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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 3:00am-3:30am MSK

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the fight against terrorism was the topic of vladimir putin's operational meeting with permanent members of the security council president. in the border areas of the kursk region , the operation to destroy the armed forces of ukraine continues, in a day the enemy lost more than 280 people and 27 military vehicles, including four. tanks,
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our defense ministry reported, attempts by militants to penetrate deep into russian territory have been thwarted, our military carried out several powerful strikes against them at once. in the sudzhansky district, for example, enemy positions have been destroyed in forest belt. the strikes were carried out by army aviation pilots. the artillerymen carried out the finishing blow. in this footage, the ukrainian armed forces lose another tank on the border; its location was identified from the air. it drove off the road into a forest, where they worked on it with a targeting and loitering missile. and at the temporary deployment point of the militants and the parking lot of reserve units of equipment in the neighboring sumy region, our crew of the so-34 fighter fired a three-ton aerial bomb. the ministry of defense also reported that our group in the kursk direction in the next few hours will be reinforced with armored vehicles, artillery systems and other strike equipment. for the safe evacuation of residents of the border district region will be accepted.
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arrive one after another, help from neighboring and distant regions, volunteers work from morning until late at night, there are not enough hands, today is a day off, so i decided to help people, the work is hellish, but as for the people there, who stand without food, without water, much more difficult, without shelter. in kursk, there are more and more temporary accommodation points, in this tent city, something like a transit point, buses come here, pick up those who want to go. they take whoever where,
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these paz buses will deliver pensioners and disabled people to tula, a social worker from sudzha sees them off. this is an orphan, this is an orphan, they have no one except me, i couldn't leave them, you know, to go somewhere to save themselves, because this is above all, to live not as a traitor. the feed from the cannonade and machine gun bursts sends children from shelled villages and towns. they go for rest and treatment, many regions are ready to accept. this group is heading to the moscow region. many thanks to the organizers who organized such an event, it takes us out, because...
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i'm recording it, he sent his mother on one of the buses, he himself got out of the sudzha on foot, i look, and he already had it empty, he had already dropped this projectile, and it was already empty, and then i ran as fast as i could to the landing, climbed into the pipe there, another drone was already flying by, climbed into the drain pipe, into this storm drain, so i watched from there, waited until they stopped buzzing, until they dropped, so that to go further, ivana and his mother were lucky, they were able to reach the shelter alive, saved their... almost all the residents of the border villages and towns kept pets, cows, goats, ducks, of course, it was impossible to take them to the city, i ask you to release my animals, 32 goslings, two dogs, a large and a small one, one large in an enclosure and a small one locked in the house, chickens, oh, broilers are locked, seven pieces, pigs, shelters for cats and dogs were also under fire. the director of one
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of them, the right to live, appealed to social networks to everyone who can temporarily provide shelter for pets. the situation is very tense, the animals are simply, i don’t know, hitting their cages. and climbing out, bending the enclosures, it’s simply impossible to watch, so we ask for help from everyone who can take in at least one. it is now almost impossible to drive to sudzha in a straight line, enemy drones are always hanging in the sky looking for a target. anatoly buremenko’s son was driving ahead in his car, with his wife and two daughters, an explosion, shrapnel, blood from fountains of necks. blood from here, my wife is nearby, and the children, well, my grandchildren. back, well, then he to me, i i say, i say that he covers for me, go, doctors saved my son anatoly, they sent him to moscow by plane, they sent our colleague, zhenya poddubny, on the same flight, today footage appeared of how he was met on
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the highway, passing by the burning car of the war correspondent, the driver sergei. dyom, alive, i look, on the left, the car is burning behind the landing. well , somehow unexpectedly, and from the landing onto the road a man comes out, tries to walk, you could say, i asked how i am, i say , do you have a first aid kit, he doesn't, i say, go, i have everything, i say, brother, how are you, i didn't recognize him, well, the blood was caked, only one eye was open, i was bleeding from above, still burned, i don't know, the other one might have fallen, but... he was swaying, yes, but he was conscious, i didn't ask, i say, are you painless, no, no need, i got it, i started to rush, to the hospital, he says , we need to go to the hospital, i see a car coming from below,
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it pulled up, he says, brother, we can't get through there, there are mines, he says, we need help, brother, i say, throw it up, i say, there should be medics there, in a moment of danger to live. and saw what was happening on the highways, on the roads, our army, it is with god, if god is with us, then who is against us? and the whole country knows about the situation in the kursk region, caravans with humanitarian aid are coming here from large and small cities, this is one of the distribution centers of the all-russian people's front in
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kursk, last night alone 160 tons were delivered here, this is humanitarian aid from all regions of russia, cereals, canned goods, long-term storage products, volunteers will distribute it all in... a package, a food set, later they will deliver it to temporary accommodation points. part of these food packages will also be given to residents of the border town of rylsk. today , about five hundred people decided to temporarily leave their homes on buses until the situation stabilizes. all of them can count on the support of the authorities by calling the hotline. alexander ivanov, andrey kutsov, alexandra berezkina and mikhail shum, vesti kurskaya oblast. our colleague, war correspondent yevgeny podubny, is under 24-hour medical supervision.
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nation, the so-called non-correctectomy, when dead tissue is removed, respectively, we we are waiting for regeneration, special treatment methods are used for this, then later, when all these nicrotized tissues are completely removed , their own burn surgeons, combustiologists are already beginning to form, they move on to the stage when they perform plastic surgery of the skin in certain ways, but this is such a distant period, which comes... in one week. after the shelling in the kursk region, 55 victims are in hospital treatment, including eight children - reported the minister of health mikhail murashka. according to him, 12 people are in serious condition. the minister noted that reinforced combined medical teams continue to work in the region,
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and the provision of assistance is coordinated by the federal center for disaster medicine. murashka also reported that today two more children injured in the shelling were taken to moscow for treatment, to the russian children's clinical hospital. let me remind you that the day before, two small patients from the kursk region were received by the research institute of emergency children's surgery and traumatology, and in other capital clinics brought three adults. i welcome you, dear friends, to our next issue of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called where does a person begin. i think that you will understand why we named our program that way. but as usual, i would like to first report to you that our previous program on the channel. russia on the channel russia 24, in social networks, vkontakte, telegram,
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odnoklassniki, zen, and so on, was watched by more than 11 million people, which we are of course very happy about and grateful to you for your attention to us. i also wanted to digress for a second and tell you the following: look, this is a list of our official channels, besagon, everything else that you see in the telegram channel, on other platforms - swindlers, extortionists, fraudsters who cannot be trusted, they ask you to subscribe, they will insert my photos, do not believe them, real resources, here are the ones that i just showed you, i can not help but answer the numerous questions that were asked to me about the olympics, you know, i do not want to, frankly, now on this to dwell on this in detail, because this topic has already been sufficiently covered, condemned, and so on and so forth, you remember what we are talking about, what seems to me to be the degree
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of hopefulness is that not only we, not only in our country, are outraged by what people saw at the opening of the olympic games in paris, but this affected a huge number of not only christians around the world, but also people professing other religions, remember this... not so, saying that it is disgusting, it is not art. journalists, public
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activists, bloggers and even athletes condemned the concept of the event, calling it a disgrace. french journalist juliette brienne of the publication lancorect wrote about the opening ceremony of the games as an afrik show, and moreover, apologized to the whole world and refused to cover the olympics. as a sincere french patriot, i refuse to participate in this freak show and apologize to you, world, the guardian columnist said about the ceremony as a toxic spectacle. and yes.
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not on purpose, but i repeat to you, the god of shelmma medic, it is precisely in connection with this, when the flag is already was hanged correctly, witty internet users had this image, look, well, you know what it means: 666 is the sign of the beast, it is the sign of satan, by and large this is generally
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true, because it is absolute satanism, to mock the last supper for the whole world, it is punishable, maybe not immediately, but inevitably, but today i would like to talk about something else, and i think that for us it is no less important... than the olympic games, and by and large it is much more important. what is the basis for the future of the country, this people, this is demography. look at what state duma deputy pyotr tolstoy says about this. listen. i'll just say briefly that we want to ban the adoption of children from russia by citizens of those countries where gender reassignment is permitted. an initiative is being developed that is aimed at improving the quality of medical services provided in the area of ​​providing services for artificial
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termination of pregnancy. and the initiative is being developed, in fact, in the coming days it will be. submitted to the state duma on recognition the right to life, health protection before the birth of a child, this is very important, and our doctors talk about this, thank you for your support, that's what 's interesting, although the words spoken by pyotr tolstoy were met with applause, nevertheless, an absolutely opposite, negative reaction immediately arose to what he said, concerns immediately arose about a complete ban on abortions, about the middle ages, obscurantism , and so on and so forth. his proposal implies an amendment to paragraph one of article 18 of the law on the fundamentals of health protection of citizens russian federation. and now it will sound like this: everyone has the right to health care both before and after birth. that
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is, it means that assistance should be provided, including to the unborn child, fortunately, today medicine can do this while he is in the womb of the mother, and this is not like an operation that is done to the mother, but this is an operation that is done to the fetus, that is , another creature, a living person, this is of course the greatest achievement of science and medicine, but surprisingly, many lawyers believe that this law has little chance of seeing the light of day. it is strange why this is so, because, for example, there are countries in which the rights of an unborn person are protected by law, these are slovakia, the czech republic, ecuador, honduras, guatemala, chile, hungary, the dominican republic, madagascar and many, many other countries. and we don’t even have to go far.
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abkhazia, a wonderful post-soviet country with a rather tragic history. in 2016 , it adopted an amendment to the law on healthcare, here’s what it says: the state recognizes the right to life of an unborn child from the moment of conception prohibits artificial termination of pregnancy, but why are we again not talking about a ban, we are talking about ethics, what i want to understand what is very important to understand, so if ... think about it, just think about it, can you imagine that from the moment life appeared on earth, from the moment billions, billions, billions of people were born, there was not a single identical person, that is, these are billions of completely different individuals, they can be similar, they can be of the same
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nationality, skin color, eye shape, but they are individual, and that means that each... a born person is just an unborn, new individual, a new unique being, the highest creation of nature, but if we break away from thinking about universal human ethics, about religious ethics and so on, just come down to earth and think about - the practical meaning of what we want to talk about, because we know that... the results of termination of pregnancy, that is, the embryo, it can be used for treatment, rescue, even saving other people from various diseases, but let's turn to the dictionary of biomedical these, here's what it says there: the basis of the ban on the use of an embryo or its tissues for the purposes
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of biomedical research is the opposition. this is a lot, what else, this is regeneration in a broad sense, then we need mechanisms, we need a certain degree of scientific and medical
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freedom, obviously, at some stages you can quite calmly try to replace, move away from organ transplantation and the patient save his life by transplanting fetal, that is... cells - liver or mesanchymal stem cells, taken from second-trimester fetuses. in this video , gennady tikhonovich sukhikh explains that aborted human embryos can be used as medicinal raw materials for sick people, using so-called fetal cells, but it is impossible to obtain them without, so to speak, killing the fetus. moreover, a fairly large one, as is believed, having reached 12 weeks of its, so to speak, existence,
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i want to immediately make a reservation, gennady tikhonovich sukhikh is a great professional, he is a doctor of medical sciences, he heads the center of obstetrics, gynecology and perinatology named after academician kulakov, his merits are noted by the state, he is a knight of the order. servants to the fatherland, he is a laureate of the state prize in the field of science in 2022 and so on and so forth, he accepts the most difficult cases of his life, saves a huge number of people, his role is huge in increasing the birth rate, he says something absolutely fair, with which it is impossible not to agree, so so-called fetal therapy, it can save from a huge number of diseases, for example, from diseases of the central nervous system.
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why can't this be done? however, in russia there is a law from june 23, 2016 , number 180 fz on biomedical cell products, according to which in our country it is unacceptable to use for the development, production and application of biomedical cell products biological material obtained by interrupting the development process of a human embryo or fetus or disrupting such a process. all this is prohibited. well, look at the picture. i will quote
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once again the words of academician gennady tikhonovich sukhikh, with which it is impossible not to agree. listen, the thing is that research in the field of embryonic stem cells is associated with something controversial. the right to decide whether this pregnancy will develop or not belongs to. my woman, tell me, where is the ethics here, is it ethical to flush biologically invaluable material that can not only save, but also revive another life down the drain, an absolutely fair remark. and they continue this thought of the authors of the monograph, high-risk newborns. if abortion is considered a violation of the fetus's right to life, how... should we treat the fact that in 2000 alone , about 2 million artificial abortions were performed in our country, if
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2 million abortions were performed in the country in 2000 alone, then why can't the results of this abortion be used to save another person, well, that's fair, or is it better to just flush it down the drain, but here the question arises, why were 2 million abortions performed, and what number of these 2 million abortions were mandatory, necessary to save, say, a woman's life, here a conflict arises between in the cause-and-effect relationship, you understand what i'm talking about, and now let's see how this... law number 180 fz correlates with article 17, paragraph 2 of the constitution of the russian federation, look, the basic rights and
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freedoms of a person. are inalienable and belong to everyone from birth, that is, legally a child in the womb of the mother, he is not considered a person, his rights are protected from birth, that is, in other words, our left hand does not know what the right hand is doing, on the one hand we consider it immoral to use an embryo, an unborn one, as if considering it protected by the state, as... a person, on the other hand, according to the constitution , only someone who has already been born is considered a person. and let's remember again who wrote this constitution for us in 1993? american advisers sat on two floors in the white house, wrote laws for us and wrote the constitution for us, by the way, or all the laws, all the decrees that yeltsin and gaidar adopted,
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i do.
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77% of russians believe that a child is already a human being before birth, 72% allow abortion only for medical reasons, according to research by the institute of sociology of the federal research sociological center of the russian academy of sciences. now listen, just this is the point of view, just a man, just a person, just a father. this is the singer vasily vakulenko, aka the famous basta.
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with a person, i understand, can you imagine, in a woman there is a person, alive, not just some organ, but just alive a man inside you, he pushes there, imagine what is happening in a woman's head emotionally, then she gives birth and says, it's him, and you, she takes it, we know each other in principle, good, good day, and then what can a man do stronger.


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