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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 4:00am-4:31am MSK

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meters, it turns out, they did an ultrasound, to which she told me that there is a dense egg, there is no embryo, the embryo is not developing, supposedly you most likely have a frozen pregnancy, we went to another clinic on admiral yumashov, there he, they did an ultrasound for me, they say everything is fine, the baby's heartbeat is audible, that's what the geneticist says, look, hello, i am a geneticist, gynecologist, crisis line save lives.
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not a single woman, and not even a social one from the central city hospital was sent for help, i'm not even talking about psychological, and we work in the corridor, that is, our specialist must consult a woman in the corridor, and the attitude of doctors has not changed, that is, doctors are still negatively disposed towards our work, as they tell us, you come here, you go there and somewhere dissuade on the approach to us, they have already come to us, they have already decided everything, we have already put on gloves, we have already tuned in. and you came to dissuade them, when you hire doctors, by what criteria do you select them? well, and she said this thing, i remember it right away, she said: i do not hire gynecologists who refuse to perform abortions, we have psychologists sitting and consulting women, but women do not get to them for a consultation, they bypass our office and go to a small example of october, in 17 days of october, 20 women were referred to you for a medical abortion and not one of them went through ours.
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hope at the beginning of the term of the week of silence, to provide the woman with sufficient time for reflection and making a reasoned decision, here are the statistics in the end, for 2022 for referral for a medical abortion 217,836 women applied, of which 91.7% underwent pre-abortion counseling and
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a quarter ultimately refused artificial termination of pregnancy, and what is a quarter of this number? this is 50 thousand women who wanted to give up the child and did not do so. in one of our previous bessogons, we quoted the words of the chief physician of the orenburg city children's clinical hospital , dmitry nefedovo: remember, in fact , everything is much simpler than it seems to us, i receive about 20 million rubles a year from the state, i have a plan order, 20 million rubles a year so that i can do abortions, well, i do about 5,000 abortions a year, but i personally mean that my hospital, so that somehow prevent abortion, i do not receive a penny, because in russia such conditions have been created, it is profitable for us that people have abortions healthcare. issued, so until this
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system changes, probably it is not worth waiting for something. the most interesting thing is something else: we received about a 10% reduction in abortions, forcing doctors not just with a goat's stroke of the pen to send them to instrumental room, yes in abortari, every doctor in my hospital tells, for 5 minutes, he tells about the consequences of abortion, about the consequences that will be in the future for women. this is infertility, you know this very well, and many, many other medical and social factors, and there are world statistics, 80% of women who have had an abortion complain about this all their lives. i want you to understand me correctly, i absolutely, i do not want to offend our doctors, amazing doctors who are ready to come to the rescue day and night, i have great respect i relate to their profession and... i know how much
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they live for their profession, not for fame, money, awards, they live because they cannot live without their profession, it is their calling, it is their talent. given by god at the same time we cannot help but note a certain professional deformation, to which the ordinariness of such a phenomenon as getting rid of an unborn child leads. but what to do? here they will tell me: you talk, talk, explain, name numbers. but what to do? of course, i can have a lot of amateurish suggestions that maybe they don't even have anything in common with reality, i don't want to do this, i just think that
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the opinion of people who live in this, understand this, know this and can help to do this is more important here, so i want to suggest that you listen again... a fragment from an interview with inna yambulatova, i think that many will agree with her, i personally agree with her, the state should take on the functions of a father, if a woman is single, the state should become the man who takes on the functions of arranging this child, for example, if a woman of 18 comes, i take a conventional woman who... "i can't raise him, i have nowhere, i don't have a place to live, i don't have this, that, and then no one will need me. the state says: "okay, i take on the obligation to provide you with housing, to provide you with vitamins, clothing, work, and education,
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but you don't kill this child, i will become a father to this child, then, if you suddenly decide to give him up during some period of time, i guarantee you that i will i will find him a family that will give him love, this is a question of creating a mechanism of distributed guardianship and a mechanism for creating crisis centers to support pregnant women, women with children and women in difficult life situations, if you like, this is our answer to the western juvenile system or the law on domestic violence, this is how it should be, it should be orthodox, and what about?
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why two mrod, why do we insist on this figure: one mrod for her, and one for him, the state thus recognizes it potential future citizen already spends money on it, then, who knows how many women and men will be able to experience what the hero of sergei bondorchuk, in the film "the fate of a man", a simple soldier, andrei sokolov, experienced. remember this episode, and where is your father, vanya, died at the front, and mom, and mom was killed by bombs when we were traveling on a train, and where we left from, i don’t know,
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i don’t remember, and you don’t have any relatives here, no one. and where will you start? and where will you have to? vanyushka, do you know who i am? yes, i am yours father, daddy, darling, i knew, i knew that you would find me, shame on you, i
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waited so long for you to find me, darling, well, that's all i wanted to talk about today, i understand that there will be many doubts, objections, condemnations, but at the same time i am absolutely convinced that we have no right not to think about it, because one way or another, the existence of our country, our... people is at stake, well, in the end, without
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violating our established tradition, i want to offer all my dear viewers, as always, raise a glass to victory, to our victory. our swordsman krivorochka was late again, but he came and said, let's leave one by one, if anything, we are right, geologists, we, dear friends, are going to go on a short-term vacation, but we will not part with you, because during this entire
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time, while we are on vacation, you will be able to look back at our previous besagons, i think that in many of them the problems that we raised remain relevant, i will be looking forward to our new meeting, god willing, all the best. dear friends, i am pleased to invite you to our next episode of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called, where does a person begin, i hope it will be interesting, and i look forward to seeing you at this meeting.
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the fight against terrorism was the topic of vladimir putin's operational meeting with the permanent members of the security council. the president held it in person. today's agenda includes an operational meeting with the permanent members of the security council, a very important issue concerning individual aspects of the fight against terrorism. in the border areas of the kursk region, the operation to destroy the armed forces of ukraine continues. over the past 24 hours, the enemy has lost more than 280 people and 27 military vehicles, including four tanks. this was reported by our defense ministry. attempts by militants to penetrate deep into russian territory have been thwarted. our military carried out several powerful strikes against them. in the sudzhansky district, for example, enemy positions in a forest belt have been destroyed. the strikes were carried out by army pilots. artillerymen worked to finish off the attacks. in this footage, the ukrainian armed forces are losing another tank on
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the border, its location was identified from the air, it drove off the road into a forest, where it was targeted with a lance targeting and loitering munition. and at the temporary deployment point of militants and the parking lot of reserve units of equipment in the neighboring sumy region, our crew of the so-34 fighter jet launched a three-ton aerial bomb. the ministry of defense also reported that our group in the... kursk direction will be reinforced in the coming hours with armored vehicles, artillery systems and other strike equipment. additional measures will be taken to ensure the safe evacuation of residents of the border areas of the kursk region , the acting governor said. the flow of people arriving at temporary accommodation points continues to increase. help centers are being opened to collect everything necessary for those who were forced to leave their homes. blankets, pillows, first aid kits, tea, and sweets are being brought there. hundreds of people come, and volunteers are sorting the kits, about support and concern in difficult times,
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a report by alexander rebunov. packages and boxes are being passed from hand to hand along a chain, all of this they immediately lay out hygiene kits, food, clothes, bed linen. what these people need right now. cars with humanitarian aid arrive one after another, help from neighboring and distant regions. volunteers work from morning until late at night, there are not enough hands. i have a day off today, so i decided. buses come, pick up those who want to take them where, these paz buses will take pensioners and disabled people to tula, they are escorted by social worker sudzha, this orphan, this orphan, they have no one except me, i could not to abandon them, you understand, to go somewhere to save themselves, because this is above all, to live not as a traitor, away from the cannon fire and machine gun fire, they send children from shelled villages and towns, they go for rest and treatment,
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many regions are ready to accept them, this group is going to the moscow region, many thanks to the organizers who organized it. empty, he had already dropped this shell, and it was already empty, and then i ran as fast as i could to the landing, climbed into the pipe there, another drone was already flying by, climbed into the drain pipe, into this storm drain, i was watching from there, waiting for
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them to stop buzzing, until they dropped it, so i could go on, ivan and his mother were lucky, they made it alive...
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somehow unexpectedly, and from the landing onto the road a man i see on the left a car is burning behind the landing, well , he comes out, he is trying to walk, you could say, i
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asked how he is, i say, do you have a first aid kit, he doesn’t, i say, go, i have everything, i say, brother, how are you, i didn’t recognize him, well , the blood is caked, only one eye is open, it was running from above, he is also burned, i don’t know, the other one might have fallen, but he walked, swaying, yes, but he was conscious, i didn't ask, i said, you're painless, no, no need, got it, started to wind him up, to the hospital, he said, we need to go to the hospital, i see a car coming from below, it pulled up, he said, bro, we won't get through there, there are mines, he said, we need help, bro, i said, throw it up, he said, there should be doctors there, in times of danger the residents of the border region became one family, they take the sudzhans into their homes, feed them, clothe them, they take bedridden invalids out from under the fire of terrorists, risking their lives, like a priest does,
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father evgeny shestopalov, he saw for himself how the ukrainian armed forces militants behave on our land. centers of the all-russian people's front in kursk, 160 tons were delivered here last night alone, this is humanitarian aid from all regions of russia, cereals, canned goods, long-term storage products.
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ligaments of constant sanitation, the so-called non-correctomies, when dead tissue is removed, accordingly, we are waiting for regeneration, certain methods of treatment are used specifically for this, then subsequently, when
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there is a complete removal of all these necrotic tissues, their own and burn surgeons, combustiologists are already beginning to form, they are moving on to the stage when they perform plastic surgery of the skin in certain ways, but this is ...
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obayansky and belovsky districts of the region. let me remind you that the power supply was disrupted as a result of the fall of a downed, falling debris of a downed drone. literally the entire country has now rallied around the kursk region, they are sending tons of humanitarian aid, the regions are expressing their readiness to accept families left homeless and provide them with the necessary support. on the scale of aid, margarita semenyuk. six aid collection points in kursk are now accepting tons of humanitarian aid from russian regions at unloading, sorting and distribution points for essential items, more than a thousand volunteers, more than 100 tons have already been accumulated here. we also brought. they could feel more secure,
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the so-called for doctors, so that because the enemy is not instilled in anything, unfortunately, the day before, an ambulance also died. in less than a day, residents of the country collected more than 13 million rubles for residents kursk region, victims of neo-nazi shelling. fundraising was declared a movement together. and the russian red cross, sugar like this down, salt like this on top, on the humanitarian front line rostov region, the region already has a lot of experience in completing the necessary kits for victims, in february of the twenty-second year they helped residents of donbass, each hygiene kit is toilet paper, soap, shampoo, uh, here we have that, also shampoo, uh, shaving foam, toothbrush, toothpaste. shower gel, feminine hygiene products razors. as then, so now they save their own. don volunteers of the action headquarters together, together with
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the people's front, have already collected almost 10 tons of water, a ton of baby food and half a thousand hygiene kits. kazan young guards and activists of the republican volunteer movement, in addition to food, are loading trucks with microwave ovens and generators to warm the residents of the region who have been left homeless. this is especially important. residents of voronezh have already sent several batches of humanitarian aid, collected new washing machines, refrigerators, microwave ovens and diesel generators, traditionally water, canned goods, food. volunteer from ufa, tatyana plotvina, having learned about the attack of the militants of the armed forces of ukraine on residents of the sudzhansky district in the kursk region, was afraid for...
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organizations in all regions of the country quickly got down to work in priority to collect medicines, clothing for adults and children, personal hygiene items, food products with a long shelf life, drinking water, bedding, folding beds and mattresses, child care products and more. in the kursk region, 20 temporary accommodation points have been opened, now there are hundreds of people from the sudzhansky district, almost half of them are children. margarita semenyuk, irina zaborskaya, vesti!
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the cargo is being formed in the united russia offices in sevastopol. in 24 hours, activists collected baby food, personal hygiene products, water, household chemicals, almost 10 tons in total. in the dpr , the regional public movement donetsk republic joined the collection of humanitarian aid, which includes food products, medicines, clothing and footwear, including children's, food, bottled water, diesel generators were sent by lipetsk and bryansk united russia. acting secretary of the general council of the party vladimir yakushev noted that...
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sewage pumping stations, much attention is paid to the renovation and public transport, all this became possible thanks to the infrastructure menu project, as deputy prime minister khusnulin noted, this is a whole set of tools aimed at creating comfortable living conditions for russians. we have launched a number of large infrastructure projects, which.
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will increasingly feel the quality roads, creation of social infrastructure, and every year will bring results, and people housing, everything that is needed for the development of our country. the infrastructure menu project involved many support mechanisms, for example, these are budget and special treasury loans, preferential loans from the national welfare fund, as well as infrastructure bonds. infrastructure budget loans. loans have deservedly become effective tools for infrastructure development in various industries, due to them both social and road objects, and infrastructure objects, housing and utilities, public transport is being updated, naturally, all this affects the improvement of the quality of life of our citizens. over the past 2.5 years , 267 objects have been built and commissioned, more than 7,600 units of public transport have been delivered, these are
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buses, trams, metro stations and mcd trains. budget loans contribute to the comprehensive development of territories, thanks to them, more than 20 million square meters of housing have already been commissioned, more than 113,000 new jobs have been created. in brazil, a plane crashed passenger plane. according to preliminary data, there were 62 people on board, 58 passengers and four crew members. all of them died. the tragedy occurred in the state of sao paulo. medium-haul, tubular propeller. the r-72 was performing a domestic flight, the footage shows how the aircraft was spinning around its axis before falling, as the media writes, the plane fell near a residential building, a house, no one on the ground was hurt, the causes of the incident are still being investigated.


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