the soviets. the final of the international beach soccer cup took place in moscow, which took place on the territory of the russian railways arena in cherkizova. our colleague danilo makhalin watched the tournament. the football locomotive, which hosts its matches at the main stadium of the russian railways arena, went to grozny this weekend to play against akhmat, beach elbow, in the meantime, hosts teams from different points planets at the moscow international beach soccer cup, eight clubs from seven countries and four continents, the cup has the most diverse and extensive geography, both on the court and in the stands, where, for example, the
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senegalese support group stood out from the crowd. .. russia was represented by stragino and lokomotiv. the tournament is really wonderful, from the point of view of organization and the atmosphere here is wonderful. this is a very valuable experience and we are glad that we received it. all teams played matches starting from august 1 group stage, on the final day they competed for seventh, fifth and third places, missing the main match between lokomotiv moscow and brazilian corinthians. i have been to many competitions, but every time i come to russia, the highest level of organization is noticeable. thank you, you are great professionals. despite the friendly status of this cup and the relaxed summer
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beach atmosphere, in addition to... the central fans , a whole sector of fans gathered to cheer for lokomotiv, who drive the team forward, despite the result, because after for two periods, lokomotiv was inferior to the brazilians with a large score of 0:6. today, in tactical terms, corinthians offered such an interesting defense, and against which lokomotiv cannot find an antidote, the muscovites found an antidote, in the last period they scored four, but did not reach a draw, if we abstract from the result, this is for us. it’s such a small miracle that we can still play somehow, unfortunately, we didn’t even take advantage of these chances today, so a small brazilian carnival happened in cherkizovo, because corinthian won the trophy of the third moscow international beach soccer cup. daniil makhalin, yuri zheksenbaev, dmitry maslenikov, karen melikyan, news. we live our lives ourselves, everyone
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chooses their own path, and that’s the main thing. to live this life with dignity, this homeland, where i was born, where i don’t want to leave, i will defend it, we are here so that our children can then live peacefully in the future, so that they do not know war and there is a peaceful sky above their heads, join yours, serve under a contract, actions are more important than words. it's 10 in moscow, we continue our morning broadcast, this is what we have learned so far. intense rains led to serious flooding in several regions at once: primorye and buryat are in a state of emergency. in one of the regions of the republic, a dam failed. six bridges were damaged in the disaster. it is difficult to drive along the baikal highway; people are being evacuated to safe places. the situation is similar in the trans-baikal territory, water entered houses and several
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