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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 7, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

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yes, about the kidnapping industry, which is thriving with the support of the kiev regime, five european countries at once accept refugee children from ukraine without registration and criminals take advantage of this, minors are taken out by so-called volunteers by deception or even forcibly separated from their parents, and then , according to human rights activists, children are involved in criminal schemes, begging, pornography, and also various drugs are tested on them, and the worst thing is that they are taken apart for organs, each of these cases has specific examples with names and surnames, desperate parents. relatives of the dead ukrainian militants, who are taken to the front line healthy, returned without vital organs, how the business of eviscerators works, evgeniya petrukhina found out. they make money on the army of ukrainian widows. desperate women are offered black surrogacy . here on the... biotkom website immediately lures
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with fees, for a child of a million hryvnia they offer 2 million rubles. and what kind of false self-promotion do they have? look, they write that this is supposedly a noble cause, they promise legal help, support, 24x7, and not a word about what will happen to the baby, what family it will be given to, or whether the company has other plans for these newborns, the ukrainian people are generally deceived every time. they said that those killed in the military conflict with their families will be paid 12 to 15 million hryvnia, naturally no one pays this money, wives, widows of the dead can take any measures to provide for themselves and their children, including becoming surrogate mothers, but it must be said that surrogate motherhood is also very dangerous.
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children will go, these will be families of some perverts, pedophiles, or in general these children will go to become a source for because no one knows where these organs will go later? here is a promo video of biotcom, ukrainian women are invited to give birth in bunkers, they are guided by security considerations, two or three beds, sleeping bags on the floor, they also show shelves with baby food and diapers, well, all the conditions are just right. the war in ukraine has a dark side, not only because of the 600 thousand dead, not only because of the child trafficking that takes place in ukraine, not only because of the child factories in ukraine. haven't heard of it? yes, it's in their bunkers, the womb is essentially turned into a machine for conceiving children in order to quickly earn some money. that is, it turns out that ukrainian. the west, and
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we will fill our pockets tighter, because it is not at all excluded that the same biotcom directly or through intermediaries cooperates with black transplantologists. the ukrainian authorities, they have certainly become such operators for the sale of their own people, mass the ability to procure and turn it into money from left-wing weapons to... even women in the form of, so to speak, the needs of the west, and i repeat, the need is huge, i repeat, and the west really likes this, i apologize for my such sad irony, they like this ukrainian biomaterial, telegram channels even publish such schemes, here they are, the main participants, the organizers of organ supplies to the west, they oversee this direction, judging by this data, yermak, well, dozens of organizations with seemingly noble names, such as, for example, the institute... here,
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by the way, there is also the name of the former minister of health zagoreichuk, the same one who was detained in the case of illegal export of anatomical materials. probably , zagoreichuk did not share something with yermak, and there was something to share. remember, here is this video, this is a picket of ukrainian mothers who say that their sons from the front were returned to them without organs. it turns out that black transplantologists were at work. near the fronts there are a large number of hospitals, a lot of teams. from abroad, from poland, from germany, from america, they work there and many soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine see them as the main instrument with which organs are extracted and taken abroad, but it also happens that in a field hospital, a ukrainian soldier's kidney can be cut out, and this is due to an explosive wound, a young guy stepped on a mine, that's how it turned out in his life. it seems like
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the problem is only with his leg, but the guy comes back half empty, i apologize, because there were some series of complex operations that no one knew about, and why would it be necessary to do strip surgeries there, why would it be necessary to do like... this chest dissection, well, it's not for nothing that zelensky signed a law that actually allows organs to be removed without a person's consent, well, he simply untied the hands of black transplantologists who remove organs almost right on the front lines, and now they are also setting up supplies of children's biomaterial at the expense of ukrainian surrogate mothers. ukraine will be able to fight for almost another 10 years if it starts mobilizing the male population from eighteen, another 20 if it drafts them into the army sixteen-year-olds. calculations that today. the authorities without that, almost daily remind citizens that it is time to lower the age of mobilization, which is why those wishing to save themselves storm the closed ukrainian borders with enviable regularity. details from
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margarita semenyuk. 90 days, another 3 months of brutal mobilization, essentially theft of murder of the ukrainian people. having signed the law on the extension of martial law. block the passage of cars ttsk women are about to start beating off victims from military commissars, men lynch police officers and people in uniform, and this a single picket in kiev, what are you saying, come on guys, why guys, why? not 10 minutes have passed since the guy with the posters tsk is still stealing people and war is not a reason, police are detaining the police to build a dictatorship, double standards of democracy, because constant actions of beggars for weapons are not dispersed, but welcomed, two incomprehensible guys came in
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and took a guy, a student, off the train, the pretext was supposedly to check documents. the military commissars of the buses migrated to the trains, the kiev-uzhgorod route. tskashniks are trying to take two students off at the next stop to check documents, saying that there is no internet on the way and the application does not work. militants hit a record jackpot in the village of stanislovka, odessa region. at the border, they detained a truck in which more than forty draft dodgers were hiding. and here is a video of how a kamaz route truck stops at every bush and collects fellow travelers. the men tried to leave for transnistria for 150,000 hryvnia. from each, having gathered a platoon of volunteers, the driver handed everyone over to the esniks, and kept the money for himself, here the tow trucks arrived and even took away the shit truck, a string of abandoned cars, the dodgers decided to save their
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savings by fleeing the country for free, supposedly to go fishing, because of corruption in the country , cooperation with american defense companies is questionable, american military contractors are in no hurry to sign. and for failure to appear at the tcc, the shirkers will be deprived of their driver's licenses, the form of the requirement was approved by the country's ministry of defense, it is already in effect. margarita semenyuk, evgeny nipot, victoria dadoyan, news. we are very proud of our supplier and receive good reviews. this is how
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the organizing committee of the olympics in paris responded today athletes who complained about the disgusting quality of food during the games, that french cuisine in the olympic village was, to put it mildly, not the highest level, told. he complained that athletes periodically find worms in their food, and in general, in the opinion of the olympic champion, the food in paris is very bad, queues, little food, limited meat, and fish infected with parasites, but instead of apologizing to the athletes and urgently correcting the situation, the organizers prefer pretend that everything is fine. however, the same reaction was to other scandals related to the games, from denying the pollution of the seine river, in which swimmers were later poisoned. to defending men who heroically perform in women's sports. today , announcements appeared of a fight for olympic gold, a transgender boxer from algeria, his opponent from china, this is presented as a victory, like a pervert reached the final, despite protests about the wrong gender
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policy. however, there is also an opposite example. american runner niki hiltz publicly declared herself a trans person, but at the same time remained in women's sports. why is that, i wondered. their name is niki, they are not a woman, but not exactly a man either. transgenders reached the semi-finals of the women's olympic tournament. that is, going beyond the classification of man-woman, and requires to be addressed in the plural, but chose the weaker sex as an opponent. opinions differed on the internet, some say niki is great, a woman was born, and therefore competes with women. not exactly, not like boxers iman khalif and lin yutin, who beat up girls. and they themselves are biological men, the international boxing federation insists on this, both
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are striving for olympic medals and, as a consequence , for good prize money. we see that according to the rule of incorrectly acquired advantage, these people are aiming to be medalists and champions, and this is even more the key word, if we take those who compete with them, it is offensive. but there is another opinion, what is the difference between begunia hills and... boxers of indeterminate gender. they all chose in rival of girls. i wonder why? is it because niki hills' personal best at 1,500 m is 3 minutes 55 seconds. and the worst of the men's results is 3.40 at the same 1.5 km. it's a fact. biological men run faster than women. even at 100 m, the stronger sex brings the weaker almost a second. at 1.5 km , the difference between the world records for women and men is 23 seconds, of course, the same is true for boxing, where the inverted
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commas khalifa and yutin shine. biological men have an undeniable superiority, according to researchers, they hit 62% harder than girls. first of all, the level of testosterone, a hormone, it increases both endurance and strength. a colossal advantage, it is absolutely obvious, absolutely obvious, when... women lose strength, men do not, and what kind of strength is there in the male body, and what kind is there in the female body, especially i say, in track and field this is visible at the finish line. it turns out that the fight for equality leads to maximum inequality. men who become women gain an advantage over opponents, not transgender. still remember laurel habart, an average weightlifter at 34, who suddenly decided that he was a lady, it was worth only. opponents strong weak sex, immediately, as if from a cornucopia , gold medals of regional
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tournaments poured out, and even managed to qualify for the olympic games, leaving behind much more talented athletes. successful careers of trans women in team sports, not yet at the olympics, but still they crush opponents in rugby and basketball, here is a boy who decided, that he is a girl, ruins the life of his rival on the volleyball court, after such a... paralyzed a seventeen-year-old athlete , there are no examples of women successfully challenging men on their field, because it is impossible not to win , but even to qualify for major competitions, i do not know of a single sport where a woman who felt that she should be in a man's body would then switch to men's sports, but i have never had such examples in my... huge journalistic career, even i can't give you a single one, after
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all, apparently, someone likes to watch unfair sports, is it a coincidence that almost synchronously, on the wave of gender scandals of the paris olympics, strange publications began to appear in the western media, for example, time magazine throws in, by the way, a modern system for determining the gender of athletes, the only thing that protects women's sports from the influx of transgender people, developed in nazi germany, first used at the 1936 games, the same idea on the pages of vox, foreign policy and even a seemingly scientific scientific american, they say dividing athletes into men and women is a fascist practice. it is quite obvious that these publications are said with the desire to equalize absolute evil, yes, that is, about the ideology of fascist germany is quite obvious, yes, that is , perceived by any sane person as absolute evil, for any attempts, yes, that is, to stop.
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provide advertising for the transgender plague that has struck world sports. donald trump today announced that he is preparing for a debate with us vice president kamala harris, the team republican party. believes that the media are not asking tough questions of the democratic candidate. senator j.d. vance said that after harris replaced joe biden in the election race, the american press gave her a honeymoon. elon musk, who announced a big interview with trump, suggested correcting the situation and said that he would not refuse to talk to harris. then, our special correspondent in washington, dmitry melnikov, follows the unfolding of the presidential campaign in the united states. perhaps for the first time in the entire
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election campaign, the democrats have some certainty, but more clarity. an experienced governor, worked in congress, he is a veteran, was a teacher, knows all the problems of the people, i fully support him, and look at the turnout we have today, you know a lot about this man, i knew nothing about him until today, nothing at all, the waltzs don't know, and 70% of american voters, a colored presidential candidate, harris has a surprisingly colorless
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running mate, the democrats are holding their first rally, tim waltz's presentation here in pennsylvania. whose governor just recently was considered the frontrunner in the race for the vice-presidential nomination, but on the scoreboard of the stadium where this rally is taking place, there are already two approved names of haris waltz, and now the main task is to explain to voters what exactly this choice is due to. having rejected the candidacy of pennsylvania governor josh shappier, allegedly because of his jewish origins and his overly pro-israel position, the dimeurgi dempart. decided that only kamela haris should shine in the remaining three months of the campaign, and the new partner of the candidate from democrats literally howled with joy this evening. i stand before you today to proudly announce that i am now officially nominated by the democratic party as a candidate for president of the united states. applauding harris furiously is now
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waltz's main job, although the procedure for her confirmation as a presidential candidate, without traditional primaries via online. voting has raised big questions, no evidence of victory, except for harris's own statement, the public has not yet received, the first two on the eve of the democratic convention was handed down to the voter from above. tim walz was the kind of teacher-mentor that every child in america dreams of and deserves. it was during his time as a teacher that walz distinguished himself by organizing the first gay -straight alliance in his school, and already as governor. of minnesota, he ordered that feminine hygiene products be available to boys in school restrooms. governor walz, one of the most ardent defenders of the right of teenagers to change their gender at will, and the upcoming debate with no. 2 republicans, conservative jade vance will look less like a cultural war and more like a religious war.
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tim waltz's record is a joke, he was one of the most left-wing radicals in the entire united states government. i mean, he's not like that, but his own electoral weight is still small. donald trump sees the world a little differently than we do. first of all, he doesn't understand anything about serving the country. he doesn't have time for it because he's too busy. trump weakens our economy to strengthen his position, he laughs at our laws, he sows chaos and discord. ahead of harris and waltz is a five-day tour of seven states, the next stop is wisconsin. governor, are you ready? we are ready, ready to win. for the republicans, waltz's nomination was a surprise, but as
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trump hastened to reassure, it made their task much easier. the democrats will regret that they removed him. "this is the most radical leftist duo in american history, nothing like this has ever happened or will ever happen again, crazy kambola is really crazy, i heard that there is a big movement to bring back rogue joe". perhaps, and about the initiative of haris ivaltz regarding the freedom of choice of gender, donald trump will speak in a big interview with elon musk, the owner of tesla and the social network x has his own scores to settle with liberals like waltz, according to musk, precisely because of their...
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lviv, they demanded to award the title of hero of ukraine to former verkhovna rada deputy iryna farion, who was recently shot dead right on the street. it was proposed to immortalize the nazis in the lviv regional council, as it is stated that the scandalous philologist was dealt with for her national view. and active work to protect the ukrainian language, so recognizing farion as a hero would supposedly put all russian speakers in their place. however, such statements do not fit well with the personality of the main suspect in the murder case. it is already known that he is exactly the same ideological nazi, a supporter of the language, an admirer of stepan bandera. in addition, there are serious doubts that even in lviv the people are sincerely ready to honor the ex-deputies as an ideal and role model. not to mention throughout ukraine, where, on the contrary, he is gaining popularity. a defendant in a criminal case, teenagers suddenly began wearing panama hats, sunglasses, red t-shirts, this is exactly how the young man who shot farion was dressed. anastasia ivanova studied the new fashion.
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cannibals raised cannibals who , after a person has been shot, come up with puns on his last name. farion, as if turned off, you can make fun of this. there are already dozens of videos in ukrainian tiktok with a character similar to the alleged killer russophobes irina farion, most of them for some reason to russian music, but the main thing on all of them is supposedly vyacheslav zinchenko in a characteristic.
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logy, what is ukrainian nationalism and nazism, this is actually the best, in quotes example, proverbs, spiders in a jar, they are ready to devour each other, a schoolgirl almost confesses her love to zinchenko, others to cheerful music post footage from farion's funeral, in which a character in a sports uniform literally stomps, and in all these demonic dances there is not a word or hint of respect for the nazi, and maybe none at all there is no respect of ukrainians for her?
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enters into another quality, when here is such an obsessive story of farion that she hated everyone who speaks other languages ​​except ukrainian, yes, it leads to the fact that many do not agree, even those who may have been brought up on the traditions of bender, yes, by the way, we must remember that bender is a terrorist, so there is nothing surprising here when retribution comes from the students, she preached. let the final killer not be named, zenchenko is left in custody until september 22, his peers on tiktok have definitely decided everything, try to play it back here. but oles buzina has long predicted that farion would probably be killed by the same banderites as she herself. he who wishes death to another, finds it himself.
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in the border area of ​​the kursk region , a car in which our tv channel's military correspondent, yevgeny podubny, was traveling came under fire from the armed forces of ukraine. he was seriously wounded and is now in the hospital, a few hours before this, our military correspondent sent a report to the editorial office about the situation in the region. russian units of the unit continue to destroy personnel and equipment of the kiev regime formation, which in...


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