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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 5, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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the press bureau of the foreign intelligence service of the russian federation reports that according to information received by the svr , the united states is planning the next stage of a long-standing unsuccessful campaign to isolate russia in the world sports movement. this time, a series of high-profile investigative publications are being prepared about allegedly revealed doping abuses in russian elite sports, the focus of attention of disciplines in which our country is a globally recognized leader. and as it became known today, the ministry of internal affairs has re-put the informant vad grigory rotchenkov on the wanted list. this follows from the department's database. however, it does not indicate under what article the search is being carried out. rochingov is accused of abuse of power, obstruction of justice, illegal trafficking of potent or toxic substances. he was arrested in absentia and put on the international wanted list in september 2017. earlier, an independent commission of the world anti-doping agency presented a report on doping fraud at the olympic games.
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more details. march twenty-third, yekaterinburg. moscow bureau correspondent wall street journal, evan gershkovich arranged a meeting with a representative of the ural carriage works. referring to the editorial assignment, he asked to provide him with information about the activities of the defense enterprise in the context of the northern military district and to disclose state secrets. well, what 's the best way to do this? i did all this, i had it with me. yes. the only good thing is that you are very welcome, because there.
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simply a journalist, this is funny, this is exactly what they write in the western media, they say the journalist was sentenced on the basis of allegedly false accusations, here is a wall street journal article from august 2, a day after the big exchange. gershkovich's trial, called a sham by washington, was conducted in secret, and russian authorities have not publicly released any evidence to support their claims. so here they are, the evidence: secret documents in the hands of gershkovich, the one whom he considered his source at the defense enterprise. realized that the american
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journalist in quotes needed information classified as secret, he brought the papers towards him, putting them in fame of the fsb. and when the operatives arrived, gershkovich, this is clearly visible, wanted to hide the documents somewhere under the table, shove them between the sofa and the wall, and in the end he was taken red-handed. so did former us marine paul willan. here he is on december 28 , 2018, during a secret meeting in the toilet room of one of the rooms at the metropol hotel. his contact, as they say. the special services hands over to wilon a flash drive with secret information about the personnel of the fsb of russia, well, then wilon is caught by the hand, a search in the room and now he is already pensive in the reception area fsb. now after the exchange, i perked up, made irony, and watched all street journal again. you know, the fsb grabbed me, said that i was a spy, apparently an army general, a secret agent, this is an absurd story that they came up with and they would not have left it so easily. i am...
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in legal force, well, it is clear that today they will in every possible way deny their connection with the american intelligence services, work for them, even before the court decides the entry of this decision, for many of my colleagues who work in the west today, it is no secret that wheelon and gershkovich was directly involved in reconnaissance here.
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that is, only this can serve to plunge you into some kind of depression, then they just started me. well, not physically, but emotionally, they tortured me with some prisoners who tried to extract some information from me, there were some threats, people with knives passed by, that is, the prison administration also treated me somehow, well, not very well, let's just say, i had, well... like a program so that i would check in every 2 hours every day, they woke me up at night, every 2 hours, they asked if i had run away, the lights were constantly turned on, it was so that they locked me in the capser for 40, 60 days,
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they gave me less food, they didn’t let me wash, they wanted me to confess, to confess everything. other topics, the consequences of a powerful flood are being eliminated in buryatia, a state of emergency at the republican level has been introduced in the region, residential buildings, garden plots and vegetable gardens have been flooded, six bridges and roads have been damaged, a section of the baikal federal highway has been washed away, the water level is still high, but road workers have already begun strengthening bridges and filling blurred routes. traffic between lanu and chita spetsiali. they expect to fully restore it by tomorrow evening, today traffic on the federal road is stopped, restoration work will be carried out for at least another day, before which the movement of vehicles is carried out along the bypass road along the regional one, all information is given,
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including the ministry of emergency situations, according to the sms - messages indicated for drivers, on regional roads we have six bridges washed out, about 80 km of roads are washed out in... 510 areas , houses of 1200 people are flooded one way or another affected by the flood, but today the only people at the temporary accommodation point are children, everyone else is either with relatives or at home, the consequences are not so severe yet, restoration work is already underway, all assistance will be provided to people, work in the neighboring trans-baikal region due to torrential rains , several settlements were flooded , more than 100 people were evacuated, the most tense situation was in the village of orlovsky, where... 20 houses and several hundred household plots, roads were washed out, for motor pumps and special equipment have been sent to the area to pump water, the situation is under the control of the regional government, residents will be supplied with drinking water, food and basic necessities, a decision has been made to begin payments to victims of floods in
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transbaikalia, now payments will be made to each victim of 15,000 rubles, those those who lost partial property for 75,000 rubles, completely for 150,000 rubles , those whose housing was damaged will also receive assistance for major repairs, i hope that there will be no such cases where someone’s housing is lost god willing, it will be, but in this case we will also provide support, and the most important thing is to now restore roads, the street network, lighting, the work of housing and communal services, in the south of sakhalin, power engineers have restored power supplies to three villages, their residents were left without lights as a result of mudflows, five line supports were not immediately damaged
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, all courtyards have already been cleared, all streets and driveways have been more or less put in order, now we are focused on providing first aid to people, allocating money, materials and other things, from the municipality 50,000 rubles, i made a decision, we added another 50, so that today or tomorrow they could receive 1000 per family, in addition, the municipality allocated more for those houses where the harvest was lost... for well support help. about 800 residents of anapa and suburban villages were left without electricity due to the accident. it was also triggered by heavy rains. streams rushed through the streets towards the sea. in some places the water rose to the level of the entrances. cars have difficulty moving in the formed rivers.
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many drivers prefer to leave their cars in parking lots. to speed up the drainage of water, municipal services clear storm drains of sediment, debris and leaves. in places of local flooding. water pumping equipment is working, and they will try to restore electricity after the passage of a thunderstorm front. powerful explosions occurred last night in three regions of ukraine. reports of several series of detonations came from kharkov and its suburbs. a similar picture emerged in the kiev and vinnytsia regions. concerning consequence, local authorities and publications do not provide such information by this time. now a video from my defense, servicemen of the first guards tank army of the west group of troops destroyed two tanks of the ukrainian armed forces. leopards fired at russian positions in the kharkov region, so it was decided to launch targeted strikes against this technique. the russian military used fermentation. an exhibition
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of captured nato equipment, captured and destroyed during the northern military district, opened in tyumen. in the city center you can see destroyed abrams tanks, combat infantry vehicles mardor, bradley, all-terrain vehicle and other enemy equipment. the only traveling exhibition of captured foreign equipment in russia will visit dozens of cities. the tyumen region has become the fourth region where exhibits are shown. previously, they visited sverdlovsk, chelyabinsk and khurdanskaya. hundreds of people wishing to sign a contract with the military defense came today to selection points in the regions of russia, people are trying to help units in the northern military district zone. measures to support the military play a significant role in this choice. by presidential decree, from the first days of this month, the lump sum payment from the state more than doubled. our correspondent dmitry akimov visited one of the selection points in st. petersburg. we work at the building of a single reception point for conscripts in st. petersburg, to say the least. that there is some kind of excitement here, rather a working environment, there are really quite
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a lot of people, but due to the fact that the work itself is well organized, people do not have to wait long, as is the case in principle in the northern capital, they work in every district of st. petersburg information points where you can get detailed information, undergo a medical examination and prepare all the necessary documents, here people come ready to be sent, here they take tests again, everything is clarified and after that they arrive, for the participants of the svo in st. petersburg they are one of the largest in the country. in total , contract recruits can receive
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2,100,000 rubles. this is a one-time financial assistance when concluding a contract and is formed from several parts. 400,000 rub. - this is a federal payment. 1,200 comes from the budget of st. petersburg and more 500,000 half a million is a social benefit for employment at enterprises in st. petersburg. the monthly allowance remains at 210,000. rubles, so for the first year of the contract a conscript can receive about 5 million rubles. in addition, st. petersburg provides all the necessary support to families of military personnel, such as free kindergartens, free meals in schools, benefits for admission to universities, discounted travel on public transport, free legal assistance, constant support from a social curator, all this is unconditional important, but today the volunteers, the fighters with whom we managed to talk here at the point, are not talking about this at all, friends,
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except for us, our country will not be protected, many of the guys say that they are going to help their own, and not only their own, in a broad sense, but they are going to provide support to friends and relatives who are now in the area where the military training is taking place, and indeed now there is an opportunity to indicate their wishes at the place of duty, they will definitely be taken into account, the same thing if the soldiers want to go together from here, and and place of residence in in this case, it doesn’t matter, it’s worth saying that anyone can go from st. petersburg to the northern military district.
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region of ukraine, when in the city of kovel the security forces harshly tied up and took away three young residents, more than a hundred people came to the military registration and enlistment office. the matter was not limited to shouts; the crowd tried to storm the building to free their fellow countrymen. in the face of such pressure , not only the military, but also the police, who formed a cordon, were powerless; those captured were eventually released, after which the authorities hastened to blame the russian special services for everything, allegedly it was they who organized the protests, and the general mobilization had nothing to do with it. the malian authorities have called for measures to be taken against the activities of ukrainian embassies in the sahel;
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an official warning has been issued to regional and international bodies, as well as the state that supports kiev. the communiqué states that actions before... the kiev regime violate the sovereignty of malit and support international terrorism, as noted in the government of the republic, official representative of ukrainian intelligence andrey yusov and the ukrainian ambassador to senegal, yuri pilovarov, openly and unequivocally declared kiev’s support for terrorists. at the end of july , tuareg separatists attacked a column of malian government troops fighting on their side with a private military company. after this , footage of brutal reprisals against prisoners of war appeared on social networks. then a photo of the attackers posing with the ukrainian flag. now there is a short advertisement, and we will continue, do not switch. credit card debt is under attack. i'll show you a couple of tricks. we collect all debts on credit cards in one place and conveniently pay off 24
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until january 1, 2017. a significant portion of the regions have already completed the program ahead of schedule; this is 41 regions. starting next year, the resettlement of emergency housing will be carried out within the framework of the new national project infrastructure for life. to continue the resettlement program, in accordance with the message of the president of russia to the federal assembly , 330 billion rubles are provided from the federal budget. want please note that the majority of residents of dilapidated houses without state support would not be able to move into... decent housing from disrepair, so i want to thank the president, you mikhail vladimirovichny, members of the government for your great attention to this problem, here, what is very important is
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to scale the most successful practices that we are doing throughout the country, please keep the issue under control. 300 participants from all over russia were united by the federal forum border of the youth wing of the popular front, it began work in the voronezh region and will take place in two shifts. the main goal of the organizers is to build a team of like-minded people, to bring together guys from... different regions to teach them how to work in emergency conditions. each team has two mentors, one of them is an active military man, a member of the military military district, the second is from the federal project coach for troubled teenagers. for 5 days they will work with the guys, support them in competitions and complete tasks. participants will be trained in the professions of signalman, sapper, attack aircraft, and they will also be shown how to operate drones. there is an expression: youth is our future. i have said a million times that our youth are real, because what we are now is them.
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24 hours later, the american secretary of state antony blinken made such a statement, citing sources, the aos portal reports. blinken allegedly noted that the united states is confident of a retaliatory strike against israel, but does not yet know how it will be delivered. the iranian foreign ministry said tehran is not going to soften its reaction to the murder of the hamas leader. israel must receive a decisive and brutal response, to recognize that violent behavior in security has dire consequences. but meanwhile in the area. in jerusalem , military personnel are preparing a bunker for the country's leadership; according to local media, the shelter has already been put into operation due to the expected massive attack from the swedish hezbollah movement. and
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the israeli authorities themselves are considering the possibility of launching a preventive strike on iran if an attack from tehran is inevitable. earlier, the lebanese group showed a video with long-range missiles with the caption punishment is painful. let me remind you that the situation became tense after one of the hamas leaders was killed in tehran. iran blamed for the terrorist attack from... british prime minister starmer is convening today an emergency meeting of the government's emergency committee cobra. anti-immigrant protests in the country are spiraling out of control. last night, demonstrators , to the applause of onlookers, set fire to another hotel where illegal immigrants live while waiting to receive a residence permit. the largest riots in a decade and a half have begun, let me remind you, after the high-profile murder of three girls in the city of southport. they were attacked with a knife by a teenager whose family had moved from rwanda. the police are unable to suppress the protests; the courts are overloaded with cases of detainees, which have to work without breaks and days off. the government promises to severely punish anyone who expressed dissatisfaction
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with the rampant crime among migrants. protesters in bangladesh stormed the prime minister's residence. the head of government herself, according to some media reports , resigned along with her younger sister. country. the efe agency claims that the military helicopter with her on board headed towards the indian state of western. bengal, indian authorities do not confirm this information, but the country's border forces have declared an increased level of alert on the border with its neighbors. but in the meantime, the bangladesh army chief said he would meet the president to form an interim government. protests in the country have been going on for several weeks, with participants protesting against job quotas. according to students, this discriminatory measures that cause high unemployment in the country. during anti-government protests in clashes with law enforcement forces. about 300 people died. the russian foreign ministry appealed to our citizens in bangladesh and recommended observing the curfew and not leaving home. triathletes from switzerland. adrian
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briford and simon westerman were unable to take part in the mixed relay at the olympic games. doctors detected e. coli in the athletes. let me remind you that a similar diagnosis was previously made by triathletes from belgium. clar michel also felt unwell after the swim in senia. as a result, the entire belgian team withdrew from this stage of the competition. economic news time. sales of new passenger cars in russia immediately increased by 40%. based on the results of july. cars, the ministry of industry and trade announced this. as for avtovaz sales, over the month they increased by a third to 37,500. the most popular model among russians was granta, accounting for half of the volume. next come vesta, the niva family and largas. the company fulfilled the july plan by 94%. in russia, the demand for rural mortgages has increased by a third, since the beginning of the year, more than 14 thousand loans worth almost 70 billion rubles have been issued under the program. about this.
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stated in the ministry of agriculture. the increase in the maximum loan size from 3 to 6 million rubles had an impact. in addition, in general, demand for preferential programs increased against the backdrop of an increase in the central bank rate. let me remind you that under rural mortgages , russians can receive funds at 3% per annum. business activity in the russian service sector is growing. the pmi index rose above 51 points, and this is the best result in 5 months. according to the snp agency, the number of new orders increased in july. it's connected with increasing number. increased demand. let me remind you that an index value above 50 points indicates an increase in business activity. and the stock market collapsed in japan. the key nike index, which includes 225 of the largest companies, immediately fell by 13%. according to bloomberg, investor confidence has collapsed due to the rise of the yen and the tightening of monetary policy. the bank of japan raised its key rate to a quarter of a percent, the highest in 15 years,
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and signaled a further tightening of monetary policy. the deteriorating economic data in the usa. it was economic news. short.
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we'll take on this matter. this will be an honest detective. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? install, open. let's see. russian channels all series, movies and cartoons, educational programs, and documentaries.


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