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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 9:00pm-9:26pm MSK

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i help with liver problems, i am essentiale fortene, tested and ready for action in 24 hours, available on yandex market. alfa-bank is the best bank for business. we give businesses 3 months of free acquiring, and also. terminal and cash register, open a free account for business in august, andrey vladimirovich, hello, thank you for finding. in the us, the election campaign
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is in full swing, democratic candidate kamala harris has chosen a running mate and even, as mainstream media report, has almost broken out into the leaders of the election race, o miraculous transformation of an outsider into a leader, we will talk with andrey korobkov, a professor of political science at the university of tennessee. andrey vladimirovich, well, i don’t know how you are doing in america, but here in russia it is puzzling how the mainstream media , excuse the rudeness, vilified kamala harris before she became a candidate, as i understand it, the democratic convention hasn’t approved her yet, but it will be a little later, well, let’s assume that the convention will be at the end of august, yes, well, let’s assume that it has, so that’s how it happened, why suddenly, that’s how it happened
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the latest reports, polls, she is almost a percent ahead of biden, ahead of trump, or did i miss something, did something wonderful happen in america? well, the thing is that the democrats themselves painted themselves into a corner, essentially sabotaging the primaries, giving biden a huge advantage, they brought him to... july, he received more than 95% of the votes of the delegates to the convention, and after that they decided that he needed to be pushed out urgently, this was done in a very hopeless manner, i must say, with the violation of many rules, and after that they had 3.5 months left, and no freedom of maneuver, so they started working with the material that they have with the president. in addition, it must be taken into account that
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the democrats are an ideological party, and to give the nomination to someone else, given that biden's legal heir is a black woman, and even with roots, was practically impossible, so now the entire machine and the organizational and propaganda of the democratic party are working on ha. but it is very difficult to do this, since, as you said, even many liberal media outlets laughed at it, the last 3 and a half years, and at the same time, but this is a person who has practically no political face, no team, no programs, no achievements in any sphere, so we need to urgently disband her.
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some kind of all rastokaya, and almost already for only then it was almost the next day or when she was nominated instead of biden, when biden refused, not a week, nor two, nor three, nor even a month passes.
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let's say, not very bright, but in the fact that there is a rapid degradation and physical and intellectual, here comes a new candidate, yes, not the best, but compared to her support, led to the fact that the ratings of the democratic candidate, it doesn't matter who it is, but the ratings of the democratic candidate have increased significantly, activity has increased, no one went to meetings with biden, they go to meetings with harris, because it's interesting, and ...
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questions, the first question: why in 3 weeks she has not managed to answer a single question from the correspondent, but only makes general phrases about how she will show trump. and one more a question that is not directly related to harris, but is also beginning to seriously worry the public, is where is joe biden? that is, a whole series of important events have occurred, both in the middle east and in the country's economy, and biden... did not give any comment, did not appear at all, and this, the question of who, in fact, will lead the country, is of great concern to both the public and the elite. as for the choice of waltz, this is a
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risky step, it is easily explained, this is a reverence towards the ultra-left, and in general it turns out that this is the most left-wing tandem in history united.
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which is important for veterans, of whom there are many in america, and which, interestingly, already repeats the problems of the democrats that arose with dukakis in 1988, with john kerry in 2004, who also tried to build an image of such hardened warriors, such serious guys, and leaders of the situation, but there is another reason why waltz was chosen, he speaks very well, and he speaks, well, you can say in the style of trump, he does not speak the template language of politicians, but speaks in normal human language in a language that is generally understandable to ordinary people, this is a huge plus we have politicians
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who also speak human language, i don’t know how it is with you, although politicians and others are also enough and generals, maybe once at best, so andreyevich, you know, our... the viewer will ask: why are we interfering so much in your affairs, there are nuances and so on, we are interested, we understand that of course, any president of the united states will defend the interests of his country and... and act against us, only us i'm interested in how quickly they will work with us, try, and solve all the problems there, that's why we're discussing this in such detail, because by and large we still wanted to understand the mood of american society, because a lot was said about the split in your country, to what extent - these patterns, why do i mean this , because underestimating the enemy, and the us is still a strategic enemy for us, it's clear, no matter what you call it, it leads to bad consequences, we see this here, that's why we want to understand what
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you are happening, so another 3 months almost, will pass somehow in the legitimate sphere, or not so much? i think so, since the republicans have been preparing for a very long time, they have created some control mechanisms that were not there in 2020, but the split is deep, here is the choice... a very serious strengthening of this split, that is, really two completely opposite concepts are being proposed, but this candidate for vice president leads to here we must also take into account that there is a big problem in the sphere of foreign policy, and the problem is that kamala harris is basically a blank slate, no one knows, i suspect that she herself is like... exactly
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as mao said, the people are a blank slate, this is exactly the situation, only not the people, but a specific person, and this means that everything will depend on which team she will rely on, since she doesn’t have her own team either, will it be biden’s people, will it be obama’s people, will it be just... some completely different biden peoplestrations, and harris was kind of playing the role of an angry dog, that is, or an angry cop, she took a much more pro-palestinian anti-israeli position than biden, but most likely it was a question of tactical play, that is, biden promised something to israel and said that she.
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they know how to formulate views for their leaders, that's how it works, apparently, andrei vladimirovich, well, we will still have time, of course, we will probably talk about this topic many times, why, because it is clear that while america, we have already discussed this with you, remains the most influential state in the world, well, someone calls it a hegemon, someone is a sick hegemon, but the fact remains , now we must understand these processes that are happening in your country, so were they changing? i understand that you are not an expert in economics, i will not ask the details, i mean somehow it was
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some kind of public influence, because trump said, here is the democrat biden brought the honda markets to a fall, and the financial markets in america, they are much more important than in many countries of the world, probably the most important country in this sense, and there was some kind of public resonance in the political plane, this is besides trump, someone tried of course a serious start of the crisis, but for now... this looks like a temporary correction and reaction, a panic reaction to a very bad report on the state of the labor market, and therefore now we will look, but there are several factors here, the first is the state of the labor market, the second is potentially hydrocarbons, that is, at the same time, conflicts in the middle east in venezuela. and a number of other factors, including, generally speaking,
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the obvious absence of any experience in the economic sphere at kamala haris. trump used this, haris, by the way, immediately stated that the whole situation had somehow more or less stabilized, although initially there was an expectation of a serious economic and financial collapse. and...
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well, for biden this is an absolute disaster, he achieved some kind of peace agreement between israel and saudi arabia, then it all collapses, now he is feverishly trying to at least achieve a truce and the release of hostages, but his interests here are completely do not coincide with the interests of trump, who would be just fine.
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somehow, well, scary is not the right word, we have nothing to be afraid of, i mean , somehow uneasy because it is not clear who is governing america, and there you have a suitcase with a nuclear thing, where is who, where, where is this suitcase and where is biden himself, well , some kind of wrong situation, but that's okay, it's your business, thank you very much, and i think that we still have not
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had, but a lot depends on american actions in world politics, unfortunately, for us, thank you very much, i will remind you, we talked with the professor. well, dear friends, in conclusion of the program, traditionally i would like to talk about the situation on the financial markets, as you have already heard from our conversation, indeed the american markets were in turmoil, a sharp fall in the capitalization of american companies, of course, everything , as usual, began with asia, as... usually i mean the crisis of ninety-eight, i have seen a lot of information, colleagues are now trying to compare, today's situation also began with a collapse on the asian markets, all this led to the default in russia then in ninety-eighth year and so on, now it is a completely different era, yes - such things often happen that
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we do not like on world exchanges, and it would seem, what business do we have, we are now practically cut off from world financial markets. well , directly, i mean, but we are connected with it through the cost of so-called commoditis, that is, these are exchange goods, which include oil, gas, food, wheat, well, everything else, yes, this is the base economy, what material assets are made of, that's what you see at home, in your refrigerators and so on and so forth, so it's extremely important what's happening in the global financial sphere, moreover, there's a lot of talk now about the difficult situation in the american economy that has developed in recent years, and first of all , this is a huge budget deficit, huge debts, what business is it of ours, it's their internal affair, i see a lot of comments: again you're burying america, it's more alive than all the living and so on, in fact, no one is burying america, they are burying the dollar as the single reserve world currency,
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the fact that it is finished in this area is absolutely clear to everyone, even to friends of the us dollar, now the question is, how will these friends act, will they prolong the dollar's reign as the world reserve currency or not, why am i asking this question, because these so-called friends of the us dollar are now actively preparing a backup airfield for themselves in the form of cryptocurrencies and so on, they started doing this back in 2009, right after crisis of the eighth year, it was then in the ninth year that a certain bitcoin appeared, yes, it is a cryptocurrency, so someone does not call it, but the blockchain technology on which it is based. now it is already a huge industry, and there was a lot of talk in the seventeenth year, when there was the first, firstly, i will remind you that the cryptocurrency was already clear then that it was a kind of reserve. for the current dollar system, because friends dollar in the usa in the form of black rock all the other serious guys in this area, who manage trillions of dollars, understand perfectly well that
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those debts that the united states has made cannot be given, and no one disputes this anymore, well, someone is simply counting how long america can continue to drag on those who dream of buying an apartment at 20% per annum on a mortgage, look at this graph. it will somehow make you look at life differently, how much extra money will you pay to banks, so, if you look at this graph, you can see that after 5-6% per annum - there is an exponential, there is a sharp decrease in the level - long, that's why in america you noticed, 5% annual american federal reserve stopped , stood up, why? because it also sees the numbers and after all the guys there studied mathematics, they look at this... the graph i understand that the sharp growth of several billion dollars a day in the debt of the united states says that america does not have much time
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left in this sense, they need to do something, hence they make different movements, and of course theoretically they can, i'll tell you a little, and what happened, there is no need to be scared yet and seeing the ninety there and all sorts of eighth years, especially as i already said, we have a completely different situation, it is clear that... if there is a real shock there, it will affect us, i already said, as through a mechanism, so we are closely monitoring this and - there is another nuance here, these are the elections in the united states, which we talk about so much, and it would seem, why are we considering this in such detail, but precisely in order to understand what will be done by those people who stand behind the candidates, who write these prompters, well, not the direct executors of the inscriptions, but those who really run america, there's a lot of talk about it now, that...
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