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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 1:30am-2:01am MSK

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people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply strong in spirit, a maroon beret, who is a symbol, who wears it, i believe that there should be a model in everything, people should follow it, it is impossible to do worse, it is possible to do better, we have always had such a motto in life, pushed these people into the doorway and ... probably, this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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at the age of 70, the head of the coordination center of muslims of the north caucasus, the mufti of karachay-cherkessia, ismail berdiev, died, this information appeared on the telegram channel muftiate, since 2004 he. was a member of the council for interaction with religious associations under the president of russia in the press service of the muftiate of dagestan berdiyev was called an outstanding religious figure who dedicated his life to serving islam to strengthening interreligious dialogue. honored coach irina winner called the us campaign to allegedly expose russian athletes for doping a war on the sports front. in her telegram channel winner noted that american intelligence is waging
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a fight against the strongest athletes and the best coaches. let me remind you that the press service of the united states foreign intelligence promised the next stage of the campaign to isolate russia in world sports. varvara nevskaya has the details. the russian case, as western journalists dubbed it, the largest doping scandal in the history of sports. this year marks its 9th anniversary. all this time , russian athletes have been subjected to harsh sanctions and gross discrimination, but even this was not enough, according to the data of the foreign intelligence service. the united states is planning to add fuel to the seemingly dying fire in the near future. anti-russian doping hysteria, releasing a whole series of pseudo-investigations. the project is supervised by the former heads of the moscow anti-doping laboratory: defectors rotchenkov and sobolevsky. it is believed that they have maintained stable ties with the coaches and doctors involved in the training of russian athletes. however, the main difficulty that is currently facing.
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according to the us plan , some informants from among the sports doctors of the coaching staff should help rotchenkov and his former subordinate sobolevsky create false publications. russian national teams for the promise of a generous fee, including help with relocation and employment abroad. they do this so that we are disqualified and so that they can calmly participate in the european and olympic championships. however, this motive, although obvious, is not the only one, interest in the person of rotchenkov, who fled to the states, is invariably fading, a series of future publications is a guaranteed way to earn money, perhaps, to attract attention to his recently published book. in addition, the united states needs to divert attention from its own scandal with the world anti-doping agency. in the case of the so-called chinese
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swimmers, so the head of the wada, witold banko , said that every fifth american athlete who participated in the world athletics championships in 2022 did not undergo a single. out-of-competition test, adding that 90% of american athletes are not under the anti-doping code, and 31% of them have not undergone doping tests at all. big questions are raised by american athletes practicing therapeutic use doping, that is, having permission from a doctor. so, the olympic champion gymnast simone biles, representing the usa at these olympic games, has been using the banned psychostimulant methylphenidate for many years. and here the americans, norwegians, and french are leaders in the use of banned drugs for medical reasons. if our athletes who take banned drugs are very sick, well, in general
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, it is difficult to live with such indications. not to mention setting olympic records. therefore, it seems to me that it would be right to hold some special olympics for them. the narrative that caesar is allowed, but the bull is not allowed, has long been successfully extrapolated from the world of big politics to sports by the usa. thus, according to the svr, as part of a special awards ceremony for the team figure skating tournament at the beijing olympics of the twenty-second year, which will be held in paris on august 7, the medals won by russian athletes will be distributed to people from other countries. canada is aiming for bronze, silver is guaranteed will go to the japanese. well, and the gold, as expected, without unnecessary modesty, the americans will take for themselves. varvara nevskaya, anna pogonina, vesti.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia 24. what is remembered about this day in history, we will tell you right now. hello. on august 6 , 1502, dionysius, an outstanding iconographer, a continuer of the traditions of andrei rublev, began painting the nativity cathedral of the feropontov monastery. this is one of the oldest
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monasteries of the russian north northwest of vologda, founded in the 14th century. dionysius with his team, which included his sons, vladimir and feodosii, painted. his brother andrei vasilievich. the frescoes of the nativity cathedral, covering an area of ​​about 600 km, are the artist's only fully preserved mural painting. on the northern wall you can read the inscription "the painters of dionysius and konnik" with their children. these frescoes include about 300 compositions. art critics admire the color scheme, pure and delicate colors, soft... in other monasteries you can see fragments of his frescoes, icons of the master in the tretyakov gallery and the russian museum. august 6, 1806 franz
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ii. habsburg, emperor of the holy roman empire, abdicated the throne, and this meant its collapse after almost eight centuries of existence. founded the holy roman... perio the great german king in the 9th century, he wanted to revive the greatness of the ancient roman empire and the frankish empire of the kings. the core was the german lands, to which were added vast territories of france, northern and central italy, the netherlands, the czech republic. but in new states were being formed in europe. they were fighting the papacy, the process of reformation and secularization began. the final blow to this empire was dealt by napoleon bonaparte, who defeated the army of emperor franz ii. he had to give up many of his possessions, including the german principalities, they entered the rhine union, which was subordinate to france, although the holy roman empire had become a fiction, franz ii tried to preserve it, but at the end of july he received napoleon's ultimatum: give up the throne, otherwise there would be a new war. they had to obey, although
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the austrian empire, which later became the austro-hungarian empire, was preserved. on august 6, 1945 , nuclear weapons were used for the first time. a us air force bomber, a b-29, took off from an airfield on the island of tinian and headed for japan. it had an atomic bomb, the little one, on board, which was dropped on the japanese city of hiroshima. there was no military need for this. after the ussr entered the war in the far east , it became clear to everyone that the days of militaristic japan were numbered. but this did not stop the americans. they wanted to show their increased power to the entire world and, above all, to the soviet union. when choosing a target, they deliberately decided to hit cities in order to destroy as many people as possible and achieve the maximum psychological effect. in hiroshima , 80 to 100,000 people died instantly, and the survivors in the affected area resembled the dead. three days later, the americans dropped
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a second atomic bomb on the city of nagasaki. today, the total number of victims of the tragedy is estimated at over 450,000 people, but in japan they prefer not to say who exactly used it. nuclear weapons, as if the bombs had just fallen from the sky, especially... this is not done in washington, in order to absolve themselves of responsibility for these barbaric actions. today marks the birthday of the world's first website, it appeared on august 6 , 1991, it was created by an english computer scientist, tim berner slee, an employee of the european organization for nuclear research. he was assisted by the belgian robert cayo and other colleagues, experimenters. to establish internal corporate data exchange, but whether he continued to work, relying on the concept
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interactive hypertext, it was put forward even earlier by the american veniver bush, but it was tim bernersley who invented the html markup language for creating web pages, the http protocol, the system of unified url addresses laid the foundations of the world wide web, a grand invention in the modern history of mankind, and publicly available to patent his invention, as that ... lee fundamentally refused to put all the information on his project on his first site. today there are more than 2 billion sites on the internet, but the first one is still functioning. here this was this day in history.
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so says the lighthouse. vdnkh has always been a reflection of history, even in 1939, when it was still called the all-union agricultural exhibition. then the sculpture was returned to moscow from france. the kolkhoz workers, one of the main symbols of its era, without a doubt. it was then the decoration of the ussr pavilion at the world exhibition in paris in 1937. and even during the war, when the exhibition was mothballed, in 1948 the council of ministers decided to restore the exhibition, in the mid- fifties it was criticized for being decorative
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and architectural excesses, then, let us recall, the era of typical constructions began. in the sixties, the exhibition changed its vector. the pavilions dedicated to the republics of the soviet union were renamed. thus, latvia became physics, moldova - standards, belarus - electrical engineering, and ukraine - agriculture. science was in fashion, industry was a priority, space was in favor. in the nineties, after the collapse of the union, the exhibition plunged into turmoil. many pavilions were destroyed or plundered. they broke up retail outlets, some snack bars, but the dnh was expecting a renaissance, which began in 2010. and today, when vdnkh celebrates its eighty-fifth anniversary, the exhibition has become a large-scale platform that combines great history, traditions and values, culture and customs. in odenhaet. urban development dominant and recreation park and a place to demonstrate the achievements of the potential of the entire
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country. here, the grand exhibition forum russia has just finished, where each of the 89 regions told about itself. over the 8 months of its work, 18.5 million people visited it, who learned new things about domestic achievements, inventions and developments of the country. thanks to the exhibition russia, which was held recently.
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dnkh will become one of the largest centers of exhibition and congress activities in the country. the construction of the complex is planned to be completed in 2026. experts agree: in many ways, the success of the exhibition russia created motivation for the implementation of the new project. moreover, the exhibition forum, which was held here left a huge and important legacy for vdnh, will receive a new interpretation. on behalf of the president , the national center russia is being created on the expocentre site. events, which become cult at vdnkh acquire an international scope. the calendar of events of the exhibition is rich, so summer inspiration, already the seventh international festival of arts. this year projects from 10 countries at once participate, from argentina, armenia, brazil, greece, spain, france, chile, south africa and iran. this is one of the foreign
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guests. the one-man show rectangle is a theatrical fantasy based on the famous work of cervantes don quixote. this is my first time in moscow, i really liked it, i managed to walk around a little. the most important impression is people, amazing people. we had the opportunity to visit several museums, including one dedicated to space. a completely new and bold interpretation of the great work of the renaissance. we wanted to show what donkey hot would do? if he were in our time, how would he react to all modern decisions, to the internet, for example, if donquixote were here, he would not be able to live like normal people. the performance of a foreign artist with subtitles on the floor surprised the audience, and in general, experiments on
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this stage are carried out within the framework of the festival not for the first time. in general, we are theatergoers.
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fills with knowledge, it is not for nothing that the exhibition is called a real museum city, in which adults and children can learn something new. we are now in the era of the vdnkh revival, yes, and indeed many pavilions have already left the restoration and are planned to leave with the obligatory function of museums, because the museum city is one of our strategic directions of development. at the moment we have 25 museums, but more and more are planned to open, this year we are planning to open the central pavilion, and an interesting exhibition dedicated to art and so on and so forth. and there are countless similar events. one of the leading interactive museums in russia and the largest educational complex dedicated to the history of the nuclear era. atom, three floors
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underground, only seven tiers of high-tech exhibition sphere, in which russia occupies a leading position. the task of the museum goes far beyond what is considered to be the classic museum business. indeed, we now call ourselves the atom museum, but in fact we are a huge scientific and educational, popularization center, which tells interestingly about such a complex science as atomic, and here a lot of different interests, different areas intersect, our mission, of course, is to receive visitors with interest. tell them about what atomic energy is. no less important educational work is carried out in the space pavilion. exhibitions are held in our pavilion. there are concerts, there is a very beautiful under-dome space, the dome is 60 m high, and also in the evening it lights up with all
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the lights, it looks very beautiful and especially it is nice to listen to a concert under such a beautiful dome, and we also sometimes have award ceremonies for participants in various competitions here, a variety of thematic events are timed to coincide with the eighty-fifth anniversary and also created. during the inspection it turned out that the structures are in an emergency condition, they are simply unsuitable for operation and restoration work began,
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the wooden frame, wall lathing, plaster were partially replaced, floors were recreated, ceiling paintings, plaster rods were restored. we pay special attention to the fountain, each the element is special and unique, the task before the restorers was to achieve the same effect, and for this it was necessary to use obviously outdated technologies, otherwise it would not have been possible to restore the historical appearance of the ceramic fountain. it was recreated completely - the richest ceramic decor, when it was made in the thirties , the quality of the furnace was, let's say, not at the best level, and firing...
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the entire pavilion was covered with such a box,
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which was a radio receiver, a radio receiver and a mast, that is, instead of here this beauty, it was just a white rectangle, and of course, vdnkh is a favorite place for walks with the whole family, past endless alleys, flower beds, lawns. vdnkh is 250 hectares of landscaped areas , plus the neighboring ostankino park, which is 75 hectares. gardeners closely monitor everything. we have 135 hectares of lawns, 70-7 flower beds. 26 thousand pieces of trees, which means we have a very green area, and the length of our living fences is 16 km, every year we ... plant about half a million annual flowers, about half a million bulbous crops, that is, there is a very large volume of work. for the anniversary at the national economy day, gardeners planted an impressive
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flower bed, and it is not uncommon for the exhibition of achievements of the national economy to be painted in a variety of colors for a variety of events, and gardeners do everything to preserve rare plant species and give them an unusual shape. specialists looked after it, began to trim it. then we brought them to our territory, planted them, now we look after it, we maintain the shape that has already developed in this plant, then we have this shape called a spiral, and behind my back there is a spiral on the legs, here are also presented thujas in the form of such cups, entering as if into each other, someone also calls them boats 85 years in ddnkh and today the exhibition as in a mirror reflects the greatness of the country with a rich history. with faith in the future, supported by the power of technological sovereignty, with the creative scope and ease of art, freedom of flight of thought, 85 years, so much is already behind, but ahead is even more...
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more, the exhibition is not mothballed, but continues its rapid development. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our next issue of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called with what. a person begins, i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you at this meeting of ours, got used to watching videos on the network, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian
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channels all tv series. movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. watch, watch in the application or on the website. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first. competition of ideas and money. there was a sensation, and what a sensation, people inside and outside america were tense. what is the remaining intrigue, why do you need it? now you need to watch, watch, this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. easy to do.
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illegal intelligence agents, artem and anna dultseva, who returned home as a result of the exchange , celebrated their son's birthday for the first time in russia, the children learned that they are russian only last week, the parents themselves have never spoken their native language out loud in the past 7 years, and are now essentially getting to know their homeland all over again. vitaly kormazin, the first journalist to talk to the couple after their release, was walking around the territory of one of the foreign intelligence service units, the illegal intelligence officers, the artemyltsevs, are discussing their son's birthday...
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he is nine today.


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