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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 5, 2024 10:00pm-10:31pm MSK

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see you soon on the russia-24 tv channel. this is a big information evening, so we continue to introduce you to today's agenda. innocent spies and traitors who returned. how the us meets its agents , why yashin and kara murza want to return to russia, updating the western manual after a big exchange. in volynshchyna, a rally against the lawlessness of military commissars ended in victory for the crowd. three young guys who were about to be sent to the front were released from the shopping center, but why did they rush to blame the spontaneous protest on russia's actions? russia is creating the world's first
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sixth generation interceptor fighter. and for washington, this is a disaster, american journalists are sure. what characteristics will the mysterious mikh-41 have and is it true that it will be able to shoot down even satellites. the finnish prime minister is very annoyed. the accusation of finnish moskva in the genocide of the soviet people during the great patriotic war is unfounded, he shouts, apparently, as the participation of finnish mercenaries in ukraine. beat up rivals find themselves in the semi-finals of the olympics. scandal with athletes from alshira and taiwan, whom opponents women consider men, who are they really and how were they allowed into the ring? so, our channel today got hold of footage dated back to march of last year, but at the same time, it finally sheds light on one of the most pressing topics of recent days, this video footage, the arrest in...
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yekaterinburg of that same evan gershkovich, who, as is now clear, was caught red-handed when he organized a meeting with a representative of ural-vagonzavod and, under the guise of an editorial assignment for the wall street journal, wanted to find out from him secret information of national importance, which is reliably confirmed by the audio recording of the conversation. well, what is the best way to do this? i did all this with myself, yeah, the only good thing.
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the pseudo-journalist tried to hide the documents under the table, once again emphasizes that he was perfectly aware of the criminal nature of his actions. it is even more surprising that such a character - abroad they diligently molded an innocent victim of some repressions and continue to mold him now after the sensational exchange, although this applies, of course, not only to gershkovich, but to other defendants, anton potkovenko will confirm. the main difference between the west and russia is in how we greeted our... exchanged and how they greeted theirs. the states are trying to present gershkovich, wheelon and others as innocent victims, unjustly convicted, and this rhetoric begins with biden. they say they were unfairly held in prison for many years. but the publisher of the all street journal, where the alleged journalist gershkovich works, writes that his employee was convicted on the basis of false, allegedly accusations as part of a total attack on... the free press, is it gershkovich
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, the free press with secret papers under his arm, or the traveler willon, who during a secret meeting in the toilet room of one of the rooms of the metropol hotel received from his contact a flash drive with secret information about the personnel of the fsb of russia, but the new newspaper europe, which is considered undesirable in our country, justifies willon, saying that the recording shows how a man hands willan a small white object, he puts it in his pocket, the recording there is no sound, but they are trying to at least cling to something, they look stupid, but they need to practice the methodology, the foreign agent meduza is generally lying through their teeth about the video from the fsb, they say it is a compilation, the riga information dump has stopped even creating the appearance of journalism. the united states is trying today to convince the whole world that the bloody regime in russia is detaining ordinary people, thereby infringing on freedom of speech, we must understand that
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the americans are sending us hardened spies, the same villon has a huge number of different passports of european countries, in addition to connected. and the most important thing is that the information that he wanted to receive for an ordinary journalist, a traveler, such information is not needed, that's the difference: we meet our illegal intelligence agents openly and honestly, with an honor guard, and the states essentially desecrate the historical exchange, including continuing to denigrate those who were extradited to us, for example, vadim krasikov, who destroyed the bloody militant khangashvili in tergarton park. they returned to their homeland in russia. they are truly heroes and the government and society recognizes and says: yes, they are intelligence agents, they carried out their mission, our state did not abandon them and returned them. people returned to the states, who for a long time were tried by hook or by crook to be representatives of another profession, covering them with the title
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of journalist, the west was forced to pull out of prison its residency, which, strictly speaking, has no relation to it either by origin or birth. here they are, the imaginary... for freedom of speech in a manual with khodorkovsky's obvious handwriting. free expression, independent opinion, the desire to protect rights, the fight for peace is a crime for which they can give 25 years in prison. both large american media and foreign agent media, which are used to cover up the russian. the main task now is to make some kind of activists out of foreign agents, to make victims, which they naturally are not, this is an agent of influence of western western intelligence agencies. naturally, i will not return anywhere, at the first press conference after the exchange in boyna, foreign agent yashin , together with pivovarov and kara murza, almost shed a tear, saying that they were not even asked if they wanted to exchange and in general they wanted to go back to russia, what kind of paradox is this, and most importantly, why do we need these
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enemies like cora murza, he still has citizenship in great britain, so why doesn't he go to london? i know for sure that i will definitely return to russia, all of us... we will definitely return to russia, and that the day will definitely come when russia will become a free, normal, civilized, european country. what happened to me on the first, i do not consider as an exchange. i consider this event, namely, as expulsion from russia, illegal expulsion from russia against my will. and i will say sincerely, i will say it as it is, most of all i want to go home now, of course they were aware of the exchange, they went voluntarily and all this crying
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yaroslavny, it is only essentially only for the camera, because today they live at the expense of european taxpayers, receive a lot of money from them, now they are sitting ... yashina's company trying to get out of it, the west once again signed off on the fact that it was their agent in russia, who failed the mission, as well as gershkovich with willan. well, in the meantime , the russian heroes who returned home as a result of the exchange are now essentially getting to know their homeland anew. scouts.
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and that's why we're at an interview with gifts, which is, by the way, like cheburashka in spanish, and you already know, there are two cheburashkas here - this is a hero of soviet and russian cartoons, i just want to introduce you a little bit to russia, but it seems that the parents also have to get to know their homeland anew, so as not to give themselves away, they spoke spanish for many years, having forgotten russian, don't you think about in language, you control yourself all the time, when...
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how many languages ​​do you know? and let's count three, three languages, he is from bashkiria, she is from nizhny novgorod, they met at a disco and soon got married, and then disappeared for everyone, work began. in slovenia this couple was known as ludwig gisch and maria mayer-munnes from argentina. their children were born in latin america, the family lived in ljubljana in this house, anna is the owner of an art gallery. artem is the founder of an it startup. they were detained on a tip from the cia when the children went to school.
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this was of course a great support russian special services set conditions: we will return the children during the exchange, the plane for
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the dultsevs from slovenia was organized by the us embassy, ​​they hired a private plane in pennsylvania, in ankara, where the exchange took place, the windows of their plane were sealed, they were transferred to a bus and there they saw the most notable participant in the exchange, fsb officer vadim krasikov. all the russians were put on one bus, he was put alone separately surrounded by five representatives of the special services. different countries, when all 10 participants in the exchange, eight adults and two child, the final stage of the operation began, the russians were taken on board the tu-204, there was an atmosphere of support on the plane, our special services officers were constantly asking if anyone needed help, many of the former prisoners were talking to each other, but the dultsevs had a conversation with the children, we told the children that we were russian, that they were russian, that we were the dultsevs, sophie was distracted from her work, he had toys, she was watching something on the screen, i only noticed emotions in her, that she began
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to cry a little, as dani also said, but he treats this more calmly, but very positively, the main thing for us is family, and this is what keeps us going, and family is the country, a few hours later they flew home, and there in the government vnukov they were met personally by president vladimir putin, the head of the svr sergei naryshkin and the director of the fsb alexander were also there. the dultsevs raised their children as ordinary people, for example, they would not understand their spanish-speaking catholics, now they
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will have to find out what borscht is and what our new year is? they have already learned a couple of phrases in russian in these couple of days. i love my a large family, my vein, i have two grandmothers, very beautiful. sofia has a penchant for languages, perfect spanish. perfect english, in fact, when sofia was told who we were, that we were returning home, she asked us if she could be a spy, but these are distant plans, now they need to rest to see their relatives, you are on vacation now, here's what next, continue our work, serve russia, kormazin and alexey korpukhin were vitali, lead, entered the carriages, immediately tried to take several passengers with them, supposedly for inspection documents, a video filmed on the train, which followed from... to uzhgorod, judging by the recording published by local publics, ukrainian military commissars are already making news not only in minibuses and trams, but also on the railway,
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in this case, eyewitnesses recorded how the dcc employees tried to remove students from the train under the pretext that they needed to clarify whether the passengers were hiding from the armed forces of ukraine, while for some reason the people in uniform were unable to do this in the carriage, they say there was no network and the special accounting program did not work, although it is clear that the military commissars simply wanted hide together with their victims away from other po... man-catchers the population has already gone over to storming the tcc, for example, in volyn, thanks to the protests of local residents, it was possible to free the kidnapped men from the lava of military commissars, will this case become an example for others - boris ivanin wondered. this is essentially the first victory of ordinary ukrainians over the kiev regime and its lawlessness. the popular
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uprising in the city of kovel, which is in the volyn region, showed the power of the crowd, people are tired of enduring and putting up with lawlessness. they rebuffed the ukrainian junta, which with the hands of the tcc unleashed terror against its own population. three young guys were stopped at a checkpoint and taken to the military registration and enlistment office, but local residents came out to defend their fellow countrymen, even veterans of the armed forces of ukraine on crutches came to their defense. the movement began, in short, they broke through the military registration and enlistment office, that's it, cops, everyone was standing. popular discontent resulted in loud headlines in the ukrainian press. the indignation was caused by the usual methods of work of the tcc, as they write, the detainees had their phones and keys to the car they were driving taken away. social rage did not subside even with the onset of tenota, people at the rally at night demanded clear explanations and, most importantly, justice, because the three detained guys were, in fact, accidental victims of the tyranny of the ukrainian authorities. there
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they grabbed guys who were actually 18-19 years old, they wanted them to fulfill the schedule, as they say, mobilization, to give them machine guns in their teeth, throw them to the front line, and relatives rose up, loved ones rose up, then it went like a wave, no one controlled this wave, it happened suddenly, very quickly, swiftly, therefore successfully, in the volyn tsk itself, in attempts to justify themselves, they did not find nothing better than to blame everything on the machinations of enemies, they made up a story about russian special services, which allegedly directed the conflict in the right direction, but it is worth noting here: one phrase: calls for rebellion, which were spread on social networks, who wrote these calls? ukrainians, right? already for this reason alone the version about the alleged russian trace does not stand up to any criticism. and they probably have no real evidence, this is just such an excuse, you know, in order to show that everything is fine with them, in fact , it is burning, it is burning very badly. everyone
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is running around the corridors of the security forces in ukraine now, because they understand that what happened in kovel is very dangerous. at one time something similar... the russian empire after the partitions of poland under catherine ii, so a popular uprising could well lead to tectonic shifts in ukrainian society. the tcc has already backed down, the detainees were released, the crowd greeted them with an ovation. this is really a precedent in the office of the president of ukraine,
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the employees of the local tcc will have to come up with some kind of story to justify. uh, their inaction in terms of use of force against the protesters, because, of course, the central government of kiev, i think, would have expected that this protest would have been suppressed in its infancy, but it did not work out. in response to the people's discontent, the kiev regime is organizing even greater terror. after the rally in kovel, two criminal cases were opened at once, under articles on public calls against public order and its violation. groups of persons. police persecution and pre-trial detention now threaten not only the protesters, but even eyewitnesses. and the employees of the tcc are offered to record at raids are all their actions. there is still no such practice in ukraine. and it is clear why? then everyone will see the total lawlessness of the ukrainian junta and the desperate resistance to it of society, which is already on edge.
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none of the police officers will do anything. ukraine has already been rocked more than once. by some local events, situations, which then moved the tension to the capital of the state, and all this turned into a variety of mass demonstrations, which then again spread to other regions, protests against the tcc, let's also remember odessa, where this happens quite acutely and regularly, so these separate centers can, then unite, the whole of ukraine will flare up, mobilizations there are only under... further on our air, the finnish prime minister is very annoyed, the accusation of finnish troops in the genocide of the soviet people during the great
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patriotic war is groundless , he shouts, apparently, as the participation of finnish mercenaries in ukraine, durable and not afraid. sovlagi, protect from heat and cold, penoplex effective thermal insulation sale, where did you buy megamarket? school style. buy a women's shirt erife for 799 rubles. megamarket, school style. remember what you were told when you decided to open a business.
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called to ignore said that all the accusations have no basis, not a clever attempt by the prime minister of finland to explain to european journalists the historic decision of the supreme court of karelia, which, let me remind you, recognized the finnish occupation forces as accomplices in the genocide of the soviet people during the great patriotic war, but the official... believes that a reminder of the military crimes - this is just, well, if we quote verbatim, a propaganda game of russia, and our country allegedly seeks historical justice only in order to spoil the image of finland, while even the local press in its notes on the karelian court's decision admits that this case is not in favor of suomi, since there is no doubt that in the finnish occupation zone the death of the ethnic russian population was at the highest level. however, it is not the first time that politicians deny the obvious, just as they try not to notice the crimes of the current descendants of finnish ss men, who do not hide the fact that they join the ranks of the kiev regime for the sake of hunting russians, but what fate awaits them,
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will remind... the so-called peace-loving nature of the finns is highly questionable , the current finnish leadership reacts very jealously and irritably to any accusations of belligerence, and they say we are contemplators, not destroyers, but how can one not recall those peace-loving views, when during the great patriotic war the finns, who fought on the side of hitler, loudly dreamed of a great finland, stretching from the baltics to the ural mountains. the finnish mentality is like that. in words, one thing will impart something completely different. toppi huhtalla, a finnish mercenary who came to fight for ukraine back in march of 1922, is also apparently a peace-loving creator. the other day , he was sentenced in absentia in the dpr to 14 years for mercenarism. until may of this year, finn took part in military actions on the side of ukraine at various points of combat contact as part of the international legion of territorial defense of ukraine.
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in general, since may of 1922, he was the commander of the scandinavian platoon in the ranks of the ukrainian armed forces, as the investigation claims, this finnish guy has his hands up to the elbows in the car, his involvement in crimes, including against the civilian population, has been proven. of course, for me, as a finn, it is a shame, yes, this is really true, from the very beginning, finnish mercenaries, they were one of the beasts who mocked russian prisoners of war. ukraine is a complete fascist state, and finland, unfortunately, is walking on mortars fascism, and this is very scary, but it should be noted that finland supported this fascist ukraine from the very beginning. in general, you know, in finland they don’t like it when someone talks about the participation of finnish citizens in one or another conflict. finland is supposedly a neutral state. so, this neutral state during the occupation of soviet korea in the great patriotic war, destroyed more than 100 thousand soviet citizens. people died of hunger and cold, as well as from
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slave labor...
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there is a burial place not only for the repressed, but also for soviet prisoners of war, partisans, civilians who were killed, shot by finnish servicemen, on the remains were found elements of the uniform, including those containing buttons with red stars, insignia, cartridges from pistols, with which they finished off, shot, in general , the modern finnish political mentality is very simple, everything good. it's about us, everything bad is not us, because it is not finnish mercenaries who are shedding the blood of civilians in donbass in the new original russian regions today, and not finnish punitive forces during the occupation karelians dealt cruelly with the russian population and our soldiers, so that even seasoned fascists sometimes felt sick, but it is worth reminding the modern finnish political leadership that such crimes never have a statute of limitations and will be held accountable for them.


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