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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 6:30am-7:01am MSK

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brazil, he rode a board in tandem with his owner ivan moreira. the champion was determined by the distance of the swim, technique and the ability to catch the biggest wave. the tournament among surfing dogs attracted a large audience, about 7,000 spectators watched the championship. this was the most noticeable news in the sports world at that moment.
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we will take on. this case, it will be an honest
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detective. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country- gas station, russian digital solutions will take to new heights. there are prospects, even more brutal. yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more. how exactly does the figure help? you are incomparably original in your questions. and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product, news from the middle of the hour, briefly: a series of explosions in the regions of ukraine, a huge one in kiev.
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the pillar of fire after the impact was visible for several kilometers, reports of detonation also came from kharkov, somsk, poltava, khmelnytskyi regions and kherson, which is controlled by kiev. hamas announced that the iranian authorities have already chosen the exact time of attack on israel and targets. western experts call the possible strike more dangerous than the previous one, as tehran will join forces with hezbollah, neighboring countries evacuate citizens from israel and lebanon. in japan today they remember. in the atomic bombing of hiroshima exactly 79 years ago the united states dropped a nuclear bomb on the city. 140,000 people died. the prime minister of japan, speaking at the ceremony, did not mention the united states, but accused russia of threatening to use such weapons. in russia , military railway workers celebrate their professional holiday. this kind troops were established in the 19th century by decree of nicholas i. nowadays, the military performs important tasks in the special operations zone, in particular, transporting soldiers and equipment, as well as. reconnaissance. in
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the orekhov direction of the special operation in the area of ​​the village of verbovaya, fighters of the dnepr group of troops captured a serviceman of the armed forces of ukraine. during one of the battles , drone operators found a ukrainian soldier in a dugout. after our drone dropped a shell, the ukrainian serviceman received a slight concussion. he decided to surrender and left the dugout with his hands up. ukrainian the soldier was sent to the side with the help of the same copter. positions of the crimean paratroopers, where our unit accepted him. a new example of ukrainian mobilization resulted in two criminal cases at once, they were opened against residents of volyn kovel, they literally fought off their fellow countrymen from military commissars, who wanted to send them to the front. and there are more and more such cases in ukraine. criminal prosecution cannot intimidate people. will the clashes develop into a large-scale popular uprising - boris ivanin tried to understand. this is essentially the first victory
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ordinary ukrainians over the kiev regime and its lawlessness. the popular uprising in the city of kovel, in the volyn region, showed the power of the crowd. people were tired of enduring and putting up with lawlessness. they fought back against the ukrainian junta, which, with the help of the tcc, unleashed terror against its own population. three young guys were stopped at a checkpoint and taken to the military registration and enlistment office, but local residents came out to defend their fellow countrymen, even veterans of the armed forces of ukraine on crutches came to their defense. the movement began, in short, they broke through the military registration and enlistment office, that's it, cops, they stood still. people's discontent resulted in loud headlines. the ukrainian press was outraged by the usual methods of work of the tcc, as they write, the phones and keys to the car they were driving were taken away from the detainees. social rage did not subside even with the onset of the tenota, people at the rally at night demanded clear explanations and, most importantly, justice, because
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the three detained guys were essentially accidental victims of the tyranny of the ukrainian authorities. there they grabbed the guys, actually 18-19 years old, they wanted to fulfill. schedule, as they say, mobilization, give them a punch in the teeth machine guns, throw them to the front line, and relatives rose up, loved ones rose up, then it went like a wave, no one controlled this wave, it happened suddenly, very quickly, swiftly, therefore successfully, in volyn itself, in attempts to justify themselves, they found nothing better than to write off everything to the machinations of enemies, they made up a story about russian special services, which allegedly directed the conflict in the right direction, however, it is worth... noting one phrase here: calls for rebellion, which were spread on social networks, who wrote these calls? ukrainians, right? that's the only reason the version about the alleged russian trace does not stand up to any criticism. they probably don't have any real evidence, it 's just an excuse, you know, to
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show that everything is fine with them, in fact , it's burning, burning very badly, in the corridors of the security forces in ukraine now everyone is running, because they understand that what happened in kovel is very dangerous. at one time... something similar happened in ukraine in vradiivka on the eve of the maidan and then it turns out that the temperature of society showed that it is very irritated and heated. today is practically the same. the fact that the kiev regime is scared is clearly visible in the helpless excuses of the volyn tcc. quote: the situation is completely provoked with the aim of discrediting the current government. only they have forgotten there, apparently, that the government in kiev is illegitimate and has long since disgraced itself. by the way, historical volyn was part of the russian empire after the partitions of poland under catherine ii, so a popular uprising could well lead to tectonic shifts in ukrainian society. the tcc has already backed down, the detainees released, the crowd greeted them with a standing ovation. this
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is indeed a precedent for the office of the president of ukraine, the employees of the local tcc will have to come up with some story to justify. uh their inaction in terms of using force against the protesters, because, of course, the central government of kiev, i think, would have counted on the fact that this protest would have been suppressed in its infancy, but it did not work out. in response to the discontent of the people, the kiev regime is organizing even greater terror. after the rally in kovelel, two criminal cases were opened at once, under articles on public calls against public order and its.
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downloaded by some local events, situations, which then moved the tension to the capital of the state, and all this turned into a variety of mass demonstrations, which then again spread to other regions, protests against the tcc, let's also remember odessa, where this happens quite acutely and regularly, so these individual centers can, then unite, the whole of ukraine will flare up, mobilizations. only add fuel to the fire, but if an uncontrollable riot, like in volyn region, will rise all over ukraine, it will simply tear apart the illegitimate kiev regime. a storm warning has been declared in kuban from floods with cargo, as specified, they are weather threatens sochi and the federal territory
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of sirius. heavy precipitation can lead to a sharp rise in water levels in rivers, there is a risk of tornadoes forming over the sea. ksenia levitskaya will tell you where else the elements can run wild today. and the rains do not even think of ending, two powerful cyclones, like an octopus with tentacles, have entangled half the country with their unbearable fronts, where to wait today floods, this is... a joint project of the russia-24 tv channel and the fobus center, i am ksenia levitskaya, hello, heavy rains will continue today both on the russian plain and beyond the urals. perhaps the most spectacular shots of last monday. in novokuznetsk , cars are literally floating along the roads, raising such high waves that they spill over the roof. in some places, cars are drowning in puddles up to the glass. meteorologists call such showers salvoes, since they can instantly bring. a huge amount of precipitation. and huge problems. in in the same novokuznetsk, water entered
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the basements of houses. somewhere in the opposite direction, the sewerage system began to work, and some intersections turned into seas. that's the kind of mess it is. the week began with heavy rainfalls not only in siberia, but in the northwest of our country, as well as in central russia. but the main blow of the bad weather still fell on the south. yeysk experienced the strongest floods and ... provoked by an atmospheric front, you see, the day before in the north of the russian plain and siberia
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an anticyclone began to form, so the sky began to clear from clouds, here along the southern periphery of this center from the shores of the black sea to baikal stretched massifs of rain clouds formed in the zone of this frontal division. and today only in the north of european russia and siberia will sunny and dry weather prevail, in the middle and southern latitudes of the regions in most. the day will pass under the accompaniment of rain, in places with thunderstorms and gusty winds. the heaviest precipitation is expected in the extreme west of the russian plain and the ob region, the slopes of altai and sayan. here in places it may fall over 10-20 mm of moisture. for example, the capital of khakassia will be in the zone of extreme rainfall. in abakan, heavy rains were observed at night; by morning , almost the entire ten-day precipitation norm had poured out in some areas. during the day, the showers will weaken, but nevertheless... by the end of the day , up to 27 mm of precipitation will fall on the flags, which
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is usually how much is collected here in total for two weeks of august. together with rain clouds, frontal sections bring rather warm air masses to russia. so today in the middle zone at midday, the thermometers will show +20-25. in the south, thunderstorms will limit daytime heating to +30-35°. and the most comfortable weather awaits, oddly enough. residents of the isopolar region here in conditions of little cloudiness, the sun will warm the air to +18:23, and this is only the beginning of warming . look in murmansk on tuesday about +22, this is almost 7° above normal. in the following days , sunny and dry weather will linger on the kola peninsula, and the maximum temperature on thursday-friday will rise to +25. in central russia, on the contrary, up until the weekend, thunderstorms are predicted. however, the sun will periodically peek out from behind the clouds, so during the day the air in moscow will be able
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to warm up to +24-25, which is also higher than the norm for early august, and only on thursday, when there will be more thunderclouds, the warm anomaly will decrease a little. that's all for me, goodbye. i choose rosselkhozbank. it has everything i need: high cashback, profitable deposits, a convenient credit card. rosselkhozbank. than you think.
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how the central bank determines the importance of banks, this is not only in the economic news after the advertisement. debts on credit cards are attacking, i i will show you a couple of tricks: we collect all the debts on credit cards in one halva and conveniently pay off 24 months, and also do not forget about purchases in installments. halva - simple installment techniques. symptoms of hemorrhoids can be pain, itching, burning. proctoglivinol can help relieve pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone. proctoglevin is your assistant in the fight against hemorrhoids. check your credit rating on the compare website or in the application, and we will select a favorable loan taking into account your credit history. compare is on your side.
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magnit - the price is what you need. frozen fork 999. a loan with cashback from sberbank is even more opportunities, the amount is up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback with sberbank thank you bonuses. two cutlets with onions, special sauce, cheese, salads, cucumbers, legendary pit, this is big hit, big hit, only in tasty point.
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everything will work out, ate something wrong, what to do in case of poisoning enterumin, a new generation enterosorbent removes toxins while preserving nutrients, a smart solution against poisoning, alfa bank is the best bank for business, we give businesses 3 months free acquiring, as well as a terminal and cash desk, open a free business account in august, economic news, konstantin the central bank proposed new criteria for the importance of banks. roman, we are talking about their share in the regional payment services market. the bank of russia has outlined the conditions under which it will recognize credit institutions as significant in
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the payment services market. first of all, this is the number of transactions in the fast payment system. the share. of such, according to the draft of the central bank's instruction, should be at least 2% of the total volume of bank transfers during the year in the federal district, systemically important credit institutions will also be automatically recognized as important in the payment services market. over the 10 years of food embargo, russia has formed one of the most competitive agricultural markets in the world, the ministry of agriculture reports. since 2014 , agricultural production has grown by a third in the food sector. by almost 43%. in addition, the food embargo has allowed not only to saturate the domestic market, but also to enter the export market, becoming a leader in many types of products. according to the results of last year, deliveries to foreign markets were almost a quarter more than the volume of purchases from abroad. in general, over 10 years, domestic agricultural exports have grown more than 2.5 times. let me remind you that the food
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embargo was introduced in august 2014. at that time , agricultural supplies from countries that introduced or...
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food were banned, now such figures are common mainly in the it and oil sectors. the main obstacle may be american regulators, they are quite capable of considering that the new conglomerate will dictate prices to the consumer. another scenario is that one of the previously dormant claimants to this asset, having learned of mars' interest, will approach the owner of pringles with his counter-offer. at the end of the issue about currencies, the dollar today costs 84 rubles, 94 kopecks. the euro exchange rate is 93%. four, that 's all for now, roman, konstantin, thank you, we continue, now a message from the news agency feed, wounded as a result of shelling by kiev militants in the city of sudzha in the kursk region received.
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polarity will lead to global stability, the president of iran stated this masud prizishkian at a meeting with the secretary of the russian security council. sergey shaigu is on a working visit to this middle eastern country. the situation on world stock exchanges is stabilizing after yesterday's collapse. the day before, the japanese nikei fell by 12%. this was followed by a decline in the indices of europe and the united states. this is a reaction to the american report on the labor market situation in the middle east. the russian embassy in bangladesh recommended that citizens of our country return to their homeland in the republic there are mass riots, almost 60 people have died in the last 24 hours. now
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short advertisement, then a day in history, a selection of the most important interesting events of this day in different years and eras. what if the bank will have only banking services, without travel vouchers, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, that's it, ural sip bank, nothing extra, what will be remembered for this day in history, we will tell you right now, hello, august 6. 1502 dionysius, an outstanding icon painter, continuer of the traditions of andrei rublev, began painting the nativity cathedral of the feropontov monastery.
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this is one of the oldest monasteries of the russian north to the northwest of vologda, founded in the 14th century. dionysius and his team, which included his sons vladimir and feodosii, painted many monasteries and churches, including the assumption cathedral in the moscow kremlin. the master's talent was appreciated by tsar ivan ii and his brother andrei. the only completely preserved mural painting by the artist. on the northern wall you can read the inscription "the painters dionysius and konnik" with their children. these frescoes include about 300 compositions. art critics admire the color scheme, pure and delicate colors, soft colors and richness of tones. today, the firapontov monastery houses the dionysius museum. in other monasteries, you can see fragments of it. on august 6, 1806, franz ii. habsburg,
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emperor of the holy roman empire, abdicated the throne, and this meant its collapse after almost eight centuries of existence. the holy roman empire was founded by the german king. otto the great in the 9th century. he wanted to revive the greatness of the ancient roman empire and the frankish empire of the queen. the core was the german lands, to which were added vast territories france, northern and central italy, the netherlands, the czech republic, but new states were formed in europe, they fought against the papacy, the process of reformation and secularization began, the final blow to this empire was dealt by napoleon bonaparte, who defeated the army of emperor franz ii. he had to give up many of his possessions, including the german principalities, they entered the rhine confederation, subordinated to france. although the holy roman empire
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on august 6, 1945, nuclear weapons were used for the first time, a us air force bomber, a b-29, took off from the airfield on tinian island and headed for japan. after the ussr entered the war in the far east, it became clear to everyone that the days of militaristic japan were numbered, but this did not stop the americans, they wanted to show their increased power to the whole world and, above all , to the soviet union. when choosing a target, they deliberately decided to hit cities in order to destroy as many people as possible and achieve. today
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, the total number of victims of the tragedy is estimated at over 450 thousand people, but in japan they prefer not to say who exactly used the nuclear weapons, as if the bombs had simply fallen from the sky, especially in washington, to remove responsibility for these barbaric actions. today marks the birthday of the world's first website, it appeared on august 6, 1991, it was made by an english computer scientist, tim berner slee, an employee of the european organization for nuclear research. he was assisted by a belgian, robert cayo, and other colleagues. the experimenters wanted to establish intra-corporate data exchange, but whether continued to work, relying on the concept of interactive hypertext, it once again ... but
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tim berner invented the html markup language for creating web pages, the http protocol, the url system, laid the foundations of the world wide web, a grand invention in the modern history of mankind, and publicly available to patent his invention and somehow limit users whether fundamentally refused to evidence on his first site posted all the information on his project. today, there are more than 2 billion sites on the internet, but the first one is still functioning. this is what this day in history was like. i, a traveler, aeronaut, jean
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ivan. we are coming out of the vice, what a fairy tale without ivan, eh, eh, what started, without deception and without flint, the villain has locked me in flints, a pen, self-written magic ink, you will get it, you, the main thing, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, a mechanical one, and beat yourself on the head. who do you have, where it is necessary , that's what my name is, because i am taking you not where you, a fool, want, where it is necessary , i can not live without travel, flint, he who has flint in his pocket does not need a pen, soon.
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let's translate from office to understandable, everything is not so scary, if there is an instruction.
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a series of explosions in the regions of ukraine in kiev a huge pillar of fire after the strike. was visible for several kilometers, reports of detonation also came from kharkov, sumy, poltava, khmelnytsky regions and kiev-controlled khersonon. hamas stated that the iranian authorities have already chosen the exact time of the attack on israel and the targets. western experts call the possible strike more dangerous than the previous one, since tehran will join forces with hezbollah, neighboring countries are evacuating citizens from israel and lebanon. in japan today remembers the victims of the atomic
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bombing of hiroshima, exactly 70 years ago. 9 years ago the us dropped


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