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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 8, 2024 7:00pm-7:30pm MSK

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legal news feed in telegram channels to conduct duty units honest detective. that's all for now, tatyana petrova was with you, see you in this studio with new stories at 21:30. did you write nevskaya in the eyeliner? his condition is stable, our colleague and friend, military correspondent of vgtrk, evgeny podubny was taken by helicopter to the sklifosovsky moscow institute of emergency care. there he undergoes a full examination to adjust the course of treatment. our reporters are working near the walls of the hospital, we are waiting for the most from them fresh information about the health of our colleague. meanwhile, the northern group of troops, together with the fsb, have been destroying the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region for the second day. units
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of equipment, we are waiting for data from our military. kursk, you and i, the regions of russia have joined in providing assistance to the kursk region. thus, seven ambulance teams and 22 doctors from the moscow region arrived in the kursk region today. where else is the support coming from? we will tell you. nine children in the kursk region suffered due to criminal. attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, four people died, the nazis aimed civilians were hit. the population is already receiving assistance, including psychological assistance. blood collection points have been deployed. we will show a report from the scene. and of course, the weather in the atmosphere over russia cyclones are raging. bad weather from the western borders to kamchatka. cold showers and in the european part of the country. the moscow department of transport warned of new difficulties on the roads. we are waiting in studina.
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moscow, we were informed by the deafening noise of blades, and only after that confirmed information appeared on the news agency feeds. the medical flight had not yet touched down. the doctors were already ready, evgeniya
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berezhno was being taken out of the helicopter, quickly to the intensive care unit, despite the wounds, burns, bandages, he was conscious and continued to joke. we are all friends, yes, of course, and friends help each other. and what is the plan now? the plan now is to go to intensive care, we will check everything again, blood, tests, all the studies, then we will make a decision today. accepted, understood. low. assistance is one of the best in the country for the treatment of complex combined trauma. immediately upon arrival specialists of different profiles have carried out all necessary research and analysis. the greatest damage is associated with a burn injury. the condition is serious, but it is conditionally stable, he breathes independently, this is very pleasing in his condition. here, but the final diagnosis a little later we will collect everything together, because there is a lot of minor trauma, which is now being examined by specialists of different profiles.
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transport poddubny from kursk to moscow, he was admitted to the local hospital late in the evening of august 7: anti-shock ward, patient stabilization, a long night under observation in the intensive care unit. the first news from jenni appeared this morning. thank you for worrying about me? i always worry about you too. we will definitely win, victory will be ours, everything is fine. evgeny podubny received serious injuries in the kursk region, in the border area. an enemy strike. our colleague and friend
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will spend the next few days in the intensive care unit, after which a medical council will decide on the further treatment plan. varvara nevskaya, vesti. it is imperative to work directly with people, reach every family. this is an order from vladimir putin. today, he spoke via video link with the acting governor of the kursk region, alexey smirnov. well, the conversation was primarily about helping local residents. about how the evacuation is organized and, of course, about the work of temporary accommodation centers. anastasia efimova will tell you more. this meeting was supposed to be held in person, but in today's situation , it is certainly more important for alexey smirnov to be on site. the remark that the president made in video call with the acting governor of the kursk region,
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who has been in his current position for just a little over 2 and a half months, and is now working in circumstances that, to quote the head of state, require a certain amount of courage. the current situation requires.
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the headquarters immediately gathered and i, together with all the members of the headquarters , coordinate this work almost around the clock. first of all, having assessed the situation, as the acting governor said, residents began to be evacuated from dangerous areas. they were evacuated literally under shelling, ukrainian militants are targeting civilian cars and ambulances. they even used armored cash-in-transit vehicles to drive away. people could use them to transfer to buses at a safe distance and get to temporary accommodation points; according to alexey smirnov, there are enough places in them now. we have free places now, we are constantly freeing up buildings and premises for this.
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business entities have come to meet us halfway, plus we have reached an agreement with russian railways, three trains have arrived. where can we accommodate an additional 2,400 people and eight additional trains arrived where we can accommodate people, give them humanitarian aid and send them immediately by rail, because almost all the heads of the regions of the russian federation responded and provide such places, that is, we will transport people from the kursk region and...
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well, such a measure is also proposed at the expense of the federal budget. alexey borisovich, we spoke with the chairman of the government quite recently. we will assume that the decision on a one-time payment of 10,000 rubles to citizens who need it has been adopted
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and the necessary resources will be directed. as i always say in such cases, it is necessary to work directly with people, to reach... to each family. in order for the necessary assistance to reach each family, it is important to coordinate efforts, which means that all ministers must be in touch around the clock. the head of the cabinet set this task at a meeting. government, asking to keep all issues regarding the situation in the kursk region under personal control. 1.800 million allocated rubles to help families who have lost their homes. the corresponding order has been signed. dear colleagues, it is now extremely important to ensure coordinated work of all federal, regional and municipal authorities, including monitoring how the provision of material payments to people in temporary accommodation centers is organized. i ask all deputy prime ministers and ministers to stay in touch around the clock, each one, keep issues in
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the areas under your personal control. the first funds for the resettlement of residents from potentially dangerous territories, as the heads of the kursk region specified today in rio, have already been received, which means that work is underway, because, as the president recalled, today it is necessary to interact with the affected families directly in a difficult situation to be, quote: as close to people as possible. anastasia efimova. news, well, and support for the participants in the special operation and their families remains a priority for the government, - said mikhail mishustin. the fighters and their loved ones must be provided with all the social guarantees due to them, we must continue to do everything necessary, we continue to support participants of the special military operation who sign their contract for the first time, for them the one-time cash payment has been doubled to 400 thousand rubles.
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of millions of people. the russian armed forces, the fsb did not allow the advancement of the ssu. in the kursk region, as reported by the ministry of defense, the north group together with the border troops, over the past day, stopped attempts to break through the formation of the armed forces of ukraine in the sudzhansky and korenevsky districts of the kursk region. during the day, active actions of the units covering the state border together with border guards, reinforcement units and approaching reserves, air strikes,
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missile troops, artillery fire, the enemy's advance was prevented. well, the ministry of defense also added that fire damage is being carried out on identified concentrations of manpower and equipment of the armed forces of ukraine. in addition, attempts to break through are being stopped separate units deep into the territory in the kursk direction. kiev has lost up to 400 soldiers in the kurdish direction, this is only since yesterday. since the beginning of the hostilities , losses in this direction amounted to 660 people. the ssu also lost 82 units of armored vehicles. the defense ministry said. the operation to destroy the formation of the ukrainian armed forces continues. here are the latest shots from our defense ministry, in which the crews of russian operational-tactical aviation aircraft strike armored vehicles and manpower of the vso. our pilots have worked fap-500 aviation bombs with a universal planning module. intelligence confirmed
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that all targets were destroyed. well, in addition to aviation , artillery was used. strikes at the enemy. were carried out by high-precision krasnopol shells. in this footage, in the border area of ​​the kursk region, russian soldiers destroy camouflaged enemy ammunition. at the moment of liquidation , objective control is recorded from the air. and with the help of a combat drone , a group of militants who were hiding in a forest belt was defeated near the border. a video has also appeared of our drone operators disarming the ukrainian heavy copter baba yaga by dropping it. network, well here is the data on the total losses in the ssu in equipment over the past two days: an unsuccessful attempt by ukrainian saboteurs to advance deep into the kursk region cost them almost a hundred units of armored vehicles. units of our north group, together with the fsb , eliminated eight tanks, 12 armored personnel carriers, six infantry fighting vehicles, 55 combat
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armored vehicles and an engineering vehicle obstacles. but at the same time our military department added that the operation to destroy the formation of the ukrainian armed forces is continuing, including the destruction of ukrainian units in the sumy region, the calculations of the operational-tactical complexes iskandar are working on them. what if the bank will only have a bank.
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in the region here is his report today we talked to people who managed to leave the sudzhansky district of the region, at first they hid in their house, they were deliberately fired upon, when the house caught fire, people tried to leave, they came under targeted machine gun fire, they started shooting at 3:00 at night, and already at 7:00 in the evening they started deliberately hitting peaceful houses, specifically peaceful residents, that's when... they were getting ready to leave, that's when they hit peaceful civilian cars, not military vehicles, there were no wars there, there were only peaceful residents, the st. nicholas, belogorsk. monastery, it was essentially the first to take the hit from the ukrainian terrorists, first they shelled it with artillery, then drones started working, who, as the monks say, specially
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knocked out the windows and dropped ammunition in order to set fire to the temple with the monk, they managed to take out all the relics, they ran into the corridor to me, you know, we thought so, they don’t shoot every second, they reload, they’ll adjust ours, probably we’ll have a minute to jump out. and after another flight we ran to the basement, we made it, as soon as we ran into the basement, a shell immediately flew into my cell, we were still sitting in the basement, so from 8:00 in the morning until 12 for 2.5 hours they were firing with direct fire in all the buildings, they decided to leave in three cars, the first car slipped through the ukrainian occupied positions, here the next two were stopped by ukrainian militants, there was a total inspection, under threat of weapons, they checked phones, they let go, the militants began to fire at the second car with a burst of machine gun fire, unfortunately one of the monks died,
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the bullet hit the heart on the fly, there are 20 temporary accommodation centers working here now, there are 1,465 people there, the number of temporary accommodation centers is increasing every day, people are now leaving dangerous zones, everything is provided for them here, only. of course, about the heroic work of doctors, they continue to enter dangerous border areas under fire, pick up the wounded, take out those who need it, by
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order of the head of the fmba veronika skvartsova , the forces of the medical units of the fmba have been concentrated in the kursk region, additional resuscitation surgical trauma beds have been deployed, operating units of the brigade with ... among those injured by ukrainian shelling in the kursk region are nine children, about this reported the presidential commissioner for children's rights maria lvova belova. a seven-year-old girl and an eight-year-old boy were taken to moscow today. they hope they survived the journey safely. both were admitted to the pediatric, emergency surgery and traumatology department. the little patients receive multidisciplinary care. the medical team includes
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professional doctors of various specialties. russian regions provide comprehensive assistance and support to the kursk region. for example, in the rostov region , volunteers are putting together food packages, humanitarian aid is being collected in tatarstan and sevastopol. specialists from the center for disaster medicine are traveling from the tver region to kursk , and medical workers from st. petersburg will also provide assistance. report by maria valieva. they were driving under fire, the car was shelled several times. the rear window of sergei dekterev's car was knocked out, but these are minor details, the main thing is that everyone is safe and sound. the fighting was already on the border of our village, i live opposite the border directorate, three missiles landed. the command center was hit by shrapnel, they were packing in a hurry, with they took only the necessary things and documents, the girl dasha also managed to take the cat, her best friend, for the reception
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of residents of the kursk region in oryol in the temporary accommodation points everything is ready, comfortable beds in hotel rooms, separate bathrooms for each family, places for games and rest, there is a canteen, since there are a large number of children the education system now representatives are arriving, representatives of medicine will now be ... sent for the children buses provide delivery, now about will leave for us 200 guys, the remaining buses will wait for
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the guys until... all headquarters were actively notified to collect things and essential items: humanitarian aid is being formed in the tver region, since the morning, caring citizens have been actively bringing clothes, shoes, personal hygiene items, food in the khabarovsk region. more than 30 tons were collected in the tula region. at the initiative of acting governor dmitry milyaev and a resident of the region, work was promptly organized to collect the necessary assistance for residents of kruskaya region. the cargo included
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food products, folding beds, bed linen and personal hygiene items. despite the missile threat, to the sound of sirens for residents of the kursk region, humanitarian aid is being packed in belgorod. the people's front organized the collection. liliya shibelgut recently became part of the friendly team. for this reason, the woman specially came from germany. i arrived a month ago from germany and came here because i don't want to live on the other side. the kursk we are with you campaign was held in magadan. volunteers and concerned citizens gathered at the memorial, a knot of memory, laid out flowers , lit candles. in memory of those killed as a result of the monstrous attack of the armed forces of ukraine. maria valieva, alexander parkhunov. news. dear
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friends, i am pleased to invite you to our next issue of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called where does a person begin. i hope it will be interesting, i look forward to seeing you at this meeting. are you used to watching videos online? has it stopped working? we install, open, watch, russian channels all tv series, movies and cartoons, educational programs and documentaries. we watch, we watch in the application or on the website, if everything looks like the wild west, then there is only one law:
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well, now to the news from the special operation zone: in a day, russian troops inflicted serious damage on the enemy, in the ssu they lost more than 2,100 servicemen, almost three dozen tanks. in infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, as well as self-propelled guns . well, what is characteristic, about twenty of them are produced by nato countries. our colleague stanislav vasilchenko will tell about the progress of the special military operation. local is ready to work. accepted. the enemy mortar crews gave out their positions to work on the specified coordinates to the artillerymen of the northern forces group.


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