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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 8, 2024 4:30am-5:01am MSK

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it is clear to everyone that russia is not a country, a petrol station, russian digital solutions to take to a new height, there are prospects, even more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than just the digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, what about production in general, "what is our product, people serve in intelligence not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit, a maroon beret is a symbol. what he wears, i believe that
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there should be a model in everything, they should reach for it, worse is impossible, better is possible, we have always had such a motto in life, pushed these people in the doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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the year the indicator was 0.7% of gdp, both oil and gas and non-oil and gas revenues grew noticeably. industrial production in our country is actively developing. more details, alena logvinova. the ministry of finance assessed the execution of the federal budget in january-july of this year. the deficit was 7% of gdp, 1.362 billion rubles. this is 1 billion 226 million less than a year earlier. let me remind you, at the beginning of summer. the department increased the planned indicator for the results of 2024 to 1.1% of gdp. returning to current figures, in january-july budget revenues exceeded 19.5 trillion rubles. an increase of more than a third. expenditures also increased by 23% and amounted to 21 trillion rubles. as for the reduction of the federal budget deficit, this means exclusively positive information, this is good news. it remains for the trend to continue until the end of the year.
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the growth rate of federal budget revenues turned out to be higher than the growth rate of federal budget expenditures, from which the deficit was reduced, this means that the real sector worked better than planned. it is worth separately consider how the receipts of oil and gas and oil and gas revenues are changing. both indicators are growing: profit from non-oil and gas revenues for 6 months increased by a quarter to the budget, almost 13 trillion rubles were received. for example, the planned level was exceeded by the receipt of turnover taxes, including. vat oil and gas revenues amounted to 6.5 trillion rubles, an increase of 60%. as noted in the ministry of finance, the dynamics are positive due to the increase in prices for russian oil, the receipt of these revenues at a level exceeding their base size. in in accordance with the parameters of the forecast of socio-economic development in the coming months, an excess of oil and gas revenues is also expected. if at the beginning of the year, economists, official forecasts assumed a slowdown in the growth rate of the russian economy this year. now
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it is becoming clear that by the end of the year , the pace will remain approximately on the previous trajectory and will amount to about 3.5% per year, this ensures further growth in non-oil and gas revenues, vat, profit taxes, personal income taxes and other articles. in our country , the industrial production boom continues, we knocked the western giant out of the top 10, the times newspaper cites a study by the british association. from eighth to twelfth in russia ranks eighth, great britain is the leader china and the usa. the reason for the growth of russian industry is the increase in defense spending, and the mexican attraction of large investments from china. at the same time , great britain is losing ground, since in principle it does not have a plan for the development of production sectors of the economy. helped this process, firstly, import substitution, secondly, the growth of government spending.
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with deindustrialization and due to the growth of energy costs in britain, as in all of europe, due to the growth of energy costs, and many sectors of british industry have proven to be uncompetitive , automation, digitalization of industrial production is now being very actively carried out in russia, and in all areas of activity, especially in manufacturing, this factor, it will remain very high in the near future, as noted by ... british publication the growth rate of production in russia has continued to increase since march 2023. last year they added 3.5%. the activity of the real sector reached record levels since 2017. an important role was played by the localization of production substitution of foreign technologies. dear friends, i am pleased
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to invite you to our next issue of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called "from what?" the person begins, i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you at this meeting of ours. in the middle of the twenty-fifth year, the largest systemically important banks will start accepting social deposits and opening social accounts. by the twenty-seventh year , the entire banking system will join the program. for whom the new financial instruments are useful and how to use them, we will tell you about this in 5 minutes in this issue of the instructions. who can use a social deposit account? the main criterion is a low income level, which should not be higher than the subsistence minimum. secondly, the citizen
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must already receive state support, so far three main ones have been identified categories: recipients of a single benefit, participants in a social contract and those who receive a pension supplement. ministry of labor and social protection, about 6 million russians can take advantage of the offer, the government will change the list of these criteria if necessary. in order to open a social account or deposit, you must have an account on public services, because the opening will only take place electronically on the state portal, consider that deposits can only be opened in your own favor, that is, if you have the right to it, then you and you can be its owner. the law on... has already been approved, and it will come into force on july 1, 2025, the bill provides that there are several ways to open this deposit, and you can do this with the help of a qualified electronic digital signature, unqualified, just like
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a person who has a confirmed entry on public services, who personally came to the mfc, yes or to the office of public services, he can also open a deposit without receiving an eds. the account is essentially an ordinary savings account, it must be linked to a mir card. account maintenance, transfers, payments up to 2,000 rubles per month, all without commission, but its main advantage is that income is accrued on the balance every day, no less than half of the key rate of the bank of russia, if the account is 50 thousand rubles or less, if the account is more than 50 thousand, then the bank sets the rule, the accumulated income is paid once a month, from such an account. you can pay for purchases at the same time receive a small increase in your income. one person can have no more than one social account and no more than one social deposit. they are opened for a year, that is, once a year the bank will find out from the state whether you receive
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social support? if yes, then the deposit account will be extended. if we are talking about the current key rate, well, we cannot yet say what will be on july 1, twenty-five, but if we talk about the current one, then. now there is a certain tendency there towards high competition and high rates on savings accounts, perhaps in the future this will change, and clients will in any case have a guaranteed 1/2 of the key rate, in this regard, the social account is a very honest product, the rate that is in the law. will be paid in any case, there is no small print, no additional conditions, each person who opens a social bank account is guaranteed to receive this rate, although visually it can be perceived as less than what is in individual advertisements. if you want
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to save, then it would be better to use a social deposit, it is opened for a year. the deposit can contain no more than 50,000 rubles. interest from it will be transferred separately. so that the limit is not accidentally exceeded, this deposit is replenished, and if necessary , money can be withdrawn from it. the main advantage of a social deposit is its rate, it will be equal to. per annum, but it is opened only for salary clients or only if you bring a million at once, or only if you spend no less than a certain amount from the bank's credit card, and this is the highest rate among those that the bank offers to citizens, so for a social deposit the bank will also be obliged pay 20% per annum, even if you do not meet some of the conditions. in our opinion, this is a really useful financial instrument
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that will help people with a low income. on the one hand, this is an opportunity to pay for services up to 20,000 rubles per month without any commissions, this is really important. on the other hand, this is an additional opportunity to get the maximum rate on a social bank deposit on the best terms, that is, in fact, a person with a low income will have the same income. as well as a vip client in banks. so, let's repeat the main thing, from july 1, twenty-five , the largest banks will have two new products. they are intended for people with incomes below the subsistence minimum who receive state support. a social account and a social deposit can only be opened through government services. you can spend and transfer money from a social account, and also receive income on the balance, which is paid once a month. social deposit for savings. the interest rate on it should be the highest of those that the bank offers to other individuals. want to learn
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more about what tools are available for savings or investment, write to us in telegram, send your questions, we will ask the experts about everything and tell you in the next issues of the instructions. what were you hiding behind the trees somewhere? should i go to the otochir, light a flint here. ivan, i can't live without traveling, soon, it's hot here very damp, but that's what the far east is like in summer. the builders are real pioneers, now they are implementing a new large-scale project of the eastern system here
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gas supply, laying the primary section belogorsk-khabarovsk. the new gas pipeline will connect two existing main gas pipelines, the power of siberia and sakhalin-khabarovsk-vladivostok. gazprom began large-scale development of gas production centers and the creation of a unified gas transportation system in eastern siberia in the far east in 2010. complex geological climatic conditions have become a real test of the professionalism of all gazprom construction companies. construction is being carried out in remote regions with difficult access, participates in the implementation of investment projects in the east of the country. coordination of all participants at all stages of implementation, from
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geological exploration, design, construction, procurement to the unconditional commissioning of the facility. all analytics and data from construction sites are sent to our project management center. construction map. like a route map to some incredible expedition, sometimes land, sometimes water. before the gas workers, when laying gas mains, the far eastern nature appeared in all its power and diversity. hills, rivers, lakes. the rivers in this region are full-flowing and overflow widely during the flood period. in the construction of the linear part of the gas pipelines, we must pass through many water obstacles. this is not always the case. during the flood period it can overflow up to 10 km. in
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a calm state is about 600 m, in in addition, it is necessary to take into account the need to build launch and receiving sites, access roads and related infrastructure. the most difficult crossing is to be made across the amur river, the main channel of which is more than 3 km. in general, the amount of water that people live next to in khabarovsk krai is impressive even without maps. every spring, the amur river spills into many tributaries. they form new ones. lakes and backwaters in the fields, as a result, one hundred percent humidity - basic working conditions in the summer, along with forty-degree heat. gas pipeline systems are a key link between huge reserves of natural gas and consumers. the sakhalin-khabarovsk-vladivostok highway is one of the iconic infrastructure solutions, it became
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the first facility of this scale in the region. this gts is designed. for the delivery of gas produced on the sakhalin shelf, to consumers in the khabarovsk and primorsky regions, the length of the route is more than 1,800 km, the pipe there was even larger in diameter, but it was as if it were lighter in weight, there are its own difficulties, there are its own difficulties, that is, it is different everywhere, but such temperature differences, here are some kind of subtropics in the summer, well, and in the winter it is cold here too, yes, freezing somewhere up to 2 m of soil occurs. the power of siberia has become an even larger -scale project that provides gas to far eastern consumers, it also allowed to start pipeline export to china, the length of the siberian power is about 3.00 km. the route of the main gas pipeline starts from the kavyktinskoye field in the irkutsk region and then runs through the territory of the sakha republic, yakutia and the amur
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region. the first section of the gas pipeline was built with a length of about 2,200 km from yakutia to the border of the sknr near blagoveshchensk. it was launched in 2019. the next stage in record time of one and a half years was the laying of a section of the gas pipeline from kavykta to chienda. the main resource pools of this project. this is 803 km. a very complex operation was carried out on one section. with a difference in height between the entrance and exit. a pipeline was stretched 55 m under the lena river, this object was even included in the russian book of records. in addition to this, the difference in heights , the section was characterized by a complex relief , the presence of rocks at the base. during the construction of the crossing , a number of the latest technical solutions were developed and applied.
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this was the first trenchless crossing construction project implemented in russia. with such complex characteristics, but all the work is justified by the volume of recoverable gas reserves, at the kavyktinskoye field there are 1.8 trillion cubic meters, and its composition is also unique, a large content of condensate, 66 million tons of it underground, and also gels and many other components valuable for the chemical industry, from wells, all this hydrocarbon wealth goes to the installation. complex preparation here gas, having undergone preliminary preparation purification from liquid, approaches, due to the expansion of the sharp, its temperature decreases, it gets into these separators, in which the gas the dried gas is released upwards, and the liquid moisture falls downwards, then this gas, prepared for transportation, is sent to
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the measurement block box, part of the gas will be exported to china, but a significant volume... will be sent for the development of consumption in russian regions, so the key task today is to connect the existing gas pipelines, the power of siberia and sakhalin, khabarovsk, vladivostok. gazprom began construction of the peremychki belogorsk-khabarovsk gas pipeline this year. its length will be more than 800 km. it will pass through the territory of the amur and jewish autonomous regions, as well as the khabarovsk territory. more than 2 thousand people and 300 units of equipment are involved in the construction. specialists are laying the gas pipeline from two points at once: from belogorsk and khabarovsk towards each other. giant pipes were brought to the construction sites, where they are being prepared, welded, and laid in trenches. this is
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a site temporarily allocated for the period of construction, it is called a pipe welding base, where sections of welding of two-pipe pipes are carried out. to speed up the welding process on the route and is taken directly to the construction site in the linear part, it is located close to a kilometer from the gas pipeline under construction. the pipes are welded in a braid, as they call in professional slang sections of a pipeline up to a kilometer long. they are already laid in trenches. products. production, special insulating covers are located at each end, it is necessary to clean the joints and you can weld. to perform welding work , special preparation is made for the edges of the pipe - then the automatic welding complex comes in, pipes are joined, respectively , by the automatic welding method, the pipeline
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is welded into a whip, the whip is welded up to a kilometer, then a technological gap is made, which is eliminated directly in the trench, this approach significantly speeds up the work, most of the territory along which ... the gas pipeline is laid, it is flooded, swampy, well , this area where we are, a very high level of groundwater, so, accordingly, to start work of the main complex, it is necessary to arrange a road intra-site network, only after that we can proceed to the main set of works, it takes time for the preparatory period, well and accordingly the attraction of additional resources, the most difficult areas are always water crossings. spawning work all stops, stops, these spawning periods in each region they are regulated for each river, and here
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about a month and a half we had a complete stop, that is , it was impossible to enter the water protection zone. in addition, the company will release hundreds of thousands of fry into the amur river local fish, trees will be planted in the regions where the work is carried out. specialists from all over the country work at any such construction site, they are selected based on their competencies.
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this will provide additional reliability and flexibility of gas supplies to domestic consumers, and will open up new opportunities for the development of gasification in siberia and the russian far east. how gasification accelerates socio-economic development can be seen in the example of the sakhalin region. over the years of cooperation with the gas giant , sakhalin has already changed, blue fuel on today, large enterprises are already using sakhalin: a greenhouse complex, an airport terminal, a beverage manufacturing plant. the oil and
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gas industry is the basic industry of sakhalin, so everything, as they say, is from here, several decades ago they began to develop the oil and gas industry, and of course, now it has a modern form, first of all, this is sakhalin 2, sakhalin 3. in just a few years, the level of gasification of the region has grown from 14 to 61%. in order for residents of apartment buildings to be warm, boiler houses are being converted to blue fuel, where boiler houses are being modernized impossible, new ones are being built. according to the program signed with the governor of the sakhalin region, valery igorich lemarenko, gas will be supplied to more than 80 settlements, and tens of thousands of households will have access to gas.
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use and save fuel by about 30%, also increase the inter-run resource between technical... non-standard approaches and innovative solutions, but work on eastern objects required the result is worth it. we watch to know everything about russia, the best historical series, look, look, in the application or on the website.
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who hasn't heard, the target is two leopards, there is such a proverb, the one artilleryman saves the blood of the infantryman, a shot, the whole front is thundering and there are a lot of explosions, now they are looking for where ours is, whoever outsmarts the other faster, he wins. the bird will hang for another 15 minutes, let's go, atvinta, someone was a miner, someone was a mechanic, someone was a menchendai there, the motherland called, everyone came to fight, today we cover the infantry, tomorrow we hit the enemy's field camps, it could be anything, acerea god of modern, sex and... and
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traveler, balloonist, jean ivan, and so we are namesakes, what a fairy tale, without ivan, eh, what started, without deception, without flint, the villain locked me in flint, pen, self-written magic ink, you'll get it, you main thing, vanya, hurry up, so give me a horse, mechanical... and hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go , that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you fool want, where you need to go, i can't live without travel, flint, he doesn't need a pen, who has a flint in his pocket, soon, russia , russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia.
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russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, russia, 24.
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in the kursk region, doctors are currently doing everything necessary to save lives and health. our colleague and friend, war correspondent evgeny podubny, he was brought to the hospital in serious condition, the ministry of health reported, the patient was immediately taken to the anti-shock room, intensive care was administered, and then transferred to the intensive care unit. k specialists from leading federal clinics joined the treatment. all the latest news about evgeniy's condition about the situation in the region at alexander rivunov. the past night was really very alarming and it's not just about the constant roar of the siren and
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messages from the ministry of emergency situations about.


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