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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 10:30am-11:01am MSK

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in the doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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we continue the broadcast: in the south of sakhalin this morning, another mudflow came down, it disrupted traffic on the nevelsk highway, shakhtyorsk airport. heavy equipment and specialists have already been sent to the scene. its supply was fully resumed only this morning. primorsky rescuers are eliminating a dam break in the area of ​​the city of dalnerechensk. the protective structure could not withstand the volumes of water. now
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heavy equipment is working on the site, the dam is being filled with soil, a group is being built up in the area emergencies ministry, about 50 houses are in the flood zone. rescuers are helping residents to raise household appliances and furniture higher to save them if water enters their houses. the population of the myasokombinat microdistrict is recommended to evacuate. a temporary accommodation point has already been prepared for residents in a local school. the consequences of bad weather in buryat are being eliminated due to precipitation , the water level in local rivers has risen, flooding has begun, the water has literally cut the village of novoilsk into two parts , four automobile and three pedestrian bridges have been destroyed. the only way to get from one bank to the other is by boat or over a railway bridge. more than thirty areas are flooded in zaegraevo. the day before , an evacuation was announced in this settlement. an additional rescue team has been sent to the area to provide assistance; they will have to organize
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a safe crossing. in zabaikalsky krai, they have begun assessing the damage from the recent flood. according to preliminary data, about 400 households were affected, eight bridges were washed away, and tens of kilometers of roads were destroyed. in areas where water retreated, special commissions began to work. the regional budget provides for payments to those affected by the disaster, and the priority tasks are to restore transport links and housing. and to other topics. secretary of the council of russia sergei shaigu arrived in azerbaijan during a foreign working trip. in baku, he met with the president of the republic ilham aliyev. and before that, shaigu visited iran, where he held talks with president masoud pedishkian. the head of the islamic state emphasized that one of the priorities of tehran's foreign policy - this is the development of relations with moscow. shaigu also spoke with the heads of the general staff and the national security council of the country. the mobile
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exhibition of captured nato equipment aroused great interest among the residents of tyumen. almost 19,000 people visited it on the opening day alone. everyone who wanted to saw combat vehicles produced by the bloc countries, as well as ukraine. among the exhibits are the abrams tank, the mardor and bradley infantry fighting vehicles, the massiv armored car and others. the exhibition has an interactive platform with missile artillery weapons, in addition, you can try your hand as a drone operator. tyumen has become. already the fourth point of the route of the unique exhibition, in total, according to the plan , it will be taken to dozens of cities in the country. in japan today, they remember the victims of the atomic bombing of hiroshima, the tragedy occurred exactly 79 years ago. then the united states dropped a nuclear bomb on the city, killing 140,000 people. this year, the memorial ceremony was held in the memorial park. the event was attended by ambassadors from 109 countries. at the same time, none of the japanese. becomes more and more
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go wherever you want with the educational credit matsbera with state support, calculate payments right now hello, this is the fifth studio program, my name is yuri bogdanov, today we continue to monitor the situation in the middle east, which is frozen in anticipation of a strike by iran and some of its allies in the region against israel, in addition , we are discussing what is happening in bangladesh, where a change of power has occurred, we will start with the second topic, we will discuss both the event itself and also how all this can affect russia's interests in the region. information... quite alarming in the number of people killed due to unrest in bangladesh has risen to 109 people, news agencies report, uh, in addition, the day before it became known that the bangladesh army announced the creation of an interim government, the russian embassy in bangladesh recommended our
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citizens to return to their homeland, this is also a statement from yesterday, what is happening today and how events may develop, we will discuss with the senior laboratory assistant researcher of the indian ocean region center and she is on the line, maria dmitrievna, hello, good afternoon, yes, how do you assess what is happening, is this a color revolution, coups in what could be the real background, thank you for your... question, this is definitely not a color revolution, this is internal problem of the country, and i would assess this as the inclusion of a traditional mechanism that is inherent in bangladeshi society, in particular, the military traditionally acts as such a stabilizing force when civilian governments cannot overcome their own strife. in this regard , the protests began on a fairly narrow , specific bangladeshi internal issue of reform. quotas for admission to the civil service of bangladesh, and escalated
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in the absence of a proper response from sheikh hasina, her government, now now uprising, in fact. maria dmitrievna, could you explain what this quota problem is? yes, the quota problem has been discussed for a long time and until this year, 30% of the places were reserved for admission to the civil service. for the descendants of the heroes of the 1971 war, this war is comparable in significance for bangladesh, as for us, the great patriotic war, in this regard, there really are a lot of citizens who were then still fighting for the independence of the east bengalis from pakistan, they sacrificed their lives there, and a quota system was created for the heroes of the war then back in the seventies.
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knees, which - current young people in the country find not quite fair. this quota was canceled in 2018, but on june 5 , information appeared that the supreme court had issued a ruling on its restoration. it would seem that everything is not so bad, 30% of places, but in fact, the situation was difficult in terms of admission to the civil service, why? because these 30% constituted only a part of all quotas. the total reserved places reached 56%. in total, only 44% of the places
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remained by competitive distribution. in other words, getting into government service if you are not a child or grandson of a hero of 1971 and also do not have other privileges, and what, for example, do people from marginal and backward areas, indigenous minorities and so on have, is practically unrealistic. as for external levers, could they have been, could there have been some external influence that fueled these protests, what do you think? external influence, in my opinion, was not the decisive factor here, of course, the whole of 1924 it began in bangladesh with national elections, when vamilik came to power, and the entire previous year the situation around the crises there
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in general, now the most prominent political criminals of the old regime have already been released, including the opposition leaders who were persecuted by sheikh hasina. now the military has announced that they will form a new government taking into account the wishes of the protesting students, the so-called anti-discrimination student movement. and already this morning information appeared that the leaders of this movement want to see the head of the interim government of mohammed
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janus, the 2006 nobel peace prize laureate and founder of gromin bank, who, even before avamelik's victory in the elections this year, was subjected to prosecution, quite politically politicized, and was sentenced by the court to 6 months in prison, so since the beginning of the protests he...
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the head of the government of bangladesh, and why? our flagship project rukpur, a nuclear power plant in bangladesh, which is now in the final stages of construction, is of particular importance for the citizens of the country, for all citizens of the country, and therefore any regime will certainly be interested in preserving this project and bringing it to completion. another question is that in the current situation the deadlines may shift, but it is already worth asking about this. check with rusatom and the interim government when it will be formed. marya dmitrievna, one more question for you, as a specialist in the region, how safe do you think it is now for our fellow citizens, who are also involved in this project, to be in bangladesh? yesterday indeed, during the nationwide march to dhaka,
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the entire population of the country was involved, protests raged here and there, in this regard , really everything... we'll see how the situation, how much tension the situation will continue, but in general, perhaps, in the coming days, everything will stabilize. marya dmitrievna, thank you for your detailed commentary, detailed analysis of the situation and for answering questions live on air, shedding light on what is happening in many ways, let's move on to the topic of the middle east now, which in
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literally, for several days now i have been waiting in anticipation of an iranian strike on israel, in response to the liquidation. lahania in tehran. we have connections dmitry vasilenko, co-chairman of the federation's cooperation group with the islamic consultative assembly of iran. dmitry yuryevich, hello. hello. yes, everything suggests that a strike could happen in the next few hours. eh, what do you think the iranian authorities are focusing on in this matter and what kind of strike could this be in your opinion? well, i don't think it will happen in the next few hours hours, because, well, first of all,...
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a consultation has been determined among the us allies, so that there would be a consultation in israel, there would be time to prepare, we know that another carrier group has arrived, and now the head of the us central command, michael kurila, has arrived, who will naturally coordinate in the event of an attack from iran, he will coordinate the military
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actions that the allies of israel and the us will conduct, so in the near future i will use my military base on kibra, planes are on duty in the air, they, accordingly, they will do everything to avoid missing this blow, the blow is delivered precisely when it is not expected, then this...
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last time in april, iran warned of delivering a blow 72 hours in advance, now the situation is different. dmitrievich, look, interesting, quite curious news came with a link to the jerusalem post, the publication writes that the iranian authorities warned israel through hungary about their intention to deliver blows, how would you
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comment on this, why through hungary, well, i don’t know, after all, once and for all there are diplomatic ways, and politics, this is generally, let's say, an art. to stop a military conflict, now there is no such negotiator, not only that, we also know everything that when israel strikes at
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sovereign territory, then naturally , the state that was subjected to this or that strike responds, yes, it is true that israel does not admit that it attacked iran, there is no official data, but iran itself accuses.
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iran, most likely, that there will be no strike, it is necessary, i think that everyone understands this, those who monitor all these events, naturally, the secretary of the security council of the russian federation met with the president of iran met with the leader. russia is a friend of iran, iran is a friend of russia, accordingly, this visit shows the maximum concern of the russian federation, what is happening in iran, i think that there are certain agreements, well , for some reason the head of the us central command can fly there to israel, why russian?
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who is he now and what position will he have the united states? here comes a message that the us-led coalition has warned israel to limit its response to iran if iran strikes, and at the same time a message comes that israel can launch a preemptive strike, is tel aviv capable of this, and how do you think events might develop and what will be the role of the us? the us, of course, is not in a very good state now, i mean politically, because the elimination and murder of ismail hani was a big surprise for the us, most likely, this question was not agreed upon, most likely, that was not agreed upon - with the united states and
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the united states has to i apologize for the technical issue, if you can turn the phone over, the picture in the messenger has turned over, yes, so that we can see you vertically again, yes, that's better, the us is now in a very bad situation, because they had to pull up troops there, they had to pull up the fleet, they need to protect israel.
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so that everything goes smoothly, so that the oil is calm, so that there is no no jumps in light oil products, it is better for them, of course, that there is no war, now they will try to do everything in order to somehow, probably, most likely settle it, so as to keep israel from any ill-considered actions, like, for example, there was a murder, as they believe, that israel did not do this either, but nevertheless... there is information, he voices it, accuses both israel and the usa of this. dmitry yuryevich, thank you for your comments, thank you for accepting participation in the live broadcast, answered questions. together with you, we will monitor what is happening, involve you as an expert, in case of developments, in order to comment on what is happening in the middle east, iran and israel. we are closely monitoring the information picture, we will continue in our news studio.
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the shelling of the city of sud in the kursk region was heavily damaged.


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