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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 12:00am-12:31am MSK

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the fight against terrorism was the topic of vladimir putin's operational meeting with the permanent members of the security council. the president held it in person. today, the operational meeting with the permanent members of the security council is a very important issue concerning certain aspects of the fight against terrorism. in the border areas of the kursk region , the operation to destroy the armed forces of ukraine continues. over the past 24 hours, the enemy has lost more than 280 people and 27 military vehicles, including four tanks. this was reported by our ministry of defense. suppressed attempts by militants to penetrate deep into russian territory. our military carried out several powerful strikes against them at once. in the sudzhansky district, for example, enemy positions in a forest belt were destroyed. the strikes were carried out by army aviation pilots. the artillerymen worked to finish them off . in this footage, the su lose another tank on
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the border. its location was revealed from the air. it drove off the road into a forest. it was there that a lancet loitering munition was launched at it. and according to the temporary deployment point and parking lots reserve units of equipment in the neighboring sumy region, our crew of the su-34 fighter jet released a three-ton aerial bomb. the ministry of defense also reported that our group in the kursk direction will be reinforced with armored vehicles, artillery systems and other strike equipment in the coming hours. residents of the border areas of the kursk region who suffered from attacks by the armed forces of ukraine began to receive one-time payments of 10 thousand rubles, - said acting governor alexey smirnov. he also stated that the authorities measures are being taken for the prompt and safe evacuation of people, in general, everything necessary is being done to support them. additional teams of doctors and ambulances have arrived in the kuros region, and all necessary humanitarian aid is being provided.
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russia has notified the international atomic energy agency of the situation at the kursk nuclear power plant. this was reported by the permanent mission of our country to international organizations in vienna. the diplomats noted that fragments of downed missiles were allegedly found at the station. as stated by the permanent mission, ukraine's reckless actions threaten not only the russian nuclear object, but also put the entire global nuclear industry at risk. in turn, director general magat emphasized the need.
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the flow of people arriving at temporary accommodation points in the kursk region continues to grow, to collect everything necessary for those who were forced to leave their homes, assistance centers are opened, blankets, pillows, first aid kits, everything essential are brought there, hundreds of people come, sorting the kits are engaged. about support and concern in difficult times, a report by alexander rivunov. packages are passed from hand to hand along the chain and boxes, they put everything out right there, hygiene kits, food, clothes , bed linen. what these people need right now. cars with humanitarian aid are arriving one after another, help from neighboring and distant regions. volunteers work from morning until late at night, there aren't enough hands. today is a day off, so i decided to help people. the workload is hellish, but like the people there, who are standing without food. without water, it's much more difficult, without
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shelter. in kursk, there are more and more temporary accommodation points, in this tent city, something it's like a transit point, buses come here, pick up those who want to go and take them wherever they want. these paz buses will take pensioners and disabled people to tula. they are seen off by a social worker from sudzha. this orphan, this orphan. they have no one but me. i couldn't leave them, you know, to go somewhere to save themselves. because this is above all, to live without being a traitor. children from those under fire are also sent away from the cannon fire and machine gun fire.
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mutual assistance helps people who have lost their homes and all their property to hold on. they tried to escape from the fire by any means. the story of ivan kovalev became known thanks to his recordings, he sent his mother on one of the... buses, he himself got out of the sudzha on foot, i see, and he already had it empty, he had already dropped this shell, and it was already empty, and then i ran as fast as i could to the landing, climbed into the pipe there, another drone was already flying by, climbed into the drain pipe, into this left-hand side road, so i watched from there, waited until they stopped buzzing, until they dropped it, so that i could go on, ivan and his mother were lucky, they managed to get to the shelter alive, saved their cat, very much like this.
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baked, only one eye open, it was running from above, still burned, i don’t know, the other one might have fallen, but he walked, swaying, yes, but he was conscious, i asked him, i say,
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are you painless, no, no need, got it, started to shake, to the hospital, he says, we need to go to the hospital, i see a car coming from below, drove up, says, brother, we won’t get through there, there are mines, he says, we need help, brother, i say, throw it up, i say, there should be medics there, in a moment of danger the residents of the border region have become one family, they accept sudzhans at home, feed them, clothe them, risk their lives to take bedridden invalids out from under terrorist fire, as does the priest, father evgeny shestopalov, he himself saw how the ukrainian armed forces militants behave on our land, the army should fight the army, and not these i don’t know what to even call them, who simply shoot at civilians, we know this, we have seen it and heard it from people and seen their eyes and saw what is happening on the highways, on the roads. our army, it is with god, if god is with us, then who is against us?
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the whole country knows about the situation in the kursk region: caravans with humanitarian aid are coming here from big and small cities. this is one of the distribution centers of the all-russian people's front in kursk. over the past night, 160 tons were delivered here, this is humanitarian aid from all regions of russia: cereals, canned goods, long-term storage products, volunteers will pack it all into bags, food packages will be delivered to temporary accommodation points later. some of these food packages will also be given to residents of the border town of rylsk. today, about 500 buses people have decided to temporarily leave their homes until the situation stabilizes. they can all count on the support of the authorities by calling the hotline. alexander.
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specialists are making every effort to ensure his speedy recovery, they assess his condition as serious but stable, a long rehabilitation period lies ahead. a burn injury is a fairly serious injury ; burns are divided into several degrees, respectively, the most severe are deep burns, which require constant dressings, constant sanitation, so called necorectomy, when dead tissue is removed, accordingly we wait for regeneration, specially for this certain methods of treatment are used then subsequently... when there is a complete removal of all these necrotic
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tissues, their own and burn surgeons, combustiologists are already beginning to form, they move on to the stage when they perform plastic surgery of the skin, also in certain ways, but this is such a distant period, which does not occur in one week. after the shelling in the kursk region, at the inpatient 55 victims are being treated, including eight children, said the head of the ministry of health. mikhail murashka. according to him, 12 people are in serious condition. the minister noted that reinforced combined medical teams continue to work in the region, and the provision of assistance is coordinated by the federal center for disaster medicine. murashka also said that today two more children injured in the shelling were taken to moscow for treatment, to the russian children's clinical hospital. the day before, i remind you, two small patients were admitted to the emergency pediatric surgery traumatology. the seven-year-old girl was operated on in kursk before the evacuation.
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after the girl's condition stabilizes and she can breathe on her own, we will transfer her to the general department. long-term rehabilitation is ahead . the entire country has now rallied around the kursk region, sending tons of humanitarian aid. the regions are expressing their readiness to accept families left homeless and provide them with the necessary support. margarta semenyuk, on the scale of aid, six points. kursk is currently receiving tons of humanitarian aid. cargo from the regions of russia, at the points of unloading, sorting and issuing necessary
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things more than a thousand volunteers, here already accumulated more than 100 tons. we also brought means of radioton combat for ambulances - for our blues, means of armor protection, personal protective equipment, so-called for doctors, so that they could feel more protected, because the enemy is not suggested by anything , unfortunately, he died the day before. in less than a day , residents of the country collected more than 13 million rubles for residents of the kursk region who suffered from shelling by neo-nazis, the we are together movement and the russian red cross announced a collection of funds, sugar like this down, salt like this on top, on the humanitarian front line of the rostov region, the region already has extensive experience in completing the necessary kits for victims, in february of the twenty-second year they helped residents of donbass, each hygiene kit is... toilet paper, soap, shampoo, here we also have
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shampoo, shaving foam, toothbrush, toothpaste, shower gel, feminine hygiene product hygiene and razors, both then and now save their own, danish volunteers of the action headquarters, together with the people's front , have already collected almost 10 tons of water, a ton of baby food and half a thousand hygiene kits, ski young guards and activists of the republican volunteer movement , in addition to food, load trucks, microwave ovens and generators to warm the residents of the region who have been left homeless, this is especially important. we agree with them online what is necessary and try to adjust our applications, that is, we are in touch with the residents, who are residents, with the population of our republic, who call and ask what is needed, the residents of voronezh have already sent several batches of humanitarian aid, assembled new washing machines,
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were the first to begin accepting refugees from sudzha, they are staying with their families, mostly women and children, vera fedorenko arrived with her husband, her daughter, son-in-law and two children are still on the way, we have nothing, we were in what we were, in that... we jumped, thank you, friends sheltered us, there is practically nowhere to return, we arrived under fire, therefore it is very difficult, all volunteer organizations in all regions of the country quickly got down to work, the priority for collecting are medicines, clothing for adults and children, personal hygiene items, food products with a long shelf life, drinking water,
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bedding, folding beds and mattresses, child care products and more. in the kursk region. 20 temporary accommodation points have been opened, now there are hundreds of people from the sudzhansky district, almost half of them are children. margarita semenyuk, irina zaborskaya, news. parties of humanitarian aid are being formed in in the united russia branches in sevastopol , activists collected baby food, personal hygiene products, water, household chemicals, almost 10 tons in total, in a day. in the dpr , the regional public movement donetsk republic joined the collection of humanitarian aid. the cargo included food, medicine, clothing and footwear. including baby food, food, bottled water, diesel generators were sent by lipetsk and bryansk united russia members, acting secretary of the general council of the party vladimir yakushev noted that the party activists are guided by the targeted requests of the residents of the kursk region, and are also ready to help in organizing the transportation of people, representatives of the party and literally from the first hours our
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fellow party members and representatives of the young guard have been working where people need help. these are temporary accommodation points, these are issues related to logistics in order to organize the correct evacuation of the population, this is work with humanitarian aid. also, representatives of the party and representatives of the young guard of the bryansk region are working there in the kursk region helping to organize all processes related to the events that are happening there. and to the news from the fronts, a special military operation during.
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saboteurs of the armed forces of ukraine, who tried to land on the kinburn spit, which is on the dnieper. on high-speed boats under the cover of fire support boats, the militants broke through towards the left bank, they began to suffer losses only after setting foot on land, our minefields were there, those who tried to go further, the russian military opened fire to kill. the result of such a showy ukrainian operation is -12 saboteurs and two blown up boats. this is not the first attempt at sabotage in this area for the ukrainian armed forces. on the one hand, it is a tasty line, having gained a foothold on which the militants could report on their control of the dnieper mouth. however , it is practically impossible to gain a foothold in the area under fire, and therefore all this is nothing more than an image story. it is possible that the liquidated ukrainian armed forces fighters also have a flag,
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against the background of which they intended to take a photo and send it to the west as curators. meanwhile, a series of explosions were heard in the regions of ukraine today: dnepropetrovsk, pavlograd, kremenchuk. our military continues to carry out group strikes on ukrainian armed forces facilities in the ukrainian rear. almost two dozen in a week. from august 3 to august 9, 2024 , the russian armed forces carried out 19 group strikes with high-precision weapons and strike unmanned aerial vehicles, which resulted in the destruction of... the ukrainian military-industrial complex , related energy facilities, airfield infrastructure, air defense systems, assembly shops and storage sites for strike unmanned aerial vehicles. in addition in addition, fuel bases, weapons and ammunition depots, areas of concentration of the fsu reserve, temporary deployment points of units of nationalist formations of foreign mercenaries were hit. the situation is changing on the fronts, every day, our
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military groups of the center are improving the situation along the front line, delivering. command a lot of problems in the pokrovsk direction, three important settlements were liberated there in a week, such an advance will allow in the near future to take the pokrovsk-konstantinovka highway under fire, and this is a blow to rear support of the armed forces of ukraine in pokrovsk. in the zaporizhzhya direction, the vostok group continues to push back the ukrainian formations from the territory of the region, in a week important lines were occupied in the direction of the settlement of velikaya novosyolka. important zavodny for the settlement there were difficult long battles, the participants of the operation were awarded state awards, call sign mark, one of the awardees, he
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broke through the line of defense of the militants in armored vehicles, despite serious damage to the vehicle and his own wounds, he delivered our infantrymen to the destination point, pronegroup are great, the guys didn't lose their heads at all, that is, they flew in one after another, the most important thing for me is to watch the road, so that i can somehow steer around it, because... mines, they still somehow throw them off, they try to mine the road right away. today , such interesting footage appeared from the kharkov region. our intelligence learned the coordinates of a buried command post of the ukrainian armed forces, this is malinovka, kharkov region. presumably, the high-ranking officers who led the sabotage operation were sitting there, and they were located away from the front line, from those whom they send on obviously failed missions, but from our high-precision munitions. it still didn’t work out to protect ourselves. denis alekseev, olga rebrova, news! the official tourist portal
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visit to petersburg invites you to go on a trip to the city on the neva. st. petersburg surprises and delights! the great history of the past and new tourist geography, classic modern routes, great museums and creative spaces. the official tourist portal visit to will help you find the perfect trip for the whole family petersburg. feel the unique atmosphere of petersburg, the city where a good mood is born. what is mining, who has the right to do it and what can the mined cryptocurrency be used for, all this is now officially defined. the corresponding package of laws was signed. president. taras kucherenko will tell you more about the significance of this event. the cryptocurrency sphere in russia has acquired a long-awaited legal basis. the president signed a package of laws that regulates
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mining and also allows external trading settlements with digital assets. cryptocurrency mining activities in the country will officially occupy their niche in the russian economy from november 1. it will be possible for companies and individual entrepreneurs included in a special register of individuals so. such registration will not be required provided that they do not exceed the energy consumption limits set by the government, experts call the adoption of such a law a historic event. before our eyes, a new high-tech industry is being formed, in which russia will become one of world leaders. the country already ranks second in terms of mining volume. last year, our market doubled, 54,000 bitcoins worth $3.5 billion were mined. but... again, when the industry is already regulated, i think that those players who are present now will
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expand, their areas of responsibility and influence will expand, volumes will expand, other players will appear, and accordingly, tax transfers will increase, so all this tax revenue, jobs, will certainly give impetus to new investments in our industry. the initiative to regulate mining was put forward by the president at a meeting in july, he particularly noted the prospects of the industry and its growing volumes. an average of 16 billion kilowatt-hours are spent annually on cryptocurrency mining, that is, almost 1.5% of total energy consumption, and this figure will only increase. affordable tariffs for... electricity is one of the reasons for the popularity of mining in the country. we also have many production sites that can be easily reoriented to mining. all this makes russia is an ideal place for mining digital
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currencies. legislative regulation of this process will provide employment not only for many it specialists, but also for people in blue-collar jobs, electricians, engineers. in turn, tax revenues to the budget can amount to 50-60 billion rubles per year. in addition, these are taxes. we estimate the tax effect of the industry at 50 billion rubles per year, this is also the development of end-to-end technologies, artificial intelligence, distributed ledger technology, without the development of these technologies, leadership in the digital world. very soon, from september 1, russia will also begin to implement regulations on exchange trading and international payments in cryptocurrency, which, under sanctions , can become an effective payment instrument, the first test cross-border payments are planned to be carried out before...
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cross-border payments in order to pay for something within the framework of partnerships, from the point of view of circumventing sanctions, this can really help, since this gives some new payment infrastructure, especially in order to conduct cross-border payments. experts summarize the need for legislative regulation of the cryptocurrency sector has been long overdue, it will allow not only russian miners to reach a new level, but... to attract multi-billion dollar investments to the industry, as well as to create a new independent system of international settlements. an open training session of the russian national volleyball team was held in novogorsk, moscow region, a gathering of the best volleyball players of the country and their titled coaches, is taking place on the eve of a unique tournament that will be held in moscow next weekend. with details alexander abramov. in russian volleyball it is still the off-season, the leading players
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of the country are back from vacation. have already left before the start of the official season about a month more, it is the best time for experiments and new formats, i really, really like it and i think it will be a performance. the volleyball performance is two unique matches that will take place next weekend. 28 best volleyball players of russia, 28 best volleyball players of the country, will be divided into two teams: the players will be selected in turn at a kind of draft ceremony titled coaches, who will get to whom, who with whom? will play, it's a mystery for now, i know the situation in the whole world in volleyball, and i guarantee that the whole world hires as many good and young players as russia. in russia, especially among men's, well, men, choosing the conditionally best 28 there will not be much difficulty. in russian volleyball , matches in such a format will be held for the first time, either
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a match of stars, or you... it is quite difficult to reformat something like this with a show format, it itself contains these elements of volleyball, all this is due to the fact that in itself, the decision-making split second. everything will take place in the updated sports complex druzhba. the coaches of the women's teams will be the current head coach of the women's team and the champion of the country kazan dynamo akbar sazoran terzic and the legend of russian volleyball nikolai karpol. we have already discussed among ourselves who will get to which coach, maybe there are some preferences, yes, we guessed and who can get to which coach, but they say that it will be absolutely random way to get out, we are on the same team and naturally i will not be comfortable with him, but as they say, you also need to get out of your comfort zone, so if i get to nikolai vasilyevich karpol, it will also be interesting, it will be interesting to see how it
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will all be different. we love and popularize volleyball, and of course, such a confrontation simply adds points to our sport. the men's team includes european champions and a silver medalist of the tokyo olympics, but maxim mikhailov stands out especially. the only one in this team who 12 years ago won the olympic gold in london, just under the guidance of vladimir olekn. of course, i'm not here just to practice, there are already people here
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who. very high level, who also lost, played in many places, that's exactly to pass on some experience. alexander abramov, mikhail averenkov, dmitry timofeev and alexander stalmashevsky. news. to earn on my savings, i open a deposit in t-bank with a rate of 18%. i can top it up from any bank by number. phone without commission. open a deposit in t-bank with a rate of 18%. te-bank. it is the only one. if anything, we can in the evening. if anything, it will not work. if anything, we will swim. these are symptoms of prostatitis. longidaza promotes the breakdown of fibrous tissue and helps eliminate the consequences of prostatitis. longidaza against prostatitis. rent, relax.
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stay at cean for a day. tired of?


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