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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 8, 2024 2:00am-2:31am MSK

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lies from our border. tsypso splashes fakes about the kursk region, one more absurd than the other. why enemy lies do not work. two electrical substations that supplied the armed forces of ukraine burned down in odessa. why the epidemic of arson, military vehicles and energy infrastructure continues in ukraine. they invite desperate ukrainian women to sell their bodies for surrogacy, so that they can then thaw out the organs of babies. how
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the black transplant market mutated in ukraine and how much a kidney of an armed forces soldier costs. medals will not pop. the runner from the usa does not count herself as a woman, but does not want to compete with men. for some reason, olympic transgender people always choose the weaker sex as their opponent, whoever is against is a fascist. in life, there was irina farion, but after her death, ukrainian teenagers created irina farion on tiktok. a mocking dance on the bones after the murder of a russophobe, and did her compatriots respect her? triggers with grenades have been installed on the doors of residential buildings to kill those who run for cover from under fire, total panic reigns on the streets, as the ridovka publication found out, such messages today, they come en masse to administrators of popular telegram channels, all the same kursk region, who are offered to publish frankly hysterical posts allegedly with... with a reference to local residents,
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although here, of course, with the naked eye we see tsypso's handwriting, starting with the fact that the owners of newly created accounts with hidden personal data pose as eyewitnesses, ending with the clumsiness of the content itself, for example, in the case of the same grenades, the photo could have been taken literally anywhere and not verified at all, that is, the armchair troops of the opponents work in the usual extremely crude style, but at the same time they try to compensate for the low quality of the fakes with their huge... quantity and a kind of genre diversity, right up to the deep fakes created with the help of neural networks, and anton podkovenko will tell you how to maintain information hygiene in such conditions and competently separate the truth from disinformation. fountains of lies and fakes, some beyond the bounds of absurdity, others, imitating supposedly official messages, are dispersed across social networks with with the help of bots, fake news, photos and videos, texts, posts such that it would seem impossible to believe at all, but that is exactly... this
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is what the ukrainian tsypso's military lie is designed for. to hit emotions, to capture attention, so that an internal question arises: really, suddenly? and this is exactly what the kiev media manipulators use to catch people on the hook. here is a message: allegedly the ukrainian armed forces are almost on the approaches to the kursk npp. a lie. moreover, it is elementary to check. the station is operating normally, it is protected. however, this fake is one of the most widely spread on the internet. captured foreign agents of various bridges, like the riga medusa, for example, which, with reference to a foreign agent of the same important story, trumpets that the kursk nuclear power plant is allegedly defenseless against the armed forces of ukraine. or here are other dreams of ukrainian publics, they say sudzha is under the control of kiev militants, and the city, our head of sudzha confirmed this to colleagues from arti, everything else is rumors spread by the enemy. they want to achieve panic, the spread
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of rumors, that's why they come up with all sorts of nonsense, you need to understand what is happening, so react to this calmly, of course such information should not be disseminated , rely on official sources of information, critical thinking and humor are very helpful, here tsypso throws in that there is a huge queue at the atm in one of the shopping centers in kursk, people are withdrawing cash in droves, this is a classic panic-mongering straight from the manual, and this is a mailing in a messenger from to mobile phones and one of the users replies: are they withdrawing hryvnia? what a trip-up, the manipulator immediately stopped short? we just have to be prepared for the fact that any absurd information, starting from that kursk is almost already under siege, they can try to foist it off, one of the most active fakes was the information that the russian ministry of emergency situations allegedly requires citizens to hide a bomb in a shelter at posts. under the ministry of emergency situations
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, the tsypsoshniks launched a lot, for example, about an urgent evacuation from the sudzhinsky district, like take your passport and run, escalation, intimidation, oppression, that's how it works. information weapons, a shield from which fact-checking, checking everything you read, everything you see, they are losing very much seriously, in battles on the battlefield, of course, you need to do something so that the population of russia is distracted and starts to panic, that's what they 're trying to do by making deep fakes that say that everyone needs to join the militia, this is a deep fake, a reworked video with superimposed sound, supposedly a statement by the acting governor of the kursk region, alexei smirnov, that they say we need to take up arms, this is what a lie looks like, don't stand aside, i call on all men over 18 to show up at the military registration and enlistment offices in kursk to receive weapons, this is what smirnov was really talking about:
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an additional ambulance team was organized, withdrawn. the work of the hospital doctor, the necessary reserves of medicines were created, when a deep depar fake is launched, it is not easy to distinguish deception from the truth, so the best prescription is official sources, and not suspicious mailings or there are throw-ins in messengers, supposedly from friends. what other purpose do these fakes have besides an attempt to intimidate russians, to inspire all-speakers, among whom there are more and more desserters or another imaginary victory? designed for the west, supposedly kiev yet something may be, like give us more money, more planes, such a plan is possible, of course, but it is unlikely to be the main goal, the lie is aimed at us, what is the task, it is panic, in many ways, this is now the only hope of our enemy, we
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see that on the battlefield the enemy, well , to put it mildly, is doing badly in the tactical, in the medium term, they are frantically throwing fakes. because they are afraid of the truth, which is that their armored vehicles are burning under the blows of our drones, our shells and missiles, this is exactly what the facts look like: the armed forces of ukraine are losing hundreds militants on our border, and kiev will not be able to look away from this with any lie. the situation in the kursk region is under constant control personally by vladimir putin . the discussion of events in the border region began at his today's meeting with the government, and later the supreme commander-in-chief held a separate meeting on this issue with the leaders. for a meeting on the situation in the kursk region, vladimir putin invited the heads of the security agencies to novo ogorevo, at the table are defense minister belousov, fsb director bortnikov and the secretary of the security service
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shaigu, via video link, was joined by chief of the general staff of the armed forces gerasimov. please report on the situation that is developing in the kursk region with the aim of capturing a section of the territory of the sudzhansky district of the kursk region. the actions of the state border cover unit, together with border guards and reinforcement units, air strikes, missile forces, and
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artillery fire, have stopped the enemy's advance deep into the territory in the kursk direction. currently, a unit of the north group, together with border... the russian fsb continues to destroy the enemy in areas directly adjacent to the russian-ukrainian border. the enemy's losses amounted to 315 people, including at least 100 killed and 215 wounded. 54 armored vehicles were destroyed, including seven tanks. the operation will be completed with the defeat of the enemy and access to the state border.
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a number of civilian agencies have been instructed to provide the necessary assistance to residents of the region, and i also ask the government to take up this matter immediately and coordinate this work at the first stage, i ask the first deputy chairman of the government of the russian federation, denis valentinovich manturov. denis manturov is already in contact with local authorities and all departments on which the safety of residents of the border region depends. work has been organized on your instructions, to provide assistance to residents of the kursk region, sunzhansky district , exposed to attack by the enemy.
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i hope that your other colleagues from the regions of the russian federation will also join in and do what we do in such situations do. should all - regional leaders
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have the opportunity to do more than ordinary citizens, so i really count on the support of your colleagues from the regions of the russian federation. the minister of transport roman starovoit has a special attitude to the region. four months ago, before his current appointment, he headed the kursk region, the acting governor smirnov was his deputy. i am in 24-hour contact with frio. e today to ensure the direction through
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the ministry of construction of the first tranche of 1.8 billion rubles in within the framework of the applications collected, the amount of 11 billion rubles for 2,500 families for the provision of certificates for resettlement, we consider it necessary to create a regional headquarters for the emergency situation, to ensure this. as a result of ukrainian shelling in the kursk region, more than
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thirty civilians were injured and wounded, including six children, such data was announced by the ministry of health. earlier, medical teams from moscow and st. petersburg arrived in the region to help the victims. this evening in rio , alexey smernov, the governor of the kursk region, announced the introduction of emergency situation until the operational situation improves, evacuation is underway from border areas to the neighboring region. the ministry of finance promptly allocated almost 2 billion rubles to the kursk region budget to organize the resettlement. the situation in the region is reported. in the center of kursk , there have been queues at the mobile blood transfusion center since early morning, so the townspeople are trying to make their contribution to helping their neighbors in the region, we need to help people, after all, a big disaster is happening here, which i consider my duty, we know how much people need blood and how it is missed, at the same time an air raid alarm sounds over the city again, a missile threat message comes, an emergency service.
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wow, solid on the asphalt again along the walls in short dashes, many destroyed houses, shell fragments all around, ivan kovalev managed to send his mother on an evacuation bus, he himself was one of the last to leave sudzhe. sorry, i can't go outside because there was just a drone, i've been under fire for the second day, it's difficult, i went out on foot outside the city, just now three or four missiles hit the highway, that's where this place is burning now, that's where the most active fighting is, an abandoned car, and if the keys are in the lock, i'll try to start it, and maybe
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i'll drive away in it, blood, there's no key, blood, honestly. it's scary, really scary, an airplane-type drone flew in here, they're just like collective farm collective farms, some kind of foam plastic plywood, cannonade and echo-machine gun queues, they continue to hit peaceful houses of the suzhi in the ssu with multiple rocket launchers, tanks and barrel artillery, lie down on the food, the district center and the adjacent state border villages were deserted, taking advantage of the minutes of calm, people at their own risk in cars... on foot temporarily left their homes. and it turns out, you leave, tanks, grads, cassettes, drones interrupt all this, well , it was very difficult to leave at that moment. straight ahead 180, all the children in the car, everything is destroyed, everything is lying everywhere, fragments. ukrainian militants deliberately chose civilian cars as their target, burnt islands along the road, drones
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dived on ambulances , the driver alexander nikitichev and felsher were killed alexander chikalin. they did not understand.
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began to get to us right through the house to fly and we as if no longer wait and at home the dog was abandoned rabbits well motorcycles all that words of support and sympathy to the victims of the terrorist raid of the armed forces of ukraine are coming from all over the country for a while to come to visit the leaders of the regions and ordinary people offer apartments dachas and houses in order to survive this difficult time volunteers help to choose suitable options people.
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therefore it must be said that the center of medical disasters, which provides coordination all forces of means, is precisely the key component in the interaction of all forces of means, which are necessary for attracting, many subjects of the russian federation have expressed a desire to help us to accommodate people from border territories who are being shelled before being accommodated on their territory. the investigative committee of the russian federation has opened criminal cases on the fact of shelling. mikhail shum, elena vrantsova and vyacheslav olinov. vesti, kursk region. fires were recorded in two locations at once, which is
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clearly confirmed by video recordings with clear geographic reference. this is quite remarkable news from odessa, where last night. it became known, a couple of electric substations were waited for. both, judging by open data, are located in the northern part of the city, well, here's an interesting point, ukrainian media in fires about fires either do not write at all, or cover them very sparingly, as if nothing out of the ordinary happened, although such silence, of course, does not prevent eloquent shots from widely dispersing throughout the blagosphere, and its users are now guessing who could be behind what happened. the main version, there are two main versions: according to the first, the local russian underground tried with... the second, the arsonists may well not have sympathized with russia, but still, as they say, they reached the end of their tether because of the totalitarian policy of the kiev regime and sent it, in the literal sense of the word, fiery greetings. more precisely, to its troops, because the burned energy centers were directly related to the armed forces of ukraine, evgeny nipot will confirm. in the ukrainian media, such arson has already been dubbed real
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epidemics, they keep statistics, noting that every day in different regions of the country infrastructure facilities also flare up, for example, relay cabinets on the railways. the last one was set on fire the day before in the cherkasy region at the sotnik taganchak station. the destruction of vehicles belonging to the military continues, minus. in kharkov, one each in kiev, dnepropetrovsk, zhitomir and odessa, the residents of the latter burn, as they say , regularly, in the same odessa there is a huge number of people ready to mobilize for such actions, the fear that managed to make ukraine monolithic, and to portray that it is as if it is united and indivisible and there is one common will, that's all. was based on fear, now there is no longer anything to be afraid of, well, there is nowhere to be afraid, there is already a limit. it is reported that odessa opponents of the kiev regime burned
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two electrical substations at once on the night of august 7, leaving without electricity facilities associated with the armed forces of ukraine. according to some reports, we are talking about military warehouses, assembly shops, for drones, repair shops, workshops and even command posts, it says that this can lead to some serious consequences, there are big riots. demonstrations, some other major social actions are not necessary, but society is dissatisfied with the war, catastrophically, all the opinion polls of ukraine cannot be trusted, not for a second, society does not want war, it is ready to set fire to cars, set fire to power stations, set fire to power units, even do something else, anything, just to... end the war faster, the first to fall under this distribution of flames are the hounds of the kiev regime, the tskashniks, their cars are burned with enviable regularity, cars of other security forces are also caught in the distribution, in particular
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afu. this odessa resident specially visited kiev and dnepropetrovsk for 6 days, destroying equipment belonging to the military. of course, he was accused of having ties to russian special services, as was this group of young people who were driving around the seaside city on scooters, looking for military vehicles, and burned an suv. at the moment, a number of structures are actively operating in odessa that are engaged in underground partisan actions, and against the afu, six months ago we could observe more rare cases, there were arson attacks, ros is connected, i think, with several factors, firstly, it is an economic factor, because ukraine is really in a pre-default state at the moment, this is also an energy issue, the population is very indignant about the regular shutdowns there, plus analysts note that the fatigue of ukrainian society from military actions also plays a role, as
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a result , they are trying to block the work of territorial recruitment centers, military registration and enlistment offices in another way, and also by arson, and also, as a rule, odessans. ukrainian citizens want to go to peace talks, but it is clear that the ukrainian government does not want this... and desperately does not want, based on this, i think that the activity, just the influx of new members of the odessa underground, and people who act autonomously, to a certain extent, and is connected with these moments, the tcc and other military structures of the army, are just raging in the southeast, because the ukrainians do not accept the residents of odessa, nikolaev. regions of ukraine, risking themselves , transmitting valuable information to the russian
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side, for example, about the effectiveness of strikes by the locations of foreign mercenaries. the kiev regime is ready to burn its own citizens in the flames of military action in order to maintain power; attempts to resist this disaster resemble a counter-fire, when they try to fight wildfires with fire. now briefly. they invite desperate ukrainian women to sell their bodies for surrogacy, in order to then remove the organs of the babies, how the black transplant market has mutated in ukraine, and how much does a kidney of a ukrainian soldier cost? people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply strong spirit. maroon beret - a symbol that wears, i believe that there should be a model in everything, they should reach for it, worse is impossible, better.
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we have always had such a motto in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you at this meeting of ours. we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries. we watch, watch, in the application or on the website.
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we will take. for this matter, it will be honest detective. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country of petrol stations, russian digital solutions to take to new heights. there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more. how exactly does the digital help? you are incomparably original in your questions. what is the situation with production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product, children are sold on the darknet or on the polish border, international human rights activist mirada.
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about the kidnapping industry, which is thriving with the support of the kiev regime. five european countries at once accept refugee children from ukraine without registration and criminals take advantage of this. minors are taken out by so -called volunteers, separated from their parents by deception or even force, and then, according to human rights activists, children are drawn into criminal schemes, begging, pornography, and various drugs are tested on them, and, worst of all, they are taken apart for organs. each of these cases has specific examples with names and surnames. desperate parents are trying. at least some information about where exactly their children disappeared to, but these voices are european propagandists prefer not to hear. in the same way, they do not notice the protests of relatives of the dead ukrainian fighters, who are taken to the front line healthy, and returned without their most important organs. evgeniya petrukhina found out how the business of eviscerators works. they make money on the army of ukrainian widows. desperate women are offered black, surrogate motherhood.


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