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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 6, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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one dead and six wounded, including seriously, are reported, but this is an unpromised, unannounced direct and painful air attack on israel from several directions by tehran ahizbollah. iran knows how to drag out the pause and play on nerves, although the proximity of the hour x is evidenced by the visit of michael kurila, head of the us central command. the last time he flew to tel aviv was on april 12 , the day before the massive missile attack from iran. israel today, more than ever, is interested in international military coalition capable of closing the country's skies from the promised hundreds of drone missiles. but at this hour , no special instructions were received from the rear service, having equipped their bomb shelters in advance, the israelis continue to live their usual everyday routine. but all this everyday life with working institutions, open stores, theaters, cafes, cinemas. is deceptive,
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every israeli has a smartphone in his hands, everyone has a special program installed, everyone will receive a text and sound notification at the hour when it is time to leave for shelter. here i open my phone and see that there are no restrictions on work activities, no restrictions on public events, no restrictions on academic activities, especially since students and schoolchildren are on vacation today. the message from the rear service can be read in several languages. including russian, there will be no uninformed people, at the right time, alarm signals will be broadcast by loudspeakers, tv channels, and of course, internet resources. however, it is not a fact that the israeli military will allow an attack on its territory, in the government, in the general staff, it is obviously maturing concept of preventive, preemptive attack. in the past, our country attacked without waiting to be attacked. this was the motto by which our country lived. do not doubt that... will be protected,
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if any preventive action is necessary, the government will entrust this to the israel defense forces. the airport remains an indicator of the degree of anxiety in the situation; it is still operating as usual , despite the fact that dozens of world air carriers have suspended flights to israel. additional flights of national companies are now bringing back israeli tourists stranded on holiday. paradoxically, the alarming situation at home is motivating people.
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in iraq, only two rockets were reportedly fired at us military positions, but they appeared to cause significant damage. us officials, who spoke to reuters on condition of anonymity, said one american was seriously injured, and the casualty count is based on initial reports that could still change.
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the only way to defuse the increasingly tense situation in the region is to stop the war in gaza, the head of mitlivan, who met with his egyptian counterpart in cairo today, is confident. the first step toward de-escalation is to stop israeli aggression in the gaza strip in order to protect the entire region from the consequences of fueling a regional war. recently, i have contacted the us secretary of state three times, the acting foreign minister of iran. we talked with the russian foreign minister, and today we had a meeting telephone conversation with the chinese foreign minister. communication continues to prevent a regional war. and turkish president erdogan announced that his country will join the un case against israel tomorrow. our parliamentary delegation on legal issues will file an appeal to the court in the hague on august 7 to participate in the genocide case against israel. we will do everything we can to.
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the confrontation between tel aviv and tehran, which could easily escalate into a full-scale war. as it became known today, iran will close its borders for the next 2 days. part of its airspace, officially, to conduct exercises of the aerospace forces of the islamic revolutionary guard corps, during which, as reported, tests will be carried out, including long-range missiles. alexander bilibov, dmitry cherbakov and evgeny samsonov, news middle east. in violation of international humanitarian law, he was engaged in looting in the combat zone, so he will spend the next seven years in a maximum security prison. the sentence for the czech mercenary filip simon, who went to fight for the kiev regime found itself in the dock. today the prague court made the final decision. the defendant is guilty. the list
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of crimes includes robberies of apartments of peaceful residents of bucha and irpen, including theft from the dead. the mercenary participated in the cleanup of the apartment, he himself admitted that he did not disdain. taking valuables for himself, however, in court simon tried to prove that such was the order of the ukrainian command and that everyone without exception was engaged in looting. this testimony perfectly demonstrates what the fakes about the events in bucha are really worth, and under kiev meanwhile, foreigners continue to flock, only now not for the sake of robbery, but to tickle their nerves. the british tyms reported on a new major business of ukrainian tour guides. for money, they arrange for those who wish to travel along the so-called. his accompanying newspapers are attached to the material, and what amuses clients so much and how much they pay for it, boris ivanin will tell. the cunning kievans do not disdain anything,
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even selling fakes, they earn money on the terrible in every sense interest of foreigners in the ukrainian conflict. here is an ad on the website of a kiev company that... took tourists to chernobyl and the exclusion zone, but now excursions to evrpen and bucha are much more profitable. prices start from 120 euros, and that's just for a few hours. in fact , europeans are shown rusty military equipment, destroyed houses, and traces of gunshots on fences. here are shots of a naive italian who is being treated to tales of alleged russian aggression. here is the site of the explosion of a high-explosive shell or mortar that fell right here. and here is the result of the fall of this shell or something else in the middle roads, what do you think about this? this is incredible, this is very-very, this is like a glimpse for me, right in the middle of a small village, yes, this is incredible, i was not ready for this, such excursions in ukraine have become
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a profitable business, writes the british tymes, only to bucha more than a dozen companies take, the so-called military tours for the whole week cost more than 3,000 pounds, this is 326. rubles. one of those who established a cynical business, svet moiseyev, enlightens, so to speak, since may has already received several dozen tourists from germany, france, norway, the usa. that's just many ordinary ukrainians who witnessed the fighting against being made money off of. in gostomil and buch , warnings for uninvited guests appear on houses and streets, not to come and not to take pictures. local residents do not receive any dividends from this, but compare the wording of the english press, day. russia there is undoubtedly called brutal, here business on the bones of fellow citizens is more careful, commercialization of tragedy, well, isn't it blasphemy, yes blasphemy, but for them the global problem is that they do not see, that this is blasphemy, because they have lost their moral foundations, they do not understand where good is and where evil is, and such a society is doomed,
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doomed to self-destruction, no ethics, no humanity, no common sense, no conscience left there, especially since they actually make money on fakes. not only did they invent these events, the worst thing is that in reality people were actually killed, they were killed by the armed forces of ukraine, such a business in ukraine is considered quite normal, normal, obviously for foreign tourists are considered to pose like this, against the backdrop of charred and destroyed buildings, these touching allegedly for social networks, the organizers of the bucha tours then shamelessly use as advertising. however, pr on bones has become fashionable. western politicians themselves, visiting bucha was a mandatory item in their program of visit. urslo vonderlaen, olaf scholz, boris johnson, who was the scriptwriter of this anti-russian provocation. zelensky personally conducted excursions for them, thus earning political capital. i was not surprised when
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some black bags, filled with something incomprehensible, were not taken away from the turmoil for several months. i was surprised that people could not put 2 + 2 together to understand that it was already warm, and if... now support the myth of a victim called ukraine, which needs help. tour guides, like zelensky, only at the grassroots level pursue a double goal, and receive cash and manipulate the consciousness of ordinary foreigners. this is like shock therapy for them, the author of such tours does not hide. that is why the program of visits includes not only destroyed publications. by the way, they have not been put in order for more than two years, because being a victim is much more profitable, it introduces foreign tourists even to the burial of isu fighters. nazis are presented as heroes, thank you very much to the organizers for this interesting day, for this
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excursion, thank you very much, they promise to transfer half of the income from the excursion to the needs of the ukrainian army, foreigners are happy to fork out and play along, the internet is full of enthusiastic reviews, from britain, for example, although the authors' adequacy is also questionable big doubts, but in their inflamed consciousness, so the myths of anti-russian propaganda are cultivated and rooted, of course. only commercial goals and these excursions do not pursue so much as ideological ones, they are aimed at rooting this myth that russia has committed some war crimes, all this is done globally to demonize russia and so that ultimately it would be easier for western politicians, politicians and globalist elites to receive such an ephemeral consent from their citizens to support the kiev regime, the terrible interest in tours to bucha, experts believe, shows how unhealthy not only ukrainian, but western society is, which is ready to pay for fakes, although the truth does not require any money.
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delegates to the us democratic party convention today officially supported the nomination of kamala harris as a presidential candidate in the november elections, she herself has already decided on her vice-presidential candidate. this is the governor of minnesota, whom donald trump called the worst possible option, capable of, literally create hell on earth. why the republican reacted so... violently , why the democrats think differently, our correspondent in the usa valentin bogdanov will explain. kamala haris is half a step away from the party nomination, she has the necessary number of delegates in her pocket, 4,500 voted online to approach the convention in chicago without surprises, it remains to decide on a running mate, they decided. good morning big news, according to reports kamala haris has made her choice she has chosen sixty-year-old. minnesota governor tim walt to be her candidate in vice presidents. almost immediately
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, secret service agents showed up at tim waltz's home in st. paul. accompanied by them , the governor's motorcade left the residence in time for a meeting with harris. meanwhile , this announcement appeared on her page. i am proud to announce that i have asked tim waltz to be my running mate. as a governor, coach, teacher, and veteran, he has championed the interests of working families just like his own. it's great to have him on our team. harris ultz and i are the same age; he is also 60. grew up in nebraska, lost his father, a korean war veteran, at 18. he is a geography teacher by education. he started on an indian reservation, then in china, under the world teach program. he served in the army, worked as a football coach. it was walz who was the governor of minnesota when george floyd died there and clashes began under the blm banner. two children, no children.
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the last time he won was under nixon in 1972, his own for his own. it is not surprising that the liberal from san francisco, kamala harris wants to see tim walz as her candidate, imitating the west coast. walz spent his term as governor trying to remake minnesota in the image of the golden state. if walz won't tell voters the truth, we will, as will kamela harris, tim waltz, a dangerous liberal extremist. and harris waltz's california dream is every american's nightmare. when it comes to ukraine, walts is marching in formation. in
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february of this year, he visited the ukrainian embassy in washington, establishing a partnership with the chernihiv region. last april, together with other governors, spoke on zoom with zelensky, signed a law banning minnesota investments in russia and scolded the republicans for not wanting to write clean checks to kiev.
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also part of the election strategy of one party or another, here morning consult reports that the democrat is already ahead of the republican by 4%, 48 to 44. kamala appeals to black voters, to unions, to voters from swing states, while she actively travels, she finds new ways to communicate and charge energy. trump is worried about all this, and he is also looking for new formats. in maralaga landed popular blogger adin ros and republican. gave him all the layouts: this is who runs our country, it's a disgrace, she is ultra-left, ultra-radical, she was the attorney general of california and she destroyed california, her policies did it, they talked about the global agenda, trump continues to praise his abilities as a peacemaker. i will contact putin, i will contact zelensky, i
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know both of them very well, and i will ensure that they begin peace talks. this is the first thing i will do, as president, so that everything what was said with a guarantee also went viral in a quality manner, they quickly shot a video without leaving the new cybertruck, designed especially for trump, the gift was waiting for the forty -fifth us president in the yard. how do you like that, kamala harris, in pursuit of her walsom, the duo is already leaving tomorrow for a big american tour of seven states, including hawaii, trump is sending. vance, who will hold rallies in the neighborhood of those places where competitors will be. the day before, vance again attacked harris about the economy. this moment can lead to a real economic catastrophe around the world. this requires stable leadership, such as that provided by president trump for 4 years. kamala harris is too afraid to answer questions from the media and cannot lead us
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in these turbulent times. however, the problems of the american economy that have accumulated under biden and as a result of his actions. all this does not cancel, but will the daring ones and trump be able to discuss all this, we have not yet agreed on the debates, i think we must agree to a debate on fox, and i think the debate should be on the evening of september 18 in new york, why this date, because on that day he will be sentenced to prison. trump was supposed to be sentenced in new york in july, but then the court, looking at chikharda in washington, took a break, now they are back to life. sensing a change in the political wind, the us supreme court rejected a lawsuit by the missouri attorney general, who insisted that trump's sentencing should be be postponed, even conservative judges, i.e. loyal to the republicans, did not help. everything is guaranteed to happen before the elections, i.e. it will definitely
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affect them. valentin bogdanov, ivan udkin and denis sokolov, news from new york. we will return after a short commercial, here is what we will tell you about. the british authorities are against their native population. in children's books they promote interracial swinger parties, in social videos they film future murderers, why do even the police take the side of migrants? durable and not afraid of moisture, protect from heat and cold. penoplex,
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he promised to mobilize an entire army of police officers so that they would work 24/7, and also guaranteed the harshest punishments for the instigators of illegal actions from among the so-called far right. all this is a rather peculiar reaction of the prime minister of great britain kiro starmer to the pogroms that swept through the cities of england, northern ireland and wales and represented, in fact, a real racial war, since at the epicenter of the confrontation were on one side. on the other numerous people from africa and the middle east, that is, regardless of what became the catalyst, it is obvious, a clear symptom of long-accumulated contradictions
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between the indigenous population and migrants, well , it would seem that the authorities in such a situation need to figure out what the deep prerequisites of the conflict are, but it is all the more surprising how clearly the cabinet of the united kingdom takes the position of newcomers, including hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants, in particular, the same starmer, as his opponent, ningel farage, reminds us, refused to discuss with the press the problem of the migration crisis, as if the latter does not exist at all, what is the reason for this selectivity, anastasia ivanova tried to understand? the british establishment benefits, the crisis is dealt with on the ground. the authorities of the united kingdom, advocating for alleged democracy, equality, and protecting migrants, go against the position of the native english. even through children's books, they are already talking. about how good swinger parties with black people are, this video is now spreading across social networks, in fact, perverted the mechanism of action is just to keep the demographics normal, it doesn't matter, apparently, in what way, they
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watch several films, give balloons to boys, i can't sleep, they make a lot of noise, this is what i pray for every night, so that on my birthday i would also have a swinger party, it's also strange that gays and lesbians were not mentioned in the children's book, but without this, in an attempt to please everyone on one street, once... emigrants, on another, an extremist lgbt show. one of the main, probably, opponents of this imposition of this agenda is like once a muslim street, yes, which in general demands that nothing like that under any circumstances be taught to their children, that is, there have been conflicts more than once, which in general this crowd, which in general is now fighting with some white football hafanots, yes the english, the english, yes, it came to school, and some migrants come to children's dance studios and attack schoolgirls with a knife, as it turned out, it was the suspect... ennit, or
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needy children, who collected money for migrants, and what did it result in? person, yes, there are some defenders trying to do that now, let's say, yes, say, well , look, he's not an emigrant after all, yes, he was born here, well, again, what's the point in putting down people who have children there, who cut other people, yes, well, that is, this can also be discussed as a problem of migration, for british police the problem is their own citizens, because the convoys on the streets are now literally standing up for migrants, to the question of the magazine... to the head of the london police mark rowley about why not strengthen the protection of the english, he knocks the microphone out of the correspondent's hands. are you planning to strengthen security, sir? migrants in great britain have always lived and live by their own laws and are not going to adapt to the angelenos. in turn, social programs are not designed to teach newcomers, but to teach the native population to be tolerant. even
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after a wave of unrest, propaganda is indulgent. the discussion is simple, as it turned out, the couple on the air were talking, the host et bolsk, who is also a former member of parliament from the liberal party, which is currently promoting migration policy. the laborites' coming to power is unlikely to solve any of britain's problems, either with migrants, or, on the contrary, they will increasingly impose them, or in the financial part, because the laborites will be for larger payments for the social budget, so
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the budget gap will increase, therefore. but kirmi also has every chance of not serving out his term, and he may follow the path of previous prime ministers. why do migrants have such permissiveness? because they now occupy influential positions in all spheres. former prime minister rishi sunok is from india, the current mayor of london, sadiq khan, is of pakistani origin. and the former mayor of scotland, hamza yusav, is now calling for the use of the army against the native english. at the same time, the flow of migrants to the united kingdom is not decreasing. it is not the state that is involved. in the migration flow and not so much the state, here it is already a question of criminal groups that transport migrants, some business companies, structures that pay for services carriers, some people who directly pay carriers on the spot in order to move, and to receive asylum, for some reason many people really believe that if they move to britain, they will immediately be given all the documents, even if they are given, not all of the newcomers are eager to work, they are already
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making fun of social networks, saying that the work week has begun. there are fewer native english protesters on the streets, but there are no migrants. the ukrainian armed forces today attacked the positions of russian units on border in kursk region. kiev regime militants tried to break through to residential areas and met with a harsh response. the russian defense ministry shared footage of the destruction of enemy equipment. in the dpr, our military took control of another settlement - timofeevka. the russian army continues to methodically approach the most important logistics supply route for ukrainian formations in this area. and what about other areas? the latest news from the front lines. vladimir putin discussed the development of the murmansk region with the governor today. by the way, this andrey chibes' first meeting with the president
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after the assassination attempt. what topics were discussed? and the situation in the middle east is the focus of the entire world. an escalation could be catastrophic for the entire region. but for now, the parties are limiting themselves to mutual threats, although quite specific ones. we are closely monitoring the situation. the ministry of defense has published footage of objective control filmed on the border of the kursk region. this is a video of the defeat of military equipment. as reported by the ministry of defense, the enemy attempted to break through to the territory of the kursk region today, in as a result of shelling in border areas , civilians were killed and injured. about the situation, alexander ribunov. the alarm signal
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is not at.


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