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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 3:00pm-3:31pm MSK

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from floating nuclear power plants to arctic medicine. vladimir putin held a meeting with the head of the murmansk region andrei chilis. what topics were discussed and what assessments and proposals were made? he assigned awards, listened to reports and set tasks. chief of the general staff valery yerasimov visited the troops of the center group in the special operation zone. what statements were made? in anticipation of a strike. the whole world is watching what is happening in the middle east. when iran and some of its allies can strike israel, how will tel aviv respond and will this lead to a new
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full-scale war. 50 houses were flooded, law enforcement agencies in primorye are investigating who is responsible for the dam break in the dalnerechensk area. what are the consequences and where else is the difficult situation due to floods and floods? in search of a way out, the president of bangladesh promises to hold extraordinary elections. meanwhile , the death toll as a result of the riots has already exceeded 100 people. what is the situation at this hour and is there a threat to russian citizens? ecology, floating nuclear power plants, development northern sea route, arctic mortgages and medicine. vladimir putin discussed these topics today in the kremlin with the head of the murmansk region andrei chibis. i would like to note that this is a face-to-face meeting, the first since the assassination attempt on the governor, which took place in early april. one of the important issues, taking into account the new port of lavna, which i would like
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to discuss, is, of course, the topic of the current coal handling in the city center, you know this, since soviet times, it is clear that it is dusty, very dusty, it is clear that there is no other alternative, but for people it is now, in addition to the other questions, this is one of the most sensitive aspects, because taking into account that this year the main thing will be completed according to all the forecasts and there i would of course ask for your support for the gradual, step-by-step transfer of coal from the city center to the west bank, and also questions about mormon, this year we are starting to build the first microdistrict in the agglomeration, before that there was point development, because there was demand, incomes are growing, there is a future, more and more people want to invest money not to other territories, but here in the north, to live here and work and have grown even... are growing at a rate higher than
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the average in the country, we are pleased with this, of course, and of course, thank you very much for the artic mortgage, of course, a serious issue is healthcare, we have a children's regional hospital, it was converted from a dormitory in soviet times, now it does not meet any standards, modernization of the adult regional hospital, to put the infrastructure for healthcare in the regional center in order. vladimir putin approved a list of instructions following an extended meeting of the council. on strategic development of national projects and the state council commission on the country's socio-economic development. in particular, to assess the impact of preferential family mortgages on the market, if necessary, to propose changes to the program. in addition, to update the criteria for the emergency status of apartment buildings, the procedure for calculating compensation to citizens for the seizure of such housing. the president also ordered that telecom operators be provided with preferential loans to increase the capacity of mobile phones. networks for creating new ones. in addition, the head of state ordered to involve the svo participants in the educational.
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advantageous lines. in addition, they defeated the formations of the thirty-first, thirty-second, hundredth, 117th mechanized, 142nd and infantry brigades of the armed forces of ukraine and the 109th territorial defense brigade in the areas of the settlements of toretsk, novgorodskaya, vozdvizhenko, grodovka and tarasovka, donetsk people's republic. three counterattacks of assault groups were repelled: the 53rd and 151st mechanized and the ninety-fifth airborne assault brigades of the armed forces of ukraine. that
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the border guards together with the russian army repelled armed aggression in the kursk region. this morning, the ukrainian armed forces carried out a provocation by shelling a village in the region. the fsb did not provide any other details. earlier , acting governor alexey smirnov reported on the unsuccessful attempts of the ukrainian armed forces to penetrate the territory of the kursk region. he also announced the destruction of twenty ukrainian drones. the region was subjected to a massive attack by unmanned aerial vehicles and missiles. the situation remains difficult, i am in the regions. i ask everyone to observe requirements. security measures, report suspicious objects, report suspicious persons, and e closely monitor, there is a leak of fake information, believe only the official source.
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the governor also reported that as a result of the massive shelling of the kursk region from ukraine, one person was killed, 13 were wounded. this morning, a ukrainian drone attacked a passenger car at the station. the chief of the general staff of the russian armed forces, first deputy minister of defense, valery gerasimov, visited the troops of the group the center is in the area of ​​the special military operation. the army general heard reports from the commanders of the formations, commanders of the units operating in the krasnoarmeysky and aleksandro kalinovsky directions. valery gerasimov summed up the results and set tasks for the future. he also presented state awards to the servicemen who showed courage and bravery in carrying out combat missions. all this is achieved with great effort, this is also due to the competent actions of the commanders, appropriately
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made decisions, skillful organization of the battle, first of all, fire damage, and of course, the courageous and brave actions of the personnel, and... yours and your subordinates, who is the commander here. i wish you further success, all the best, take care of yourself. ukrainians who do not want to go to the front lines are using more and more ways to escape from the country. this time, those evading mobilization decided to use a light motorboat to cross the tisza, but the boat crashed into a cable at speed and capsized. this happened not far from the checkpoint on the border with hungary. it is unknown what happened to those who were on board. in boryspil, kyiv region, three police officers tried to detain a man right on the roadway, but he refused to go, he was lying on a pedestrian crossing, a woman standing nearby tried to help the draft dodger. the military commissars are not visible in the video, but usually such stories are played out if the police try to escort a person to the territorial
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recruitment center, as the military registration and enlistment office is called in ukraine. sergey shaiguy met with ilham aliyev in baku today, secretary
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security council noted the success. of the security council of azerbaijan ramil musubov. in addition to discussing various issues, they laid flowers together at the alleys of honor of the national leader of the republic heydar aliyev and his wife zarifa. the federal tax service is preparing a service that will allow families with children to receive a tax deduction in a simplified manner. this was announced by the head of the department daniil egorov at a meeting with prime minister mikhail mishustin. maria will talk about the results of the fts's work and plans for the digitalization of services filippova. the country's tax system is at the stage of technological transformation, receiving services is becoming faster and more convenient.
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as for the efficiency of the federal tax service, they note an increase in revenues for the first 6 months of the year in the budget, plus almost 6.5 trillion rubles compared to last year's revenues. the growth of the economy, the emergence of new goods and services are having an effect, as the prime minister noted, in the first half of the year, industrial growth exceeded 5%. as for revenues to the consolidated budget, this year they increased. rubles, which is almost 30%. at the meeting , they discussed future changes to the tax system, let me remind you that they will come into force on january 1 next year, so personal income tax will be calculated on a progressive scale, depending on the citizen's income. this year , income tax revenues have increased significantly, the federal tax service notes, by 34%. salaries are growing, according to rosstat estimates, by + 19%. as for the future increase in the rate for certain categories of citizens, mikhail mishustin emphasizes that it will affect a small. part of the population much will help more citizens, part of the paid personal income tax in excess of 13% will go to
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social purposes, including a reduction in the actual tax rate for families with children. of course, during such changes it is necessary to ensure a balanced budget , maintain incentives for the development of the economy as a whole, those whose income allows it will have to switch to a progressive income tax scale, it increases, accordingly, to 22%. depending on a person's income, and this measure will affect, i emphasize again, only 3% of the working population, but will allow to support tens of millions of those who really still need state assistance, so for families with two or more children, with an average per capita income of less than one and a half subsistence minimums, the personal income tax rate will actually be 6%. it is expected that the measure will affect 18 million people, while, as noted by the federal tax service, for some families with two or more children...
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issue 34 regulations, we are updating and changing our information systems, we need services for taxpayers, because on your instructions this must be done proactively. and accordingly we are preparing - such a technology that will allow, if a person has not applied for a standard deduction to the employer, then the tax service itself will proactively prepare everything in electronic form for the person, and the person will only have to choose the account to which this deduction will be transferred to him. working with entrepreneurs in general is reaching a new level, it is becoming faster and easier to register a new business. at one time, when the 129th federal law on state registration of legal entities was being prepared.
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within the framework of the experiment we already have several thousand registrations, we are now making this system so that everything is ready for industrial use, moreover, it includes the use of biometrics, as we were instructed, this system also works on biometric data, accordingly we believe that by september of this year, when we have... a report for the government on how the experiment was conducted, we will be absolutely technically and
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organizationally ready to implement it on an industrial scale. to ensure that citizens and businesses are aware of the new opportunities of the tax system, the federal tax service will launch an information campaign, including targeted consultations. people wishing to sign a contract are gathering at defense selection points across the country. russians are seeking to help units in the svo zone. military support measures play a significant role in this choice. since the beginning of august , the one-time payment from the state has more than doubled under the presidential decree. anna candidates will talk about the work of the defense ministry selection points in krasnodar krai today there really are a lot, considering that the selection points work around the clock, and today during the day there really were a lot of people. the selection points for military service contracts work in krasnodar and novorossiysk and come here from different regions. at the points we see both young applicants and older people. young people, of course, prefer to work with unmanned
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aerial vehicles. today this is one of the popular specialties, which is generally said by the employees of the selection point, and those who today.
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temporary payment for military personnel and volunteers from krasnodar krai who have signed a contract with the ministry of defense may exceed 15 million rubles, of which a million is paid by the region, there are also payments for service in the named units of krasnodar krai, and i will add that this year, recruitment points for military service under contract in krasnodar krai alone sent 6,000 people to serve, even more than 6,000 people, and 1,200 of them left this month. anna sorokina, valery pyatov, mikhail kirtok and anna neka. vesti: krasnodar krai. drones hezbollah has struck military targets in israel. according to al jazeera, air raid sirens have sounded in more than twenty towns in the north of the jewish state. several explosions have occurred in the city of haifa, and a fire has engulfed the territory of an idf military base in the western galilee. in turn, israeli media write that one of the drones targeted a civilian
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vehicle. as a result, one person was killed and another was injured. the command also reported the successful interception of a drone flying from lebanon. the death toll from unrest in bangladesh has exceeded 100. to calm the situation, the country's president promises to hold early elections. mass demonstrations have already led to the resignation of the prime minister, the dissolution of parliament and the formation of an interim government, and police officers have declared a strike to ensure their own safety. our own correspondent in the region, yevgeny davidov, has the details. after... the prime minister of bangladesh, now ex-prime minister sheikh hasina, together with with her sister left dhaka for her residence in the center of the bangladeshi capital, hundreds of protesters burst in, they staged a real pogrom, broke into the bedroom, then into the kitchen and even tried to demolish the monument to the first head of state, father a sheikhasina mujibur rahman. the unrest in the country has been going on for several weeks. the reason was the so
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-called quota system, according to which the main positions in the state are usually given to family members. veterans of the war for the independence of pakistan in the seventy-first year, of course, this did not please the local students and university professors in dhaka, they were the first to take to the streets demanding more jobs and higher wages. today is a day of general rejoicing in the country, millions of people are on the streets. today in bangladesh they are celebrating the same way they celebrated independence in 1971. in clashes between bangladesh security forces and demonstrators , dozens, and according to some sources hundreds of people were killed, the country's president met with representatives of various political forces bangladesh, in this meeting it was decided to dissolve the parliament and form an interim government. we will make a proposal to form an interim government of national unity within the next 24 hours. the students and people
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who organized the riots will be part of this interim government. the representatives of the civil society and professional organizations will be included in this government in consultation with them, we will propose a structure and the names of those who will be part of this interim government. now it is our duty ensure the safety of people's lives and state assets. we once again call on all our compatriots to take a peaceful position. get ready to work on building the country. as they think here in bangladesh, the main thing now is of course to prevent a civil war in the most densely populated, in one of the most densely populated countries in the world. but to understand the population density, the population here. bangladesh is 20 sli million more than russia, and in terms of area the republic is comparable, perhaps, to the volgograd region, here of course a third of the population are children under 14 and there are problems.
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exactly 79 years ago the world learned what nuclear weapons are. on august 6, 1945 , an american bomber dropped an atomic bomb on hiroshima. the us authorities have still not apologized for the deaths of hundreds of thousands of japanese. and at the memorial ceremony, japanese politicians traditionally did not name the culprit of the terrible crime against the civilian population. but they found a reason to mention our country. report by sergei mengazhev. to the memorial to those killed as a result of the atomic bombing of hiroshima , a list of 5,079 names is laid down. they
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died over the past year, adding to the mournful list of hibakusa in japan, as the victims of the nuclear explosion are called, the number of which is currently approaching 345. a minute of silence begins with the ringing of the memorial bell. at 15:00 on august 6, 1945 , a 12-kiloton uranium bomb, malych , dropped from an american b-29 bomber, exploded at an altitude of half a kilometer above the place where this ceremony is now held annually, becoming the first in history the use of nuclear weapons against civilians. doves, wreath-laying, schoolchildren's speeches, the order of events remains the same from year to year , the content of the speeches changes, although here too there is a moment in which the japanese show consistency. the ceremony was held according to a standard scenario, with the traditional delicate
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non-mentioning of who exactly dropped the atomic bombs on japanese cities, while the japanese authorities once again gave reason to reproach themselves for double standards in using this tragedy for political purposes, otherwise how it can be explained that russia and belarus were officially refused an invitation, but the israeli delegation was invited, allegedly as a veiled... call to stop bombing palestine, while no one invited the palestinian delegation to hiroshima. the bombs on hiroshima and gossaki, where the same thing will take place on august 9, were dropped by the americans, which is usually kept silent here, but prime minister kishida included russia in his speech, accusing it of threatening to use nuclear weapons. the split in the international community regarding nuclear disarmament is intensifying, the situation is becoming even more aggravated by nuclear threats from russia. of course, not a word about who russia has ever threatened with nuclear weapons. otherwise, there are routine calls for nuclear disarmament until its complete elimination. how this fits in with
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the principle of protecting japan itself, confirmed literally a week ago in tokyo, at the level of defense ministers of foreign affairs, the us nuclear umbrella, and the agreement by the japanese side to produce missile systems and sell them to the americans, there was no one to ask fomio kishida. when around the atomic house today one could see protest posters. which had nothing to do with the extermination of civilians by nuclear weapons 79 years ago, although the key word here is also genocide. when the bomb was dropped on jerosimo, a huge number of people died in an instant, it was a real genocide, the murder of peaceful people in their own city. now israel is doing practically the same thing in palestine, there is a mass extermination of the civilian population, and we demand that this be immediately stopped. on the stone slab where they laid their... in the list with the new names of the hibakusha, the inscription is carved
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: sleep peacefully, the mistake will not be repeated, although the commander of the crew of the b-29 bomber from which the atomic bomb was dropped on hiroshima, paul tibet. until the end of his days was proud of his participation in this tragedy and liked to repeat the phrase that there was nothing personal here, neither obama nor biden, who attended these ceremonies, called it a mistake, not to mention words of remorse or apology, here is the air base on the island of tinians, which us bombers flew to deliver nuclear strikes on japan 79 years ago has been officially decided to be put back into service since last year. sergey mingazhev, alexey pechko, east asia news bureau. shima, japan. a military court has arrested vladimir demchik, former head of the russian defense ministry's clothing department. he is suspected of accepting a bribe on an especially large scale, the investigative committee reports. according to the case materials, in the spring of 2017, the ceo of one of the companies gave vladimir demchik 4 million rubles. for helping to conclude government contracts. as a result, the company became a supplier of various clothing items for the needs of the russian army. 26 contracts were concluded with it for a total amount of more than half.
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a cloud of black smoke rose, 15 people were able to evacuate on their own, during the 2 hours of fire over the city , citizens began to complain about a sharp smell of plastic. currently, 50 specialists and 17 units of equipment are working on the scene. the causes of possible casualties have not yet been reported. on the fact of the fire of the tupsinskaya interdistrict prosecutor's office. an inspection has been organized. the youth forum islands, rosmolodezh platform, has started its work in yuzhno-sakhalinsk. this year , 650 experts, volunteers and activists from 76 regions took part. in 2024, the forum is dedicated to careers, and its main topic was life and work in the far east. the program is divided into three areas: production islands, first islands, education islands. the guys will be helped to decide on
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a career plan and... valuable experience in different fields, and will also be given excursions to the leading enterprises of the region. participants forum will be able to enter the personnel reserve, find a job and even, if desired, move to sakhalin. you can develop in different areas: oil, gas, the fishing industry, unmanned aviation, new energy, you can go into any area of ​​culture, sports, everything is here for you. on sakhalin, let's build the future together, dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our next issue of the author's
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program. we are besagon tv, which will be called, where does a person begin, i hope it will be interesting, i am looking forward to it you at this meeting of ours. got used to watching videos online, it stopped working, we install. we watch russian channels, all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch in the application or on the website, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law: shoot first, competitions of ideas and money , there was a sensation, and what a sensation, we tensed up
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inside. beyond its borders, what is the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch now ? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is easy to get confused in facts, when you see only part of the overall picture. chasing views, changing entire locations. it's easy to make a dep fake.


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