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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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two civilians were injured. as a result of shelling of belgorod by the ukrainian armed forces. they were taken to hospital with shrapnel wounds. after the attack , windows were broken in several houses, 10 cars were damaged, four of which caught fire as a result of a direct hit by a shell. aleksandr korobov reports from belgorod. the armed forces of ukraine launched a missile attack on belgorod, the shells flying towards the city were equipped with a cluster warhead. according to the information of the governor of the belgorod region, also many residents
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what saved them was that when the air raid alarm started and missile warnings came, they didn't ignore them, they left the streets, took shelter indoors, usually it wasn't scary before that, it rings, well, we'll wait it out, but i didn't even have time to say this, missile danger, all of a sudden somehow... explosions started, first in the sky, and then on the ground, oh, we didn't see it anymore, we ran in and got caught on each other, well, it was scary, a preliminary door-to-door inspection showed that several apartment buildings were damaged, quite a few were knocked out a large number of windows, also cars of residents came under fire, now there are about ten of them, four were completely destroyed by fire, firefighters quickly arrived at the scene,
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the territory is being checked for the presence of unexploded cassettes, and is also being carried out with the help of cluster munitions, well , house-to-house inspection, all emergency services are working on the scene, all damage caused is being clarified. alexander korobov, vyacheslav pozolkov, vesti belgorod. the operation to destroy the formations of the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk borderland continues. advancement enemy deep into the territory is not allowed, the defense ministry reports. attempts to break through by individual units are harshly suppressed. air strikes are carried out, including on the reserves advancing in the sumy region. in just one day, the enemy lost up to four hundred of its fighters and more than thirty units of armored vehicles. including a tank, four armored personnel carriers and three infantry fighting vehicles. in total, since the beginning of hostilities
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in the kursk direction, losses in the ssu amounted to 660 servicemen. on thursday, the russian military department published many video of the destruction of enemy manpower and equipment. the footage shows, in particular , the filigree work of lancet on the kazak armored vehicle, as well as the hunt for two enemy babayega drones right in the air. they were neutralized with the help of nets. and of course, air cover for the execution of aviation tasks. su-34 crews hit military equipment with fap-500 bombs. the armed forces of ukraine in the kursk region. after reconnaissance reported the destruction of the targets, they all safely returned to their departure airfields. ukrainian media reports explosions in dnipropetrovsk region. earlier , an air raid alarm was declared in the region. it has been going on for several hours in the sumy region. the siren sounds in the kharkiv region. it was reported that more than one series of explosions occurred in kharkiv both during the day and in the evening. it is imperative to work directly with people and reach out to
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each family. this is an instruction from vladimir putin. today, he spoke via video link with the acting governor of the kursk region, alexey smirnov. the conversation was primarily about helping local residents, about how evacuation organized about the work of temporary accommodation points. anastasia efimova will tell in more detail. this meeting was supposed to be held in person, but in the current situation, it is certainly more important for alexey smirnov to be on site. the remark that the president made in a video conversation.
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equipment tried to break through our state border, the headquarters immediately gathered and i, together with all members of the headquarters , coordinate this work almost around the clock. first of all, having assessed the situation, as
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the governor said in rio, from dangerous residents of the districts began to be evacuated, they were evacuated literally under fire, ukrainian militants are specifically targeting civilian cars and ambulances, for... we have three trains that have arrived, where we can place an additional 2,400 people, and an additional eight trains have arrived, where we can place people, give them humanitarian aid and send them
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immediately by rail, because almost all the heads of the regions of the russian federation responded and are providing such places. that is, we will evacuate people from kursk region by bus and rail, their colleagues will accommodate them there, those who need medical assistance are provided immediately, doctors from all over the country are coming to kursk, additional beds have been deployed, the ministry of health will open a mobile hospital, social support measures are being developed at the same time, both at the regional and federal levels, today a decision was made that... public sector employees who worked in these territories should retain their average wages, i also ask you, hiv, to support a one-time payment to those people who were forced to leave their homes in connection with
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these events, 10,000 rubles per person, because many, it means, are in temporary accommodation, even... took the document, of course, we provide all the assistance, but here is a proposed measure, at the expense of the federal budget. alexey borisovich, we spoke with the prime minister quite recently, we will consider that the decision on a one-time payment of 10,000 rubles to citizens who need it has been made and the necessary resources will be directed, as in such cases, i i always say, it is necessary... to work directly with people, to reach every family. in order for the necessary assistance to reach every family, it is important to coordinate efforts, which means that all ministers must be in touch around the clock. the head of the cabinet set this task at a government meeting, asking
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to keep all issues regarding the situation in the kursk region under personal control. 1 billion 800 million rubles have been allocated to help families who have lost their homes. the corresponding order has been signed. dear colleagues, it is now extremely it is important to ensure coordinated work of all federal, regional and municipal authorities, including monitoring how the provision of material payments to people in temporary accommodation centers is organized, i ask all deputy prime ministers, ministers, to stay in touch around the clock, each one keep issues on the supervised areas under personal control. the first funds for the resettlement of residents from potentially dangerous territories, as clarified today in ... the head of the kursk region has already been received, which means that the work is underway, because, as the president reminded, today it is necessary to interact with the affected families, directly, in a difficult situation to be, quote, as close to people as possible. anastasia efimova, news. in it, doctors from klifosovsky provide
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assistance to our war correspondent yevgeny poddubny. the day before, he was seriously wounded in the kursk region. today, together with five other victims, he was taken to moscow. all the latest information. the condition of our colleague and friend at varvara nevskaya. from here, from the entrance to the sklefosovsky research institute, you can see the ambulance landing on the roof complex helicopter. it is possible that the deafening noise of the blades informed us that evgeny podubny had been successfully transported to moscow. only after that, confirmed information appeared on the news feeds. the medical flight had not yet touched the ground. the team of doctors was already ready. evgeny berezhna is taken out of the helicopter, rather to the intensive care unit. despite the wounds, burns, bandages, he is conscious and continues to joke, we are all friends, yes, of course, and friends help each other, and
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what is the plan now, the plan now is to go to intensive care, we'll check everything again, blood, tests, all the research, then we'll make a decision today, accepted, understood, the emergency room is one of the best in the country for treating complex combined trauma, immediately upon arrival , specialists from different fields conducted all the necessary research and tests, the greatest damage is associated with burns. the condition is serious, but it is so conditionally stable, he breathes on his own, this is very pleasing in his condition, here, but the final diagnosis a little later we all we will gather together, because there is a lot of minor trauma, which is now being examined by specialists of various profiles, ophthalmologists and here are renolaryngologists, here, but the burn injury prevails in consciousness sensitivity motor functions are not impaired, the condition is serious, but most importantly - stable, it was this stability ... that allowed poddubny to be transported from kursk to moscow. he was admitted to the local hospital late in the evening, on august 7,
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anti-shock ward, patient stabilization, a long night under observation in the intensive care ward. the first news from jeni appeared this morning. the acting head of the kursk region posted a short audio file with his voice in the public domain. everything will be fine, excellent doctors, in general, they do an excellent job , thank you for worrying about me, i always worry about you too, we will definitely win, victory will be ours, everything is fine. yevgeny podubny received serious injuries in the kursk region, in the border area. the enemy kamikaze drone made a targeted strike on vaenkora's car. in the coming days, our colleague and friend will spend time in the department intensive care, after which the medical council will decide on the further treatment plan. varvara nevskaya, dmitry voskoboinikov. vesti. among those evacuated to the capital's
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hospital are two children. it is reported that all the wounded have safely survived the journey. now doctors are conducting the necessary research, all patients are receiving comprehensive medical care from the best specialists. with details from alexandra perfil'eva. two minors were brought here to moscow, the children were first evacuated by car from the kursk region to tula, already from. chairs to moscow were evacuated by helicopter to the postponed children's surgery traumatology department. after examination by kursk doctors, a decision was made that the seven-year-old girl and eight-year-old boy should be transported to the capital. their condition is serious, but stable. now the children are undergoing ct to detect fractures and mri to examine the brain. in his telegram channel, moscow mayor sergei sobyanin emphasized that the children. are provided with all necessary assistance. all of them survived the transportation safely and are in
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serious but stable condition. the necessary examinations are currently being carried out, complex treatment has been started with the involvement of leading specialists from moscow using the best technologies. in total, federal centers of the russian ministry of health and medical organizations in moscow delivered five victims. ambulances so carefully transport a seventy-year-old man from vnmi, a traumatologist and orthopedist named after pirogo. the patient has multiple injuries to his legs. according to doctors, a number of plastic surgeries will be performed in the near future to restore lower extremities. the patient received primary medical care at the site of injury. primary surgical treatment was performed, and the external fixation device was fixed. we must thank our colleagues who provided first aid, that everything was done
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correctly, and this is the emergency admission department of the pirogovsky center of the ministry of health of russia, a woman with a severe mine blast wound and multiple chest injuries was brought here from the kursk region. the patient's condition at the moment is assessed as serious, now the patient will be given the necessary assistance, there will be... a set of diagnostic measures, laboratory diagnostics, instrumental diagnostics, intensive therapy will be continued, we hope that her condition will gradually improve. the fifth victim was brought to nmi from the burdenka neurosurgery department of the russian ministry of health. the man is also in serious condition. in the near future, doctors will provide him with all the necessary assistance. also, according to information from the department of health , additional medical teams have already been sent to kursk to provide assistance and emergency
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transportation, if it is needed, of course. alexandra perfileva, evgeny makunov, anton senchenko. nadezhda nefedova. vesti. kursk. all of russia is with you. a running line with this inscription was launched at rostov arena. words of support are being conveyed by all regions. many express their readiness to accommodate residents of border areas and provide any necessary assistance. doctors, builders, and other specialists are being sent to the kursk region. volunteers are collecting food packages and medicines. a all the people's support, maria valieva. they were driving under fire, the car was subjected to. shelling several times, the rear window of sergei dekterev's car was knocked out, but these are already trifles, the main thing is that everyone is alive and safe, the fighting was already on the border of our village, i live opposite the border directorate, there was an influx of three missiles , the fragments cut them down, they were packing in a hurry, they took only the necessary things and
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documents with them, the girl dasha also managed to take her cat, her best friend, for the reception of residents of the kursk region in the oryol region temporary accommodation points are all ready: comfortable beds in hotel rooms, separate bathrooms for each family, places for games and rest, there is a canteen. since there are a large number of children, representatives of the education system are now arriving, representatives of medicine will now arrive, tomorrow will be the day of examination, maybe someone needs medical care. temporary accommodation points have been deployed in different regions of russia in the novosibirsk region they will accept 300 people. in stavropol they have organized. for 100, if necessary, the number of places will be increased, 100 children and 30 adults are planned to be evacuated from the kursk region to the moscow region, 400 places have already been prepared in camps for children. today we are seeing off the children to rest in the moscow region, the moscow region sent buses for the children, they provide delivery, now about 200 children will leave for us,
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the remaining buses will wait for the children until tomorrow. we are assembling new groups, since the situation remains quite difficult and tense, naturally, the children will be transported to this site, from where they are sent, carried out both by organized groups, with delivery by buses, and in cash on parents' transport. humanitarian aid for residents of the kursk region is collected throughout the country, in bashkiria the action was launched by the state committee for youth policy of the region, all headquarters were promptly notified for... collecting things and essential items, humanitarian aid is being formed in the tver region, since the morning caring citizens have been actively bringing clothes, shoes, personal hygiene items, food in the khabarovsk region in more than 30 tons were collected in the tula region. at the initiative of the acting governor dmitry milyaev and a resident of the region, work was promptly organized to collect
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the necessary aid for residents of the kurdish region. the cargo included food, water, folding beds, bed linen and personal hygiene items. despite the missile threat, the sounds of sirens for residents of the kursk region, the humanitarian cargo is being packed in belgorod. the collection was organized by the people's front. liliya shibelgut recently became part of a friendly team. for this, the woman specially came from germany. i came a month ago from germany, and came here because i don't want to live on the other side, which.
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the actions of the kiev regime in the kursk region correspond to the us policy, this is how the pentagon commented on the terrorist attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the region, at a regular briefing, the deputy official representative of the department sabrina sink called the attacks of the ukrainian military self-defense, how else western officials try to justify the crimes of their wards, ekaterina shamaeva will tell. no claims against kiev in light of the attack on the kursk region, u...
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becomes ukrainian, and its use is completely they say that after the transfer of western weapons, it is regulated by certain provisions of international law. sarah
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wagenkneit counters him, calling what is happening an extremely dangerous development of the situation. in her opinion, chancellor scholz should demand that zelensky stop using german weapons on russian territory. the former also stated at a meeting of the un security council that the western patrons of the kiev regime justify its terrorist actions. the russian delegation has repeatedly conveyed concrete, fact-based information about the true face of the kiev regime, which was written out by the west, which, under the supervision and in close cooperation with its curators and nato countries, has not hesitated to use openly terrorist methods for a long time. now we are seeing them with our own eyes during the terrorist attack of ukrainian militants on the kursk region, carried out with the help of weapons supplied by the west, as well as in coordination with western intelligence services, we are sure in the state duma. the main role was played, of course, by the british intelligence service, hanging directly with, because they are the ones who are engaged in sabotage preparations,
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sabotage raids and terrorist attacks, precisely at the point of tension, where dual actions are taking place, this is not only on the territory of ukraine, this is not only on the so line, they do this all over the world, and in coordination with washington, it is now absolutely obvious that they use satellite reconnaissance, everything is coordinated by london, but specific tasks, of course, washington sets the strategic goals. kiev is the executor. and this is clearly evident from the zeal with which the kiev leadership reports to its sponsors. first, zelensky received a bipartisan delegation of congressmen, and then syrsky thanked the commander of the us armed forces in europe for military assistance over the phone. western analysts say that kiev is trying to curry favor with washington with its provocations. what is happening most likely pursues two goals: to gain more advantageous positions for peace talks and provide
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the us population with positive news about harris's policies before the elections. the washington post shares this opinion. the newspaper notes that the latest us tranche was allocated with a delay of more than six months, and military aid is not guaranteed in the future. especially if donald trump comes to power. this is why, the publication believes, kiev is in such a hurry to improve its. position, however, at the same time, observers point out, the ukrainian armed forces are steadily losing ground around pokrovsk in the donbass, which has strategic importance. ekaterina shamaeva, news. a court in tula has begun to consider a case on the genocide of the region's population during the great patriotic war. the materials were collected as part of a large-scale project with no statute of limitations. among other things , declassified fsb documents are presented, as well as information from search teams. they managed to find the sites of executions and mass murders.
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the pages of each of them contain details of both nazi crimes already known in the region, as well as newly discovered facts of the invaders' abuse of civilians. population and captured red army soldiers. during the great patriotic war , about 3,300 settlements in 36 of the 39 districts of the tolsk region were occupied. this is a teenager, probably 14-15 years old. horrible footage, this is the old building of the chikalina outpatient clinic, a small town, german troops occupied in october of 1941, only.
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2 months later, in december, the fascists were driven out of there by units of the red army, but during this short time , hundreds of people died at the hands of the nazis here, the remains of 123 were discovered eight decades later searchers in one big hole, it took 3 years to exhume them, just imagine in seven layers, children, young women, well , the picture was pretty scary, yes please, the first photo, in the photo we see... a soldier, this poster says: russians must die so that we can live, that's their tactic. historians, cultural experts, local historians, searchers acted as witnesses and experts in this process, eyewitnesses of the events were found, regional prosecutors traveled to the sites of those terrible crimes and did a lot of work with documents. the basis of the process was archival materials declassified from the fsb of russia of the potula region. a huge number of documents are contained in
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the state... archive of the region all these facts were prepared right on the heels, have serious legal significance, they affect 35 districts of the tula region. the german occupation of the tula region lasted from october 41 to july forty-third, during this time more than 40% of the 2,500 schools in the region were destroyed, out of 111 hospitals, 11 were completely destroyed, 96 became completely unusable. more than 1,300 people were shot, about 60 were hanged, more than 11 thousand residents of the region were forcibly driven away by the germans to work in western europe and occupied ukraine. the tula region prosecutor's office, having studied archival and other materials in this trial, will present to the court indisputable evidence of mass executions, torture, torturing of civilians and prisoners of war by shooting, hanging, burning alive,
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creating a concentration camp. as well as widespread plundering and destruction of material and cultural values, it is already clear that this process will be voluminous and lengthy, the court still has to study hundreds of documents , hear dozens of testimonies, according to plans, the case will be completed without a statute of limitations in september or october of this year. vitaly matorin and olek antonov, vesti tula.
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people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. the maroon beret is a symbol, whoever wears it, i believe that there should be an example in everything, they should reach for it. it is impossible, it is better possible,
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we have always had such a motto in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up.
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its value has updated.


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