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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 9, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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race, and not only on the ground, but almost in the air. it was america, all the best to you. it's america. the fight against terrorism became the topic of the operational meeting.
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people and 27 military vehicles, including four tanks, our defense ministry reported, attempts by militants to penetrate deep into russian territory have been thwarted. our military carried out several powerful strikes against them at once, in the sudzhansky district, for example, enemy positions in a forest belt were destroyed. the strikes were carried out by army aviation pilots, and artillerymen worked to finish off the blows. on these footage of the ukrainian armed forces losing another tank on the border. its location was identified from the air, it drove off the road into a forest, and that 's where it was. and at the temporary deployment point
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of the militants and the parking lot of reserve units of equipment in the neighboring sumy region, our su-34 fighter crew launched a three-ton aerial bomb. the defense ministry also reported that our group in the kursk direction will be reinforced with armored vehicles, artillery systems and other strike equipment in the coming hours. for safe evacuation. about support and concern in difficult times , a report by alexander rebunov. packages and boxes are passed from hand to hand along the chain.
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hygiene kits, food, clothes, bed linen are put away. what these people need right now. cars with humanitarian aid are arriving one after another, help from neighboring and distant regions. volunteers work from morning until late at night, there are not enough hands. today is a day off, so i decided to help people. the earnings are hellish, but like the people there, who are standing without food, without water, it is much more difficult, without shelter. in kursk, everything more temporary accommodation points in this tent city, something like a transit point. buses come here. they pick up those who want to go and take them wherever they want, these paz buses will take pensioners and disabled people to tula, they are escorted by a social worker from sudzha, this orphan, this orphan, they have no one except me, i could not abandon them, you understand, to go somewhere to save themselves, because this is above all, to live not as a traitor, away from the cannon fire and machine gun fire , they send children from shelled villages and towns, they go for rest and treatment, they are ready accept many regions, this group is going to the moscow region, many thanks to the organizers who organized such an event on... while they were charging there, we managed
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to leave bandarevka, the most important thing was her phone, charger, bag with necessary things. mutual assistance helps people who have lost their homes, and in general all their property, to hold on. they tried to escape from the fire in any way. the story of ivan kovalev. it became known thanks to his records, he sent his mother on one of the buses, he himself got out of sudzha on foot. i look, and he, he already had empty, he had already dropped this projectile, and it was already empty, and then i ran as fast as i could to the landing, climbed into the pipe there, another drone was already flying by, climbed into the drain pipe, into this storm drain, so i watched from there, waited until they stopped buzzing, until they dropped it, so that i could go further, ivana and his mother were lucky, they were able to get to the shelter alive.
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drive my animals 32 goslings, two dogs, a big one and a small one, one big one in an aviary and a small one closed in the house, chickens, broilers closed, seven pieces, piglets, under shelters for cats and dogs were also shelled, the director of one of them right to live, through social networks appealed to everyone who can temporarily give shelter to pets, the situation is very tense, the animals just i don't know beat. from the cage and climb out, bend the enclosures, it is simply impossible to watch this, so we ask for help from everyone who can take in at least someone. it is now almost impossible to drive to sudzha in a straight line, enemy drones are always hanging in the sky looking for a target. anatoly
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buremenko's son was driving ahead in his car, with his wife and two daughters, explosion, shrapnel, blood from the neck like a fountain, blood from here, wife nearby, and children, well... grandson back, well, then he to me, why is he covering for me, go, son anatoly was saved by doctors, he was sent by plane to moscow, our colleague, zhenya poddubny, was sent on the same flight. today footage appeared of how he was met on the highway, passing by the burning car, war correspondent driver sergei. zyom, alive, i look, on the left, the car is burning. behind the landing, well, somehow unexpectedly, and from the landing onto the road a man comes out, well, tries to walk, you could say, i asked him how he was, i said, do you have a first aid kit, he didn't, i said, go, i have everything, i
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said, brother, how are you, i didn't recognize him, well , the blood was caked, only one eye was open, it was running down from above, i was also burned, i don't know, the other one might have fallen, but he walked, swaying, yes, but he was conscious, i asked him , i said, do you have a baseball, no, you don't need it, i got it, he started to run, to the hospital, he says , we need to go to the hospital, i see a car coming from below, it pulled up, he says, brother, we can't get through there, there are mines, he says, we need help, brother, i say, throw it up, i say, there should be doctors there, because of the danger the residents of the border region have become one family, they take the sudzhans into their homes, feed them, clothe them , risk their lives to take bedridden invalids out from under the fire of terrorists, as does the priest, father evgeny shestopalov, he himself saw how the militants of the armed forces of ukraine behave on our land, the army should fight with the army, and not these,
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i don’t even know what to call them, who simply shoot at civilians, we know this, we saw it from people, we heard and saw his... eyes and saw what was happening on highways, on the roads, our army, it is with god, if god is with us, then who is against us, the whole country knows about the situation in the kursk region, caravans with humanitarian aid are coming here from large and small cities, this is one of the distribution centers of the all-russian people's front in kursk, last night alone 160 tons were delivered here, this is humanitarian aid from all regions of russia, cereals, canned goods, long-term storage products, volunteers, this is all. they will pass on packages, food packages will be delivered to temporary accommodation points later. part of these food packages will also be given to residents of the border town of rylsk. today , about five hundred people decided to temporarily leave their homes on buses until the situation stabilizes. all of them can count on the support of the authorities
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by calling the hotline. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov, alexandra berezkina and mikhail shum, news. our colleague, war correspondent yevgeny poddubny, is under 24-hour surveillance.
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after the shelling in the kursk region , 55 victims are in hospital, including eight children - reported the head of the ministry of health, mikhail murashka. according to him, 12 people are in serious condition. the minister noted that reinforced combined medical teams continue to work in the region, and the federal center for disaster medicine is coordinating the provision of assistance. murashka also reported that today two more children injured in the shelling were taken to moscow for treatment, to the russian children's clinical hospital. the day before, let me remind you, two small patients were admitted to the research institute of emergency children's surgery and traumatology. the seven-year-old girl was operated on back in kursk before evacuation. the question of the need for an operation for an eight-year-old boy. is being decided, the difficulty lies in the fact that the fragment is inside the skull,
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which means that in the area of ​​the cranial canal there is a small hematoma, small in size, our surgeons assume that it is still advisable to remove this fragment, until the final decision is made, but most likely an operation is ahead, the recovery will be long, especially for the girl - after stabilization of her condition and her independent breathing, we will transfer her to general department, a long rehabilitation is ahead. literally the entire country has rallied around the kursk region, sending tons of humanitarian aid. the regions are ready to accept the families of those left homeless and provide them with the necessary support. on the scale of assistance, margarita semenyuk. of packaged goods from the regions of russia at the points of unloading, sorting and issuing necessary things more than a thousand volunteers, here
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more than 100 tons have already been accumulated. we also brought a means of radioactive combat for ambulances, for our brizitov, plus armor protection, personal protective equipment, so-called for doctors, so that they could feel more protected, because the enemy is not inspired by anything, unfortunately, the day before , an ambulance worker died. in less than a day , residents of the country collected more than 13 million rubles for residents of the kursk region who suffered from neo-nazi shelling. the fundraiser was announced by the we are together movement and the russian red cross. sugar is like this down, salt is like this here from above. rostov oblast is on the humanitarian front line. the region already has a lot of experience in assembling necessary kits for victims. in february of 2022 , they helped residents of donbass. each hygiene kit contains toilet paper, soap, shampoo, uh, here we have that, also shampoo, uh, shaving foam,
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toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel, feminine hygiene products, razors. just like then, so now they save their own. don volunteers of the campaign headquarters, together with the people's front, we have already collected almost 10 tons of water, a ton of baby food and half a thousand hygiene kits. kazan young guards and activists. stoves and generators to warm the residents of the region who were left homeless, this is especially important: online, we agree with them what is needed and try to adjust our requests, that is, we are in touch with residents, who are residents, with the population of our republic, who call and ask what is needed. residents of voronezh have already sent several batches of humanitarian aid, assembled new washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens and diesel generators. kursk region was afraid for
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its compatriots, quickly collected the first, but not the last parcel for the victims, we must help with our hearts, help with our souls, so how can we leave people, our russians, they are our people, they are ours, like family. oryol region, the closest to kursk, was one of the first to start accepting refugees from sudzha. they are staying with their families, mostly women and children, vera fedorenko arrived with her husband, her daughter , son-in-law and two children are still on the way. we have no nothing, we jumped out in what we were wearing, thank you, our friends welcomed us, there is practically nowhere to go back to, we arrived under fire, so it is very difficult, all volunteer organizations in all regions of the country quickly got involved in the work, the priority for collecting is medicines, clothing for adults and children, hygiene items , long-term food products, drinking water, bedding, folding beds and mattresses,
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child care products and more. in the kursk region, 20 temporary accommodation centers have been opened, now hundreds of people from sudzhansky district almost half are children. margarita semenyuk, irina zaborskaya, news. parties of humanitarian aid are formed in the offices of united russia. in sevastopol, in one day, activists collected baby food, personal hygiene products, water, household chemicals. a total of almost 10 tons. in the dpr , the regional public movement donetsk republic joined the collection of humanitarian aid, consisting of food products, medicines, clothing and footwear, including children's. bottled products. into water, diesel generators were sent by lipetsk and bryansk united russia. acting secretary of the general council of the party vladimir yakushev noted that the party activists are guided by the targeted requests of residents of the kursk region and are also ready to help in organizing the transportation of people. also , party representatives, literally from the first hours , our fellow party members and representatives of the young
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guard have been working where people need help. these are temporary accommodation points, these are issues related to logistics in order to organize the correct evacuation of the population, this is work with humanitarian aid, also representatives parties and representatives of the young guard of the bryansk region work there in the kursk region help organize all processes related to the events that are happening there. foreign mercenaries participated in the attack on the kursk region, in particular military prohibited.
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organizations from the very beginning of the ukrainian conflict they have been on the side of the kiev regime, and are not embarrassed to pose for the camera now, the media effect is much more important to them than real actions, the legionnaires who invaded russia are few in number. the georgian legion, a group of volunteers from that country, has about 120 fighters who are helping ukraine, a source with direct information about the current operations in the kursk region said. the commander of one of the reconnaissance groups, partsevania, is the one who brags the most on banned social networks, posting photos and videos. the georgian mercenaries are part of the international legion of the ukrainian territorial defense. it was formed from the first days of the conflict with western curators who recruited outright scumbags, mainly from nato countries. now in the border areas, as the press writes, polish mercenaries have been spotted, they are armed with american
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carbines and rifles, among other things. the fact that there are poles, i know, my guys work there, they confirmed it. i also kind of called literally before the broadcast, they themselves heard the negotiations in polish, so i kind of state this with confidence, the presence of polish mercenaries, this is a very interesting question, because in reality these are polish servicemen, that is , it turns out that polish servicemen invaded the territory of the russian federation, and this is a casus belli. western mercenaries have regularly been targeted by russian troops on ukrainian territory during the conflict. their ranks have thinned considerably, so in july warsaw and kiev agreed to create a new unit of ukrainians in europe, they are trained in poland by nato instructors, and then thrown into battle, although in foreign media the invasion of the kursk region is presented as an independent initiative of kiev, such as the american television channel cnn. ukraine's decision to transfer most of its meager military resources across the border in
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russia in pursuit of headlines, but so far i with an unclear strategic goal, marks either a moment of despair. or inspiration for ukraine, perhaps it heralds a new phase of hostilities, although it is clear that the go-ahead and resources for this operation were given by the west. it is quite obvious that kiev is acting here completely independently, since military planning is carried out by the us command, perhaps the european command of the us strategic armed forces is involved in this, here, but i think that most of the. directives come from pentagon in kiev, i think that there are also military consultants from nato countries, probably american, military advisers, somewhere nearby, but the american advisers, it seems, did not take into account the main thing, all the photos and videos that are actively published by foreign mercenaries become
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direct evidence of the participation of the west and nato in organizing the ukrainian sortie and committing war crimes on russian territory, for which all ideological inspirers and executors will definitely be punished. boris ivanin, anna pogonina and anna nikolaesh, news. well, about the news from the front, a special military operation. during the week, the military groups of the center repelled more than twenty counterattacks of the ukrainian armed forces. this was reported by the ministry of defense . let me remind you that during this time, our fighters liberated several settlements in the dpr at once, these are timofeevka, novosyolovka pervaya and vesyolaya. the enemy lost more than 2 thousand of its fighters, as well as two tanks and 17 armored vehicles, including american bradleys and a german marder. with details, denis alekseev. today's footage from our ministry of defense, destruction of saboteurs in the ssu, who tried to land on the kinburn spit, which is on the dnieper. on high-speed boats,
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under the cover of fire support boats, the militants broke through towards the left bank. they began to suffer losses only after setting foot on land, our minefields were there, and those who tried to go further were fired upon by the russian military . the result, such a showy ukrainian.
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aircraft, as a result of which enterprises of the ukrainian defense industry and related energy sector facilities were damaged, airfield infrastructure, air defense systems, assembly shops and storage sites for attack unmanned aerial vehicles. in addition, fuel bases, weapons and ammunition depots, areas for concentrating the ukrainian armed forces reserve, and temporary deployment points for units of nationalist formations of foreign mercenaries were hit. the situation at the fronts is changing every day, our military groups. center are improving their position along the front line, causing the ukrainian command a lot of problems in the pokrovsk direction. over the course of a week, three important settlements. such an advance will allow
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the pokrovsk-konstantinovka highway to be taken under fire in the near future, and this is a blow to the rear support of the ukrainian armed forces in pokrovsk. in the zaporizhzhya direction, the vostok group continues to push back the ukrainian formations from the territory of the region. important lines have been occupied in a week. towards the settlement of velikaya novosyolka. from this side, the ukrainian armed forces tried to carry out a contour offensive last year, now they are only retreating in this direction. the psychological point was set in july, when our troops drove the enemy out of the strategically important urozhayny. there were difficult, long battles for the village, the participants in the operation were awarded state awards, call sign mark, one of the awardees. he broke through the militants' line of defense in armored vehicles,
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the guys did not lose their heads at all, that is , they flew in one after another, the most important thing for me is to watch the road, to somehow steer around it, because there are mines there, they somehow throw them down, they try to mine the road right away, today some came from the kharkov region such interesting footage: our intelligence learned the coordinates of the buried command post of the ukrainian armed forces, this is malinovka. kharkov region. presumably, high-ranking officers who led the sabotage operation were sitting there, and they were located far from the front line, from those whom they send on obviously failed missions, but they still could not protect themselves from our high-precision munitions. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, vesti.
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account for business, in august there is a sale where i bought the megamarket school style buy lunchboxes from 129 rubles. megamarket school style. giving movies and music for paying for mobile communications is normal. that's why we give. sbermobile. crashed in brazil passenger plane. according to preliminary data, there were 62 people on board, 58 passengers and four crew members, all of them died. there was no information about our compatriots on this flight. this was reported by the russian ministry of foreign affairs. let me remind you that the tragedy occurred in the state of sao paulo. the medium-haul turboprop atr-72 was performing a domestic flight. the footage shows how the aircraft was spinning around its axis before falling. the media write that the plane crashed
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near a residential building. no one was hurt on the ground, the reasons for the incident are still unknown it turns out: emergency services, firefighters, as well as military police and civil defense forces are working at the scene, the president of brazil honored the victims of the tragedy with a minute of silence during his speech. now to the news from the lenta news agency and social networks , including, news comes from murmansk, there at the olenigorsk station, during the maneuvering of a freight train with coal , several cars derailed, one of them caught ... a neural tower, it fell on a building with a worker inside, fortunately the victim was pulled out from under the rubble, he taken to hospital. an investigation is underway into the incident. a senior hamas commander was killed in an israeli strike in southern lebanon. the idf said samer mahmoud al-haj was responsible for launching the shells at israeli territory. according to some sources, he was the head of security for hamas's military wing in a palestinian refugee camp. hamas
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will continue to adhere to its basic conditions in negotiations with israel, the movement's official representative in lebanon said in tel aviv, which has not yet responded, israel struck an airbase in southwestern syria this morning. anna voronina has the latest details. israel is still waiting for an attack. the mayor of haifa called on residents for at least 6 days, predicting that hezbollah and iran could fire 400 rockets a day at the municipality. in other cities in israel , blood supplies are being moved to fortified underground warehouses, factories are removing hazardous and flammable materials from the area, and authorities are checking bomb shelters and water supplies. the military is on high alert, but expectations are exhausting. this is an attempt by the enemy to psychologically sow fear, to intimidate us.
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"we are in a state of high defense capability in all the parameters we have, some of them are hidden, some are visible to the public. we regularly assess the situation, society must listen. to the instructions of the rear command. at the same time, as analysts believe, israel itself has stopped listening to the recommendations and instructions from western sponsors. the situation with the murders of ismail haniyeh and fuad shukr, who by all accounts visibility.


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