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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 8:30pm-9:00pm MSK

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here we must also take into account one more point: in paraguay at that time there was a much higher birth rate than in today's ukraine, so the compensation for population losses was quite fast, and despite the monstrous losses, they still restored the population by the end of the 19th century, but it is very doubtful that ukraine will be able to do this, because the birth rate there is extremely low, it is not growing. ukraine's big problem is that it has fallen not only into a demographic hole, but into one that western masters have carefully cultivated for an independent country, an ideological one, citizens are being driven to slaughter, and if the country does not learn to think with its own head, the nation will have no chance of survival, one zavodchenkov and the ukrainian desert.
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now a short advertisement, here is what will happen next on our air. almost 7.0 hryvnia for a tour of bucha, irpen and gastomel. smart ukrainians arrange military tours for naive foreigners, how they make business on bones , they cultivate myths about anti-russian provocation.
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million people, on the mountain! the red sun has risen, the time of the alpha bank, the time of the alpha benefit. magnet, chernogolovka from 1249. still thinking about the ideal home? it's time to switch to domklik to find housing for any, the most daring taste. with a mortgage for building a house. new building or secondary? choose what everyone will like. on domklik everyone will find housing for themselves. on the south donetsk correction of the special operation
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, over 100 people of the ukrainian armed forces personnel, three polish self-propelled guns krab and several units of armored vehicles were destroyed in 24 hours. the result was ensured in including russian tank crews who carried out a series of successful attacks on enemy strongholds and could take more advantageous positions for infantry assault units, and for one of the crews, regular battles with the enemy became a real family affair, and sergey samokha will explain why: three tank crewmen are the crew of a combat vehicle, they are almost always together, even during short breaks between work, they serve in one tank for almost 2 years, in such cases it is customary to say that they have become like a family, but the fact is that they are a family, the commander and his two nephews, well , they decided at home. the fact that our men were fighting, so they decided to help them, they agreed together, went, the tankers were from the same village in transbaikalia, they decided to enlist as volunteers back in the summer of 1922, during a family holiday, the brothers announced
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their decision, having heard the conversation, the uncle decided not to stay on the sidelines, it would be unpleasant for him to sit at home, knowing that his younger children are here, and you will be at home sitting out, well, how... at first, fate scattered relatives in different units, but almost immediately they turned to the command with a request to unite them into one crew, the positions were distributed themselves in a family way, he , who is older, as if they know a little better, chose that he is a tank commander, and since i drive equipment, i chose to be a driver-mechanic. over several years in one tank there were many, and artillery shelling and drone attacks, but most of all i remember.
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page in the assault unit of the vostok group from transbaikalia daily leaves for combat work. now our tanks are firing from closed firing positions in the ugledar direction. the main targets are enemy strongholds and firing points, tanks help the infantry move forward. there is no room for cleverness inside the tank, and here only the commander, gunner and driver-mechanic. all commands are short, clear and only to the point. and the advance in
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the ugledar area, according to the crew, is continuous, every day we have to look for new positions closer to the line of contact in order to reach the enemy. the enemy does not as if it does not resist much, more hiding, as artillery cover. crew with the older brother, who serves here in the artillery. sergey samokh, aleksanchuk, news! one takes a selfie with a slight grin and a cheerful gleam in his eyes, the other no longer hides. joy smiles widely from ear to ear, photos from the times material, the participants of which are signed as a tourist from norway in
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a red t-shirt ukrainian tour guide - he is in white, but the frankly satisfied look of both, to put it mildly, does not really match with the topic of the newspaper article, since, as the headline suggests, a ukrainian showed a briton the horrors of the riot, which is the name of a tourist excursion around kiev, during which impressionable foreigners are taken to the so-called occupation sites, it turned out that organized military excursions have become quite a big business. according to the same times, tourists have begun to return to ukraine, but now they are demanding other experiences, for example, to tickle their nerves with stories about military operations. and of course, enterprising ukrainian companies are ready to provide them with a full range of services. boris ivanin studied the list of the ukrainian horror factory. boris, hello. yes, alexey, good evening. and is such an excursion expensive? well, if converted into rubles, the cost varies from 13 thousand rubles to 300 and this is far from the limit, the amounts are impressive. the cunning kievans do not disdain
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anything, even selling fakes. they earn money on the terrible interest of foreigners in the ukrainian conflict in every sense. here is an ad on the website of the kiev company, which used to take tourists to chernobyl and the exclusion zone. now the excursions to yerpen and bucha are much more profitable. the price starts from 120 euros, and that's only for a few hours. in fact , they are european. they show rusty military equipment, destroyed houses, traces of gunshots on fences, here are shots of a naive italian who is being lured along with tales, and supposedly russian aggression, here is the place of the explosion of a high-explosive shell or mortar that fell right here, here is the result of the fall of this shell or something else in the middle of the road, what do you think about this? it's incredible, it's very-very, it's like a glimmer for me right in the middle.
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usa, here are just many ordinary ukrainians who have witnessed military actions against being made money on in gostomil and butch on houses and streets there are warnings for uninvited guests: do not go and do not take pictures. local residents do not receive any dividends from this, but compare the wording of the english press. russia's actions there are undoubtedly called brutal, here is a business on the bones of fellow citizens, here be careful, commercialization of tragedy, but isn't it blasphemy? yes, blasphemy, but for them the global problem is that they don't see that it's blasphemy, because they have lost
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their moral foundations, they don't understand where good is and where evil is, and such a society is doomed, doomed to self-destruction, there is no ethics, no humanity, no common sense, no conscience left there, especially since they actually make money on fakes, not only did they invent these events, the worst thing is that in reality people were actually killed, killed.
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some black bags, filled with something incomprehensible, they were not taken away from the turmoil, i was surprised that people could not put two and two together to understand that it was already warm, and if there were corpses lying there, they would have decomposed long ago and smelled bad, something in these black bags along the road was neatly laid out for the tv picture, which is incomprehensible, but the most important thing now is to support the myth of a victim called ukraine, which must be helped. tour guides, like zelensky, only at the grassroots level pursue a double goal, and receive cash and manipulate the consciousness of ordinary foreigners, it is like shock therapy for them, the author of such tours does not hide. that is why the program of visiting not only includes destroyed buildings , by the way, they have not been put in order for more than two years , because it is much more profitable to be a victim , they introduce foreign tourists even to the burial
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of neo-nazi fighters as heroes. and half of the income from the excursion. these excursions are pursued so much as ideological ones, they are aimed at rooting this myth that russia committed some war crimes, everything this is being done globally to demonize russia and to make it easier for western politicians and globalist elites to get some ephemeral consent from their citizens to
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support the kiev regime. the terrible interest in tours to bucha, experts believe, shows how unhealthy it is not... the most tender chicken, only in burgers in a delicious point. try it with the new curry sauce. angle grinder aeg, 3,900 rubles. for all
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the epicenter of the confrontation were with one whites on the one hand, and numerous people from africa and the middle east on the other, that is , regardless of what became the catalyst, there is a clear symptom of long -accumulated contradictions between the indigenous population and migrants, well, it would seem that the authorities... in such a situation, it is necessary to understand what the deep prerequisites of the conflict are, but what is surprising is how clearly the cabinet of ministers of the united kingdom takes the position of newcomers, including hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants, in particular the same starmer, as his opponent ningel reminds us farage has refused to discuss the migration crisis with the press at all, as if it doesn't exist at all, what is the reason for this selectivity, anastasia ivanova tried to understand, anastasia, hello, hello, well, apparently in a country where even... children are forcibly indoctrinated with liberal globalism, it couldn't be otherwise, and of course, he keeps silent about the fact that this could all end in crimes, the british establishment benefits, the crisis
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is being dealt with on the ground. the authorities of the united kingdom, speaking out for supposed democracy, equality, and by defending migrants they are going against the position of the native english. even through children's books they are already talking about how good swinger parties with black people are. this video is now spreading on social networks, in fact , the perverted mechanism of action is only: they watch several films, give balloons to boys, i can't sleep, they are very noisy , this is what i pray for every night, that on my birthday i will also have a swinger party. it is also strange that gays and lesbians were not mentioned in the children's book, but without this in an attempt to please everyone, on one street there is a robbery of migrants, on another - an extremist lgbt show. one of the main. opponents of this imposition of this agenda is precisely the muslim street, yes, which, in general , demands that nothing like this should be taught to their children under any circumstances, that is, there have been
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conflicts more than once, which, in general, this crowd, which, in general, is now fighting with some white football khafanots to the english, the english, yes, it came to school, and some migrants come to children's dance studios, attack schoolgirls with a knife, as it turned out, it was the suspect in the murder of three girls, a seventeen-year-old son who arrived. bbc children and need or children in need, collected money for migrants, and what did it result in? a person, yes, some defenders are now trying to, let's say, yes , say, well, look, he is not an emigrant after all, yes, he was born here, well, again, what's the point in putting down people who have children there, who cut other people. yes, well, that is, this can also be discussed in as a problem of migration. for british policemen, the problem is their own citizens, because the convoys on the streets are now literally
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standing up for migrants. about the journalist, the head of the london police mark rowley about why not strengthen the security of the british, he knocks the microphone out of the hands of the correspondent. are you planning to strengthen security, sir? migrants in great britain have always lived and live by their own laws and are not going to adapt to the angelenos. in turn, social programs are not designed to educate newcomers, but to teach the indigenous population to be tolerant. even after the wave. of order propaganda with dissent on the itv channel, the presenter condemned racists on social media, and the british home secretary echoed him. there are citizens on social media who are calling not just for riots, but for violence. they are using racist language, they are brazenly lying about the events in southport. all this is happening on social media, what should social media management, the police and the authorities do to stop it all. you are right, ed, we are seeing posts that are completely
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definitely criminal. but social networks make them incredibly popular. why is there no discussion? it's simple. as it turned out, a married couple were talking on the air. the host, et bols, is also a former member of parliament from the liberal party, who is currently promoting migration policy. the rise of the liberals to power is unlikely to solve a single problem in britain, both with migrants , on the contrary, they will increasingly impose them, and in the financial part, because the liberals will be for...
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an army against the native english, while the flow of migrants to the united kingdom is not decreasing, it is not the state that is involved in the migration flow and not so much the state, here it is a question of criminal groups that transport migrants, some business companies, structures that pay for the services of carriers, some people who directly pay carriers on the spot in order to move, and to receive asylum, very many people for some reason really believe that if they move to...
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the russian ministry of defense this evening released footage of objective control, which confirm the destruction of a very significant amount of various equipment of the ukrainian armed forces on the border of the kursk region. strikes were carried out on it by all available means, from aviation and artillery to drones. our correspondent alexander revnov reports on the situation. the alarm signal does not
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stop warning of missile danger. they come one after another, people hide in shelters, roads are in craters from the detonation of shells, pieces of roofing are scattered next to half-destroyed houses, this is the consequence of the shelling of the regional center of suzha by militants of the ukrainian armed forces, here our balcony, you can't get there, everything is broken, there is practically nothing left in the neighboring apartments, one apartment, the second one, a rocket went all the way down to the first floor, random fire on civilian houses from the ukrainian side on... around 3:00 a.m. they deliberately hit the elderly quarter with rocket artillery and tanks. enemy drones, filled with explosives, attacked civilian cars. one of the copters detonated in the courtyard of the gornalsky, st. nicholas belogorsky monastery. my street, my car, it's standing there, there's the broken house. a rocket fell, here's one, it fell right here.


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