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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 5:30am-5:59am MSK

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people who serve in intelligence are not even physically strong, but simply stronger in spirit. the maroon beret is a symbol, whoever wears it, i believe that there should be a model in everything, they should reach for it, worse is impossible, better is possible, we have always had such a motto in life, pushed these people into the doorway. and, probably, this
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is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes and wake up. hello, on air legal program to conduct duty units, with you tatyana petrova. from sunny montenegro to rainy moscow under the close attention of the bureau employees interpol, the ministry of internal affairs and the supreme court of the russian federation. such a flight.
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transferred more than 2 million rubles to officials from the bryansk region health department. for this , state contracts were concluded with the company without holding a competition. when the bribe surfaced, the friends fled to montenegro, but they were extradited to their homeland. corruption scandal in astrakhan 2 months after his resignation, former mayor of the city oleg polumardvinov was detained, as well as his former deputy and the director of one of the local firms, all of them were suspected of providing patronage for a fee when quoting execution of a municipal order for work in the road sector. to put it simply, we are probably talking about so-called kickbacks. maxim shevchenko collected all the details. oleg polumardvinov's political career seems to have taken a serious hit. residents of astrakh not only got used to the news that the official abruptly left the post of mayor, allegedly
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of his own free will, having announced this in june, but then accusations of corruption began raining down on him. polumardvinov, his former deputy and the director of a local firm were detained 8 august. the reason has already been named in the telegram channel of the astrakhan region government. they are suspected of providing general patronage for a certain monetary reward when fulfilling a municipal order for the implementation of work in the field of road management. we may be talking about so-called kickbacks here. obvious precedents have already been captured on camera by the journalist.
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and this despite the fact that polu mordvinov should have been an excellent expert in road work, before becoming mayor, he was also a city manager, so in some regions called the head of the administration and the minister of construction and road management of the region, judging by the television archives, large city sites where something was being repaired or built, he personally supervised, did not miss the opportunity to tell reporters about the successes, our whole city is in pothole repair, well , if from this place on the circle there were all the maps. cut out - around the turning ring. and to the state of the city highways, judging by the reason for the arrest, polumardvinov had a heightened interest. at the same time , his former deputy, the chief of the department of road transport, ivan soprykin. he directly controlled everything that was happening with the asphalt surface. we have one object , nikolastrovsky passage, the contractor is behind schedule. well, accordingly, a penalty of one will be applied to him.
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rubles without any reason, risked going to prison for seven years, but got off with a fine, how it will end this time, the investigation will show. maxim shevchenko, mikhail shirin, news, duty unit. fugitive hooligans detained in primorsky krai, who staged a mass brawl in the city of artem. several young people became victims. who stood up to protect an underage girl, when the police arrived at the scene of the fight, the brawlers still put up fierce resistance to the law enforcement officers. several troublemakers managed to escape, but now they have been caught by the ministry of internal affairs. the investigation of this criminal case is under the personal control of the head of the investigative committee of russia, alexander
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bastrykin. the capital's police detained a large gang of cyber fraudsters. for four years , they actively sold fake certificates for participation in tenders. every month on... in dummies scammers earned 12 million rubles. business flourished not only in moscow. how did they manage to identify the participants of the criminal scheme, andrey romanov will tell. 10 seconds of work of special forces and the underground call center turns into a rookery of probable cyber fraudsters. the fighters search the detainees, and then offer the investigators to begin interrogations. only in this call center daily worked at least five probable cyber fraudsters. chishnoy month year of birth. in total, the security forces visited five addresses in several regions at once, as the first interrogation of the suspects showed, they understood perfectly well that they were breaking the law. what was he arrested for? not a typist? true, some call center employees were used in the dark by the organizers of the criminal business. many could not even clearly
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explain what the deception scheme was. you see, an ordinary store that calls around, that you can, if anything, provide a large, large amount of products there. in the capital , the processing of potential victims continued probable leaders of the criminal group. from the outside, the scheme appeared complex, but was built on elementary deception. the swindlers offered entrepreneurs lucrative contracts for the supply of products, the purchase of gifts or the organization of events for large companies, but before taking on the job, it was necessary to fulfill one important condition. we lead to the fact that it is necessary to purchase a voluntary certificate, which was developed in advance by us, at the exit, we postpone them in terms, we no longer contact. according to the police, each for a month, the scammers sold about 300 of these fake certificates and earned about 12 million rubles on this. the gang had been operating since
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2019 and throughout this time there were entrepreneurs who sincerely believed that it was possible to transfer money to strangers and receive a lucrative contract in return. searches were conducted in the premises of five call centers, as well as at the addresses of residence of the organizers of the criminal scheme in the moscow region, in the kursk, oryol and tula regions. the criminal scheme involved close relatives, acquaintances and friends of the organizers. in total , over 50 people were brought to the internal affairs agencies for further investigation. according to the police, 11 of those detained may be involved in organizing the criminal business. two of them have already been taken into custody, while the rest have been given a preventive measure. related to imprisonment. andrey romanov, conduct duty unit. employees of the internal affairs agencies of the states participating in the commonwealth of independent states have jointly carried out six months of found more than 200 fugitive criminals, including 130 people wanted by russia. this was reported
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by the head of the russian ministry of internal affairs vladimir kolokoltsev, who arrived in minsk to participate in a meeting of the council of ministers of internal affairs of the commonwealth member states. the head of the ministry of internal affairs was accompanied by a film crew from the duty unit, a report by my colleague maxim movchan. a truly fraternal, warm welcome in the capital of the republic of belarus. vladimir kolokoltsev arrived in minsk to participate in events at the site of the council of ministers of internal affairs of the states, members of the cis. and immediately to the meeting with colleagues and the president of belarus, the main vectors are planned to immediately expand and strengthen cooperation in the law enforcement sphere in the name of common security.
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in the conditions of today's reconstruction of the world order, the demand for international platforms is very very significant i can give a specific example, in six months we , the ministry of internal affairs of the cis countries , have found 213 wanted citizens together, of which 130 citizens are those who found by the russian federation. in addition to this meeting, during the visit, the delegations got acquainted with the work. training, advanced training and retraining of personnel of the ministry of internal affairs of the republic of belarus,
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more than a thousand people are trained there at the same time, future and current security officials demonstrated their skills in combating threats, including mass riots. in addition, the delegation members laid flowers at the khatyn memorial complex in memory of the victims of the great patriotic war. the meeting of the council of ministers of internal affairs of the state itself. in krasnoyarsk krai, a hundred-year-old participant of the great patriotic war valentina baeva was left without an apartment because of a social
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worker. for the past 20 years, the elderly veteran had been looked after by a nurse, who was provided by the local social security service. as a token of gratitude, the pensioner decided to transfer the apartment to the worker under a life annuity agreement, but three years later it turned out that the assistant had long owned the premises. svetlana potikhina found out how this became known and whether it is possible to cancel the document. came to visit a woman, this is how they feed granny, an empty refrigerator, a dirty apartment, a beaten and hungry old lady. this is the picture tatyana saw when she came to visit her grandmother in nazarova once again. valentina vasilievna, a veteran of the great patriotic war, is an honorary citizen of the city. the social security service provided her with a nurse who looked after the pensioner for more than 20 years. after a call from her granddaughter, it turned out that the care specialist zinaida ivanovna had not worked there for a long time, however. after the investigation, it turned out
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that the apartment had not belonged to to my grandmother, and to her assistant, although the deed of gift was supposed to come into force only after the death of valentina vasilievna, i give it to her, but with the purpose that i will be looked after until death, but now when they showed me. that contract is not there until death, here is a completely different sheet, on which it was written, i don’t know who, what changed, i don’t know, the family decided to take my grandmother to their neighboring city, now valentina vasilievna lives in achinsk, in this nine-story building, and admits that she is much better here, here i calmly, when i slept the first night, i became a completely different person, that's how...
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we contacted the social service, but they refused to clarify the situation in the institution, we managed to talk to a lawyer from zinaida ivanovna's side. i believe that there is no crime or any discreditable actions in the actions of my clients, that is , everything is within the law, they are decent people, and also of age, to prove who is right ? the veteran's relatives have already written several statements to the police for fraud, forgery, and theft in large size. an investigation is currently underway, in accordance with current legislation, after which a procedural decision will be made. svetlana potekhina, alexander surin, news, duty unit. the investigation of thefts in patriot park resulted in house arrest for the deputy head of the main department of innovative development. this
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was reported by the kommersant publication, citing its source in law enforcement agencies. the main military investigative department of the skr filed a corresponding petition with the court. according to the court's decision, the six will be under house arrest in his home in the russky district of the moscow region until september 21, the businessman's source said. he clarified that the investigation decided to petition for such a preventive measure taking into account his condition. let me remind you that the investigation is being conducted by the main military investigative department of the investigative committee of russia. in addition to major general shesterov, the director of the patriot park, a retired colonel, has become a defendant in it. he has been taken into custody. don't miss eduard petrov's investigation this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel, the fall afghans, explosion at kotlyakovka. battle for financial flows. under their auspices there are markets, customs, warehouses, in general, everything happened. in today's money
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they received 2.5 billion rubles, a lot of money. former brothers in arms. actions collected a muscovite who opened fire on scooter riders. let me remind you that last weekend a man shot at two young people who were riding car-sharing electric gadgets with a traumatic weapon. the conflict, according to the defendants, flared up literally out of the blue, but here's why the accused was walking around the city with a gun - alexandra mostovaya found out. the citizen in
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a tracksuit, during the time spent in the temporary detention center, changed his anger to mercy and no longer makes threats. he claims that two guys on electronic gadgets ran over his foot, he decided to deal with them radically, took out a traumatic weapon and opened fire on his opponents, and after the scuffle he justified himself, saying that he was defending his wife. i see, after this conflict, my wife, she saw me, runs to me, you, in short, stood up for his wife, it turns out that among the victims were twenty-one-year-old football player
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nikolai bazadzhi and his friend eric, the athlete was shot in the back and he was covered in bruises and abrasions, young. people are sure that the attacker was drunk, we drove about 10 meters, and just then my friend was stopped by an unfamiliar man, drunk, we all stopped too, we went up to ask the reason for the stop, they pointed a gun at him, at first i didn’t believe it, i thought what was happening, then when he pointed it at me, i managed to dodge in a split second, it hits here, they shot at you, right, yes, me and nikolai, and he shot twice, three times, although he shot three times at one. he missed me and hit kolya. eremin himself cowardly fled after the shooting and did not provide any assistance to the victims. he was detained several hours after the incident in his own apartment. the operatives found a traumatic pistol in the home. as a result of operational and investigation activities, the police officers established and detained a forty-one-year-old man on the trail. on this fact, the investigators of the investigative department for donskoy
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the district of the internal affairs directorate for the southern district of the capital opened a criminal case on the grounds of a crime under article. forty -one-year-old sergei eremin is married, has two children, works as a technician in a private company, and has no previous convictions. sergei eremin was released right in the courtroom, he was given a ban on certain actions, the man is prohibited from using means of communication, as well as from going out and igor nikulin, news, duty unit. now urgent news, which our editorial office receives directly from the leningrad agency. so, vladimir putin signed the law banning energy sales. minor. earlier , the bill was also supported by the federation council. according to the new rules, as early as march 1, 2025 , sellers will have the right to demand that buyers provide a passport if their purchases include non-alcoholic
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drinks. a daring museum thief was caught in st. petersburg, and he was hunting not for exhibits, but for visitors. operatives of the so-called pocket police department of the city on the neva captured a reticist thief who stole the wallets of foreign tourists. his clever he pulled tricks right in the hermitage, in broad daylight he would disappear into the crowd and rummage through wallets and women's handbags, among the victims were art lovers from china and turkey. and on june 30, what was stolen from you for a total of 50,000 rubles? was it from a woman? yes, from a bag or a pocket, from a backpack. now the museum thief has been isolated from society for a long time. visiting the main museum of st. petersburg is safe again. residents of the moscow region village of pochinki now have a chance to defend the banks of the lopasnya river. after a series of reports in which our colleagues
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they talked about the construction of cottages in the water protection zone, the prosecutor's office began checking the transactions. and one of the plots has already been seized. alexander karpov left for the site again. stop, let's go. on what basis are they doing the work, i'm asking you. take a camera, before our eyes everything is being destroyed, our homeland, the residents of the village of pochinki have been trying to defend their small homeland since the construction of a cottage village for the rich began on the banks of the lopasne river. there are 3.00 plots planned here, 3.00 plots 3. plots, yes, that is, 3.00 houses only helipad, three ponds, boat station, you are poor people here, and here will be cool guys living in their cottages, who says so? a representative of land control came on our complaint, how the former collective farm fields floated away into private hands, a special issue, but everything was sold, right down to the holy spring in
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the famous 16th century and even the road to the cemetery. my mother, grandmother are here, everyone was born here, died, buried in the cemetery. i can't popa, i won't be able to get to my mother. according to the cadastral map, this is still pores of agricultural land for gardening, but only someone's millions of respectable clients grow on them. they lure with private beaches, of course, the territory will be closed, guarded, the beaches will be private, where no one will be allowed, of course, in fact, there will be no other people there, the developer's representative explains, the manager simply expressed herself incorrectly, on the territory of the cottage village , beach areas will be organized inside, respectively, which have nothing to do with the river, this project is designed for 580 households, we believe that it turns out to be illegal. the coastal zone is captured, but the owners are individuals, there is litvinovo, here is fodeevo, that's what, what kind of individuals are these, have you ever seen them, or is this a setup, no, we don't know at all who
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they are, the prosecutor's office agreed with the opinion of local residents, it was established that 11 agricultural land plots cross the boundaries of the coastal strip and the water area of ​​the lopasnya river, the total area of ​​intersections exceeds 21. m2, will be the further fate is determined. eleven land plots, which are located in the coastal zone, will either be confiscated or left, we in turn notified the owner that it is impossible to carry out construction in the coastal zone. according to the coastal protection strip, which is 20 m from the lopasna river, we have never planned and do not plan to engage in any activity in this territory, perhaps the performers are again to blame, but nothing has changed. well, right now a bulldozer is in front of us. you should not work here land under trial, what are you doing, why are you
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working, stop, there they are running, look, they are running, running, there they are running away, the panic flight of workers was a surprise, what are you going to tell me to stop, you are breaking the law with a smile like that, this is federal property, it turns out that the court has already seized the property on that bank, this one is still not there, they will make this sewerage system here, practically in the water protection zone, this is where it will all go, the developer's response, there will be no sewerage system in the village, no comment, alexander karpovlan, andrey lapidus, pavel letnikov, lead duty unit. from the office to the drug plantation in samara detained the director of the company, who grew a real greenhouse of cannabis in the office, the criminal gardener skillfully hid his beds in the most
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visible place in a rented room right in the center of the city. colleagues assured, they say, that he was just interested in botany, but they smelled deception and reported to the police. as a result, the operatives counted more than fifty marijuana bushes in the inconspicuous office. in the room there were special lamps, various sensors, as well as containers with fertilizers. detained criminal agronomist, he turned out to be a local resident. according to the preliminary version, the businessman has not yet managed to sell the harvest, which means he will only be responsible for growing a prohibited substance. let me remind you that the entire operational news feed is in our telegram channels, news, duty unit and honest detective. that's all for us, tatyana petrova was with you, see you soon on the russia 24 tv channel
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