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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 2:00pm-2:31pm MSK

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let's return to the review of the information picture floating nuclear power plants, development of the northern sea route, arctic mortgage and medicine. vladimir putin discussed these topics today in the kremlin with the head of the murmansk region andrei chibis. i will note that this is a very meeting, the first after the assassination attempt on the governor, which occurred in early april. one of the important issues, taking into account just the new port of lavna, a coal port, which i would like to discuss, is the topic.
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transfer of coal from the city center to the western shore, and other questions about mormon, we are in this year we are starting to build the first microdistrict in the agglomeration, before that there was precise development, because demand appeared, incomes are growing, a future has appeared, more and more people want to invest money not in other territories, but in their own north, to live here and work and well, even they are growing at a rate higher than the average for the side, for us this ... pleases, of course, and of course, thank you very much for the arch mortgage, of course, a serious issue is healthcare, we have a regional children's hospital, it was in the soviet time converted from a dormitory, now it does not meet any standards, modernization of the adult regional hospital, to put the infrastructure for health care in the regional center in order. vladimir putin approved the list of instructions following the expanded meeting of the council for strategic development of national projects and the state council commission. in the areas of
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socio-economic development of the country. in particular, to assess the impact of preferential family mortgages on the market, if necessary, to propose changes to the program. in addition, update the criteria for emergency status of apartment buildings, the procedure for calculating compensation to citizens for the seizure of such housing. the president also ordered that telecom operators be provided with preferential loans to increase the capacity of mobile networks, and create new ones. in addition, the head of state ordered that svo participants be involved in educational work with children and young people. in all regions of russia. secretary of the security council of russia sergei shaigu said that during his working visit to uranus , the events in tehran and the situation on the border of lebanon with israel. and now the senior research fellow of the institute of international studies of moscow state medical university, georgy machatidze, is in touch with the studio. georgy grigorievich, hello. hello. do you think it is possible now to somehow influence the situation with the help of diplomatic efforts, and is a strike on israel inevitable? i
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think that a strike on israel is inevitable, since the decision was made by the spiritual leader, it must be carried out, another matter is to what extent it will be carried out, whether it will be a truly large-scale strike or not, although it seems to me that all three forces may be involved here, first of all the iranians, hezbollah and the houthis. from the territory of yemen, so it seems to me that in this case, well, diplomatic efforts are unlikely to have any effect, maybe they will have some kind of deterrent effect, but a strike is inevitable, as it seems to me, if this strike happens, how large-scale in your opinion can it be, after all, what objects are primarily aimed at, and can israel launch a preemptive strike, there is such information too, yes, israel is threatening
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to carry out a preemptive strike, but this is enough , although it is probably unlikely, since it is difficult, in this case, as it seems to me, iran will not warn in advance about the time of the strike, although in principle, as far as we know, through the hungarian, the hungarian authorities through hungary transmitted information that such a strike will be carried out. however, when it will be carried out is unknown, it could be tomorrow, it could be in a few days, in, maybe in a week and so on, therefore now it's hard to say, but as far as critical infrastructure is concerned, the strike could be carried out on power plants, it could be carried out on ports, it could be carried out on... for example,
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on water desalination plants, sea water , and so on, that is, everything, everything that relates to critical infrastructure, and iran, vasya. in this case, some experts say that iran could also use hypersonic weapons that could penetrate israel's iron dome, here's georgy grigorevich, interesting, you mentioned an interesting point that you warned through hungarian mfa, what do you think, why, why, for example, not through russia, if such a warning really was, after all, these are press publications, well, it’s like a country , so to speak, a european country, which is currently trying to play the role of a mediator in various conflicts, which thus demonstrate themselves, plus they are currently presiding over the eu,
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that’s why such a path was chosen, well , considering that russia and iran are basically allies, apparently the iranians got off here. how not to set russia up, use another channel, if a strike is carried out, do you think this could lead to a full-scale war, how will tel aviv respond, what forces, if such a full-scale conflict arises, will be involved in it? well, it must be said that both sides are still not interested in a large-scale war, especially iran, of course, the us is not interested in this either.
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strikes with different results, so to speak, for the iranians, with different results for the israelis. if hezbollah is involved, will this lead to a conflict, to an escalation of the conflict with lebanon? yes, of course, if hezbollah is involved, it will lead to a cessation of the conflict with lebanon, especially since - in israeli ruling circles, in general , this idea is floating around
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, oh, yes, which borders turkey, well, but it's unlikely, i think that, uh, this is just a demonstration on the part of president erdogan, a demonstration of his efforts to protect, like
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, the palestinian population, to use or such such information noise in... in a way in order to - demonstrate, to demonstrate his such a leading, as it were, position in the islamic world, that turkey is the most active among islamic states, including arab states, which is speaking out in defense of the palestinians. georgy grigorievich, one more question: will the us be drawn into this confrontation, if so, in what format? well, the us, we can already say that the us is partially drawn in, at present they have sent a new aircraft carrier group abraham lincoln to the region, that is, they are ready to use aviation, they are ready to use everything
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the capabilities of this air group to protect israel, well, there is also a discussion about whether, whether... the us could strike iran, well, i think that this is a very extreme, extreme case, an extreme option, because this would simultaneously lead to an escalation of the war. if iran really does have hypersonic weapons, then it could also
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use them against the americans in this case. georgy, georgy grigorievich, thank you for your comment, thank you for taking the time to answer the question directly on air, let me remind you, we spoke with georgiy machitidze, a senior research fellow at the institute of international studies at moscow state medical university. well, continuing the topic, hezbollah drones struck military targets in israel. according to al jazeera, air raid sirens went off in more than twenty populated areas. in the north of the jewish state, several explosions thundered in the city of haifa, while israeli media write that one of the drones targeted a civilian car, as a result one person died, another was wounded. the ukrainian armed forces carried out an armed provocation on the border with the kursk region this morning, the fsb reports, the enemy attacked settlements closest to the border. border services, together with name defense units, repelled the aggression. this information was confirmed in a telegram channel by acting governor alexey smirnov. he warned about possible
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information leaks, asked to trust official sources of information and not to succumb to the actions of provocateurs. two people were injured in the attack ukrainian drone on a passenger car at the glushkovo station. earlier, three children and two adults were wounded in the city of sudzhi. they were hospitalized. as a result of the shelling , several residential buildings, including apartment buildings, were severely damaged in the city. according to the authorities,
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two mig-29s of the ukrainian air force, a p-18 air target tracking radar, and a p-18 air defense radar were destroyed at the base airfield by tactical aviation, unmanned aerial vehicles, missile forces, and artillery. a weapons and ammunition depot, a concentration of enemy manpower and military equipment in 127 areas were destroyed, six us-made haimar rockets and 51 unmanned aerial vehicles were shot down by air defense systems. the chief of the general staff of the armed forces, first deputy head of the defense ministry, valery gerasimov visited the troops of the center group in the special operation zone. the army general heard reports from the commanders of the formations, commanders of the units operating in krasnoarmeysky and aleksandro kalinovsky directions. valeriy gerasimov summed up the results and set tasks for further actions. he also presented state awards to servicemen who demonstrated courage and bravery in carrying out combat missions.
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ukrainians who do not want to go to the front lines are using more and more ways to escape the country. this time, those evading mobilization decided to use a light motor boat to cross the tisza, but the boat crashed into a cable at speed and capsized. this happened near the checkpoint on the border with hungary. what happened to those who was on board, it is unknown. and in boryspil and the kiev region, three police officers tried to detain a man right on the proekt part, but he refused to go and was lying on a pedestrian crossing. a woman standing nearby tried to help the draft dodger. the military commissars are not visible in the video, but usually such stories are played out if the police try
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to escort a person to the territorial recruitment center, as the military registration and enlistment office is called in ukraine. online cinema or, which i watch. just an asterisk. such bells can say about bad vessels. it is important to strengthen the vessels. angia norm. helps to improve microcirculation, reduce the risk of blood clots, strengthen the walls of blood vessels, keep the vessels normal. attack credit card debts, i will show you a couple of tricks: collect all credit card debts on one holva conveniently pay off 24 months, and do not forget about purchases in installments. holva - simple installment techniques. baltika 8 non-alcoholic.
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bangladesh, amid protests, recommends that its citizens return to their homeland, and the mission was urged to avoid crowds. we urge russian citizens to adhere to the recommendations previously given in our telegram channel, first of all, to minimize time spent outdoors and maintain a stock of essential food products at home. rosatom employees engaged in the construction of the asr safety, the station is not in danger, all work on the site is on schedule. but in the meantime, the president of bangladesh dissolved parliament to form an interim government, the main. and his adviser, according to media reports, agreed to be nobel peace prize laureate, professor of economics muhammad yunus. earlier, the head of the cabinet announced her resignation left the country. now she is in india, but is reportedly planning to seek asylum in the uk. the prime minister's residence has been ransacked, with social media posts showing protesters carrying furniture and equipment out of there. demonstrators have also seized the parliament building. according to media reports
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, over 100 people have died in the unrest over the past 24 hours. and the driving force behind the demonstrations has been students. unhappy with the quota system for government jobs, which, given the unemployment situation, is preventing him from finding a job. the northern ireland parliament will hold an emergency session, dedicated to the protests of the far-right. for this , legislators will leave their vacation early on august 8. emergency services in belfast are eliminating the consequences of the pogroms, and the leadership of the united kingdom promises to bring an army of police to the streets. on the line is the correspondent of the radio station vesti fm great britain elena balaeva. elena, hello. what is happening on the streets of british cities now and how do the authorities plan to stop the violence? hello yuri, now the public services of different cities of great britain are protecting the streets. the day before the most there were big protests in the climate, it 's surprising that before that, protests swept across the north of england, there is a ring of cities there, where there is a fairly large muslim community,
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a lot of refugees and migrants, who are both illegal and legal migrants, but plymouth is a city at the junction of two counties, devon and cornwall, and there, unexpectedly , there were also very harsh protests, clashes with the police, several dozen people were arrested, several police officers received very... serious injuries, but still before the big arson of cars, houses it didn't come to that, in birmingham the day before the muslim community itself decided to defend the mosque, representatives of the muslim community warned their people, their members, that major clashes were planned and that they were supposedly extremely right, they were planning to go through the city and attack the mosque, so the mosque itself... muslims formed a large cordon , stood up to defend, in fact, muslims first and foremost, i read on social networks, muslims and some
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women said that they are generally trying now either not to go outside or not to wear the hijab when they go out, they are very afraid of attacks from extremists, from those who are demonstrating, just some example of hooliganism, this attack on mosques, this is one of the big worries for...
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protesters, i suggest you listen to what one of the british police chiefs said. obviously, our absolute intention is to ensure that every property, every shop, every hotel is protected. but the level of brutality of the desire for wanton destruction that we we've seen, this is the worst thing police officers have seen in their careers. and when you 're dealing with a violent crowd that keeps attacking for hours on end, it requires a level of resources that we've never seen before and we're going to be ramping up those resources in the coming days, and prime minister kirstamer is refusing to call an emergency
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session of parliament, and he's tasking the police with dealing with social media first and foremost because the authorities believe that social media is inciting violence. a case of hatred, today is the first case, today a twenty-eight year old englishman will appear in court, who will be tried for inciting hatred by posting on social networks, if this case is real, if he is convicted, if he is really given some kind of term, then it is quite possible that many will stop before posting something on social networks and calling for violence. yuri, yes, elena, thank you, together with you we are following what is happening, i will remind you, a correspondent from the vesti radio station was in direct contact with the studio fm in the uk, elena balaeva. venezuelan president nicolas maduro has called on the population to delete whatsapp from their smartphones and computers. according to him, the messenger is used to send threats to the military, police and ordinary citizens, and also
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an investigation into the negligence of officials, which washed away the embankment of the dam in the dalnerechensk area. as a result , 50 houses were in the flood zone. now rescuers are strengthening the protective structure, in addition, four powerful pumps are pumping out water around the clock. additional forces of the ministry of emergency situations have been sent to the city. rescuers are working in the neighboring lesozavodsk. the day before , the erosion of the dam in this area was prevented. and in order for the water to drain faster, special channels are being deepened. the russian economy is developing. faster than predicted, the leaders are the manufacturing industry wholesale trade, mikhail mishustin announced at a meeting with the head of the federal tax service. daniil egorov confirmed that his department expects planned figures for budget revenues this year, there are no disruptions. at the same time, measures are planned to reduce taxes for people with low incomes. it is very important to reduce the fiscal time for citizens with low incomes. we are talking about families with two or more children, where
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the average per capita income does not exceed one and a half times the subsistence minimum, compensation is provided for them part of the income tax that was paid for the previous period, in the amount of up to 6%, those whose income allows it, will have to switch to a progressive income tax scale, it increases, accordingly, to 22%, depending on the person's income, and this measure will affect, i emphasize again, only three... percent of the working population, but will allow support for tens of millions of those who really still need state assistance, only assistance to families with children will affect more than 18 million people, but there is another increase in standard deductions for families with two or more children, and this will already affect more than 35 million people.


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