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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 3:30pm-4:01pm MSK

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competition of ideas and money there was a sensation, and what a sensation, there was tension inside america and outside of it, what is the remaining intrigue, why do we need to watch and follow now? this is america, a program about a country that is difficult to understand. it is easy to get confused in the facts when you see only part of the overall picture, the pursuit of views changes entire locations, it is easy to make a zipfake, to change.
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and now economic news. the net profit of the state-owned company domr in the first half of the year exceeded 34 billion rubles, the result exceeded last year's by almost 35%, it is said in report according to international standards. profit before tax increased by almost 40%. the company's assets at the end of june reached 4.5 trillion rubles. this is +12% in 6 months. let me remind you that the rf house was created in 1997 by the russian government to develop the mortgage loan market. and housing
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construction. 100% of the company's shares belong to the state. capital outflow from russia in the second quarter slowed down by one and a half times. this is reported by the news agency with reference to calculations by the higher school of economics. thus, from april to june the indicator decreased up to 18 billion dollars. at the same time, experts note that problems with settlements on foreign economic activity remain. in addition, the indicators are affected by the risk of secondary sanctions. german exports continued to decline, this is the sharpest decline since the end of 2023, the indicator fell by 3.4%, which is worse than analysts expected, the federal statistical office reports. this situation will not allow the country to emerge from recession this year, while the number of bankruptcies in germany unexpectedly increased in july to 1,400, this is the highest level in 10 years, the lednitz institute for economic research said in a statement. israel's budget deficit, according to
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the country's finance ministry, has reached a new high of over 8% of gross domestic product, a figure nearly double the 4.2% of gdp recorded at the end of 2023. the deficit is exacerbated by tel aviv's spending of tens of billions of dollars on the gaza war since october. the central bank of israel forecasts that total military and civilian spending from 2023 to 2025 will reach sixty. this was news economy, briefly. i thank leila alnazarova, and we will continue to train qualified workers for key sectors of the economy, the project's goal is professionalism. according to the plan , at least a million people should receive education in it in the next 4 years. irina matyushenko will tell you how to become a participant in the project in the program instructions. watch after the short commercial.
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can't eat something, what should i do? in case of poisoning, enterum, new generation enterosorbent removes toxins while preserving nutrients. smart solution against poisoning. what do we bring back from traveling with avito? cashback bonuses for the next trip. avito travel will everything go as booked with cashback, bonuses? you do not decide which option you will get, but you decide what your future will be. go wherever you want with an educational loan from otber with state support. calculate payments right now with how to become a real professional in the industry find your dream job, the national education project and the federal professionalism project help to obtain a sought-after specialty. we will tell you how to choose the best college in 5 minutes in this issue of the instructions. let's start with what
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professionalism is. this federal project was created for graduates of grades 9-11. it has been in effect since 2022. this year, more than 1,200 colleges and technical schools from 79 regions of the country are participating in it. by 2026, it should cover all 89 regions of russia and the vast majority of colleges. today in more than one and a half thousand enterprises participate in the project, by 2030, their number should grow to 4,000. employers participate in the educational process, in fact , they prepare workers for themselves. therefore , up to 85% of graduates will be able to find employment after graduating from college today. the main principle of building connections with employers within the framework of the federal project professionalism is to build close partnerships between colleges and employers, the educational process is as practice-oriented as possible and
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provides up to 80% practical training. the coverage by industry is the widest. this is mechanical engineering, agriculture, metallurgy, rail transport. light industry, chemical industry, nuclear industry, pharmaceuticals, forestry industry, fuel and energy complex, information technology, radio electronics, construction and so on. in many specialties, training takes only 2 years, the process is carried out with an emphasis on practice and it. practical classes are held mainly at enterprises, and enterprises participating in the project enter into a partnership agreement with colleges, and the entire schedule of practical classes is also agreed upon with the employer's enterprise. in addition, the enterprise provides mentors for students of the professionalism. how to find the right college and employer? to do this , you need to go to the yaprov.rf portal. by the way, to
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begin with, you can take a test there, answer 25 questions. at the end, a list of industries in which you would be interested in working will appear. by clicking on one of them, you can select a region and employer. if you have already decided on your future field of activity, you can immediately click on the section: where to study and there select the region, employer and industry, or go to the section where to work and there select the direction. region and company. among the project partners are such major employers of our country as the state corporation rostec, rosatom, and russian railways, as well as large metallurgical plants, located practically throughout the entire territory of our country, agricultural companies are also present in the project. if we say about personnel for small and medium-sized businesses, such employers are concentrated mainly in such industries as tourism. services, information technology, more than 500 employers have already been included in the project from among
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small and medium-sized businesses. the system of secondary vocational education is being rebooted, its prestige and demand are growing, colleges are being modernized and more closely integrated with the economy. companies that are not yet participating in the project will be interested to look at the employers section portal yaprov.рf. it lists the advantages. professionalism, this is an investment tax deduction, the conclusion of target contracts, planning the need for personnel, turnkey, reducing the costs of training qualified personnel, participation in the management of colleges and the formation of educational programs, as well as quality control of personnel training. training personnel on the basis of a college is much cheaper than maintaining a corporate training center, and it is no secret that ... a training center is not a specialized direction activities for an industrial enterprise,
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while the preparation of curricula, programs, and does not relate to the key areas of the enterprise's activities, which are aimed at the implementation of investment projects, large -scale industrial projects, therefore the enterprise is very willing to enter the educational and production cluster, in addition ... there is a tax benefit for participants in the professionalism, 29 regions have already adopted changes to the tax legislation at their level, which allows to reduce income tax up to 100% of the amount of investment in the material and technical base of colleges. let us repeat the most important thing, to learn from a future employer and become in demand immediately after graduating from college allow. project professionalism national project education. colleges work in partnership
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with companies, this makes it possible to obtain exactly the knowledge that is needed in a particular profession. students undergo internships at enterprises where they will then work. graduates of the ninth and eleventh grades can participate in the program. find out about colleges and companies employers can be found on the website yaprov.rf. still have questions, want to learn more about how to get a new profession. get an interesting job, write to us in telegram, we will find out from the experts about everything we will tell in the next issue of the program instructions, remember what they told you when you decided to open a business, yes, this is not a business at all, but you did not listen, because you do everything wrong, continue. we give businesses 3 months of free acquiring, and
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the red sun has risen, the time of alpha bank, the time of alpha benefit. khabarovsk krai plans to increase timber processing and tax collection in this area. and in general , in the twenty-fourth year, the region expects to increase the indicators of gross domestic product by 5%. about this, about what products are produced, there in an interview on ... channel said dmitry demeshin, acting governor of khabarovsk krai. hello, dmitry viktorovich, good afternoon. you have been in the position of the head of khabarovsk krai in rio for about 3 months, during this time we see from media reports how many meetings you have had with ministers and also the head of the government mikhail mishutin visited the region. how do you assess the interaction with the federal center? our president
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vladimirovich putin set me specific tasks to protect people and develop the region and... a year in terms of these tasks for khabarovsk krai started successfully, our president visited it in january, raised a number of issues that the khabarovsk krai government needs to resolve, and the chairman of the russian government mikhailovich mishustin arrived in july with an extensive program of our interaction, this includes industry, this is the development of social facilities, this is the issue of social security and well-being that is in demand by people and... we spent 2 days resolving these issues with the prime minister, well, in addition to this, a large number of federal ministers in their competencies provide support for the support of projects initiated by the khabarovsk territory, these are issues of improvement of public areas, this is the replacement of transport, more than 80 courtyards, we have allocated money from the federal
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budget and accordingly they will be improved on a competitive basis, because we are interested in ... within the framework of local self-government, our people, our residents determine the agenda, what they need more, what is more important to them and how they will implement it, will also be implemented we have parks and dams that will be transformed into landscaped embankments, of course we devote a lot of time and a lot of attention, including money, to health care issues, that is, the acquisition of both medical drugs that are not... our residents and all purchases have been made, as well as equipment that is really needed to improve the quality of health care services in the region as a whole. we resolved all these issues and a number of others taking into account the needs of people, taking into account their requests, with federal ministers and with the chairman of the russian government, mikhailovich
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mishuskin, therefore i evaluate our joint work exclusively positively, and the task of the authorities at the local level is to implement it in life, that is, in real projects, in a really changed situation, built schools, kindergartens, improved infrastructure facilities. well, do i understand correctly that these are the very main problems that exist in the region today, because you are well acquainted with the khabarovsk territory even when you were deputy prosecutor general. absolutely right, we see the problems, we understand them well, but at the same time, i have now been entrusted with another competence, i have now been entrusted with the opportunity to implement the implementation of those problems that and... to the government of the khoborovsky region and together we are engaged in solving people's issues, for this i opened social networks and we listened to our entire population in a meaningful
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way both formally during my personal meetings when touring the regions, and informally, here in social networks a person is more frank, and we are not afraid of this frankness, including critical frankness and we try to respond to it openly, honestly and most importantly by deeds, by bringing healthy needs to life. people to change the situation around us for the better, i understand correctly that social issues, health issues are now at the forefront, but after we opened social networks, the greatest demand among people was caused by two aspects, these are issues of providing medical care issues of the quality of roads in the territories, the quality of roads is due, among other things, to the fact that khabarovsk the region is the third largest region in the country by area, of course, our roads are much longer than in other smaller
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regions of the country, but this does not relieve the government of the obligation to fulfill the obligations that people set for us. at this stage, 80% of city roads are in a normal condition. we have been tasked with increasing this volume to 85%, we are actively working, including using all options of the infrastructure menu, that is, this is a national project of safe and high-quality roads, this is municipal, regional financing, kusot these are loans that we take for the construction of large objects, that is, these are certain highways or interchanges, and of course, these are the mechanisms of the far eastern concession, which allow us to build these roads now even in the absence of financing from private funds and public private partnerships we close these issues in the interests of the people, therefore roads appear earlier, and we do not
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wait for funding next year in order to enter into a specific project road construction. speaking, by the way, about the economy, the twenty-third year for khabarovsk krai was very good in terms of results, what do you expect from the twenty -fourth, will it be possible to increase this figure somehow and what new projects will you launch? you know, there are many questions. khabarovsk krai is a supporting region of the far east, industry is developed here, the potential of transport and logistics is being intensively increased, systemic city-forming industrial enterprises are operating and, in general, more than 30% of the gross domestic product of the entire far east in in the sphere of industry, manufacturing industry is located precisely in the territory of khabarovsk, ukraine, therefore we set ourselves the task of increasing this, well , uh, after all, more than half of, for example, forests in the territory of the far east are produced precisely by khabarovsk krai, of course, we are interested in going into processing this forest, in the language of the molodvik people, going into
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the added value of the product, which will be taxed more, and accordingly the region will earn more, earn through taxation for the budget and this will allow our region to have more sustainable budgetary obligations, which we...
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i know that he gave the order to project this and he supported me, and moreover, i am on the implementation practice in other subjects of the russian federation, actually this week i met with denis valentinovich matur, the first deputy chairman of the government, with whom i just discussed the issues of implementation already in practice. this charter, what is it? technological re-armament, of course, is impossible in one day, but to localize the machines that can produce the products we need, starting small, that's what we can and should do, if we can't immediately supply high-precision equipment, then we should definitely replace the parts, producing these parts from russian manufacturers, first of all , khabarovsk doesn't have them in khabarovsk, we're looking in russia, russia doesn't have them only after that. we're already looking at our friendly countries, this will allow us to invest in machine tool manufacturing, this will allow us to change the situation with deliveries, speed up,
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shorten. chains and most importantly do it is our industrial business in khabarovsk krai in the russian federation to richer and well-being. well, and of course, all companies and large companies vertically integrated including corporations, which are represented by an extensive line on the territory of khabarovsk ukraine will receive accordingly greater stability, greater confidence, because they will work with their suppliers of products. well, of course, this is where the issues of import substitution are protected, that is, we need. our production and we are developing it in all areas, not only aircraft or shipbuilding, in which the khabarovsk territory is traditionally strong, this is also a number of other areas, well, for example, metalworking, that is, it is absolutely obvious that it is necessary not only to produce metal, it is necessary to bend it, it is necessary to form it in such a way that it is needed in different areas of activity, well , if we talk about construction, then of course we need not only reinforced rods and iron
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pieces, but also a number of modified... parts, therefore , next to large enterprises that, for example, are engaged in the production of steel and products from ferrous metallurgy, so we are forming a metalworking cluster, which will accordingly receive orders for processing of that product of steel and iron, which is produced here at our large enterprise. there is another other initiative, also such an industrial and commercial one, your idea is to say a regional brand of khabarovsk krai. what does it give? you know, the brand made in khabanovsk gives a lot. firstly, it gives our confidence to small and medium-sized businesses that their products will be in demand, and will be in demand on a variety of platforms, that is, in retail, and through marketplaces, through wholesale markets, through our ozone, we will of course sell it throughout the country, in addition to this, we are also going
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abroad, so we offer and ... foreign markets made in khabarovsk - this is the highest quality product that has passed certification with us and for which the khabarovsk territory is responsible, therefore, those unique products that are made from decoros, which relate to our sewing production or to the same high-precision here are the products, for example, our korans, which are produced and a number of other products of the industrial sector, we offer through electronic platforms.
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hello, these are the facts, artem yamchukov is in the studio, here is the main topic today. vladimir putin discussed the fight against terrorism with the security council, the report of the director of the fsbm. we will show footage from the operational meeting. rostov region, vladimir, tambov and others. aid to residents of the kursk region literally flows from all over russia. support also comes from the federal center. the details are completely soon.


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