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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 8, 2024 9:00pm-9:31pm MSK

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against the civilian population, according to this hour, five civilians were killed, 34 were injured, including nine children. a report on the situation by alexander revunov. they are shooting at us! the window of the car was knocked out, i see, we are leaving from here! pa, this is footage of the evacuation of residents of sudzha, people are hastily leaving the city, the car is being fired upon by the armed forces of ukraine at this moment, mines are scattered on the roads, their driver skillfully drives around them. let's get out of here.
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everything is in chaos, wires at home, no electricity, no gas, no water, this is how our road looks now, they are hitting here thoroughly, here it is, oh-oh-oh-oh, what are you doing, wheels, everything, everything is broken, glass, here it is, cars, everything is broken, the brothers of the gornashsky st. nicholas monastery remained in the monastery until the last, but the main church burned down from shells and mines first, and then the monastic cells, they chose taking only the sacred relics, on the way ukrainian militants opened fire on them, i opened the doors, i see that the gray is already dead, that probably flew into the heart through the back immediately, as if he with his bodies, probably with his body closed the people sitting in front, with a blessing the head of the kursk diocese, metropolitan herman, first of all, svo, we transported our main shrines to our courtyard in the city of kursk, the pokrovsky temple, the shrines are located here. father evgeny shestopalov, the rector of the holy trinity church in sudzha, himself saved his flock. at first they hid behind the reliable walls of the temple, then in his car.
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the priest began to take the parishioners to a safe distance, here are some more people i brought in , thank god, but the thing is that, uh , they call, while i have connections, they call, everyone calls asking to pick up their relatives, i'm already just i'm torn, i'm honest, i'm not complaining, but i just don't have time to evacuate everyone, whoever we can, of course we will, if we have time, ambulance crews are trying to evacuate people from the dangerous sector, but the red one...
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children, these are residents of border villages and villages of the sudzhansky district of the kursk region, they were lucky they were able to reach the regional center alive, almost every media outlet has a story of miraculous rescue. only a good reaction saved them from death, they managed to release the gas a second before the ukrainian armed forces drone, loaded with explosives, dived. the drone was hovering above us, my son braked in time, the girl was driving in front of him, in front of us, he braked, and he was right there in front of us, well , there was an explosion. yes, the asphalt rose, we ran into the yard there, many are still shaking from what they saw, children flinch from loud sounds, wake up crying, psychologists are working with them, but the rehabilitation will be long, listen, close your eyes, he is still very small, and planes fly straight there and yes, they fly here, yesterday we met this large family yuri and yulia, today we managed to send two sons to moscow to friends, themselves were left with daughter anya, a disabled child, from two o'clock. at night it all started,
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there was practically no time for sleep, well, until the very morning in the morning, when the shells started flying, it was generally terrible. volunteers bring children's clothes, diapers, fruits, medicines to the temporary accommodation center, take orders, try to find things by size. humanitarian aid is brought to the region from all over the country, the onf and united russia. refrigerators, washing machines, microwaves have already been delivered here, water has been delivered, sanitary and hygienic supplies, two large trucks. just 5 minutes ago where the drone fell they specifically won't go with us we have two places we can take a dog no no where risking their lives in their cars volunteers go to sudzha to help the remaining residents. nikolai shkov delivers water, canned goods, long-term storage products to the yards, yesterday he took out a family of pensioners. we came to pick up grandma, she said with one soul: "i have a grandfather there, i will not abandon him", she just started crying to us
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tell a story, i've been with him since i was 16, we got married when i was 18, i've never met such guys, kind, smart, such, i'll tell you, that in our time... to travel for 39 lands, risking their lives, their personal time, these guys are worthy of the highest praise, in the regional center, meanwhile, the townspeople continue to go to blood transfusion centers, they donated almost 200 liters in a day, this supply will definitely come in handy, today another group of children is being sent from kursk to safe regions of russia, alexander linov, andrey kuytsov, oksana serzhantova, mikhail shum, vesti kurskaya oblast, piterykh. the victims of the shelling in the kursk region were evacuated for treatment in the capital's hospital, moscow mayor sergei sobyanin spoke about the successful transportation of the wounded. now doctors are conducting the necessary research, all patients receive comprehensive medical care from the best specialists. with details from alexandra perfil'eva. the children were first evacuated by car from the kursk region to
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tula, then from tula to moscow they were evacuated by helicopter, in it, the children's trauma surgery. after examination by kursk doctors, it was decided that the seven-year-old girl and eight-year- old boy should be transported to the capital. their condition is serious but stable. now the children are undergoing an mri to detect fractures and to examine the brain. in his telegram channel , moscow mayor sergei sobyanin emphasized that the children are receiving all the necessary assistance. everyone survived the transportation safely and is in serious but stable condition. comprehensive treatment has been initiated with the involvement of leading specialists of moscow using the best technologies. in total, federal centers of the ministry of health of russia and medical organizations of moscow delivered five victims.
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ambulances so carefully transport the seventy-year-old traumatology orthopedics named after pirogov. the patient has multiple. and this is already the emergency admission department of the pirogov center of the ministry of health of russia, a woman with a severe mine blast wound and multiple chest injuries was delivered here from the kursk region. condition the patient's condition is currently assessed as serious. now the patient will be provided
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with the necessary assistance, a range of diagnostic measures will be carried out, laboratory diagnostics, instrumental diagnostics, and intensive therapy will be continued. and we hope that her condition will gradually improve. the fifth victim was brought to the burdenka national medical center for neurosurgery, russian ministry of health. the man is also in serious condition. in the near future, doctors will provide him with all the necessary assistance. also, according to information from the department of health, kursk has already additional medical teams have been sent to provide assistance and emergency transportation, if it is, of course,
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they were driving under fire, the car was shelled several times, the rear window of sergei dekterev's car was knocked out, but these are already trifles, the main thing is that everyone is alive and safe, the fighting was already on the border of our village, i live opposite the border directorate, there was an influx of three missiles, the shrapnel cut them, they were packing in a hurry, they took with them only the necessary things and documents.
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russia in the novosibirsk region will receive 300 people, in stavropol they organized a temporary accommodation center for 100, if necessary, the number of places will be increased. in the moscow region, they plan to evacuate from the kursk region. naturally, the children are transported to this site, from where they are sent,
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both in organized groups, with delivery by buses, and in the parents' cash transport. humanitarian aid for residents of the kursk region is collected throughout the country, in bashkiria, the campaign was launched by the state committee for youth policy of the region. quickly to collect things and essential items were all headquarters have been notified. humanitarian aid is being formed in the tver region.
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citizens gathered at the memorial, planted flowers, lit candles in memory of those killed in the monstrous attack by the ukrainian armed forces. maria valieva, alexander parkhunov, news. meanwhile, the collective west stubbornly continues to turn a blind eye to the crimes of the kiev regime, or worse, actually justifies them. this was recalled today by the first deputy permanent representative of russia to the un, dmitry polyansky, who drew attention to how a single state, quote. are engaged in the politicization of the anti-terrorist agenda, namely, on the one hand, they express
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concern in connection with new threats, the banned isis, on the other hand, they are absolutely calm about the openly terrorist methods of the armed forces of ukraine, as long as the latter correspond to western geopolitical interests. the russian delegation has repeatedly conveyed specific, fact-based information about the true face of the kiev regime, written out by the west, which, with the submission under supervision and in close. methods. now we are seeing them with our own eyes in the course of terrorist attack by ukrainian militants on the kursk region, carried out with the help of weapons supplied by the west. but to use openly terrorist what is interesting is that the kiev authorities comment on the provocation of the ukrainian armed forces in the kursk region very sparingly, what is its purpose, and if there is one at all, even seasoned propagandists seem to find it difficult to explain, but under the noise. suicidal sortie it turned out to be very convenient to warm up the topic of reducing the draft age in ukraine down to
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eighteen years, although previously personally zelensky categorically ruled out such a possibility, details in the material by andrey grigoriev. what is happening in the kursk region? the ukrainian telethon is confused, none of the officials explained why the ssu invaded the russian kursk region. not a single ukrainian official source has commented on the events in the region yet, but just in case, bordering kursk.
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us vice president kamala harris is unable to answer questions, which is why she does not give interviews to any media. donald trump made this statement against the backdrop of a protracted silence in the press of the democratic candidate for the white house. the republican believes that biden's deputy is simply incompetent. but meanwhile it turned out that even at rallies with his supporters, harris reads the same text. then, as the political battle unfolds in the united states, our. first joint tour of kamala harris and tim walz, immediately through the swing states, the mother of the nation and the american dad, as they have already dubbed, the type of vice presidential candidate, he will teach you how to drive a car and screw in a light bulb, it seems, parents like that are what the democratic voter wanted, i'm so excited, especially when walls, the governor, the former governor, or
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god willing the vice president, with the president.
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are about the question that each of us faces, in this election, each of us faces the question of how the republicans, the predatory prey, are following the pits, parallel rallies in the same states at the same time trump's running mate, jade vance, is holding. at the wisconsin airport, their planes are parked next to each other and vance is walking down the runway field to take a closer look at the plane number two, on which harris arrived, and at the same time to talk to the press, with whom the democratic candidate does not want to talk. i just wanted to check out my future plane, but i also wanted to say hello to the vice president, ask her why kamela harris refuses to answer questions from the media, and i also thought that the journalists waiting for her might be a little lonely. kamala harris has indeed not given a single interview in the 17 days since officially entering the race, and j.d. vance, who talks to the press every day, calls it
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a disgrace, a disgrace for harris' partner tim walt, the republicans are going to make his military past. the social media campaign, supported by green beret veterans, began by attacking walz for this photo in a special forces cap, which he has nothing to do with, now they are discussing walz's hasty discharge from the national guard in 2005 after he learned that his battalion was heading to iraq. when the us marine corps asked me to go to iraq to serve my country, i did it. when tim walz and his country asked him to go to iraq, he left the military and allowed his unit to go without him. i think that's shameful. the skeletons in wentz's own closet are being dug up by democrats. the republican vice president is being reminded of his correspondence with blogger and businessman charles johnson last october. in it, wentz declares his intention to investigate the nord stream bombings and tells of
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how he refused to answer calls from kiev with an insistent request to assist in providing military aid to ukraine, including the prompt delivery of f-16s. then vance, by his own admission , did not even pick up the phone. man, i will not even answer calls from ukraine. i had two very high-ranking guys, their head of intelligence and the head of the air force, whining about f-16s. and it is possible that as november approaches, we should expect more details about the biden administration's allocation of tens of billions of dollars to kiev, as well as personal interests in this encirclement operation president. the investigation into corruption in the biden family continues and reveals new episodes in the connection of the son of the head of the white house with dubious businessmen. the us prosecutor's office has published documents from which it follows that hunter biden received millions of dollars from romania from a certain gabriel popovici for influencing the us government through his father. and this is just one of the episodes. joe
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biden himself, having dropped out of the race, is now trying on the image of a fortune teller. in the first television interview after withdrawing from the race, biden. will paint a picture america right after the election. are you sure that there will be a peaceful transfer of power on january 20, 2025? if trump wins, no, i 'm not sure at all. i mean, if he loses, i'm not sure at all. he means what he says, and we're not taking it seriously. all this talk about how if we lose, there will be a bloodbath. biden deliberately ripped trump's line about a bloodbath from... but what could really scare the viewer is what follows from the president's words: civil confrontation in the united states could happen regardless of the outcome of the elections. thus, the democrats are ready.
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11 thousand people driven into slavery, six hundred completely destroyed settlements, more than 3,500 devastated collective farms, these are just some of the figures from the case materials that the tula regional court began to consider today. the criminal proceedings are considering issues of recognizing the crimes of the nazis in the region during the great patriotic war as genocide. vitaly matorin attended the first hearing. the first court hearing within the project without a statute of limitations, was held in the tula state museum. weapons, which is symbolic, because it is here, as exhibits, that everything with which the great victory was achieved, here are also the personalized weapons of the leaders of the tula defensive
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operation, and these impressive-sized folders - case materials, they are brought into the hall of fame of russian weapons, which became the courtroom, by bailiffs, 20 volumes, on the pages of each of them are set out details, both of nazi crimes already known in the region, as well as newly discovered facts from... scary footage, this is the old building of the chikalina outpatient clinic, a small town, german troops occupied it in october 4, just 2 months later, in december the fascists were driven out of there by units of the red army, but because of. this short time, hundreds of people died here at the hands of the nazis, the remains of 123 were found eight decades later by searchers in one large hole, their exhumation took 3
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years, just imagine in seven layers , children, young women, well, the picture was pretty scary, please give me the first photo, in the photo we see german soldiers, this poster says: russians must die so that we can live. this is their tactic. historians, cultural experts, local historians and searchers acted as witnesses and experts in this process. eyewitnesses of the events were found, regional prosecutors traveled around the sites of those terrible crimes and did a huge amount of work with documents. the basis of the process was archival materials declassified from the fsb of russia in the tula region. a huge number of documents are contained in the state archive of the region. all these facts were prepared right on the heels of the events. has serious legal significance, they affect 35 districts of the tula region. the german occupation of the tula region lasted from october 1941 to july 1943, during which time
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more than 40% of the 2,500 schools in the region were destroyed, 11 of the 111 hospitals were completely destroyed, 96 fell into complete disrepair, more than 1,300 people were shot, about 60 were hanged. more than 11 thousand residents of the region were forcibly driven by the germans to work in western europe and occupied ukraine. the prosecutor's office of the tula region, having studied archival and other materials in the present process, will present to the court indisputable evidence of mass executions, torture, torture of civilians and prisoners of war by shooting, hanging, burning alive, creation of concentration camps, as well as widespread plundering and destruction of material and cultural values. it is already clear that this process will be lengthy and extensive, the court still has to study hundreds of documents , hear dozens of testimonies, according to plans, the consideration of the case without a statute
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of limitations will be completed in september or october of this year. vitaly matorin and oleg antonov, vesti tula. in memorial events in honor of empress maria alexandrovna were held today in st. petersburg, crimea, jerusalem, and the moscow region. the wife of alexander ii was born exactly 200 years ago. memorial events related to the public service of the german princess, who gave herself entirely to russia. maria alexandrovna founded many charitable organizations, including the russian red cross society. she was involved in women's education and led the traditions of charity that are still followed today. report by polina iermalaeva. maria alexandrovna is remembered by her beloved levadia with the ringing of bells. metropolitan tikhon serves as a ponykhida in the church of the svezhensky cross, which was built with her active participation. maria alexandrovna lived a very difficult life. she gave birth to the heir of the great emperor alexander ii for russia.
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there were eight children in the family with her future husband. the tsarevich immediately wrote to his parents: i will marry only her, that is my decision. he was so enchanted by her beauty, some endless charm, fragility, friendliness of her gaze, in her there was so much natural joy, love for all the surrounding nature, for all people, such an open gaze, the fragile princess withstood everything, the death of her older children, a series of assassination attempts on her husband, for... years she fought tuberculosis, but it was this time that became the heyday of her service. the most significant project was the organization of the red cross. she did a lot to ensure that this organization appeared in the shortest possible time. our red cross acquired the functions of the ministry of emergency situations. it provided assistance not only to soldiers and their families, not only to the disabled war. he provided assistance to the population affected by natural disasters, crop failures, earthquakes, epidemics. she
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saw off and met hospital trains . during the russo-turkish war after the crimean war, she created the so-called sevastopol capital to provide benefits to wounded veterans. the war of 1877-78 began, she refused to renew her wardrobe, they did not sew new dresses for her. she did not go anywhere, did not make any expenses for new trips. all her personal funds, everything that she could collect, went to the wounded, to the families of the fallen soldiers, that is, to needs of the army. contemporaries wrote about it, it has a state. but doctors recommended leaving petersburg and first the moscow region ilyinskoye was bought, and then iusovo. the queen immediately takes care of the well-being and education of local residents, builds a hospital, a pharmacy and a school. she also developed female education, founded the maritime gymnasiums, at the smolny institute she gave ushinsky the opportunity to open a pedagogical class. and the graduates then went to teach in rural schools of the big country. although contemporaries said that she
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quiet, modest, even unnoticeable in some ways. it was claimed that it was maria alexandrovna's prayers that warded off trouble from alexander ii. she was laid to rest in the peter and paul cathedral, where a memorial service is being held today at the sarcophagus made of pink radonite. she was the person who showed an example of how to love your people from your state. maria alexandrovna is remembered today in the holy land, where
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she strove with all her soul. this. the church of mary magdalene in givsimania was built by the children of the empress 5 years after her death, and as alexander ii wrote, if there is something good, good and honest in me, then i owe this only to our dear, sweet mother. polina ermalaeva, elena fenoshina, ekaterina fisenko, nikolay koskin, viktor prikhodko and sergey pashkov. news. durable and not afraid of moisture, protect from heat and cold. penoplex.
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