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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 1:30am-2:00am MSK

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we always had in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, probably, it's all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up. gas prices have rushed up in europe at the largest hybe in the netherlands, its cost has updated. among the factors that put pressure on
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the cost of gas is the situation in the sudzhansky district of the kursk region. the sudzha gas station is the last working hub for direct deliveries of russian gas to europe, the very possibility of its shutdown has spoiled the mood of european traders, especially in austria, hungary and slovakia. these countries receive a significant portion of blue fuel from sudzha. despite the fact that supplies via this. cover only 5% of demand in europe as a whole, the direction is important for import diversification. if europe stops receiving gas via this gas pipeline, then it must be understood that this is 15 billion cubic meters out of 330 that europe consumes per year, while russia supplies gas from, which is extracted by standard methods to europe, gas comes, liquefied natural gas from mainly the usa, from the middle east, which. is a method
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rupture of the formation, that is, shale gas, and this method poses a very big threat to nature, for example, such methods of gas extraction are prohibited in europe. the second factor that puts pressure on the european gas market is that lng suppliers from the united states have switched to the asian direction. before the start of the special operation , russian gas covered 40% of europe's needs. at the end of the twenty-third, this share fell to 15%. washington had previously promised to support the european union if they refused energy resources from our country, but now the economic benefit has clearly become states are more important than the interests of allies in asia, lng prices are now higher than in europe. the americans are very pragmatic, so they supply to the market where the prices are higher. there were even situations when, despite some long-term contracts, the agreements were redirected in volume in order to win in europe. in asia, the prices there should be,
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well, about the same as now or even a little higher, and in order for, well, it is certainly necessary that there be 5,000 dollars kilometers, then the gas will definitely go to europe, but for now there are still no such price tags for europeans. germany has replaced dependence on cheap russian gas to dependence on expensive lng from the usa, this was acknowledged by andrei hunku, a member of the bundestag committee on international affairs. however, this statement can easily be extended to the entire european union. it is enough to look at the figures. if at the beginning of the year the volume of liquefied gas supplies from the states was several times higher than russian, then by mid-summer it was almost equal. analysts believe that this trend will continue in august-september. the german party alternative for germany called on the country's authorities to reconsider gas policy, since the us has become an unreliable partner. against this background, the situation in the sudzhansky district and the hypothetical possibility of interruptions or stoppages of supplies looks especially alarming for europeans. in fact
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, all of europe will suffer economically, because they will lose 15 billion cubic meters in annual terms, these are quite large volumes, and this will provoke a deficit in the european gas market, and accordingly provoke an increase in prices, therefore, even if some countries do not directly receive russian gas, they will still suffer from the stoppage transit, but because the prices will rise for any gas. at the end of this year , the agreement between gazprom and naftogaz on the transit of fuel from russia to europe via ukraine will cease to be valid, according to the german handelсblad, the eu is negotiating how to extend supplies. one option is to conclude a contract that will allow fuel to be purchased on the border of russia and ukraine and then sent to eu countries. meanwhile, mmen energo expects a threefold increase in russian gas exports. by 2050, the indicator for forecasts may exceed 420 billion cubic meters.
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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story.
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so says the lighthouse. what is remembered for this day in history, we will tell you right now. hello. on august 9, forty-eighth
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bc, gaius julius caesar won one of his most brilliant victories in the battle of pharsalus. there was a civil war that was deciding the future of the roman republic. caesar. the struggle was with varying success and, finally , the commanders came face to face in the greek city of pharsalus, they had about 30 thousand soldiers each, but pompey had an advantage in cavalry, he threw it forward, and caesar's soldiers put out a spear pilum, against which the horsemen were almost helpless, the blows were delivered from below upwards and the cavalry turned back. then the caesarian legions attacked from the planes, pompey's army fled, he himself saved himself
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by dressing in slave clothes. caesar became the absolute ruler of rome, the republic then still formally existed, but its days were numbered. on august 9, 1483, according to the latin version of the julian calendar , the sextine chapel was opened in the vatican, which became a masterpiece of world art. previously , there was a house church here, but pope sixtus iv. ordered to rebuild it and erect high walls, fearing attacks. the best zocies worked on the creation of the chapel. it is believed that the main hall is an exact copy of the temple of solomon in jerusalem, which the romans destroyed in ancient times. the interior walls were covered with frescoes by brilliant artists sandro botticenli, cosimo roselli and pietro perugino, the painting on the ceiling depicted the starry sky, but then cracks appeared again ceiling painted by the great michelangelo. more than a thousand square meters, he invented special scaffolding so that you could work
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standing up instead of lying down. his frescoes are dedicated to biblical scenes. many years later , michelangelo painted the altar wall, and that's how his famous last judgement appeared. today , always. on august 9, 1945, the americans dropped an atomic bomb on the japanese city of nagasaki, it was the second such barbaric action after the destruction of hiroshima. it was planned to strike the city of kokura, but there was. cloudiness, so the pilot charles swinney on the b-29 turned to nagasaki, the city was engulfed in flames, birds were burning in the air, about 70 thousand people died immediately, more than a third of the inhabitants, many turned to ashes, from others only shadows on the walls remained, and then black rain poured down,
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this effect is caused by the evaporation of moisture, steam rose up along with dust and dirt, and after cooling, precipitation fell, after 3 weeks radiation sickness appeared, which led to another ... 4000 deaths. people then continued to die. those who suffered from the atomic bombing in japan are called hibakusha. this and children born to mothers exposed to radiation. they have. goths, they are paid benefits, but many treat them like lepers, avoid marriage, are reluctant to hire, the americans never apologized for the atomic bombings, and the japanese did not demand an apology. on august 9 , 1976, from baikanur, the proton- k launch vehicle launched the luna -24 automatic station into space, it entered lunar orbit and made a soft...
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cm, this was explained by the cylindrical shape of the soil collection device. soviet scientists studied the soil using spectroscopy and discovered that there was water on the moon. it was negligible, 10% in the sample, and yet it was a discovery of the greatest importance. the americans took a lot of soil from the moon and claimed that there was no water there at all. only in the nineties were they convinced of their mistake and admitted that the soviet scientists were right. this is what this day in history was like. august 9 is the day of military glory of russia.
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august 9, 1714, the battle of gangut. during the northern war of umys gangut, the khanku peninsula, the russian naval fleet under under the command of peter i, he defeated the swedish squadron. peter said then, a state whose land army has one hand, and which has both hands in the navy. the battle of gongut was the first naval victory over the swedes in russian history. get a new specialty for free find your dream job, it is a reality, the national demography project will help you, who and how can take part in the program, we will tell you in 5 minutes in this issue of the instructions: the advanced training program is an opportunity to change jobs to a more popular one, the list of educational programs is formed in the regions taking into account the needs of local labor markets, currently more than 13,000 training areas are available throughout the country.
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the government has identified 166 priority professions. here are a wide variety of professions: from an agronomist, tractor driver and electrician to a tour guide, a social worker and drone operators. the list of priority areas allows a citizen to study without limiting any category to which he belongs, because that there are categories, for example, he is unemployed and... cannot find a job for a long time, no, in this case, if he is studying under these priority programs that the government has determined, then in this case he calmly undergoes training, regardless of whether he has some kind of benefit or not, if the specialty is not from the list of priorities, russians over 50 years old, mothers on maternity leave and unemployed mothers of preschool children, participants in the svo and members of their families can take part in the program. unemployed or those who is at risk of dismissal. the opportunity for free training this year became available to
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all citizens on maternity leave, not only to mothers, as it was before, but to other relatives who directly care for the baby. and also to people with disabilities. young people under 35 can also take part in the program, but only if the person belongs to a certain category, which can be found on the portal training is organized by three programs, the program provides for vocational training or additional professional education?
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additional professional education primarily includes those skills that you acquire additionally, specifically in addition to your basic, your main education, in order to tweak something, to make something more relevant to a certain position, but of course it is very desirable that you have a specialized, basic quality education, we have a variety of training formats, it can be... 3 weeks of study, maybe 3 months, maybe full-time, maybe part-time, in fact, a citizen determines program based on their wishes and their preferences, based on what is most convenient for them. how to become a participant in the program, to do this , you need to log in to the job russia portal using your public services account, then to the page with
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the list of educational programs, select the desired one there, submit an application, then attention. to the employment center within three working days, for what? firstly, you need to confirm that the program is available to you , bring documents, and secondly, undergo professional orientation, specifically for its your application will be approved, rejected, or you will be recommended to choose another specialty, the decision will be made within seven working days from the date of application, and if it is positive, the contract will be generated on the job russia portal, when it is signed: other parties it will come to your personal account will also remain to sign it and wait for enrollment. on the one hand , we did not set strict criteria for the citizen so that he would definitely find a job after completing his studies. but on the other hand, we also have kpis. according to these programs, we hope that we will go beyond the kpi, namely employment, employment after
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training more than 80%. and this is achieved, for example, by tripartite agreements, when... over 5 years of implementing the national project demography, 850 thousand people have completed vocational training, 80% of them are employed. let's repeat the most important thing, to undergo retraining or improve your qualifications for free so. such an opportunity is provided by the national project demography: everyone can take part in the training program for priority professions. for the rest, people aged 50 years and over, parents on maternity leave and several other categories of citizens. to do this, you need to submit an application on the work of russia portal and undergo career guidance at the employment center. still have
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questions, want to know how to become in demand in the labor market? subscribe to our telegram channel with '.
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who has not heard the goal of two leopards, there is such a proverb: a shot from an artilleryman saves the blood of an infantryman, the entire front is thundering a lot of explosions, now they are looking for where ours is, who
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will be quicker to trick whom, here he won, a bird will hang for another 15 minutes, let's go unscrew. someone was a miner, someone was a mechanic, someone was a chandiser, the motherland called, everyone came to fight, today we cover the infantry, tomorrow we hit the enemy's field camps, it can be anything, otveya god of modern warfare, large russian companies published financial results for the second quarter and the first half of the year, the result is positive, so bera's net profit for the first half of the year exceeded 816 billion rubles, this is more than the 2023 record, almost 11%, follows from the report on international standards, return on equity has reached. as for the loan portfolio, retail exceeded 17.5 trillion rubles, corporate approached 24.5, the number of active clients
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is more than 109 million. at the same time, sberbank expects to receive a profit by the end of the year greater than in 2023, which will allow it to increase dividends, the company believes. these figures were formed, of course, based on the fact that the bank's net interest income is growing there by 19% year on year, this is. the amount and commission income are also growing at double-digit rates, sberbank is the largest bank in the country, and in fact half of the banking sector it represents, and is a kind of reflection of economic growth, yes, that is, it is lending to both individuals and legal entities, all this together gives such a result. here is the revenue of wiki for the first half of the year increased by a quarter to 70 billion rubles. the main driver became. the fastest growing segment of technology for business, revenues from it increased immediately by one and a half
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times, while the holding's net loss exceeded 24.5 billion rubles, this is twice as much as last year's figures. vk is actively we are trying, so to speak, to reach the leading positions in terms of video hosting, in terms of music. in general, the company reported within the framework of analysts' expectations, as for forecasts for the third quarter, during this period , demand from latin american and south asian countries traditionally grows in the world fertilizer market,
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there is a peak in seasonal demand for phosphorus fertilizers, and in the second half of the quarter for nitrogen fertilizers, but the balance of supply and demand will depend on the dynamics of world prices. yandex also reported, revenue in the second quarter grew by 37%, almost reaching 250 billion rubles. adjusted pre-tax. profit is more than 47.5 billion, adjusted net is over 22.5 billion, this is plus 45%. according to analysts, the results confirm the high profitability of the business after the restructuring, which has not yet been taken into account in the price of the securities. and good news for investors: yandex's board of directors recommended paying the first dividends in the company's history in the amount of 80 rubles per share. will the company do this on a semi-annual basis? the company after. division of the business - with its western startups became more profitable, it is quite natural, yes, considering the need, and such orientation
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of the russian investor to dividends, so they announced from the first history of dividends, it is quite normal, and regarding the reaction yesterday, let's note that the company grew - by more than 4%, today it is adding a percentage, in recent days the company looks better than the market. strong results for the energy company unipro, for the first half of the year revenue grew by almost 8% to 63 billion rubles, net profit exceeded 21.5 billion. positive dynamics is due to the growth in demand for electricity and , accordingly, the increase in electricity generation by unipro stations. i note that, against the backdrop of good reporting, sber has improved its forecast for gdp growth for this year to 3.8%. inflation by the end of the year will fit within the framework of 7.5%.
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2:00 am
the armed forces of ukraine attacked the kursk region with the help of western intelligence, who made the plan and provides it? how the cia prepared kiev militants for an attack on our border. ukrainian troops are deliberately striking orthodox shrines. why is the ukrainian armed forces unleashing all their satanic hatred on churches and monasteries? the enemy is counting on fast and maneuverable armored vehicles, but no one is faster than the lancet. our drones.


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