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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 7, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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ukraine to kursk region is a worrying escalation, it would like to see a de-escalation of the situation, this was stated at a briefing by the deputy official representative of the head of the world organization farhan haq. well, i will read his quote: such incidents increase the risks of worrying escalation of the crisis, and we would like to see de-escalation, as has already been said, the situation to the maximum extent possible, this is very important.
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person, i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you at this meeting of ours, used to watch videos online, stopped working, install, open, watch, russian channels all tv series, movies and cartoons. educational programs and documentaries, watch, watch in the application or on the website. if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law. shoot first. competitions of ideas and money. a sensation has occurred, and what a sensation. tensions have arisen inside america and outside of it. intrigue, why now.
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well, now to the economic news. the cost of gas in europe has reached its maximum in 8 months. our colleague will tell you the reasons alena logvinova. she joins us live. alena, hello. well, the quotes on the exchange have gone up almost 20 dollars per thousand cubic meters. why? colleagues, good evening, everyone is worried about gas transit through ukraine. risky. yes. gas prices in europe have risen to their highest since december of the previous year. futures on the ttf index, the largest hub in europe, located in the netherlands, were at 417 dollars per thousand cubic meters on tuesday morning, and reached 435 dollars by the evening. the main reason is concern for gas transit through ukraine on tuesday wednesday there were reports of fighting in the sudzhansky district of the kursk region. the transit of blue fuel through the ukrainian gts continues only through. sudzha station, this is part
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of the urengoy, pamary, uzhgorod main gas pipeline. gazprom said that the company continues to supply russian gas through this artery. on august 7, the volume of the application was 39,400 thousand cubic meters. on tuesday it was at the level of 42,400 thousand. since the beginning of the year it has varied from 40 to 42 million cubic meters per day. it did not work at 100%. it was passing about 15 billion meters of gas in. every month , just over a billion cubic meters of gas passes through this gas pipeline. previously , gas was received through this artery by countries of central and eastern europe. these are slovenia, slovakia, germany, even switzerland and italy. at the moment, slovakia, slovenia, and austria receive gas through this artery. supplies of russian.
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will come through ukraine in a reduced volume from may 2022. then the operator of the ukrainian gts announced the termination of transit through the sokhranovka station due to force majeure. the company cannot control the compressor application for pumping along this route has been rejected now, while the russian gas holding does not see any reason to stop pumping in the previous mode? previously, the volumes of pumping through ukraine were much larger, that is, about 40 billion cubic meters were pumped until 2022, in 2022 ukraine blocked one of the two gas pipelines, the southern route, there the pumping was through a gas metering station. ukraine blocked the more southern one simply for political reasons, because part of the pipe there now passes through the territory lpr, while the southern route is still not damaged, that is, it can technically be used. in june, the total receipts of liquefied natural gas into the european gts became
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minimal since november 2021, in july they decreased a little more, the capacity of regasification and further gas injection into the eu pipelines is loaded only by 30%. europe since the nineteenth year, if europe in the nineteenth year imported about 360 billion cubic meters of gas, then in the twenty-third year it has already reduced exports to 200 imports to 280 billion. and that's all affects the pace of economic development, or one could say the pace of economic decline in europe, because gas, as we already know, is not only a raw material for energy production, it is a raw material for obtaining a huge amount of gas processing products, including at... in the first 6 months of the year, the volume of gas transit from russia to europe along all routes amounted to almost 15.5 billion cubic meters, an increase of more than a quarter. transit through ukraine in january-june increased by 11% and reached 7 billion and 700 million
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cubic meters of gas, but despite the positive dynamics, the volume is below the contract level. by the end of this year , the agreement between gazprom and naftogaz on transit. fuel from russia to europe via ukraine will cease to be valid. as previously reported by the german newspaper handelsblad, the eu is negotiating how to extend supplies. one option is to conclude a contract between gazprom-export and a european energy company. it will buy fuel on the border of russia and ukraine and then send it to eu countries. washington believes that iran could mirror respond to the israeli authorities for the murder of the chairman. politburo of the radical palestinian movement hamas ismail hani. this is reported by the newspaper usa today with reference to american officials. they fear that the iranian country, in addition to the standard rocket fire, may resort to quotes of a less typical attack, such as murder. well, and also usa today writes that
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the reason for concern of american officials is the possible participation in the future strike of the lebanese shi'id movement hezbollah. tv channel alarabi with reference to people familiar with american intelligence say that a strike on israel could happen on thursday or friday, and bloomberg says that washington is making intensive diplomatic efforts, working virtually around the clock because of the threat of war in the middle east, and the main focus, of course, is now on preparing to repel a possible attack. we continue to work intensively to reduce tensions in the middle east and... prevent the conflict from escalating. over the past few days, we have been supporting constant contacts with partners in the region and beyond. but the washington post, citing its sources, writes: "israel immediately" informed american officials about what was behind the death of the head
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of the palestinian hamas politburo. according to the publication, white house officials reacted with surprise and indignation. they saw this as a serious setback. in their attempts to achieve a ceasefire in gaza, before haniyeh's death, washington believed that it was making a success of this, the washington post notes. but as for the new head of the hamas politburo, yahya sinwar became the new leader of hamas, replacing the murdered ismail hani. in 1988, he was arrested for the murder of 12 people and spent 20 years in an israeli prison, where he learned hebrew. sinwar was once exchanged for prisoners from israel and immediately became one of the key figures in hamas. the lebanese shi'id party hezbollah welcomed sinwar's election and regarded the decision as a strong message to israel. the israeli foreign minister called sinwar the main terrorist. the appointment of the bloody murderer yahya sinwar as the leader of hamas
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instead of ismail haniyeh is another reason to achieve quickly eliminate sinwar and erase the memory of hamas from the face of the earth. the fsb today declassified archival documents that confirm that germany was planning to use an atomic bomb against the soviet union. the official website of the agency published the interrogation protocols of a captured nazi official. about the german nuclear project, which, thanks to our army , was not destined to be realized. details from zinaida kurbatova. on october 10, 1945 , nkvd officers interrogated werner wächter for 5 hours, who in the third rekh held the high position of chief of staff of the nsdap propaganda department. chief. the subject of the testimony of the former sa gruppen führer was information about
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the preparations being carried out in nazi germany for the use of atomic bombs in the summer of 1945. wechtor learned this information from a number of people close to this classified research. as hertel told me, in february of 1945, on behalf of the minister of propaganda goebbels, he met with the head of the special forces air force school, colonel hermann haye, who in a private conversation told him. that the school is armed with aircraft, the latest designs, these aircraft have a large radius of action will be armed with an atomic bomb, the new aircraft were intended for bombing industrial centers of the soviet union in the urals and central asia with atomic bombs. the germans had a powerful weapon in the form of v-2 rockets, they were first used against the british. on september 8 , 1944 , an explosion was heard in the southwest part of london. v-2s began to fall one after another on the capital of great britain, it was impossible to shoot down an f-2 in flight by anti-aircraft guns or fighters was
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impossible, but against the main enemy these missiles were powerless. in england , missiles were mainly used, which were a maximum of 400 to 450 km, so in practice, this was the maximum distance at which they fired and were, so to speak, technologies directly achieved. scientists of the third reich, but to achieve something more, yes, in order to shell, as they dreamed, the urals, central asia, at that time the german command did not yet have these missiles. nazi the nuclear or uranium project began in 1938. a group of german nuclear scientists worked successfully, the principle of the bomb was based on heavy water and pure graphite, there was a production plant in occupied norway. water, uranium reserves were in the sudetenland and congo. it seemed that germany had everything to create a new weapon, but the
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turning point of the war after stalingrad forced the germans to focus on the v-2 and tanks. work on the nuclear bomb continued, despite everything. even the kaiser-wilhelm-institute, where this work was carried out, was moved from berlin away from the red army advancing on the border with switzerland. albert einstein, who knew about the german nuclear program, wrote in 1939. roosevelt that the germans would use nuclear energy to create an atomic bomb, wrote that it was also necessary to create an american atomic bomb. heisenberg, the head of the german project, said that a bomb the size of a pineapple could destroy an entire city, they intended to drop them on the allied troops, the red army. in may 1945, goebel gave the order to draw up a horoscope, where it would be said that june 1945 would be very favorable for the fyura and spread the horoscope among the population
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of germany, this propaganda idea was based on the solemn assurances of german nuclear scientists that in june forty-fifth a new weapon would be ready, but the red army put an end to these assumptions, as a result , the americans were the first to create this terrible weapon, they detonated the world's first atomic bomb on july 16, 1945 at a test site near new mexico, in august. 1945 the usa bombed japanese cities, hiroshima and nagasaki. well now we are publishing a video from the ministry of defense, we are showing a video from the ministry of defense, which it published literally just now, this is the destruction of a self-propelled artillery unit krab of the armed forces of ukraine in the border area of ​​the kursk region. by servicemen, operators, patrolling. lancet at the identified camouflaged firing position, well, and it is also reported that the minister
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of health mikhail murashko ordered to present state awards to the ambulance crew, which was attacked by the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region. well, now to others topics, heavy rains today covered several russian regions, including the capital. in moscow, some roads were even temporarily closed due to flooding in the west. the rain in some places turned into hail, well , the department of transport warned about possible adjustments to public transport due to bad weather. a personal exhibition of photo artist alexey dunaev opened in the capital's multimedia art museum. in his works, he explores the changes that the genre of fashion photography is undergoing today.
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the name of the exhibition moodboard is translated into russian as a mood board. this is what maria valieva reports. a girl in a bright red dress against the backdrop of the paris library attracts attention, whether this is an image of mary stuart, preparing to fight catherine de medice at court, or marie antoinette, who became a victim of the french revolution, the viewers' imaginations are limitless, you can't take your eyes off the picture, judging by her very determined pose, as if with jeanne darca with marie antoinette, marie antoinette, of course, looks like, but... here - angel, fallen, probably there are already dark forces, that is, a play of colors, the shots were taken on the old streets of the capital of high fashion for a reason, they clearly reflect the mood of the photographer. this series of photos by alexey dunaev makes you wonder what awaits the genre of fashion photography in the future? fashion photography
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is slowly and systematically dying, but i hope that it will remain in museums and... in albums and will move into a more collectible form of art. photography exhibition moodboard translated from english mood board in the multimedia art museum is organized within the framework of the grant programs of contemporary fashion photography in russia, which for 5 years has been revealing talents and lighting up new stars in the world of high fashion. alexey dunaev, a professional photographer, has been working in a very difficult profession for 8 years. and his works are based on classics on masterpieces, and it is no coincidence that we are opening this exhibition at the same time as the exhibition of masterpieces of world fashion and style, because it is important that they are together, in art, the new is always born only in dialogue with the old. for each new
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generation of photographers, the work of predecessors become inspiration. photography arose about 100 years ago, then magazines dictated the standards of beauty and style, but over the past 15 years the situation has changed dramatically, everything has gradually moved to the online format to keep up with new trends that change quickly is not easy, it is necessary to quickly adapt to the viewer's perception, alexey succeeds in this, non-standard solutions make you think about global problems, this composition is just ... one of the few that tries to speak out quite clearly on the topic of ecology, on these two the theme of greenery planting some plants in the photos, uh, it seems to me, somehow indirectly, but touches on this topic. during the exhibition , a photo studio will be open in the hall, where master classes will be held by famous photographers, and everyone will be able to take beautiful
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photos for memory, perhaps send them to a new competition. during the work. the official weighing procedure took place . and now to the sports news, in the center of ufa before the starting tournament, the iba champions night. report by danila mokhalina. spectators in ufa are in anticipation, they are waiting for a big boxing holiday with many fights. in one of the most popular and youthful areas of the city , the ceremony of weighing athletes in the art quarter preceded. i think the boxing evening will be held, high-class boxers arrived at a very high level, all world champions, european championship winners, olympic games participants, olympic games winners, so the boxing evening will be very bright, i invite everyone, come. artur subhankulov in the main fight of the evening
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will have to box with the hungarian roland, who has never known defeat in the professional ring. gallas, this will be the defense of the european champion title according to the aba version in the weight category up to 60 kg. a good opponent lefty, moves a lot, works a lot with his front hand, a fairly experienced opponent, as you said, yes, that's right. i think that i am ready for this level , i will try to please my home spectators with a victory tomorrow. but this is not the only intrigue, the silver medalist of the world and european championships dzhimbulat bizhamov in an eight-round fight will meet with the colombian juan norvaez, who came out for the weigh-in in points, who owns belt of the champion of colombia and previously boxed only on the territory of his country, bizhamova has a very serious rival, artur supkankulov, that is, ...
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for example, in the spring of this year , the first stone was already laid in the foundation of one of the largest centers of boxing progress in our country, that is why the championship was decided to be brought to this point of russia, the fights will take place on august 8 at the ufa arena,
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write them, i want to help them, help them out, replace them, so that they are alive, healthy, come to their family well, so that they have a family, so that the children live, were, i myself am in sakhali in the sakhalin region, the city of khomsk, while those who have signed a contract are waiting for assignment to military units, which usually takes from one to three days, they are provided with accommodation on the territory of the selection point, food, and also experienced instructors conduct combat training classes for recruits, the instructor staff, which deals with candidates,
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rubles in addition to wages. according to on behalf of the governor of the moscow region andrei vorobyov, the families of military personnel are now under the special control of the regional government and can receive the necessary consultation or assistance at any time. detailed information about what support measures a military serviceman and his family can count on is presented on the website kontraкmo.rf, where you can also find out about payments, salaries and conditions of service. stanislav vasilchenko, alexey korpukhin, pavel varbuzov. vesti.
8:00 pm
this is a big information evening, that's what we will talk about in the next hour. ukrainian lies with our border. tsypso is splashing fakes about the kursk region, one more absurd than the other, why the enemy's lies do not work. two electrical substations burning in odessa, supplying the facilities of the armed forces of ukraine. why the epidemic of arson, military vehicles and energy infrastructure continues in ukraine. they invite desperate ukrainian women to sell their bodies for surrogacy, in order to then remove the babies.


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