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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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we will take on this case, it will be an honest detective story. it is clear to everyone that russia is not a gas station country. russian digital solutions will be brought to a new height. yes, ours are more brutal, yes, ours are more brutal, there will be more than what exactly the digital helps, you are incomparably original in your questions, and what about production, raw materials and exports in general, what is our product like.
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news of sereginy hour, briefly. in the kursk region early in the morning, a siren sounded warning of an air threat. the ministry of defense announced that overnight in the sky above region shot down seven ukrainian armed forces drones. on the ground, our troops are resisting attempts by the ukrainian armed forces to break through deep into the region and are striking enemy reserves. the entire country is helping the kursk region these days and its residents are being collected in the regions. israel launched an airstrike on the city of tyre in southern lebanon, at least five people were reported killed, many were injured, several buildings were burned, another strike, the jewish state's aviation struck an airbase in southwestern syria, at least seven civilians were injured. japan today remembers the victims of the atomic bombing on gosaki organized by the united states 79 years ago.
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a minute of silence was declared in the city, due to the decision of the authorities not to invite representatives of israel, a number of ambassadors of western countries did not attend the ceremony. in the orekhovo direction of the special operation, fighters of the dnepr group of troops destroyed nationalists in the forward positions. scouts discovered a unit of the armed forces of ukraine, which was hiding in a strong point. the calculation of the grad multiple launch rocket system moved to the specified area at night. the artillerymen struck the enemy. as a result, they managed to destroy almost an entire a platoon of ukrainian militants, and the surviving nationalists hastily abandoned their positions. brussels stated that nato and eu countries allegedly have nothing to do with the attack of the ukrainian armed forces on the kursk region. an attempt to remove responsibility from the european union was made by the official representative of the diplomatic office of the union of petersburg. but the facts contradict these words, and the statements and steps of the kiev regime only confirm the deep involvement of the west in planning for... anton potkovenko
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will tell everything. western intelligence services were preparing the ukrainian armed forces for an attack on the kursk region. suicidal the military adventure of the kiev regime would have been impossible without plans, instructions, satellite tracking of nato countries. and which countries exactly do the british intelligence services have a direct relationship with the attack on our border? if we talk directly about the preparation, of course, all this was done together with... with western countries, and specifically with the intelligence services, the main role was played, of course, by the british intelligence service, directly, because they are the ones who are engaged in sabotage preparations, sabotage raids and terrorist attacks, they do it all over the world, and in coordination with washington, now it is absolutely obvious that they use satellite reconnaissance, everything is coordinated by london, but it sets specific tasks, strategic goals, of course, kiev
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is the executor. well, what about the states? here is a message that the ukrainian armed forces receive satellite data to carry out attacks on the territory of the kursk region from america. they refer to the mailing of veteran movements of the usa, the ministry of internal affairs, and they refer to a source in the american intelligence community. the fact that nato's satellite group has long been working in conjunction with kiev militants in the svo zone is a well-known fact, so the leak looks quite logical. it could not have happened without the participation of nato intelligence, the actions of some united states, which provided information on the location of russian cover troops along the state border, the most valuable thing that western partners provided, that is, the united states and nato, the armed forces of ukraine, they provided satellite communications and their intelligence assets, here also with... tsyrsky
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called the commander-in-chief of nato forces in europe christopher cavoli with gratitude for military assistance, against the background of the attack on the kursk region looks like... one to one strategically now on the contact line the western policy as a whole is losing, therefore plan b, which is now in effect or is being used by washington, london and the party of wars, all reserves have been thrown here right now, the attack will be repelled, but after the attack on the front line is repelled, things will go in a completely different way, the strategy will of course be for our armed forces. declares that he is in contact with the ukrainians regarding the operation they undertook on the other side of the border, this is a quote from matthew miller, who claims that the decision on how and what exactly to carry out is supposedly made by kiev itself, anato allegedly has nothing to do with it.
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a short quote from one of the secret documents: in kharkov, a meeting of the top management of the unit for training sabotage and reconnaissance groups of the ukrainian special services was held, which included specialists from the british special forces and intelligence, a decision was made to expand the sorties into the adjacent territory, then there are the nearest borders, that is, on our territory, on the territory of the kurdish region, movements, the introduction of reserves of the armed forces of ukraine, attempts to capture our settlements, all this was planned in detail, planned, analyzed in the use of aerial photography, who has such? there are satellites, of course, the americans have them. two years ago, western portals posted evidence that british military intelligence signed an agreement with the odessa branch of the sbu on the creation and training of a secret ukrainian terrorist armies for sabotage in crimea. and
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the terrorist attack on the crimean bridge shows a characteristic trace of western intelligence, and when atakms or haimars are launched, it is unlikely that even a ukrainian soldier presses a button. everything is done by foreign intelligence in quotes, the united states, as this time with the kursk region, where the tanks of kiev militants are now burning. why gas prices have jumped sharply in europe, about this and more in the economic news, in a couple of minutes. free protection of subscribers from spam is. normal, that is why we protect sbermobile, attack credit card debts, i will show you a couple of tricks: collect all credit card debts on one holva conveniently pay off 24 months, and also do not forget about purchases in installments. holva - simple installment techniques.
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months of free acquiring, and also a terminal and a cash register, open a free account for business in august, alfa bank is the best bank. for business the problem of cystitis is known to many women, the main cause of cystitis is bacteria, cyston helps to fight cystitis, when cystitis, then cyston, vtb new credit card with a huge plus, plus 20,000 rubles for regular spending, imagine, with it you can do everything, everything, everything, and even more, not pay interest for 200 days, get another category of cashback, collect cashback in rubles, collect. all year long with the credit card buy, buy, buy, buy, we also get a plus of 20,000 rubles with it. stop imagining, it's time to get cashback and a bonus, apply for a free vtb credit card, vtb, everything will work out. baltika 8 is non-alcoholic, impeccable wheat, but
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only you can reveal its taste to the fullest. shake the bottle before filling the glass to the end, all the facets of the refreshing taste will be revealed in a real way. baltika 8 non-alcoholic. reveal the taste of wheat. still thinking about the ideal home? it's time to switch to domclick to find housing for any bold taste. with a mortgage for the construction of a house, a new building or secondary housing, choose what everyone will like, on domclick, everyone will find housing for themselves, buy a large combo, collect a collection of glasses and summer impressions, in delicious point, we take loans, sovcombank, credit cash and cashback up to 10%. penzapila gigant. 400 rubles. for all instruments. a loan with
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cashback from sber is even more opportunities. amount up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive monthly cashback bonuses sber thank you. i have no fear. i can take a hit. no matter how they break me, i know. sooner or later i will again. russia. the measures are aimed at developing a system of international settlements to attract foreign investment. such credit
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institutions will have the right to carry out collection operations, money transfers, buy and sell currency, rent out special premises or safes, and open and maintain accounts, but with a number of restrictions. for example, they will not be able to attract funds and drakmetals from individuals and organizations to deposits. they are also not allowed to engage in production, trade and... vladimir putin also signed a law on the implementation of the main directions of tax policy, in particular, the centralized transfer of information about large families to the federal tax service will be ensured, this will allow them to receive tax benefits without an application. in addition, according to the law, the government will be able to extend the deadlines for filing tax and accounting reports, paying taxes, insurance premiums and other mandatory payments until the twenty-eighth year . a professional tax deduction of 20% of the total income will be applied to individual entrepreneurs. the right to
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property tax benefits for individuals will also apply to participants in a special military operation. gas prices in europe, against the backdrop of the situation in the kursk region , reached $455 per thousand cubic meters, which is causing increasing concern among the countries of eastern and central europe in terms of their energy security. hungarian political experts remind us that the kiev regime recently blocked the transit of russian oil, and now they do not rule out that they will try to do the same with pipeline gas that comes through the sudzha gas metering station. currently, this is the only route for russian gas supplies to europe via ukraine. last year , considerable volumes of 15 billion cubic meters were pumped through this pipeline. if try to replace them with supplies from the us or the middle east. the price will inevitably increase, europeans will have to pay
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more than they are willing to pay in asian markets, in particular in china, so that lng, liquefied natural gas, comes to europe now, and then it will be necessary to expand some of the gas pipelines, for example, from the region of italy to pump deep into europe, there to austria, to central europe, to slovenia, in order to satisfy domestic demand, so these are more costs, these are... additional logistics costs, well, again, and it is necessary will pay more than what is prepared to pay on asian markets. reuters made a startling discovery for itself, for it became news that has long been obvious to everyone. western companies continue to insure russian oil tankers. five major market players have provided coverage for at least ten vessels that have sailed between russia and asian countries this year. insurers told the information agency that they had not violated sanctions, ship owners.
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skvortsova during a working trip to the region, discussed the development of the so-called nuclear cities, zarechnaya is the third largest in the region, its main enterprise is a plant of the rosatom structure, as he said.
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new housing is being actively built in russia, the minister of construction and public utilities erik fayzulin told our channel about this in an interview. currently , more than 2 million apartments are being built in the country, the goal is to fulfill the presidential decree, according to which by the thirtieth year, russian citizens must be provided with housing with a total area of ​​at least 33 m2 per person. in addition, it is necessary to update the housing stock by at least 20% by compared to the nineteenth year. there are also plans to modernize the communal. that is, prepared sites in the country that have the opportunity to be implemented by developers, the twenty-fourth year is also a growth in the commissioning of housing, already today 53 million square meters have been built, in general , the regions see the next 2 years the volume and
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growth of housing, which a... is provided precisely by the embedded programs, today 2,346,000 apartments are being built in the country, this is almost 115 million m2 of iron, in this work is underway in this direction, the goal of the presidential decree is to reach 33 m2 per inhabitant of our country, we expect to effectively implement this task by the thirtieth year, see that here. watch the full interview with the minister of construction and public utilities orek fayzulin on our channel after 10:30 moscow time. three new residential complexes will appear in the lugansk people's republic by the twenty- fifth year. builders are already working on two apartment buildings in lugansk. this opportunity arose due to the conditions free economic zone. in the liberated starobelsk, the residential complex is almost
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70% complete. now specialists are working on the interior decoration. the new house will be ready by the end of the year. this facility is being built with state funds allocated from the federal budget for the subsequent transfer of this facility to municipal ownership under the special housing fund, that is, there is maneuverable housing. now footage from turkey in ankara a bus drove onto a road barrier, crashed into a pole, as a result of the accident at least nine people killed, 26 injured, these are the first photos from the scene. there is no video of the emergency yet, as well as other details, it is unclear whether it was a tourist bus or not, there is no information yet who was in it . medics left for the scene, the causes of the accident are being investigated. an orange weather hazard level has been declared in bashkiria, the region is again threatened by heavy rains, in ufa, the day before and zalivny there was a large-scale flood. almost 80% of the monthly
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precipitation rate fell in sterletamak. what are they preparing for today when the cyclones finally leave the urals, we will tell you. after the commercial, pain can be different, it doesn't matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin, a universal remedy for different types of pain. pintalgin, we'll do without pain. a loan with cashback from spera is even more opportunities, the amount is up to 30 million rubles. apply in 5 minutes in the application and receive.
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shake the bottle before filling the glass to the end, all the facets of the impeccable wheat taste will be revealed. the sberbank thank you loyalty program has been updated and has become even more profitable with a subscription from berprime, plus two top cashback categories, 1% on everything. and twice as many bonuses every month, sberbank is more profitable with prime, vtb has a new credit card with a huge plus, plus 20 thousand rubles for regular spending, imagine, you can everything, everything, and even more, do not pay interest for 200 days, get another category of cashback, collect cashback in rubles, collect, all ko credit cards buy, buy, buy, buy, we also get 2000 rubles with it. apply for a free credit card in vtb, vtb, everything will work out. hello, i am a bank employee, do you confirm the transfer? you
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about the nature of the weather in recent weeks, how many more floods await the capital of bashkiria and when the showers take a break in moscow, current weather analytics on the russia 24 channel, i am vadim zabuchenkov, leading specialist. phobos hello, the rains in the southern urals will finally begin to subside today, as we predicted, the day before the ural region and the center of our country were the ones that were flooded the most, cars were floating on the streets of moscow again, and this is what lipetsk looked like after the rain, but the most powerful blow of the elements fell on ufa. in these shots, ufa drivers are hastily trying to leave a flooded parking lot, meanwhile one man is holding his solaris
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with your hands so that it is not carried away by the current. this summer in the capital of bashkiria has already been nicknamed hydro-shock, since any rain turns into a real flood, this time the city was hit by a colossal amount of precipitation,
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a place from scandinavia will break through the atlantic cyclone fields of frontal cloudiness of this vortex will stretch from the shores of the baltic to the middle volga. in such a situation , only residents of the far north and south of the russian plain can count on comfortable dry weather this weekend, in the middle zone they will charge rains in places are quite heavy. the epicenter of ninasty will be the middle volga region and the southwest-urals. here by the end. in places
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about half of the august volume of moisture may pour out, for example, in ufa today and tomorrow it is still moderately warm, and the intensity of thunderstorms is small, but from sunday precipitation will increase sharply, due to dense cloud cover the daytime temperature will no longer exceed +17-19, by the beginning of next week almost 2/3 of the monthly rain norm may pour out on the capital of bashkiria, at about the same pace will be the weather in the capital will change, after today's light showers and thunderstorms on saturday in moscow the weather will clear up completely, and the heaviest thunderstorms are expected in the megapolis on sunday and monday. in total, they will bring more than ten-day precipitation rates. it must be said that the current summer on the russian plain is not unusually wet, and the past days of august are no exception. by the end of this week, a slight precipitation deficit is expected only in the northern
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latitudes, on the lower volga and in the caspian regions. in the rest of the territory, humidity is normal or even excessive. in some places in kuban and the southern urals, two or more ten-day volumes of precipitation have already fallen, so ongoing rains increase the risk of new flooding and create problems for farmers when choosing a new harvest. that's all for me, goodbye. i'm choosing. rosselkhozbank is bigger than you think,
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in the kursk region, a missile strike was declared 10 times in a day. mining is legalized in russia, foreign trade settlements in cryptocurrencies. vladimir putin signed the laws. details from the economic editorial office. a boxing tournament was held in ufa. iba champions. how did the athletes perform? rain is expected in the central regions of the country this weekend. our meteorologists will give their weather forecast. and we will start with footage of the effective
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work of our troops in the border area of ​​the kursk region. in the footage presented by the ministry of defense, operators of lancet loitering munitions directed shells at an enemy tank armored vehicle. the targets were successfully hit with precise hits. another successful attack was carried out by an attack helicopter and artillery. our military acted in a coordinated manner, having received information about armored vehicles and the ukrainian armed forces manpower, which... was hiding in a forest belt, the combat crews aimed the gun and fired a salvo, and the pilots brought the aircraft to the firing line and launched a guided missile at the enemy, the enemy concentration was destroyed. and at night, russian air defense destroyed seven ukrainian armed forces drones in the skies over the kursk region. this was reported this morning by the ministry of defense. there are noticeable successes on the ground as well. russian troops are pushing back the enemy and hitting its reserves, which.


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