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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 5:30am-6:00am MSK

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pushed these people into the doorway and maybe this is all a dream and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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the world market is in a feverish state amid the growing likelihood of a recession in the united states. the decline in stock indices, which was observed last week, is gradually turning into a collapse. japan's nikei fell by 13% at once. this has not happened since black monday in 1987. other markets in the asia-pacific region are also declining. investors began to withdraw funds so sharply that circuit breakers were triggered in tokyo and siula, temporarily halting trading. american players are behaving in the same way, in particular warren buffett's berkshire hadaway is actively getting rid of shares and transferring money into cash. their volume has grown
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to a record 276 billion dollars. stock exchanges are falling globally now due to a whole series of negative news items coming out in america, related to the fact that weak figures were published on new jobs and that many technology companies announced worse-than-expected corporate results for the first half of the twenty-first century. fourth year. as for the asian markets, of course they... especially the largest japanese index, it is not linked to america and does not react linearly to changes in the american stock market, and many american technology companies are heavily tied to asian markets, the reason for the panic was the publication of weak data on the us economy, a decrease in the number of jobs, negative forecasts for production, an increase in the number of corporate bankruptcies, all this makes analysts talk about the risk recession. goldman sachs
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estimates its probability at 25%, jp morgan even at 50% . one of the main reasons for the economic slowdown is the high fed rate, which has been at 5.25, 5.5% since july of 2023. monetary policy had to be tightened due to the acceleration of inflation. according to forecasts, the rate cut may begin in september. however, given the risk of recession , the decision may be made earlier. bloomberg estimates the probability that an emergency fed meeting will take place this week at 60%. the stock market decline, yes, in itself, of course, there, uh, is not a catalyst for any action with the nfrs, yes, i think that the efedreserve will continue to look at the inflation statistics, which , it must be said, are now falling quite actively, yes, the labor market is falling, the unemployment rate has grown to 4.3 in america, i think that they will act quite carefully. cautiously, perhaps
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some first steps to reduce the rate will really be taken. european markets also opened with a decline on monday, a fall in great britain. germany, france, spain. the istanbul stock exchange index fell by 7%, which led to a temporary halt in trading. the storm reached the cryptocurrency markets. bitcoin fell below 50 thousand dollars, this is the lowest price in the last six months. oil also fell in price, fears about weak demand turned out to be a more serious factor than the escalation in the middle east. all this data indicates obvious problems in the global economy, and although, according to analysts, it is premature to predict a global crisis, on the horizon of the next 12...
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will catch us next week, it is definitely premature to talk about it. the moscow exchange is also starting the week in the red zone, despite the fact that the data for july were impressive, the total trading volume was 128 trillion rubles. this is an increase of more than 23 percent. according to experts, the russian market will be less susceptible to the influence of the events that are currently happening in the american economy. parliamentary hour is on air. let's continue. state duma deputies unanimously decided to contact the head of government on the issue of improving regulations in the sphere migration. we are talking about providing a legislative mechanism for the forced expulsion of foreign citizens and stateless persons who do not have legal grounds
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for being on the territory of russia. today's resolution is precisely the solution to the issues. we draw the government's attention to the fact that many by-laws are required.
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from the point of view of migration policy and from the point of view of the legalization of migrants in violation of the requirements of the law, we see this as a serious risk factor for threats to national security, according to irina erova, in further questions will concern both the law enforcement block, in particular the work of the ministry of internal affairs, registration and length of stay of russian immigrants, and the sphere of health protection. it is noted that the commission was formed taking into account all the features. higher education has become more accessible due to the increase in the number of budget places. the mechanism for training personnel for targeted recruitment developed by the state duma will continue to operate, and the inventions of young
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scientists will also receive support. the head of the ministry of education and science told the deputies about this at the government hour. maria burkova, more details. find a cure. or create a coli battery, until recently it seemed simply impossible, and today russian scientists in these laboratory walls are creating the very impossible to improve our lives. contrast agents for ultrasound are an invention that will help diagnose and treat infertility, detect heart attacks in the future with the help of this development , a cure for ...
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created a phantom for experiments. there is no such phantom in the world for testing contrast agents, and for training doctors, because now there is a problem that doctors are learning. to do ultrasound on patients, the ultrasound passes through this mannequin as it would pass through a person, that is , the materials are completely analogous to human tissue. our boxes, inside them there is argon, dry argon, and here we assemble these small koens prototypes of these small batteries. we can mix liquids that are sensitive to air, but since
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we are inside an inert atmosphere, we use it calmly. polina morozova is 29, she is one of the first in the world who right now develops new generation batteries, potassium-ion batteries. their cost will be approximately two times less than the price of conventional lithium-ion batteries. potassium-ion batteries are cheaper. because potassium is everywhere, potassium deposits are in russia, in the cis countries, asia, the middle east, everywhere, and lithium deposits, there are few of them, potassium batteries, they are intended for stationary power engineering, this is an uninterruptible power supply, these are batteries for logistics transport. most of the inventions young scientists are developing today thanks to the national project science and universities.
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minister valery folkov reported to the deputies on its implementation and, in general, on state policy in higher and additional professional education. starting in 2020, on the instructions of the president, we have consistently increased the number of budget places in universities. the task has been accomplished today. the availability of higher education in the country has increased significantly. today, over 60% of eleventh-grade graduates have the opportunity to enter universities full-time. on budget places. the program developed by the state duma for targeted recruitment helped to prepare personnel this year. vice speaker irina yarovaya gave an example. last year , only 65% ​​of quotas were used for medical specialties. this year it could be almost 90. we propose that in order to prepare for targeted recruitment even more effectively next year, together with you and the ministers who were part of our working group, we continue this work on the site. thank you once again for cooperation, my answer will be brief, supported, we will
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interact even more thoroughly throughout the coming year. thank you very much. deputies raised questions about personnel for our companies abroad. the success of the project work of russia requires a similar resource, work abroad, parliamentarians believe. the branches of our largest companies abroad experience the same shortage of personnel as companies located in the territory of the russian federation. what work is being done in this direction in order to ensure personnel to... achieve technological sovereignty, primarily through the implementation of new
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national projects. the basis for the successful implementation of each such project is advanced scientific research and professional personnel. in the joint work of the united russia faction, with the ministry of science and higher education, these areas are key. parliamentarians also proposed to more actively implement a practice-oriented approach in the training of specialists in universities, as well as train them to work with artificial intelligence. in the professional environment, the leader faction alexey nechayev noted that education today is part of not only the social, but also the economic sphere. we have 13 priority strategic sectors that the government has identified, and of course, when we think about personnel, about education, we need highly qualified specialists in these sectors first of all, it is important for us, with limited resources, to make real technological leadership of russia. in the world. before the government hour , not only duma
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factions, but also committees met with minister folkov. for the parliamentary oleg morozov is responsible for control. he stated that the relevant committee checked all the state duma resolutions in the field of education for 4 years. in general, the interaction of the state duma with the ministry, the development of the necessary legislative decisions is carried out on a regular basis, which allows us to see all the pain points in the development of the higher education and science system in the country, and make the necessary adjustments to this process. sergey kabushev noted that the development of higher education should be balanced with other priorities in the overall system of state policy. such work is currently being actively carried out. within the framework of the formation of national projects, while it is extremely important that the achieved level of funding does not decrease, but that higher education is materially strengthened, including for the purpose of significantly increasing the prestige of teaching and increasing spending on scientific research. in their speeches , representatives of the faction made a proposal
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for the development of the higher education system in the country, and also positively noted the work ministries and its...
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that is, when the indicators change, resources change, the relevant committees should be immersed in this ongoing work together with federal ministries and departments. chairman of the control committee, oleg morozov noted that, according to current legislation, all interaction between the state duma and the cabinet of ministers in terms of informing about the content of state programs should be built through the portal of the state program of the russian federation, which is currently operating in test mode. according to the deputy, work is currently underway to adaptation of the resource, also for the purpose of parliamentary control. it is assumed that each state duma committee will have its own personal account. it will present in detail all supervised programs and their parameters. this work is aimed at ensuring the possibility of familiarization by specialized committees with the content of changes introduced to state programs,
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preparation by specialized committees, if necessary, of their conclusions on the proposed. files of changes and receiving a reaction to these conclusions from the relevant files. the bank of russia has increased key rate to 18% per annum. inflation has accelerated and is significantly higher than the april forecast. what can we expect from this trend and will it take a downward course? we discussed this with the chairman of the state duma committee on financial markets, anatoly aksakov. so far , the growth rate of mortgage lending is surprising. well, it is clear that in june. i jump, since the preferential mortgage lending program was ending, almost more than doubled in june in obtaining mortgage loans under preferential programs, in general, the volume preferential mortgage loans in the total volume of mortgage loans amounted to more than 80%, this is not normal, so they curtailed preferential
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mortgage lending in order to return to a normal market, but now... the rates are high and you have to be very brave to take out mortgage loans at such a rate, and i think that the rate of mortgage lending will decrease in the second half of this year, and quite significantly, and this in turn should affect the cost of housing that is sold on the market, high rates of growth of mortgage lending in previous periods, it was accompanied by very high growth. the cost of housing sold to citizens, it is clear that the demand for mortgage loans will be associated with the key rate. anatoly genovich, please tell us what your forecast is, when will the central bank rate finally fall, mortgages will become affordable, the key rate will begin to decrease, interest rates on mortgage loans will decrease. i believe that inflation
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will begin to decrease in the second half of this year, it is now quite high, about 9%. very gradually, observing the situation on market, the twenty-fifth year this trend from my point of view will continue, i think that in the twenty-fifth year inflation will begin to decline, well and... year, thanks to this the key rate will decrease to such a target parameter, which the central bank has set for itself, 4%. chairman of the state
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duma vyacheslav volodin, this week, on behalf of russian president vladimir putin , took part in the inauguration ceremony of the elected president of the islamic republic of iran. masoud pesishkian officially took office. the inauguration took place in tehran on 30 july. the new president of iran took the oath in the presence of representatives of all branches of government of the republic and high-ranking politicians from 80 countries. immediately after the inauguration ceremony, vyacheslav volodin met with masoud pesishkian. the chairman of the state duma conveyed congratulations to the new president of iran on his victory in the elections and words of greeting from vladimir putin. also during his visit to tehran, vyacheslav volodin discussed issues of interparliamentary cooperation with his colleague, the head of the islamic consultative assembly of iran, mohammad. ghalibaf. the topic of discussion was also preparations for holding a conference of parliamentary speakers on countering terrorism , strengthening regional cooperation , the next meeting of the russian-iranian
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interparliamentary commission. russia is ready to increase cooperation with african countries, in particular with the democratic republic of the congo. the development of relations with this state was discussed at a meeting of the relevant parliamentary group this week. it was attended by the deputy head of the department of international information security of the ministry of foreign affairs, karl tihoza, who is currently preparing for appointment to the post of russian ambassador to the democratic republic of congo. we must work to study the possibilities of expanding our presence there and expanding, first of all, possible investments there, including, for example, in the mining, say, extractive industry of congo. the deputies identified a number of priority areas of cooperation. coordinator of the relevant parliamentary group. ostanina proposed increasing the number of students from african countries in russian universities, it is also important to introduce the residents of the continent to our culture traditions, deputies believe,
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support humanitarian programs. parliamentarians suggested sending translated editions of russian classics to africa. large russian companies can be involved in the project. and classics, modern literature. now if we turn to them, we would prepare a letter from our group, everyone would sign this letter, they would turn to us. therefore , it is wonderful. fulfilling their ambassadorial duties, we will also discuss this topic, how this is already a mechanism for implementing all this, let's take this direction, because we think that this is very important, the deputies will also extend an invitation to the delegation of the democratic republic of the congo to attend the international forum on family values, which will be held in the state duma this fall, and russia and cuba plan to increase joint trade turnover of agricultural products, problems and prospects for cooperation in the agro-industrial complex , the state duma deputies discussed with their overseas colleagues as part of a meeting of the specialized working group of the russian-cuban
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interparliamentary commission. deputies of the island freedoms took part in the meeting via video link. cooperation between russia and cuba in the field of agriculture is developing successfully. in recent months, the volume of trade in the agricultural sector between the countries has doubled. the island is actively supplying the russian market with coffee. interaction mechanisms. the most popular product in cuba is our grain fertilizer. this year, russia has already sent about 150,000
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tons of wheat to the island of freedom, including commercial supplies. for grain, only one company is working so far. russian company, but according to deputies, the volume of wheat supplies to cuba can be increased by attracting other domestic grain producers. it is ready to supply 120,000 tons by the end of the year, that is, that's all. it is ready, but i would suggest yes, to fully satisfy cuba's needs, because we have more than enough of such companies, and we still need to increase the volume of supplies, yes, then we will begin work on attracting other companies. and that's all, you watched the parliamentary hour program, see you on air.
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dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our next issue of the author's program besagon. in, which will be called where does a person begin, i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you at this meeting of ours, we are used to watching videos, everything stopped working, we install,
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open, watch russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs, and documentaries, we watch, watch in the application or on the website, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law, shoot first, competitions of ideas and money, a sensation occurred, and what a sensation, america was tense, for...
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a series of explosions in the regions of ukraine in kiev a huge pillar of fire after the strike was visible for several kilometers, the message about the detonation came. from kharkov, sumy, poltava, khmelnytsky regions and kiev-controlled kherson. hamas stated that the iranian authorities have already chosen the exact time of the attack on israel and its targets. western experts call the possible strike more dangerous than the previous one, since tehran will join forces with hezbollah. neighboring countries evacuate citizens from israel and lebanon.


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