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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 8, 2024 7:30pm-8:01pm MSK

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well, now to the news from the special operation zone, in a day russian troops inflicted serious damage on the enemy, the ukrainian armed forces lost more than 2,100 servicemen, almost three dozen tanks, infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, as well as guns and self-propelled guns. well, what is typical, about twenty of them are produced by nato countries. our colleague stanislav vasilchenko will tell about the progress of the special military operation. is the local ready to work? accepted. the enemy mortar crews gave out their positions in order to work on the specified coordinates, the artillerymen of the north group of forces, it is necessary no more than 2 minutes. they quickly aim the 122-mm...
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the long-range of the howitzers allows them to work from a great distance from the line of combat contact. meanwhile , mortar crews are on combat duty at the front lines, so they have to work even faster. the servicemen of the western group of troops use the 120-mm sanni swinging gun. their targets are often armored pickups, and the crews of the uavs use similar mortar guns. the task of the fighters is to keep the enemy in constant tension, while the peculiarity of the swinging gun allows them... not to come under return
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fire when we move from point to point, it will be more difficult to detect us all the time new positions all the time new places, there were times when we left a position and this position was covered, artillerymen always work in tandem with drone crews, drones are the eyes of the russian army and strike force, fpv crews daily destroy armored vehicles, personnel, enemy shelter, disrupt rotations, helping our military to move forward, here is footage of the combat work of the fpv crew. the only piece is a patch, there it works machine gun, here it is a green patch, according to the information there are four ukrainian armed forces fighters there, here is a hit in this desert, and this is the donetsk direction, for which the southern group of troops is responsible. an fpv drone equipped with a grenade launcher is sent out on another hunt, such a drone can move at a speed of over 100 km / h, which makes it virtually invulnerable on the way to the target. this time, the operator discovered and ... fought off an enemy
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bradley armored vehicle covering a unit of the ukrainian armed forces, it turns out he was flying about 8 km to the enemy in the rear, and there he saw an infantry fighting vehicle bradley, the command reported, i was told not to work on it, i worked, immobilized it, then the artillery finished it off there. over the past 24 hours , the defense ministry reports, the enemy has made two counterattack attempts in the donetsk direction, both have been repelled. the southern group of troops has defeated the manpower and equipment of vysu in the areas of chasopyar, grigorovka, ostrov, ivanodaryevka and the donetsk people's republic pit. the southern group of troops has taken up more advantageous positions. vysu has lost up to 660 servicemen, two armored personnel carriers, including including btrm13, nine vehicles, a 155mm fh-70 howitzer, two m-777 howitzers, and krab and as-90 self-propelled artillery units. in total, since the start of the special operation, the russian army has destroyed more than. and mortars, the defense ministry reports.
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stanislav vasilchenko, news. well, now, to reports from lentinformagen, specialists from the public communications network monitoring center subordinate to roskomnadzor have repelled massive ddos attacks on three sites in the kursk region, including infrastructure. operators, and what is important, at present, according to experts, no critical accidents are recorded in the kursk region, as well as a high number of requests. yeah. one more message, we will ask you to display it on the screen. putin, vladimir putin signed a law on the introduction of a new migration regime of expulsion for illegal migrants. we are following the news, now on to other topics. so, the threat of the main. gas transit due to
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the situation in the kursk region raised european quotes. sudzha is the last working hub for direct deliveries of russian gas to the eu. well, what other factors are they putting pressure on gas? nika yankovaya sorted out the prices. gas prices have soared in europe at the largest hub in the netherlands. its cost has updated the annual maximum. at its peak, the price reached 445 dollars per thousand cubic meters. among the factors that put pressure on the cost of gas. the situation in the sudzhansky district of the kursk region. the sudzha gas station is the last working hub for direct deliveries of russian gas to europe, the very possibility of its shutdown has spoiled the mood of european. traders, especially in austria, hungary and slovakia, these countries receive a significant portion of blue fuel from sudzha. despite the fact that supplies via this route cover only 5% of demand in europe as a whole, the direction is important for import diversification. if europe stops receiving gas
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via this pipeline, then it must be understood that this is 15 billion cubic meters out of 330 that europe consumes per year, while russia supplies gas from, which is extracted. standard methods, gas comes to europe, liquefied natural gas from mainly the usa, from the middle east, which is extracted a by fracturing the seam, that is, it is shale gas, and this method poses a very big threat to nature, for example, such methods of gas extraction are prohibited in europe. the second factor that puts pressure on the european gas market is that lng suppliers from the united states have switched to the asian direction. before the start of the special operation , russian gas covered 40% of europe's needs. at the end of 23, this share fell to 15%. washington had previously promised to support the european union if they refused energy resources from our country. but now the economic benefit has become obvious for states are more important than the interests of allies in asia,
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lng prices are now higher than in europe. americans are very pragmatic, so they supply to the market where the prices are higher. there were even situations when... despite some long-term agreements , volumes were redirected in order to win the race with asia in europe, the prices there should be, well, about the same as now or even a little higher, and for sure it is necessary that there are $ 500 per thousand cubic meters, then the gas will definitely go to europe, but for now after all, there are no such price tags for europeans. germany has replaced its dependence on cheap russian gas with dependence on expensive lng from the usa, admitted andrei hunka, member of the bundestag committee on international affairs. however, this statement can easily be extended to the entire european union. it is enough to look at the figures. if at the beginning of the year the volume of liquefied gas supplies from the states was several times higher than russian, then by mid-summer it was almost equal. analysts believe that this
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trend will continue in august-september. the german alternative for germany party called on the country's authorities to reconsider gas policy, since the united states has become an unreliable partner. against this background, the situation in the sudzhansky district and the hypothetical possibility of interruptions or stoppages of supplies looks especially alarming for europeans. in fact , all of europe will suffer economically, because they will lose 15 billion cubic meters in annual terms - these are quite large volumes, and this will provoke a deficit in the european gas market, and accordingly provoke price increase, so even if some countries do not directly receive russian gas, they will still suffer from the transit stop. but because prices will rise for any gas. at the end of this year , the agreement between gazprom and naftogaz on fuel transit from russia to europe via ukraine will expire. according to the german handleblad, the eu is negotiating how to extend supplies. one option is to conclude a contract that will allow
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fuel to be purchased on the border of russia and ukraine and then sent to eu countries. the ministry of energy said a threefold increase in russian gas exports is expected over time. by 2050, the figure is predicted to... the european part of russia and the urals have been flooded for the second week, the consequences of the downpours are being eliminated in the southern urals, in the black earth region and in the center of the country. we will talk about everything in more detail with the leading specialist of the fobus center, evgeny tishkovets. evgeny, greetings. hello, evgeny. well, should we expect a break from the rain tomorrow? good afternoon. a break by the weekend, if it happens, will not last long, but the next significant portion of rain will be accompanied by a cold snap, we prepare umbrellas. one of the dramatic moments of today's nenaste vufe: the driver tried to hold his car in the parking lot of solovat yulaev avenue with the weight of his own body,
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so that it would not be washed away by the flow of water. the outcome of the confrontation is unknown. a strong thunderstorm covered the capital of bashkiria in the middle of the day. it instantly dropped the temperature by 5-6 ° street. cities turned into rivers, from bridges and estokat ran into falls. some motorists drove around the flooded areas on the sidewalk. truly extreme it was a good morning for the owners of apartments in one of the residential complexes in the southwest of moscow. the appearance of a small dust whirlwind , a rain cloud, a volley downpour and flooding all happened in one hour. the main flooding was observed in southern butovo. some residents of the area found special symbolism in the fact that the largest puddles formed on admirala lazareva street. drivers had to circle around the area to get to work. that's it, the truck arrived, just like that, can you imagine. we haven't seen it yet like that flooded, that's it, ocean, we're turning around,
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i can't drive through the third place already, flooded today and the regions on the lower volga, a squall hit the city of kamyshin, volgograd region, it was replaced by rain, ten minutes were enough for the streets in the lowlands to disappear under water, thunderstorms covered the black earth regions today, these shots are from lipetsk, here the rain lasted about 20 minutes, the result is the same as in other regions, large-scale flooding. on friday, as if in a baric vice , the high-altitude trough of the cyclone will be clamped. the satellite image clearly shows a system of extensive frontal cloudiness that has covered the sky of central russia, the associated wave cyclone, the center of which is now spinning over mishchora, will shift to the banks of the middle volga in the next 24 hours, where the most difficult weather conditions are expected. the maximum amount of precipitation up to 20 mm and more is predicted. in the upper middle volga region in the west of orenburg, heavy rains will continue to flood
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the central federal district, and the remnants of the cyclone kirsti will continue to spoil the weather in the south of siberia and the west of kazakhstan. in the epicenter ninastya at the end of the week will be the regions of the middle volga. in samara , almost a month's worth of rain will fall on friday and saturday, with precipitation distributed approximately equally among the days. ulyanovsk will receive 3/4 of the august volume of moisture, and ... bad weather, will have to be on the weekend. in moscow, it is now warm as in august. the thermometer shows +21.7. after the shower, the weather cleared up. until the end of the week, in the rear of the cyclone, the nature of the weather conditions will not change, the sky will frown, pouring down short-lived rain. at dusk, the air will cool to +12:15, and during the day +21:24. sunday cold front will lower daytime temperature to +17-20. the same cool and rainy. expected start of next week. specialists of the expert institute of social
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research today held a round table on the topic of a month before the elections, party activity and competition. representatives of the party, as well as invited experts, took part in the meeting. well, the session was moderated by associate professor of the financial university under the government of russia, director of the center for political analysis, member of the public chamber of the city moscow, pavel danilin. we discussed important issues, for example, in which regions political parties are most active, how they work with which audiences, as well as the prospect of a systemic opposition in the country, well, one of the main conclusions following the round table, political parties in russia work on a similar agenda on the most important topics for society. almost all parties exploit the same agenda, but firstly, of course, there is a consensus on the topic of special military. operations, and secondly, in thirdly, fourthly, it means a progressive
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tax scale, the same with the migrant agenda, in general, the same with the public demand for social justice. so, the single voting day in russia this year will be held on september 8, that is, exactly one month from now, on this day almost 400 election campaigns of all levels will be held. ella pomfilova, head of the central election commission, spoke about this earlier. well , over 55 million voters will be able to take part in the elections. most of the preparatory procedures have already been completed. traditionally, special attention expert community is riveted to the gubernatorial campaigns. 20 direct elections of heads of russian regions are planned for september. initially there were 16 of them, but after the appointment of the governors of khabarovsk krai, kaliningrad, kemerovo and tula regions.
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regional branch, but due to the fact that we have only been working for 4 years, not all local branches are open, why is that? because we do not have municipal deputies, so we are paying a lot, a lot of attention to the municipal elections this year. speaker of the state duma vyacheslav volodin is currently working in his constituency in the saratov region, he visited the village of sokolovoy, which he took under his patronage. mostly military families live there. now, within the framework of the deputy project , the construction of a swimming pool and an ice arena for the school is being completed. previously, a modern clinic, a school sports stadium, an overpass connecting the village with the city center were built, and the territory was also improved. most of our families live here military personnel, connected the village with the city
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of saratov, built an overpass, a clinic, now the school must meet all the requirements.
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operations, and these impressive-sized folders - case materials, they are brought into the hall of fame of russian weapons, which became the courtroom, by bailiffs, 20 volumes, on the pages of each of them are set out details, both of nazi crimes already known in the region, as well as newly revealed facts of abuse by the invaders against the civilian population and captured red army soldiers. in during the great patriotic war , about 3,300 settlements were occupied, 36 of... of nine districts of the tolsk region, this is a teenager, probably 14-15 years old. horrible footage, this is the old building of the chikalina outpatient clinic, a small town, german troops occupied in october of 1941, just 2 months later, in december, the fascists were driven out of there by units of the red army, but during this short time , hundreds of people died here at the hands of the nazis, the remains of 123
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were found by searchers eight decades later in one large pit. on their the exhumation took 3 years, just imagine seven layers, children, young women, well , the picture was quite scary, please, the first photo, in the photo we see german soldiers, this poster says, the russians must die so that we can live, that's their tactic, historians, cultural experts, searchers acted as witnesses and experts in this procession, eyewitnesses of the events were found about... regional prosecutors traveled around the sites of those terrible crimes and did a lot of work with the documents. the basis of the process was archival materials declassified by the fsb of russia on the tula region. a huge number of documents are contained in the state archive of the region. all these facts prepared right on the hot trail, have serious legal significance. they
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affect 35 districts of the tula region. the german occupation of the tula region lasted from october forty-first to july forty -third during this time more than 40% of the 2,500 schools in the region were destroyed, 11 of the 111 hospitals were completely destroyed, 96 fell into complete disrepair, more than 1,300 people were shot, about 60 were hanged, more than 11 thousand residents of the region were forcibly driven away by the germans to work in western europe and occupied ukraine. the tula region prosecutor's office studied. in the archival and other materials in this trial will present to the court indisputable evidence of mass executions, torture, torture of civilians and prisoners of war by shooting, hanging, burning alive. creation of concentration camps, as well as widespread plundering and destruction of material and other cultural values. it is already clear that this the process will be lengthy and extensive, the court
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still has to study hundreds of documents , hear dozens of testimonies, according to the plan, the case without a statute of limitations will be completed in september or october of this year. vitaly matorin and olek antonov, vesti tula. pain can be different, it does not matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy for different types of pain. pentalgin, we will do without pain, sale, where did you buy megaket, school style, buy cosmetics with cashback up to 40%. megamarket school style, vtb new credit card with a huge plus. 2000 rubles for regular spending, imagine, with it you can do everything, even more, do not pay interest for 200 days, get another category of cashback
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strike israel, regardless of tehran's decision. at the same time, other experts believe that there will be no full-scale military action in the middle east, anna voronina compared the points of view. to postpone is impossible to refuse. the absence of a promised response from iran has forced the western press to guess. and whether tehran will refuse a massive attack on israel in response to the death of ismail haniyeh. in washington, they are practically shouting in front of journalists that this is their merit. we are working very, very hard, using intensive diplomacy, so that to try to avoid escalation. i cannot predict that we will be 100% successful in this. that is why the president ordered additional military resources to be sent to the region to ensure that in the event of an attack on israel. kin should abandon
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the logic of revenge. macron somehow kept silent about whether such a call was also voiced to the israeli prime minister. the west insists that no iranian citizens were killed in the attack on hanei. in tehran, according to journalists, they have thought about this. the president iran begs spiritual leader to avoid war with israel, a desire for space is clearly not shared by all senior officials in tehran, as voices are heard expressing concern about the possible consequences. iran on israel, to avoid tensions escalating into an unwanted war. true, the mood in iran itself is different, take for example these images, circulated by local bloggers, of what iconic israeli sites will become after the response promised by tehran. here the factor is very important for iranian leadership, the internal factor of what people expect, well, and what will happen...
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so says the lighthouse.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. who hasn't heard, the target is two leopards, there is such a proverb, under the artilleryman they save the blood of an infantryman, a shot, the entire front is thundering, a lot of explosions, now they are looking for where ours is, whoever outsmarts whom faster, he won, the bird will hang for another 15 minutes, let's go unscrew, someone was a miner, someone was a mechanic, someone was a merchandiser there, the motherland called, everyone came
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to fight. today we cover the infantry, tomorrow we hit the enemy's field camps, it can be anything, the artery of the god of modern times, this is a big information evening, here we will tell you in the nearest. the armed forces of ukraine attacked the kursk region with the help of western intelligence. who made the plan and provides satellites, how did the cia and mi-6 prepare kiev militants for an attack on our border? ukrainian troops are deliberately hitting orthodox shrines. why does the armed forces of ukraine unleash all its satanic hatred on temples and monasteries. the enemy is counting on fast and maneuverable.
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and technology, but no one would


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