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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 3:30am-4:01am MSK

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"it can't be worse, it can be better, that 's been our motto in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up." we continue the broadcast. the international
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olympic committee knew that boxers iman khililif from algeria and lin yuting from taiwan, who pretend to be women, failed the gender test, but sports officials still allowed these genetic men to fight against women, each such fight ended in scandal, but despite this , transgender people have already secured medals for themselves olympics in paris. stas redikultsev will tell new details. in olympic paris, the gender scandal continues to rage and...
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the world championship last year, but the international olympic committee allowed them to compete in the olympics in paris. we sent a corresponding letter to mog regarding the disqualification of these athletes, and we also informed the organizing committee of the games in paris. mog had all this information, but did nothing with it. they relied on...
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explained at a press conference in paris: the international boxing association's position a room full of journalists is eloquent evidence of the resonance caused by the beating of men and women in the olympic ring. we have two blood tests that confirm the male kareotype, that ... has
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a male and female profile, this is an anomaly, she can be both a man and a woman at the same time, where to classify such athletes, we want to protect other girls from such an athlete who has male potential, ordinary female athletes have less physical strength than those who have male and female coreotype. mokh, in turn, calls the gender tests initiated by the international boxing association illegal and turns a blind eye to the fact that every fight involving transgender boxers ends. stas ridikultsev, alexander salmashevsky, news! young karate fighters from russia won eight gold medals at the world championships in tokyo. the youngest winners were nine-year-old miron sorokin and ten-year-old.
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belarus, india, france, canada and the usa. our broadcast will continue with the stopfake program, its host alexey kazakov will expose the kiev propaganda and will talk about the technologies of the information war against russia in this issue we will talk about lowering the mobilization age in ukraine about the possible conscription of women. into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine. in ukraine there is no mass or forced mobilization and no plans are in place, and the rights of those liable for military service are fully respected. the media of the kiev regime has been broadcasting this thesis from
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the very first days of the svo, but the louder it sounds, the tighter the screws of military conscription are tightened, which has managed to turn into a real hunt for people. more about we'll tell everyone right now in the stopfake program on... russia 24. so, let's take things in order. in the first days of the current conflict, perhaps the main narrative of the ukrainians was that not everyone would have to go to the front. they say that reservists who already have solid experience of combat operations in donbass, well, during the ill-fated ato, are quite enough to confront russian troops . however, civilians were already made an interesting offer back then, they called on the notorious territorial defense. everything was presented as if they were fighting in reality, no one will force them. the task will be limited to guarding rear facilities, and those who agree will be paid good money and given benefits. in general, on paper the scenario looked attractive, but what in reality? for many, this very entry into territorial defense was a gesture of, well, how to say, uh, well, like
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taking a selfie, they gave you a weapon there, you took some pictures there, in fact, as if without leaving home you will be there especially, well, that is , that it is beautiful, heroic and promising. but it turned out that you, not that it is not very beautiful, but that you you are still in the units that are supplied on a residual basis, well, in the end, those who did not quite understand what the legislation is, concerning the armed forces in general, but they were very disappointed, because very quickly, instead of standing at a checkpoint somewhere, robbing, uh, in the same kiev, there in the kiev region, they found themselves first in the kharkov region, then in ... donbass, although this was only the first call of many. for example, at first they seriously discussed the illegality of the ban on leaving the country men, they said that it would contradict the constitution, but not even a few days passed before the illusion of freedom of choice ended. the borders were simply closed to male citizens aged 18 to 60, and
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a loophole was left for a small group, which included people with serious illnesses, sole guardians of small children, or those who have relatives dependent on them. thus, the relaxation extended to a few thousand out of millions of men, which was poorly consistent with the promises to do without conscription of everyone in a row. naturally, ukraine, the ukrainian government , in order to, as they say, boil a frog alive, it is better to slowly heat the water, they did not say that we will gather everyone in the end, they will kill everyone, but the conversation was from the fact that it would be possible there, who are volunteers, someone can sit it out in the rear, that's it. and this led to the fact that thanks to all these systems of creating squads, there are these rear tro, they received, roughly speaking, access, well, to information, where people live, somehow brought them together in some organizational structures, through which it was
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then it would be easier to mobilize further. at this stage, it would be time for ukrainians to think about their unenviable fate, but propaganda seems to have lulled their vigilance, using its signature mirroring technique. unwanted agents meduza and sota gave the zheftoblokite info dumps a profitable narrative, based on which all russian men were supposedly going to have their passports cancelled and would be left without the opportunity to travel abroad, the latter, as we remember, was not confirmed, but against this background zelensky signed an order that ukrainians men are not allowed to leave not just the country, but the districts where they live. every time the ukrainian authorities attempt to implement and adopt a new law that... tightens mobilization, which limits the rights of ukrainian citizens, they first conduct an information operation, in which they play out this situation using russia as an example, that is, they do not throw in a narrative that russia is closing its borders, that russia is declaring a mobilization of children, that russia is limiting
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the rights of its citizens, this is the narrative that they throw in, they try to use it to make the information field noisy so that it would be impossible for the truth to break through, on the other hand, to distract potential cannon fodder for a long time, should we not be surprised that after a couple of months even ukrainian newspapers were forced to admit that the number of people willing to voluntarily join the armed forces of ukraine was decreasing every day. in turn, the attention of ordinary people increasingly switched to officials. such as the former secretary of the national security council danilov, whose adult son, according to the official version, joined the armed forces, was in fact found by reporters in miami, where he permanently rests by the ocean, similarly resonant was the scandal involving nordep of the sending party sloga naroda, arestov in the verkhovna rada, he was again engaged in security issues, but preferred the maldives to ukraine, while his son turned out to be a professional draft dodger who left the country immediately after. the beginning of hostilities and, of course, did not return there in the twenty-third, when the declared partial
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mobilization suddenly became general. in ukraine there is such a term: monaco battalion, this is battalion, which is located on the most important frontiers, on the beaches, at the resorts, uh, in the mountains and on alpine skis, and these are children, not just there, who were born with a gold spoon in their mouth, with a gold ladle in their mouth, these are. children of deputies, children of local oligarchs, children of local officials who use ukraine as a big corporation and gave it away to the point that there are no people left there, those who have at least a little money, at least a few connections, they left long ago, and what remained there is not the white bone, but the black bone, those who are not a pity, those who are considered not as a citizen of ukraine, not even as a person, a man, a father, there the one who will continue the family line, but... is used as a mobilization resource, as for
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the hijackers, of a simpler rank, as the ukrainian lie factory claims, their numbers have never exceeded the statistical error, that is, they were and remain small, they say, if someone thinks otherwise, then these people are victims of the russian information and psychological operation, but what about specific cases, and we are not even talking about the tskashniks, from whom someone constantly runs away which we have talked about many times, and about legislative nuances. associated, for example, with the educational system. judge for yourself, for the period from february 22 to april 23 , the number of fee-paying students in the universities of the independent country who were receiving a second or third higher education increased by as much as 40%, and the overwhelming majority of them, what a coincidence, were men over 30 years old. then, already in the summer of 23, the statistics for applicants in the age category from 25 years inclusive jumped significantly, and those wishing to engage in scientific activities at the postgraduate level.
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in the fall, in the new mobilization law these opportunities are already covered, this is one of the types of shillyashtv, very calm, quiet, not attracting attention, in the hope that in those years that, in general, will be spent on this study, all this will end, however, this shop remained open for a very short time, at first the bandera clique guaranteed a deferment to the entire student community, regardless of which diploma in order this or that student is applying for. but the law, which allows mobilizing applicants for a second or subsequent education
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did not take long to arrive, by the way, he also cancelled the reservation for correspondence students, therefore, the opportunity to study endlessly, or at least to imitate studying for the sake of survival, quickly turned into a fiction, with postgraduate students in the end it turned out even more interesting, during a military conflict they always very actively make money on this conflict, first, of course, these are scammers, criminals who take advantage of fear, we see how... the higher education system also integrated into this fraudulent scheme, when at first they said that all forms of postgraduate studies of the second higher education would be a reason for deferment, but now, when a large number of manpower is needed again on the front line, and zelensky, his retinue passed laws that say that paid forms, evening forms of higher education and postgraduate studies are not a reason for deferment, and of course no one returns money to these new students who came to study and postgraduate students in the new professions and specialists and science, no one
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will return, but this does not compare to how the regime deceived citizens with health restrictions , starting in the spring of twenty-second , persons with a white ticket were repeatedly asked to visit recruitment centers, well, under the pretext of pure formality, as if they wanted to confirm their unsuitability for service, and imagine what was the amazement of those very unsuitable, when many of them, including the disabled, found themselves in ... wanted by military commissars, individual publications they immediately turned on anti-crisis management in the spirit that the transfer of the tcc to digital databases led to unforeseen errors, but the reality turned out to be much more prosaic and instead... a terrible situation, since in may of 24 the list of patients not subject to mobilization was significantly reduced. recently , even people with hiv can be sent to, say, taretsk or volchansk, and it, let me remind you, is considered non-infectious only in the asymptomatic stage, provided that you constantly take medications, which you may not find in the trenches. no less terrifying the fate of those with oncological diseases is developing
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, an inoperable tumor with metastases exempts from service, but a person in remission automatically becomes fit. it doesn't matter that he needs to be regularly monitored by doctors to avoid relapse. epileptics were given a break in words, they won't be given weapons in their hands if they have seizures, but dizziness and fainting from participating in meat storms are not insured. there will also be a place in the trenches for ukrainians with initial manifestations of dementia, drug and alcohol addiction, and only patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder and manic-depressive psychosis are allowed to sit out in the rear units. they. profess a very simple principle, that is , if a person can - endure 2-3 days at the front, make a certain number of shots there at the enemy, that is, at us, then accordingly it does not matter what diseases he has, that is, he will still be dead there in a week or two, and after he appears at the front, well, that is, the average
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lifespan of a mobilized fighter, therefore they don't feel any sentiment.
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the law that mobilization will start from 18 years old, but all these people are now hostages, they say officially from 25 years old, but you can also imagine that this is a complete extermination of the young population, these are demands that come from the west, these are demands that are put forward for loans, for the supply of aid, because
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it is a pity for the equipment, but not for the people, there is bradley, which burned down, it was discussed, well, just everywhere. some kind of hymars and a launcher that burned down, oh, they discussed it everywhere, and how many people they buried there, and this was not particularly discussed. it is quite possible that nothing good awaits ukrainian women, who, as you have heard, are also proposed to be put on a pencil on an equal basis with eighteen-year-old men. here the gang with the bank is working according to the same scheme of gradual tightening of the rules, from the unconditional denial in june twenty -second, to the order for the so-called selective registration in just 2 months.
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they are releasing and will not be releasing, but they will mobilize, as personnel, namely specialists, of course, they will detain them, they will force them in some form to serve in the army, well, first of all, as medical workers, and take responsibility for the death of someone's wives, sisters and mothers, the political leadership of the regime is in no hurry, so all sorts of reservations are used, well, they say that registration will not oblige them to travel to... mobilization, what is worth at least the plan of the ministry of economy of ukraine, to involve women in demining territories, allegedly for reasons of gender equality. under the legend of these very values ​​of european
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western, where gender equality is one of the key values, now zelensky is trying to mobilize women, trying to send them, well, for now, for such seemingly not dangerous, as he considers work, a sponsor was found in the video of canada, who allocates. this is money and under this hype they will now mobilize women, that is, supposedly they will go to demining, but it is not excluded, i just cannot exclude, not excluding that of course some women will used in mine clearance, but some women will go directly to the front line, they will actually replace men there, and additional evidence is the july statement by us secretary of state anthony blinken, who seems to have blabbed ahead of time what the allies in kiev had expected to hide until the very end. this is only a small part of our efforts to ensure
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that ukraine can not only defend itself today, but also reach the level where it can stand firmly on its own feet. as specified, the same bulletproof vests will be purchased about 10,000 pieces, but who knows, maybe in the future they will need much more. according to statistics, the female population of ukraine aged 16 to... 46% are either minors or raising children, they are being screened out for now, the rest are hypothetically available for conscription, and here it is also important to understand that civilian specialists for the rear work of the armed forces of ukraine are not particularly needed, evidence of this is the fact that today there are 67,000 women in the ranks of the ukrainian army, only 19,000 of them work as personnel officers, lawyers or financiers, while 4800 are not... directly military personnel, over 10 thousand of whom are now right on the front line. experience shows that in some cases women can quite replace
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men, in fact the ukrainian side takes advantage of this, that is, firstly, they are sent more to these rear units for doctors and other things, that is, thereby freeing up, so to speak, these positions and having the opportunity to transfer men to the front line, secondly, some of the... women are quite mentally stable enough to withstand the loads there, specifically on the front lines, i mean psychological loads, and accordingly, the fact that the ukrainian side has resorted to this means that they are ready to destroy the female population for the sake of their chimera of this ukrainian nation, so students, women and seriously ill people have already been de facto put on the waiting list to receive summonses, and what about refugees in the eu countries, even at the beginning of this year , it seemed that the soul catchers would not reach them, because almost all eu states promised not to extradite displaced persons to kiev. but let us remember how
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the point of view of poland, where there are especially many immigrants from ukraine, has changed since then. in the spring, warsaw took on the obligation to protect them, and already in mid-july, prime minister tusk willingly supported zelensky's initiative to create a polish territory of the ukrainian legion. at first, it was positioned as a formation for a relatively small number of volunteers, but a little later. the head of the ministry of defense umerov made adjustments, he transparently hinted that all ukrainians living in europe will have to sign up. then there will be violent, punitive detachments, already created from polish tskashniks, who will go check documents and take them there from their usual polish life, from family life, back home, because they don’t really need all that there either, they require it.
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on the quantity, not on the quality of personnel, accordingly, taking into account the consistently high dynamics of losses, instead of victories the regime should prepare for an endless expansion of cemeteries, insist on the opposite can only a permanent audience of ridiculous fakes, which we will definitely continue to expose in the stopfake program on the russia 24 tv channel. yes. hit yourself on the head, the main thing is, vanya, hurry up, what kindles interest, where it all started, and makes life brighter. ogniva
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sharpened me likhodi, of course, ogniva, sham, ivan, and, so we are namesakes, soon, dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our next issue of the author's program. besagon tv, which will be called, where it starts man, i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you at our meeting. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we install, open. we watch
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russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competitions of ideas and money, a sensation has occurred, and what a sensation, they are tense inside america. outside of it, what is the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch now follow? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture. the pursuit of views changes entire locations. it is easy to make
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a deep fake. a powerful explosion was seen tonight by residents of kiev. the impact was so strong that eyewitnesses could see a column of fire several kilometers away, and the roar was heard throughout the city. ukrainian telegram channels write that it could have been an iskander missile. in total , three series of explosions have already been reported in kiev. similar information has also come from other regions countries, kharkov, konotopov in sumy
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region, as well as poltava, khmelnytsky regions and controlled


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