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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 7, 2024 5:00am-5:31am MSK

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the ministry of defense has released footage of objective control filmed on the border of the kursk region, this video shows the defeat of military equipment in the sudzhinsky district, high-precision strikes on tanks and armored vehicles of ukrainian militants were carried out by artillery, aviation and unmanned loitering munitions. as reported by the department, the enemy attempted to break through to the territory of the kursk region, as a result of shelling of border areas there are dead and injured among the civilian population. about the situation in the region alexander rivunov. the alarm signal is not
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falls silent, missile hazard warnings come one after another, people hide in shelters, roads are cratered from shell detonations, pieces of roofing are scattered next to half-destroyed houses, these are the consequences of the shelling of the regional center of suzha by militants of the armed forces of ukraine, here is our balcony, you can't get there, everything is broken, there is practically nothing left in the neighboring apartments, one apartment, the second one... a missile went all the way down to the first floor. indiscriminate fire on civilian homes from the ukrainian side began around 3:00 in the morning, they deliberately hit the elderly quarter behind rocket artillery and tanks. enemy drones filled with explosives attacked civilian cars. one of the copters detonated in the courtyard of the gornalsky, svyatonikolsky belogorsky monastery. my street, my car, it's standing there, here's the destroyed house. a rocket fell here , it fell here. my parents can't leave,
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they can't leave, because the constant shelling continues - the dropping of uh uh from - is carried out from drones uh on uh on ordinary people, on cars, today from 8:00 am moscow time the enemy after fire preparation forces of up to 300 militants from the twenty -second mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine , supported by eleven tanks. more than twenty combat armored vehicles, attacked the positions of the units covering the state border of the russian federation. the troops covering the state border, together with units of the border troops of the fsb of russia, repel attacks, inflict fire damage on the enemy in the area of ​​the state border and the reserve on the territory of the sumy region. as a result of the fire damage, 16 units were destroyed armored vehicles of the ukrainian armed forces, including six tanks, two infantry fighting vehicles, four armored personnel carriers, received 20 people, among
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them children, the children were sitting in basements, then, when it calmed down a little, we began to leave, probably at half past midnight, a lot of people were traveling from sodzha to kursk, well, whoever could, whoever stayed, there is no connection, we can’t call our parents, by the way, a direct hit to a residential building killed a twenty-four-year-old girl, the damage to infrastructure, housing stock has not yet been calculated, it will catch fire, not got sunburned, did a lot of damage, there is no roof at all, the situation is very difficult, thank god, most of the population managed to leave the settlement, now i am also going to leave, because it is getting dark, and at night , as you understand, it is very dangerous, so excuse me, here is the car, the situation continues to be difficult, i ask everyone to comply with the requirements -
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safety measures, take shelter in safe places in case of receiving a signal, report suspicious objects and watch closely, fake information is being dumped. to the border territory of the kursk region, according to according to the ministry of defense, the enemy attempted to enter under artillery cover. they were not armed with american rifles, had grenades and c4 explosives, and wanted to pass through the state border unnoticed, but... they failed, and were met with crossfire from the state border cover troops and fsb fighters. two battalions were destroyed on the spot. an armed provocation was committed by the ukrainian armed forces on a section of the russian federation state border within the kurdish region . border settlements in the kursk region were shelled. border guards together with units of the russian armed forces, measures were taken to repel armed aggression. our operational-tactical and... aviation,
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planes, helicopters were involved in the liquidation of the enemy's personnel and equipment, and missile strikes were launched against the retreating militants. reserves of the russian group of troops in the kursk direction moved into the area of ​​the clash.
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we are meeting the strike on the positions of the ukrainian air defense unit, which is leaving the border areas, additional ambulance barricades have been organized and brought out to work doctors in the hospital, necessary drug reserves created, involved dnd employees, transport, the 24-hour hotline continues to operate, you can call 112 for any... questions, all employees of the kursk region administration, employees of municipalities are at work. as a result of the attack by the armed forces of ukraine in the korsk region, six children were injured, three of them are members of one family.
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this was reported to the commissioner for children's rights maria lvova obelova. she clarified that two children are in outpatient care treatment, four in the hospital. among them is a three-year-old girl, she. hospitalized in a moderate condition, as well as a two-year-old boy, he has a shrapnel wound to the back, the child's mother died, the victims are being provided with all necessary assistance. vladimir putin supported the idea of ​​​​arctic medical standards, the governor of the murmansk region andrei chibis proposed to develop them, he drew attention to the need for more in-depth and frequent medical studies for residents of the arctic regions, since the conditions of their life significantly differs from the central part of russia.
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the gradual transfer of coal from the city center to the western shore, and more questions about mormon, this year we are starting to build the first microdistrict in the agglomeration, before that there was point development, because there was demand, incomes are growing, there is a future, more and more people want to invest money not
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in other territories, but in their own north, to live here and work and have grown up, even they are growing at a faster rate than in the average outsider. we are pleased with this, of course, and of course, thank you very much for the orchid mortgage, of course, a serious issue is healthcare, we have a children's regional hospital, it was converted from a dormitory in soviet times, now it does not meet any standards, modernization of the adult regional hospital, in order to put the infrastructure for healthcare in the regional center in order. russian military ensured the safety of the planned twenty-first rotation of observers of the iaea mission at the zaporizhzhya npp, as reported. in the ministry of defense, our sappers inspected the road in the area of ​​the transition observers and found unexploded ordnance left after new shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. in addition, a ceasefire was declared in the area. the new mission includes four inspectors, they will assess the safety of the nuclear power plant.
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let me remind you that observers have been present at the zaporizhzhya npp since september of the twenty-second year, after the first visit of the head of the agency rafael grossi. israeli fighters on... hezbollah in southern lebanon, the press service of the israeli army reported. according to the military, the target of the attack was weapons depots groups. meanwhile, the general secretary of the shi'id movement stated that the promised blow to the jewish state would not be long in coming and would be carried out from iran, lebanon and yemen. in turn, the israeli media stated that the military had a new target to destroy. the reason was the appointment of yahe senwar as the head of hamas. let me remind you that he became the successor of ismail haniyeh, who was killed in tehran. the iranian side placed responsibility for his murder on israel. more details on the situation in the middle east in the reports of our correspondents in region. in the morning , a piercing signal
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warning of an air attack sounded throughout northern israel from haifiriya to ikiriya at least two hezbollah combat drones broke into the country's airspace the drones' flight was observed by residents of the north, they were filmed on mobile phones, but the system is almost powerless against targets flying at extremely low altitudes, anti-aircraft gunners shot down only one combat vehicle, the second interceptor missile...
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live an ordinary everyday routine, but all this everyday life with working institutions, with open stores, theaters, cafes, cinemas, deceptively, every israeli has a smartphone in their hands, each has a special program installed, each will receive a text and sound notification at the hour when it is time to go to the shelter, so i open my phone and see there are no restrictions on work activities, no restrictions on mass events. no restrictions on academic activities, especially since students and schoolchildren are on vacation today. the message from the home front service can
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be read in several languages, including russian. there will be no one not notified. at the right time, the alarm signals will be broadcast loudspeakers, tv channels and , of course, internet resources. however, it is not a fact that the israeli military will allow an attack on its territory; the government in the general staff is obviously maturing the concept of a preventive, preemptive attack. in the past, our country struck without waiting for it to be attacked. this was the motto with which our country lived. do not doubt that the homeland will be protected. if it is necessary to take any preventive action, the government will entrust this to the israel defense forces. an indicator of the degree of anxiety the airport remains in the situation. it is still operating as usual, despite the fact that dozens of global air carriers have suspended flights to israel. additional flights of national companies.
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in the ground operation in southern lebanon. the attack in hezbollah itself was called a success, stating that during the raid , the enemy's military infrastructure facilities were hit, as well as personnel, and warning that this blow will not be the last. israel is no longer as strong as before, it asks america for help from western countries to provide it with defense, as it is unable to defend itself against an iranian attack. the wall street journal reports that there are now more than enough signs that a regional war could soon begin... u.s. officials said they have seen iran moving missile launchers and
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conducting military exercises since the weekend, which could indicate that tigiran is preparing for an attack in the coming days. last night, pro-iranian forces attacked the u.s. military base "ain al-asad" in iraq. it is reported that only two rockets were fired at the u.s. military location, which, however, appeared to have caused significant damage. u.s. officials who spoke to reuters on condition of anonymity said one american was seriously injured, and the casualty count is based on initial reports that could still change. it is possible to defuse the increasingly tense situation in the region.
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full-scale war. as tehran has learned, iran will close its borders for the next two days. part of its airspace. officially, to conduct exercises of the aerospace forces of the islamic
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revolutionary guard corps, during which, as reported, tests will be conducted, including missiles. long-range radio refereeing. alexander bilibov, dmitrievich arbakov and evgeny samsonov. vesti: middle east. the head of the russian ministry of foreign affairs sergey lavrov discussed the military-political situation in the middle east by telephone with his counterpart from jordan. in the conversation, the minister noted the need for a ceasefire, as well as called on the parties to exercise restraint in order to avoid catastrophic consequences for the entire region. the heads of the foreign policy departments emphasized that both moscow and oman are in favor of a speedy descala. the government of niger is breaking off diplomatic relations with ukraine, a representative of the military transitional government of the republic said, the authorities of niger accused kiev of supporting terrorists on the african continent. the country's leadership intends to appeal to the un security council in connection with the ukrainian aggression. let me remind you that the other day about
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the malian government has announced a severance of relations with ukraine. it has accused kiev of involvement in the terrorist group's attack on the malian military. the interim government of bangladesh will be headed by nobel peace prize laureate muhammad yunus. his candidacy was supported by students. earlier, they staged mass protests against the system of state quotas for positions, which, in their opinion, provoke unemployment. the rallies turned into riots. on monday , a student stormed the government palace prime minister. she was forced to leave the country. amid political turbulence , the bangladesh army has also undergone major reshuffles, and the country's police association has announced. a standoff. the police will remain inactive until employees are confident of their safety. according to the association, 450 police stations have already been attacked, with casualties. the baltic fleet training ship smolny was ceremoniously welcomed to the port of venezuela. representatives of the navy's high command took part in the ceremony. countries. the military orchestra performed a march in honor
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of the russian sailors. then the ship's crew went to the historical center, where they laid a wreath at the hero's monument. this is practice for 300 cadets of naval universities. smolny has already visited cuba, the port of havana, will stay in venezuela until august 9, the crew will replenish supplies of water, fuel, food and conduct a technical inspection of the ship. and the baltic sailors and cadets will hold sports competitions with venezuelan sailors. in tyumen , almost 19 thousand people visited the exhibition of captured nato equipment on the very first day of work people, and this is a new attendance record. the exhibition includes combat vehicles from six western countries and dozens of weapons captured by our soldiers in the special operation zone. moreover, viewers can see both the equipment itself and the moment of its destruction. you only need to point your smartphone at the qr code. ksenia usoltseva has already examined
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the trophies. the first traveling exhibition in russia, which arrived in tyumen, is already breaking attendance records. in just one day, almost 19.00 people saw it, interest in the equipment captured by the servicemen of the troop group, the center on donetsk and ovdeevka directions of the special military operation, is growing. it is very useful to see what the enemy is fighting with, what we are coping with, and an excellent decision that they took it all around the country to show, so that all people could see it dragging. i always wanted to see live how our guys defeated this equipment. western alliance, so -called, so i am carefully studying the consequences of the impact of our indestructible weapons, it is clear that it is widely represented.
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apcs produced in the usa, germany, austria, ukraine, great britain and turkey special interest in the american abrams tank. in the hatch and the bradley infantry fighting vehicle, an unmanned aerial vehicle, some of the vehicles were hit while moving, while others were almost completely burned out. and this american m113 a2 armored personnel carrier was hit on the battlefield by an artillery system, it was hit by a 152 mm shell, the vehicle can accommodate 11 paratroopers, most likely, they all died at the same time. the military personnel will tell the story of each vehicle, and ... technology will help you see the moment of defeat, you just need to point your phone at the qr code, here are the shots from the drone, our fellow countrymen also took part in the capture of the equipment.
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in addition to the captured equipment, visitors to the exhibition will see about 50 samples of missile and artillery weapons, also captured by our soldiers, as well as domestic equipment that is fighting back the enemy on the battlefield. concentration camp prisoner valentina sarapu, looking at the tank, recalls her childhood. i stopped when i saw such a gun, this barrel was looking at me, i was so scared, i did not understand whether it was working, whether it would shoot or not, but the fact is that it turned out that she was looking right at me, there were corpses lying around, remembering what we experienced in the great patriotic war, now this is happening in donbass. thematic areas are also spread out at the exhibition. here they will teach you how to assemble and disassemble machine guns, tell you about the wide arsenal of aircraft used, teach you how to weave camouflage nets. we will all be united in the confidence that victory will be
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ours, the enemy will definitely be defeated, and thanks to the courage, fortitude, bravery of our guys, we will definitely live to see this day together. in the first days, the subject, and the government of the subject joined in helping our servicemen who serve in the svo zone, in the units of the named, formed in the tyumen region. august 1606, for the first time on the stage showed macbeth one of the most famous plays of william shakespeare. they played in hampton court, a country royal palace,
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and the main spectator was the monarch james i, stuart himself. the play is about the boundless thirst for power, for the sake of which the scottish king macbeth commits treason and murder. it would seem that such a thing should be staged at court. but shakespeare was an experienced courtier and made a noble bank from the stuart family one of the positive characters. the stuarts flattered the king. in general, the play creates an oppressive atmosphere of hopelessness and superstitious people believe that it is cursed. at the first performance , the boy playing lady macbeth had a fit. then the play was not performed for 100 years. and during the performance in 1703, england was hit by the worst storm in its history. us president abraham lincoln was killed soon after after reading excerpts from macbeth to his guests. but all this does not interfere. the popularity of the play, it is a story told by a fool, where there is much noise and passions, but
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there is no meaning, 100 years ago, on august 7, 1924 , the russian society of radio amateurs was created, people then knew how to do a lot themselves, our ... the country was just starting to radio, and they assembled radio receivers themselves, made private radio stations. in the same year, the government approved this decree, which was popularly called the law on freedom of the air. radio communication on short waves, which allowed one to hear distant countries and continents, became a mass hobby. the first to assemble a transmitter was a resident of nizhny novgorod, fyodor lbov. radio amateur nikolai schmidt was the first to receive the sos signal, the italian arctic expedition of umberto nobel, this allowed.
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improved radio communication systems in spain, when there was a civil war there and in our country during the great patriotic war. on august 7, 1932 , a terrible decree was adopted in the ussr, it was called - quote: on the protection of property of state ... enterprises, collective farms and cooperation and strengthening of socialist property, it meant that for the slightest theft of public property they could shoot or give 10 years in the camps, and of course they stole a lot, mainly because of poverty and hunger. the country's economy was in deep crisis, agriculture suffered from forced collectivization, many peasants had nothing to eat, there were known cases of cannibalism. a handful of grain from a collective farm field could help a person survive, but he risked
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his... life, which is why this regulation had another name: the law on three ears of corn. of course, the death penalty was rarely given, but almost 200 thousand people were sent to the gulag, where workers were needed, under this law. half a century ago, on august 7 , 1974, in the center of new york in manhattan, thousands of people looked up. there, at a height of 411 m, a frenchman demonstrated his fearlessness. he walked along a taut steel cable between the twin towers of the world trade center, then the tallest buildings in the world. of course, this was a violation of the law. five and his friends gave themselves away for journalists or couriers and carried all the necessary equipment up, threw it between the towers of canada with a bow and arrow and stretched a 200-kilogram cable. philip walked along it eight times, with a pole weighing 25 kg without any safety equipment. finished when
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he saw that it was going to rain, was immediately arrested for trespassing and disobeying authorities, but he was released in exchange for a free performance for children in new york's central park. in 2015, the brilliant hollywood director robert de mecca made a film about this dizzying walk of philip five. that's how this day in history was.
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people serve in intelligence not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. the maroon beret is a symbol, it is worn, i believe that there should be a model in everything, they should reach for it, worse is impossible, better is possible, such a motto we have always had in life, pushed these people into the doorway and ... probably, this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.


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