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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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illegal intelligence officers artyom and anna dultseva, who returned home as a result of the exchange , celebrated their son's birthday in russia for the first time. the children only found out that they are russian last week. the parents themselves, who have never spoken their native language out loud in the past seven years, are now, in essence, getting to know their homeland all over again. vitaly karmazin, the first journalist, spoke to the couple after their release. walking around the territory of one of the foreign intelligence service units, illegal intelligence officers artyom and anna dultsev discuss their son daniel's birthday. he's nine today.
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when we arrived, we realized that we couldn't speak, we couldn't speak russian at all , we wrote the text on a piece of paper, mommy, we came home, everything was fine, with the kids, i call mommy, i say: mommy, i read the texts, we came home, everything was fine, he starts asking you questions, i start crying because i know that you can answer, nothing works for me, you just become a different person, and you think in a different language? do you understand russian,
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when people from your country speak a language around you, you don't understand, you're even now trying to find words, it's still hard, how many languages ​​do you know, and let's count three, three languages, he's from bashkiria, she's from nizhny novgorod, they met at a disco and soon got married, and then disappeared for everyone, work began, in slovenia this couple was known as ludwig gisch and...
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to prepare for the parents even helped them do their homework and the olympiads, ours in prison were constantly visited by an svr officer at one of these -
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this keeps us going, and family is a country. already a few hours later they flew home, and there in the government vnukov they were met personally by president vladimir putin. the head of the svr, sergei naryshkin, and the director of the fsb were also there. for example, the dultsevs raised their children as spanish-speaking catholics, now they , which an ordinary person would not understand, will have to learn what borscht is and what our new year is, a couple of phrases in russian in these couple of days, they have already learned, i love my big family, i have two grandmothers,
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the ideal language. conducting a special operation. the document was published on the legal information portal. in case of death, a one-time payment to relatives will amount to 5 million rubles. payments are also being introduced for fsk employees who were injured in the svo zone, this is 3 million rubles. on monday, the president
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held a meeting in the kremlin with valentina matviyenko and vyacheslav volodin. the speaker of the federation council and the state duma reported on the results of the spring session. it became the longest, started earlier, and ended.
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defense andrei belousov instructed to promptly well, just in continuation of this topic, the minister prepare a document allowing spouses to accompany military personnel during medical rehabilitation. as reported by the defense ministry, this concerns issues of travel and joint residence during the period
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of treatment. well, returning to the conversation between vladimir putin and the speakers of both houses of parliament, they told the president that during the spring session, deputies and senators adopted more than 330 laws, some of which concerned. migration is of concern, there are many requests, we adopted six laws in this area, literally on the day of the closing of the state duma, when summed up, a law was adopted, an amendment to the law on citizenship, a full-fledged law in principle, we adopted it to the first as a whole, where those who receive citizenship of the russian federation are obliged to register for military service and fulfill their civic duty by serving in the armed forces. we also adopted new norms laws that toughen the responsibility of migrants for offenses, and also proposed to the government to adjust by-laws in terms of
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deportation of migrants who illegally entered or violated something. provision security remains one of the most important priorities. this is the stable functioning of the armed forces, their development, providing them with modern types of equipment, weapons, ammunition, support for our guys who... on the front line, on the line of combat contact, risk their lives and health to protect the interests of our state, and of course their family members, all this will be a priority for the future work of the parliament, already in the autumn session. ukrainian media reports a series of explosions in kiev, the most powerful sound of the first of them, they write telegram channels, was heard throughout the city. the authors of the messages assume that it was the arrival of iskander, there is also information about explosions near poltava in the city
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of kanatop, sumy region, an air raid alarm has been declared on half of the territory of ukraine, sirens have been triggered, including in chernihiv, dnepropetrovsk, kharkov, vinnytsia , cherkasy, khmelnytsky, kirovograd and zhitomir regions. andrey belousov congratulated the military who took part in the liberation of novosyolovka, the first in the dpr, the minister sent telegrams to the personnel sixth. creating a firing point from it. the defenders of russia advanced systematically, without weakening
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their grip, from house to house, from street to street. the pressure of artillery, armored vehicles, and assault groups forced the enemy to abandon everything and roll back even further to the next lines. as a result, the flag of the 114th brigade flies on one of the surviving houses. the fire of heavy flamethrower systems inflicted damage on two strong points in the novgorod area. the enemy lost up to 360 servicemen. terambaric shells and tosochkas, the groupings of troops of the center one by one leave to the target. the heavy flamethrower machine on the other side of the front was put in second place in terms of power after nuclear weapons. 18 missiles burn out a huge area at once. tosochka is a graceful and deadly dangerous machine, literally a fiery whirlwind, encased in metal. unlike sanzepek, it received another, softer name. however, do not be fooled or hope, if you look. from the enemy side, its combat characteristics are in no way inferior, and in some places even surpass
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its predecessor. a few minutes ago, the forest regiment that had been alive again falls silent. today quickly complete the task of changing the square, means preserving the equipment and the lives of the crew. if we can't leave quickly, then we will be put on the bed. a special detachment has been created against us, which is catching, let's say, our car. machine guns, sniper rifles, small arms create an impenetrable lead. curtain for the birds of the armed forces of ukraine, while the flamethrower system continues to hit the square. on the chest of the kama and the flag is the small homeland of the fighter. the professional soldier first served on sontsepok in the kremenaya area, later took his place already on tos-2. and this was the first combat work for both the machine and the crew. thanks to the high reliability and unpretentiousness of this combat vehicle, simplicity and convenience, we coped with the task perfectly. the goal is to open the way for the infantry, the avdeevka section continues to crumble. dmitry ermakov,
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roman frolov, vesti donetsk. the heads of the g7 mfa called for de-escalation in the middle east. the corresponding statement was published on the website of the us state department. the ministers emphasized that quote: no country or people. meanwhile, the israeli military reported the liquidation of the commander of an elite battalion within the hezbollah movement in the south. lebanon. earlier, the head of the jewish state's defense ministry, yuland, held a series of consultations with the head of the us central command, michael kurilla. the parties discussed ways to expand the coalition's defense in the region. idf chief of staff hertz halevy also discussed joint training with kurilla in the event of a missile threat in the middle east. details in the reports of our correspondents in the region, alexandra belibova and evgeniya. beirut people's airport is working at its capacity these days, thousands of passengers who are in a hurry
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to leave lebanon, wait for hours for information about their flights, which are either postponed indefinitely or cancelled altogether. i have been here since midnight, my flight was scheduled for 40 am, it was delayed, the first time until 1 pm, now it has been postponed again until 6 pm. i planned to fly on august 4, but my first flight was cancelled, it was polish airlines. i bought a ticket for a turkish plane airlines, but it was also cancelled, and today i have been waiting for 10 hours for my third flight, which was delayed. while passenger planes from lebanon are leaving, transport planes with humanitarian aid on board. have already begun to land, this one delivered 32 tons of medicines and dressings for local hospitals in case of a large number of wounded. we have decided to increase the preparedness of all hospitals of the entire health sector in lebanon by delivering the necessary aid and equipment that will be available in hospitals, especially in the most vulnerable areas so that we are prepared to deal with any
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emergency, but despite the sharp deterioration of the situation, most lebanese are not going anywhere... the lebanese people are not kneeling, they will resist and respond to every attack, what is important is that we are united at this critical moment for our existence, as a state, no one wants war. no one is thirsty for war. we know the consequences of a total war, which the israelis want, but if it happens, we will enter as a united whole. the threat of a full-scale war is now more real than ever before. the lebanese are seriously concerned that their country could become a second gaza strip, where almost 40,000 people have already died since october last year.
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the israeli air force launched another indiscriminate strike on the palestinian enclave the day before. the bombing of two schools resulted in the islamic republic of iran, using its inalienable right based on international rules and regulations, will definitely take serious action. deterrent actions to ensure their safety to punish the aggressor with force and determination. and in the islamic revolutionary guard corps, the mood is even more militant. when israel receives a firm answer, it will understand that it was wrong. they continue to make miscalculations. they repeated this mistake this time, they will taste our punishment again. the main question now remains
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where, to what extent and when tehran will carry out its plans. in arabic, there is an expression: bukra inshallah, translated as tomorrow, if it pleases the almighty, but the meaning of these words should not be taken literally, the one who pronounces them only confirms his readiness for certain actions, without specifying the time when exactly he intends to fulfill the promise. alexander bilipov, dmitry cherbakov and evgeny samsonov, news middle east. today's rocket attack on northern galilee by hezbollah militants , salvos from gaza on southern kibbutzim and villages of israel. this is the routine of everyday life in war. residents of the country are expecting a large, massive attack from iran, yemen and lebanon at the same time. for michael kurilo, head of the us central command, arrived in tel aviv on monday to coordinate the interaction of troops with the israeli general staff in repelling this attack. it is not surprising that in
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such a situation, one of the most popular sites in israel today is the home front command website. i want to emphasize that at this time there is no change in the home front command's defensive policy, we are working to provide you with the necessary warnings to prepare for any threat, we will update the instructions only when necessity. today , a new system has been added to the usual methods of warning about air attacks, notifying people that they are in a shelling zone, the new application does not even require installing a smartphone, the program will automatically...
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supporters of an early deal to release the hostages and an immediate ceasefire do not miss the opportunity to recall the fate of the israelis kidnapped and taken to the gaza strip on october 7. today, for example, one of the bibos brothers, ariel, turns 5 years old, his, his younger brother kfir, their parents were kidnapped on october 7, they are still in gaza nothing is known for sure about their fate and condition, the ten-month military actions in the gaza strip may be just a prelude to a major regional war. the general staff does not rule out the possibility of a preemptive strike against an enemy that knows how to play.
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what the french authorities spent on cleaning the seine , only vomit remained. triathletes on the eve of today's team relay were withdrawn from the competition one after another. three athletes at once, this is only for now, were found to be coli. due to the threat of illness , the entire belgian team refused to participate in the stage. nevertheless, the swim was held. the decision not to participate in the relay was made in agreement with the athletes and their entourage. the belgian triathlon federation hopes that the organizers of the olympic games will learn lessons for future competitions. one of the belgian triathletes suffered for 4 days and eventually sought medical help at the olympic village clinic. specialists diagnosed a stomach infection. it turned out that the athlete developed the disease after swimming in
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seine in personal competitions. however, this information was quickly denied by the international olympic committee at today's briefing. they say that the swim is in no way connected with the triathlete's illness. the fact that the level of this bacterium greatly exceeds the norm in the seine river can become a psychological problem. one of the guests of the olympics, a frenchman, who was initially skeptical about this news and decided to check the quality of water in the main artery of the capital of the fifth republic himself, the result shocked his social media users. this
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clean water, and this water is discharged from water treatment plants, the water supposedly should be normal, but in fact it is clear that it is unsuitable, everything that gets into the seine is not purified, there is everything here, there is toilet paper, unpurified water flows straight. neither athletes nor fans are happy with such a company, the internet has taken up arms with criticism against the organizers, saying how could they even come up with such a thing, they remember that the swim in the seine was macron's personal idea, so they never abandoned it, there was not even a backup plan, the mayor of anandalgo recently admitted, which, by the way , received personal gratitude from the president of the fifth republic, oddly enough, for cleaning the water in the seine. we are in some way clowns in a circus, and it's a bit offensive, the organizers did not think about the athletes at all, they thought more about the environment and... about how to look good and sell the event nasenya, they did not think at all about the health of the athletes, they had 8 years to prepare for the games, every year it got worse, it's a shame. urbanists,
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ecologists are sure that cleaning the waters was in principle an unrealizable idea, so the parisian sewer system is arranged: whether you swim in the west of the city, or in the east, either with the current or against it, you can’t get rid of the dirt, because all the hay is literally strewn with spillways, the drainage drains, that is... roughly speaking, what comes out of our apartments, as well as hotels, and storm drains go along the same route, this leads to the fact that in the case of heavy rainfall, the device, the equipment that cleans the water, is overloaded, in the case of an overload , a discharge simply occurs, however, dirty water is not the only problem, athletes complain about unsuitable living conditions in the olympic village. here, for example, is footage of a swimmer from italy forced to sleep right outside because there is no air conditioning in his room in thirty-degree heat. oil on the fire, or rather dirt in the games is still falling apart at the apatage
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opening ceremony with... the high-class performance of the organizers was thanked by the american church of satan, what is not in the states. the high priest even called the concert quote a triumph of human freedom over god and the best opening of the olympics in the last half century. could it be that the organizers saw their target audience as non -sports fans, satan worshippers. the rhetorical question of social media users apparently found its answer. emil mirsayev, news. the third round of the russian football premier league ended with a match in moscow at the lukola arena, the capital's sports club beat the samara krylia sovetov with a score of 3:0. details in the material by our correspondent danila mokhalin. not the first season, in the summer spartak shows bright football with a large number of goals, which attracts thousands of spectators to stadium, even on monday evening, still in warm, comfortable weather. victory is coming.
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and did not lose points in the match with the wings, winning with a score of 3:0, thanks to a double by ugald and a goal by prutsev. this is the third victory in a row under coach deni stankevich, covering four defeats in four matches since the start of this season. for now , zenit, which crushed rostov at home 5:00, looks absolutely unattainable in many respects. the petersburgers have 13 goals in three rounds, first place in the table and phenomenal statistics by maxim glushenkov. whose account already has eight goals in the season in four games. moscow dynamo has a 100% result after a 2:0 away victory over okron, cska also pleased its fans, who simply left orenburg no chance. a 5:1 victory and a brace from central defender igor deveev. it was an interesting emotional game, with many moments for both of us and them, and we scored more, all the boys are great, congratulating
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cska on their victory. in other matches of the tour , lokomotiv was no less convincing against akhmat in grozny. rubin lost to khimki at home, paris won a minimal victory in makhachkala, and krasnodar again did not win this time against voronezh fakel. the next fourth round starts on august 9. daniil makhalin, sergey ukhvarenok, danila kuznetsov, alexander stalmashevsky, news.
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we will take on this.


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