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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 5, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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what has already been done, what is still to be done in the material by alexey golovko: the russian senators and deputies have finished their regular session and vladimir putin invited the heads of both chambers of parliament, valentina matviyenko and vyacheslav volodin, to the kremlin to discuss with them the work done over the past six months, first of all i want to thank the senators and deputies of the state duma for the enormous amount of work done, and the issues were resolved very quickly in close contact with the government, keeping in mind all areas of our activities and purely economic issues issues of the social block, this is always a very responsible, big job, how many 300, 331, 331, then how synchronously the chairmen of the federation council and the state duma answered about the number of adopted laws, once again shows how well the chambers work.
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parliament after february 29 until the beginning of the holidays, the priority for them was the implementation of the ideas voiced in the president's message. new national projects and social guarantees required high-quality and fast work on laws. the main task of all branches of power, including including the representative power of this government, the parliament, both its chambers, is to ensure the interests of our people, citizens of the russian federation. legislative activity must create conditions. for further stable, sustainable development of the economy of our country, on the basis of which social issues must also be resolved. during this session alone , 150 laws passed through the federation council, one way or another improving the situation of millions of russians. these were social laws, primarily aimed at supporting families with children, this your such a personal topic, i know how strictly you ask, and indeed there were such real ones.
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one of the military boarding houses of kislovodsk, but they say: you know, we need not only medical, physical rehabilitation, but psychological, allow us so that our wives can rest with us in the sanatorium, these are the best specialists in psychology, that's for sure, and the hospital management says: discipline will be better, will perform all medical, well and of course, they haven't seen their families for a long time, we are now together with the ministry of defense we want to prepare a proposal. you don't need them,
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it seems to me that this is right, laws that help the army to win will be adopted first of all, ensuring security remains one of the most important priorities, this is... the stable functioning of the armed forces, their development, providing them with modern types of equipment, weapons, ammunition, support for our guys who are on the front line, on the line of combat contact, risking their lives and health to protect the interests of our state, and of course, their members families, you can't relax under any circumstances, you need to work hard, of course, you need to rest.
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participants of the svo together with their families, which were discussed at a meeting with the president. the ministry of defense, defense minister andrei belousov instructed to promptly prepare a document so that spouses could accompany military personnel during treatment. as noted in the defense department, this concerns issues of travel for joint residence within the framework of medical rehabilitation. vladimir putin signed a decree on payments to the families of employees of the investigative committee, who died in the territory of the new regions of russia during the special operation. the document was published on the legal information portal. as noted in the event of death, a one-time payment will amount to 5 million rubles. payments are also being introduced for employees of the investigative committee who were injured in the svo zone, this is 3 million rubles. as noted in the decree, the decision was made to provide additional social support measures. ukrainian militants attacked a bus in the village
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of vizovoye, belgorod region. employees of an agricultural enterprise who were traveling were injured after work home. one person died, three with various injuries, hospitalized in the district hospital, five more residents of the region were wounded as a result of the fsu strikes on the shebekinsky urban district, ukrainian militants remove obviously civilian targets for drone attacks, and the consequences are in the report of alexander korobov. these are the sounds with which the day begins in shebekino and the same ends, the city continues to remain under artillery fire from the armed formations of ukraine. the enemy is deliberately hitting residential areas. suffered as a result of artillery shelling, it starts suddenly, distant rumble, a few seconds later a whistle explosion, it is quite difficult to have time to take cover, it turned out that we did not hear the exit, there was an arrival right away, the second, when there was an arrival, yes i already heard the exit, and i heard the arrival, and when already then
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yes they began to squirm in the bath, enemy shells fell in a dense residential area, multi-story buildings were at the epicenter, shrapnel knocked out a large number of windows, cleaning. the territory from the consequences of shelling is a dangerous business, for employees utility services have to be on guard all the time, the next shelling has to wait out in the basement, every day people go to work risking their lives, we risk, we risk, we go and at home too you come and wait to see what will happen. the situation in the border area is difficult, dozens of enemy drones attack residents every day, ukrainian artillery fires at residential buildings. the alarm sounds almost without stopping. enemy attacks on the belgorod region do not stop. as a result of the drone attack on the bus of the agricultural enterprise agrobelogorye in the village the operator of the grafovsky pig complex died in viza. three more were wounded and needed medical assistance. alexander
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korobov, sergey chernykh, vesti: belgorod region. shaigu is making a working trip to tehran today, where, as noted, his negotiations with... the iranian dent have already taken place, but earlier the secretary of the security council of russia spoke with the head of the supreme national security council of the islamic republic, the parties discussed cooperation between their departments, as well as interaction within the framework of brics and the sco. in addition, one of the topics of the conversation there was a sharp aggravation of the situation in the middle east. well, speaking of this aggravation: israel and iran today almost simultaneously brought their aircraft to full combat readiness, and the armed forces of the hezbollah movement, as reported, were pulled close to the israeli border. against this background, tel aviv reported the murder of the hamas minister of economy in the gaza strip and admitted the possibility of a preemptive strike on iranian territory, about the expectations of a hot phase of a new conflict, a report by alexander belibov and sergei poshkov. international beirut airport is working at its capacity these days, thousands
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of passengers who are rushing to leave lebanon are waiting for hours for information about their flights, which are either postponed indefinitely or cancelled altogether. i have been here since midnight. the flight was scheduled for 4:00 in the morning, it was delayed, the first time until 1:00 p.m., now it has been postponed again until 6:00 p.m. i was planning to leave on august 4, but my first flight was cancelled, it was polish airlines, then i bought a ticket for a turkish airlines plane, but it was also cancelled, and today i have been on the plane for 10 hours waiting for my third flight, which was delayed. while passenger planes are leaving lebanon, transport planes with humanitarian aid on board have already begun to land, this one delivered 32 tons of medicines and dressings for local hospitals in the case of a large number of wounded. we have decided to increase the preparedness of all hospitals in the entire health sector in lebanon by delivering. the necessary assistance and equipment that will be available in hospitals, especially in the most vulnerable areas, so that we are
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ready to cope with any emergency situation, but despite the sharp aggravation of the situation, most lebanese are not going to leave anywhere . they have long been accustomed to threats from israel here and are ready to give a decisive rebuff. are we afraid of israel? we are accustomed to bullets and bombs flying in our direction, there is no fear. in my case, if one of my loved ones died or if israel came here, i would... the lebanese people do not kneel, they will resist and respond to every attack, what is important is that we are united at this critical moment for our existence as a state. no one wants war, no one is thirsty for war. we know the consequences of a total war, which the israelis want, but if it happens, we will go in as one. the threat of a full-scale war is now more real than ever before. the lebanese are seriously afraid that their country. could turn into a second gaza strip, where almost
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40,000 people have already died since october last year. the israeli air force launched another indiscriminate strike on the palestinian enclave the day before. as a result, bombing of two schools that had become refugee shelters killed at least 30 people, most of them children. i saw my son burn alive, i pray to allah to destroy israel. iraq has been preparing to strike israel for several days. they continue to make mistakes, they repeated this mistake this time, they will taste our punishment again. the main question
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now is where, to what extent and when tehran will carry out its plans. in arabic there is an expression: bukra inshallah, translated as tomorrow, if it pleases to the almighty. but the meaning of these words should not be taken literally, the one who pronounces them only confirms his readiness for certain actions, without specifying the time when exactly he intends to fulfill his promise. a large, massive attack from iran, yemen this is the routine of everyday military life, the residents of the country are waiting for lebanon at the same time, to coordinate the interaction of troops with the israeli general staff in repelling this attack on monday. usa.
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it is not surprising that in such a situation one of the most popular sites in israel today is this is the home front command website. i want to emphasize that there is no change in home front command's defensive policy at this time. we are working to provide you with the necessary warnings to prepare for any threat. we will update the order only when necessary. a new system has been added today to the air strike warning system that notifies people that they are in a shelling zone. the new app does not even require a smartphone to be installed, the program will automatically turn on sound signal, warning people of danger. if you have a bomb shelter, this is the best means of protection against all types of threats. every resident of the country today knows where the nearest fortified shelter is located, where the shops and pharmacies are that are not closed.
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relatives and friends of the hostages of hamas prisoners in gaza today experience double the fear and anxiety, they believe that the war with iran and hisbala will inevitably push the rescue of the captives into the background, there are now
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about 115 of them in the palestinian enclave, alive and dead, supporters of the earliest possible conclusion of a deal on the release of hostages and an immediate ceasefire do not miss the opportunity to recall the fate of the israelis kidnapped and taken to the gaza strip on october 7. today, for example, marks the 5th anniversary of one of the bibos brothers, ariel, he, his younger brother kfir, and their parents, who were kidnapped on october 7, and are still in gaza. their fate and condition are truly unknown. the ten-month fighting in the gaza strip may be just a prelude to a larger regional war. the general staff does not rule out the possibility of a preemptive strike against an enemy that knows how to play on nerves, prolonging the wait for the promised place. sergey pashkov, alexander ivanyuk, anastasia demyanets, lead israel. a broad economic downturn
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was bound to lead to something like this sooner or later. so american media loyal to the republican party associates today's very impressive collapse of stock markets with joe biden's policies. donald trump himself spoke in a similar spirit, expressing confidence that if he retains power the stock exchange will start to get even more feverish with the democrats. and is it true that things could be heading towards a repeat of the 2008 crisis? our special correspondent in the us, valentin bogdanov, investigated. 2 trillion dollars were taken from the american stock market in a matter of minutes before trading began on this black monday. since the end of last week, when the stock exchange began. it will be a terrible day, you can see for yourself, just look, the index fell by more than six percent, growth stocks fell very sharply, we got into a loop of a self-fulfilling spiral of decline, the foam is blowing off the hype of companies working with artificial intelligence, fears about a recession are growing and the market is pricing it all in. the dow jones is down 2.8%,
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nasdaq is down almost 6%, the s&p-500 is minus. the world's wealth, including mark zuckerberg and elon musk, is exceeding 134 billion. now we are expecting layoffs, and in the future there will be even more such meat grinders that will lead to a deep recession. it all started on friday, when it became known that the number of jobs in the american economy increased in july only 100.
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4 months in a row, we are seeing a recession, no panic, i'm not saying there will be a recession, but we should keep it in mind. everyone blames the federal reserve, where they continue to keep the key rate at maximums, fulfilling the task of fighting the inflated inflation, but by delaying the adoption of unpopular decisions, they have reached the point that ... any sharp movements now can be fraught with a further collapse. it seems unlikely to me that the fed will sharply lower the rate. what is happening now does not look like events in covid. this is not a crisis, it is simply a consequence of economic cycles. if the fed even hints at a more aggressive rate cut, it could send panic signals to the market. and of course, for the american voter, three
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months before the election, such news is like a flock of black swans, and they are not flying to donald trump. japan fell by 12%, india by 6%. germany also fell sharply. the us is very bad. this is a preview of world markets without donald trump in the white house. none of this will happen if trump is in the white house. kamala and the markets are not combined. she's going to destroy the markets. she's in power now, and look what happens. one week, the lying media talks about the best polls, and you get a market crash. today , a market crash, tomorrow, a ratings crash. in races, where the candidates are.
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i don't vote for a person, i vote for a policy, i vote based on how it affects my wallet, the wallets of americans, and america itself, are full of holes , the us national debt has reached. $35 trillion in credit card delinquencies at a twelve-year high, a bubble, the supposed success of the democrats in the economy is deflating with a whistle. the decline was not exactly unexpected, there is an opinion that the data on the supposedly good situation in the american labor market was deliberately inflated, including to emphasize the successes of the democratic party of biden personally. the biden administration points to certain figures. falling unemployment, falling gasoline prices, although they are rising, and claim that there are positive aspects. americans are not buying this. they have been worried about a possible recession for
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two years now. they feel that it has become worse than it was 4 years ago. rents are rising, prices are rising, they blame the biden administration for this. now the biden administration needs to take responsibility for this. and how ridiculous, even mocking, it looks against this background . such a consistent us president, the president of the united states, like those whose portraits are on mount rushmar, i would like to know what will happen next. are you saying that his portrait should be where lincoln's is, that is, lincoln and joe biden next to him? there is teddy roosevelt and... he is wonderful, i am not saying that he should be remove, but you can add biden. and then, apparently, more dollars, all that remains is to pick a bill adjusted for biden's
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inflation. among the indicators that are currently attracting the attention of investors in the us around the world, there is one particularly alarming one, the vicks volatility index, which is also called the fear index on the stock exchanges, has risen to a record 65 points today. the last time the indicator was at this level was during the covid pandemic at the height of the global financial crisis in 2008. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and denis sokolov, news from new york. the uk government held an emergency meeting today to discuss measures to counter the mass unrest that has engulfed several english, welsh and northern irish cities. among the options proposed to prime minister keir starmer is even the introduction of troops to areas where the scale of the pogroms has already become critical. however, the cabinet has not yet made a final decision on this matter, but they are already trying to find the culprits in russia. more details, denis
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davidov. riots such as britain has not seen for several decades. the geography of the pogroms is the whole country. london, liverpool, manchester and dozens of smaller cities. there , locals and immigrants clashed wall to wall. migrants are being grabbed on the streets in public transport. the muslim community responded with patrols that took to the streets in different parts of the country, holding sticks, knives, and machetes, one of these groups was broadcast live on local news. we'd better step back, a reporter in a helmet, but just in case he makes way for an armed group. people in black are looking for whites british who are aggressive towards muslims. for such patrols , the british flag is in their hands. a red rag, they attack instantly. britain has been shaking for a week now, after the country was hit by the horrific news from southport, where
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a seventeen-year-old from a family of migrants attacked a children's dance school. he stabbed three girls to death, and eight more were seriously injured. this is already footage from rotherham, in the center of the country. there, local residents went to smash a hotel where the authorities were holding illegal immigrants. a small group of migrants, about four people ran out into the street when the pogrom began, they were forced to spend the night in the forest, as they were very scared. the riots are not so much locals and newly arrived migrants, as people from immigrant families from the middle east and africa, many of them were born in the uk. so the messages are spreading across social networks: there is a civil war in britain . the owner of twitter elon musk supported the message. he commented on the pogroms with the messages:
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a civil war is inevitable.
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those who participated in this violence will face with the full force of the law, the police will arrest them, i will not hesitate to call a spade a spade, this is far-right banditry. about 150 rioters have already been arrested, but the conflict is not abating. today the prime minister called a meeting of the emergency committee cobra with the participation of the secret services to decide how to deal with the riots, agreed to mobilize the police and allocate 29 million pounds for security.
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