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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 1:00am-1:31am MSK

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adventure with a spark, but hit yourself on the head, you have a nickname, where you need to go, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you stupidly want, where you need to go, spark, soon, the fight against terrorism has become. in the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions , a counter-terrorist operation regime is being introduced, the decision was made by the director of the fsb alexander bortnikov. the goal is to ensure
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the safety of citizens and suppress the threat of terrorist attacks by sabotage and reconnaissance formations of the enemy. as noted in the national anti-terrorist committee, kiev made an unprecedented attempt to destabilize the situation in a number of regions of russia. in connection with the counter-terrorist operation regime , additional measures are being taken in three regions to ensure security, maintain law and order, and strengthen the protection of facilities. in the border areas of the kursk region , the operation to destroy the armed forces of ukraine continues. over the past 24 hours, the enemy has lost more than 280 people and 27 military vehicles, including four tanks. this was reported by our ministry of defense. attempts by militants to penetrate deep into russian territory have been thwarted. territory. our military carried out several powerful strikes against them at once. in the sudzhansky district, for example, enemy positions in the forest belt were destroyed. the strikes were carried out by army aviation pilots, and artillerymen did the finishing work. in this footage, the ukrainian armed forces lose another tank on the border. its location. reserve units
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of equipment on the territory of the neighboring sumy region, our su-34 fighter crew released a three-ton aerial bomb. the defense ministry also reported that our group in the kursk direction will be reinforced in the coming hours armored vehicles, artillery systems and other strike equipment. border areas of the kursk region, which suffered from attacks by the ukrainian armed forces, began to receive one-time payments of 10 thousand rubles, rio governor alexey smirnov reported. he also said that the authorities are taking measures for the prompt and safe evacuation of people, in general, everything necessary is being done to support them. additional teams of doctors and ambulances have arrived in the kursk region, and all necessary humanitarian aid is being sent from neighboring regions countries. and from the federal government,
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today also signed documents on payments, we start at night, now the first payments on the first lists, we also posted phone numbers and addresses where you can apply for assistance, for damage caused, for accommodation, for treatment, everything necessary will be provided. russia notified the magate about the situation at the kursk npp. this was reported by the permanent mission of our country to international organizations in vienna. diplomats noted that fragments of downed missiles were presumably found at the station. as the post-president stated that ukraine's reckless actions threaten not only the russian nuclear facility, but also put the entire global nuclear industry at risk. in turn, director general magath stressed the need to ensure the physical integrity of the nuclear power plant. rafael grossi
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called on all parties to exercise maximum restraint. he noted that he is in contact with the authorities of both countries and is monitoring the situation. the flow of people arriving at temporary accommodation points in the kursk region continues to increase. in order to collect everything necessary, those who were forced to leave their homes, open aid centers. they bring blankets, pillows, first aid kits, everything they need. hundreds of people come. they sort the kits.
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without food, without water, it's much more difficult, without shelter. in kursk, there are more and more temporary accommodation centers, in this tent city, something like a transit point, buses come here, pick up those who want to go, take them wherever they want. these ones. paz buses will deliver pensioners and disabled people to tula, they are escorted by a social worker and sudzhi. this is an orphan, this is an orphan, they have no one except me, i couldn't leave them, you know, to go somewhere to save yourself, because this is above all, to live not as a traitor. the feed from the cannonade and machine gun bursts send and children from the shelled villages and villages. they go for rest and treatment, many regions are ready to accept. this group is going to the moscow region. many thanks to the organizers who organized such an event, it takes us out, because it is very, of course. such is our situation now very very difficult, at first it was not so good, while they were loading there, we managed to leave from bandarevka, the most important thing is her phone, charger, bag with necessary things,
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mutual assistance helps people who have lost their homes and in general all their property to hold on, they tried to escape from under fire in any way, the story of ivan kovalev became known thanks to his records, he sent ... mom on one of the buses, he himself got out of sudzha on foot. i look, and he, it was already empty, he had already dropped this projectile, and it was already empty, and then i ran as fast as i could into the landing, climbed into the pipe there, another drone was already flying by, climbed into the drain pipe, into this storm drain, i watched from there, waited for them to stop buzzing, for them to drop, so that i could continue walking ivana and his mother were lucky, they were able to reach the shelter alive, they saved their cat, very... so, go get carried away, almost all the residents of the border villages and towns kept pets, cows, goats, ducks, of course, it was impossible to take them out to the city, i ask you to free my animals, 32 goslings, two dogs, a large and a small one, one large bolier and a small one are locked in
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the house, chickens, oh, the broilers are locked, seven pieces, i'm sorry, they were under fire and shelters for cats and dogs, the director of one of them has the right to live, through social networks she appealed to everyone who can temporarily provide shelter to pets, the situation is very tense, the animals are simply, i don’t know, hitting the cages and climbing out, bending the enclosures, it’s simply impossible to watch, so we ask for help from everyone who can take in at least someone, it’s now almost impossible to drive to sudzha in a straight line, enemy drones are always hanging in the sky looking for a target, anatoly’s son was driving ahead in his car with his wife and two daughters, an explosion of shrapnel blood from the fountain's neck, cows from here, wife nearby, and children, well my grandchildren on the backside, well what, then he to me, i say that he covers me,
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go, doctors saved my son anatoly, they sent him by plane to moscow, they sent our colleague, zhenya poddubny, on the same flight , today footage appeared of how i met him on the highway. well, blood dried up, only one eye was open on top of him was still running, burned, i don't know, the other one might have fallen, but he walked swaying, yes, but he was conscious, i
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asked him, i say, do you have a baseball, no, no need, got it, started to wind up, to the hospital, he says, we need to go to the hospital , i see a car coming from below, it pulled up, it says, bro, we won’t get through there, there are mines, he says, we need help, bro, i say, throw it up, he says, there should be doctors there, in a moment of danger, the residents of the border region have become one family, they accept the sudzhans at their home, feed them, clothe them, risk their lives to take bedridden invalids out from under the fire of terrorists, as the priest, father evgeny shestopalov, does, he himself saw how the militants of the armed forces of ukraine behave on our land, the army should to fight with the army, and not these... i don't even know what to call them, who simply shoot at civilians, we know this, we saw it, and we heard from people and saw their eyes, and we saw what was happening on the highways, on the roads, our army, it is with god, if god is with us, then who is against us?
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the whole country knows about the situation in the kursk region: caravans with humanitarian aid are coming here from large and small cities. this is one of the distribution centers of the all-russian people's front in kursk. just last night they delivered here 160 tons. this is humanitarian aid from all regions of russia. cereals, canned goods, long-life products. volunteers will distribute it all into packages, sample sets to... deliver to temporary accommodation points. some of these food sets will also be given to residents of the border town of rylsk. today , about 54 people decided to temporarily leave their homes on buses until the situation stabilizes. all of them can count on the support of the authorities by calling the hotline. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov, alexandra berezkina and mikhail shum, vesti kursk region. our colleague, war correspondent yevgeny poddubny, is under 24-hour observation by doctors at the sklifosovsky institute. specialist. they are making every effort to ensure his speedy recovery, they assess zhenya's condition as serious but stable,
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a long rehabilitation period lies ahead, friends, yes, of course, a burn injury is a fairly serious injury, and burns are divided into several degrees, respectively, the most severe are deep burns, which require constant dressings, constant sanitation, the so-called non-correctectomy, when removes... dead tissue, respectively, we wait for regeneration, specially for this purpose certain methods of treatment are used, then subsequently, when e occurs completely, as it were, the removal of all these necrotic tissues, their own and burn surgeons, combustiologists are already beginning to form, they move on to the stage when they perform plastic surgery of the skin, also in certain ways, but this is such a distant period, which does not occur in one week. after the shelling in the kursk region, 55 are in hospital treatment injured, including eight children
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, said health minister mikhail murashka. according to him, 12 people are in serious condition. the minister noted that reinforced combined medical teams continue to work in the region, and the provision of assistance is coordinated by the federal center for disaster medicine. murashka also said that today two more children injured in the shelling were taken to moscow for treatment, to the russian children's clinical hospital. the day before, i remind you, two small patients were admitted to the emergency pediatric trauma surgery department. the seven-year-old girl was operated on in kursk before the evacuation, the question of the need for an operation for the eight-year-old boy is being decided. the difficulty is that the fragment is inside the skull, which means that in the area of ​​the cranial canal there is a small hematoma, small in size, our surgeons assume that it will still be advisable to remove this fragment. so far, the issue has not been finally resolved, but most likely an operation will be required. recovery
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will be long, especially for the girl, after stabilization of her condition after her transfer to independent breathing, we will transfer to the general department, in the future there will be a long rehabilitation. literally the whole country has united around the kursk region now, they are sending tons of humanitarian aid, the regions are expressing their readiness to accept families left without shelter and to provide them with the necessary support. about the scale of aid. margarita semenyuk. six aid collection points in kursk are currently accepting tons of humanitarian aid from the regions of russia. at the points of unloading, sorting and issuing necessary things more thousands of volunteers. more than 100 tons have already been accumulated here. we also brought radioactive warfare equipment for ambulances, for our brikas, plus armor protection equipment, personal protective equipment, the so-called for...
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what is needed, residents of voronezh have already sent several batches of humanitarian aid, collected new washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens and diesel generators, traditionally water, canned goods, food. volunteer from ufa tatyana plotvina, having learned about the attack of the ukrainian armed forces militants on residents of sudzhansky district in the kursk region was afraid for her compatriots, quickly collected the first, but not the last parcel for the victims. we must help with our hearts, help with our souls, because how will we leave people, our russians, they are our people, they are ours, like family. the oryol region, the closest to kursk, was one
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of the first to begin accepting refugees from sudzha, they are staying with their families, mainly women and children. all volunteer organizations in all regions of the country quickly joined the work in priority for collecting, medicines, clothing for adults and children, personal hygiene items, long-life food products. drinking water, bedding, folding beds and mattresses, child care products and more. in the kursk region , 20 temporary accommodation points have been opened, now there are hundreds of people from the sudzhansky district, almost half of them are children. margarita semenyuk, irina zaborskaya, vesti. the humanitarian aid batches are being formed in the united russia branches. in sevastopol, in one day, activists collected
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baby food, personal hygiene products, water, household chemicals, almost 10 tons in total. dpr regional public movement donetsk republic joined the collection of aid as part of the cargo food, medicine, clothing and footwear, including children's, food, bottled water, diesel generators were sent by lipetsk and bryansk united russia, acting secretary of the party's agent council vladimir yakushev, noted that the party activists are guided by the targeted requests of residents of the kursk region and are also ready to help in organizing the transportation of people. literally from the first hours our. also representatives of the party and representatives young guard of bryansk region work
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there in kursk region help organize all processes connected with those events. give in russian, shooting on russian territory, these are mercenaries from georgian national legion, which in our country is recognized as terrorist organization, from the very beginning of ukrainian conflict they act on the side of kiev regime, and without embarrassment pose now for camera, media effect for them is much more important than real actions, legionnaires who invaded russia few in number. georgian legion, group
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volunteers from this country, there are about 120 fighters who are helping ukraine - said. a source with direct information about the current operations in the kursk region. the commander of one of the reconnaissance groups, georgy partsevanie, brags the most in the banned social networks, posting photos and videos. georgian mercenaries are part of the international legion of ukrainian territorial defense. it was formed from the first days of the conflict with western curators, who recruited outright scumbags, mainly from nato countries. now in the border areas, as the press writes, polish mercenaries have been spotted, they are armed, including american carbines and rifles, the fact that there are poles is for me, my guys work there, they confirmed it too, i kind of called literally before the broadcast, they themselves heard the negotiations in polish, so i kind of state this with confidence, the presence of polish mercenaries, this question is very interesting, because in reality
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these are polish servicemen, that is , it turns out that polish servicemen invaded... western mercenaries regularly were targeted by russian troops on ukrainian territory. their ranks have thinned considerably over the course of the conflict. that is why warsaw and kiev agreed in july to create a new unit of ukrainians in europe. they are trained in poland by nato instructors and then thrown into battle. true, the invasion of the kursk region is presented in foreign media as an independent initiative of kiev, such as the american television channel cnn. ukraine's decision to transfer most of its meager military resources across the border to russia is in pursuit of headlines, but so far with unclear strategic goal, marks either a moment of despair or inspiration for ukraine, perhaps it heralds this...
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in kiev, i think that military consultants from nato countries are also present there, certainly american military advisers are somewhere nearby, but it seems that the american advisers did not take into account the main thing, all the photos and videos that are actively published by foreign mercenaries become direct evidence of the participation of the west and nato in organizing the ukrainian sortie and committing war crimes on russian territory, for which all ideological... innovators and performers will definitely be punished. boris ivanin, anna pogonina and anna nikolaesh, news. a passenger plane has crashed in brazil. according to
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preliminary data, there were 61 people on board, all of them died. there was no information about our compatriots being on this flight, this was reported in the russian media. let me remind you that the tragedy occurred in the state of sao paulo, the medium-haul turboprop atr-72 was performing a domestic flight. the footage shows how the air... it is known that the plane did not send a distress signal, emergency services, firefighters, as well as military police and civil defense forces are working at the crash site. the president of brazil honored the victims of the tragedy with a minute of silence during his speech. the russian consulate general in the united states will seek consular access to the citizen. the united states announced his extradition from cyprus to the united states. the reason for the accusation is the illegal export of american
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microelectronics to russia. petrov, who is also a citizen of germany, was arrested in cyprus in august at the request of washington. last year. in the united states , a criminal case has been opened against petrov for smuggling, fraud and money laundering. allegedly, the russian bypassed export controls and transferred military-grade microelectronics to russia. in southern lebanon , a high-ranking hamas commander was killed as a result of an israeli strike. according to the idf, samer mahmoud al-haj was responsible for launching shells at israeli territory. according to some reports, he headed the security service of the hamas military wing in the palestinian refugee camp. the movement itself confirmed his death. as they write media, the strike on the commander's car was carried out by a drone. hamas will continue to adhere to the main conditions in negotiations with israel , the official representative of the movement in lebanon said. tel aviv has not yet responded. this morning, israel struck an airbase in southwestern syria.
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anna voronina has the latest details. israel is still waiting for an attack. the mayor of haifa called on residents to stock up on water and food for at least 6 days, predicting that hezbollah and iran could fire 4.0 rockets per day at the municipality. in other cities of israel blood supplies are being moved to fortified underground facilities. has stopped listening to advice and instructions from western sponsors. at the same time, analysts believe that israel itself the situation with the murders of ismail haniyeh and fuad
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shukr, which were apparently not coordinated with washington, shows the jewish state's loss of faith in the ability of the united states to resolve issues in the middle east. israelis certainly appreciate the help that america has provided since october 7. they know that they need america on their side in any confrontation. but at the same time they realize that the us lacks any effective strategy to counter iran's nuclear program or to stop its encirclement of israel. the paradox is that after october 7, israel became more dependent on american power, but less convinced that america can effectively use it. the us is clearly not ready to give up its image as the hegemon in the middle east , and is trying in every way to convince that iran did not strike israel solely because of their diplomatic.
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iran to refuse to respond, because it is not just about retaliation, but about national security on the territory of the republic. perhaps, if you understand, ismail heni had been killed somewhere there in some other point of the globe, iran would not have reacted so sharply. in words, of course, yes, but in fact it would, of course , not have done anything, here the issue is not the fact of murders and not, in the fact that they simply attacked iran here, specifically, iran regards this as, strictly speaking, an attempt to do everything possible to humiliate him, if, strictly speaking, iran does not react in principle, then israel may feel that it got away with it and tomorrow, so to speak, it can do exactly the same thing, that is, repeat this history. in tehran itself, the decision to cancel the strike on
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israel is so. the inevitable upcoming response, as well as coordination with the axis in any joint operations. the decision to retaliate is a collective decision, both at the level of the entire axis and at the level of each front separately. against the backdrop of such statements, the idea of ​​resuming negotiations on a ceasefire in gaza next week seems, at the very least, fantastic. however, the us plans to discuss this issue
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with israel, with the participation of qatar and egypt. already on august 15. anna voronina, anna pogonina, vesti.
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let's translate from official language into understandable language. everything is not so scary if there is an instruction. the cryptocurrency sphere in russia has acquired a long-awaited legal basis: the president signed a package of laws that regulates mining and also allows foreign trade settlements with digital assets. cryptocurrency mining activities in the country will officially occupy their niche in the russian economy from november 1. it will be available to companies and individual entrepreneurs included in a special register. individuals do not need such registration.


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