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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 6:00am-6:31am MSK

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now an ad, and then we'll tell you about the background of one of the bloodiest crimes of the nineties, the explosion at the katlyakovskoye cemetery in moscow. what caused the death of 14 people and the injury of several dozen more? watch eduard petrov's investigation. sobcombank: cash loan and cashback up to 10%. is your stomach bothering you? primiyami prozol renival. renival. we
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pain, inflammation and improve vascular tone. proctoglevino is your assistant in the fight against hemorrhoids. cash loan and cashback up to 10%. they were heroes of the afghan war, and became traitors, ruthless killers. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. the crime was organized by the radchik with the aim of eliminating the fund's leaders. mikhadi, buried in the elevator. rachikov was an amazing
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person, kov read the story about a real person very well, these are caravans, this is sabotage. money made them kill each other, do you consider yourself innocent of what is happening, yes, yes, yes, forgive me, spread his hands, what does this mean, what forgive me, this is not farewell, several hundred thousand veterans
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of the afghan war returned from a foreign land to their homeland and tried to integrate into peaceful life, in those years the state provided them with pensions and benefits, but it was not enough. and then many internationalists went into business, the first fund for disabled people of the war in afghanistan appeared, and then the second. a real bloody struggle began between them, a battle for financial flows, former brothers in arms turned into fierce enemies. at that moment the lowest human qualities appeared: greed, envy, betrayal, lies.
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a powerful explosion thundered in the capital, a radio-controlled bomb went off right next to his grave, former afghans and their relatives were scattered by the blast wave across the entire territory. that day, 14 people died and dozens were injured. so who was behind the organization of this vile, bloody crime, who gave the order to plant explosives in the cemetery and press the button on the remote control. in whose hands did the money from the afghan funds end up? we took on this case and conducted our own investigation.
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war in afghanistan, but at the same time they had various bank accounts and seals. imported goods worth millions of dollars passed through the organizations. the first fund was headed by mikhail likhodey, a combat officer, a disabled person who lost a leg and an eye in the war. the second fund was headed by valery radchikov, an active employee of the ministry of defense, also a veteran of the afghan war. and also a disabled person who lost his legs, it would seem that these comrades who had been through fire and water could share. in this film, we tried to answer this question. to do this , in 2020 we met with
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direct participants in those events, presented us with their versions. the then minister of internal affairs of russia, anatoly kulyakov, is now retired, but he still cannot forget about kotlikovo. his namesake, the former head of the moscow department of internal affairs, nikolai kulyakov. he now works in the capital's mayor's office.
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the state prosecutor, an employee of the prosecutor general's office, kamil koshaev, is now a pensioner. kashaev remembers all the details of the criminal case. vladimir kostyuchenko, a combat pilot who survived the explosion at the kotlikovo cemetery, knew the accused who died. our program gave the opportunity speak out. to all the defendants and witnesses of this high-profile criminal case. let's remember 1989. the soviet union withdraws its troops from afghanistan. this becomes the main event for the great country. more than half a million of our soldiers and officers have paid their international debt in the rebellious republic.
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there is not a single soviet soldier, officer, or warrant officer behind me, i also want to say that our soldiers, well , we need to erect monuments, probably so, 10 years of war brings terrible losses, the exact figures are not mentioned on tv, but the leadership country knows, the democratic republic of afghanistan died. 15,000 people, almost 7.00 returned home disabled. the soldiers who went through afghanistan hoped that they would be greeted as heroes at home, but no one was waiting for the internationalists, healthy people could not find work, disabled people did not receive pensions for months. it was easy to recognize afghans in any city of the soviet union. a tattered field uniform,
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a striped vest, a panama hat, medals on their chests. we are soldiers, afghans. at train stations, squares, and on commuter trains, twenty-year-old veterans gave concerts, sang piercing songs about military brotherhood, love death. of course, perestroika is not easy and not painless, happy new year, dear comrades, the end of the eighties, a difficult time for the country.
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at the same time , household chemicals finally disappear from stores, coupons for sugar, vodka and cigarettes are introduced, strikes and rallies are held throughout the country due to delayed wages. in general, young guys left for the afghan war from one state, returned to another.
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then the most active internationalist warriors began to unite, in the first public organizations appeared in many cities of the country. in moscow , pansher became one, named after a gorge in northeastern afghanistan. the organization was - formed thanks to. the komsomol members of the krasnogvardeisky district, they then, well then the word veteran in principle somehow did not turn to pronounce, the organization was headed by mikhail, a professional military man, he 2 years...
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division, but when they realized that through the framework of our organization, as a structural this fund could be some kind of economic activity, he the registered fund left the russian union and became independent. the fund received solid customs privileges, duties on imported goods were minimal. soon commercial enterprises that worked with the public organization began to import alcohol, cigarettes, video recorders, refrigerators and televisions into the union, paying a penny fee, for such privileges businessmen transferred a certain percentage to the fund, the money was supposed to go to help in the rehabilitation of veterans of the afghan war, and under their auspices there were markets, and
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customs, warehouses, in general, what didn’t happen, in general, such... well, such a patriotic, if you like , sacred in some way for people who went through afghanistan, this brotherhood of warriors, afghans, unfortunately, for a certain part of them it became not a brotherhood at all, but simply profitable for commercial enterprises, so in moscow in the area of ​​the kuzminki metro station the afganets market appeared, they sold clothes, food, toys, “bandits rarely appeared here, they understood, afghan veterans, they would give a serious resistance. the afganets market is one of the largest enterprises in the south-eastern district of our organization. vladimir kostyuchenko,
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a legendary veteran, a helicopter pilot, who fought in the entire afghan war, recalls those times. our organization has done a lot of good deeds, and i am pleased that we have a memorial complex, for the recently deceased helicopter pilot, we are remembered in the navy, where we brought in money, we are remembered in the fifty-first regiment, the tula division, when we withdrew money, these, we put in an envelope, when the officers did not they received money for months and
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there was nothing to take the children with, they brought them in envelopes, handed them to the entire regiment. mikhail lekhadey, who had a cash register with easy money from businessmen and state budget funds, has envious people, or rather, the main envious person, another leader of the veterans' movement, valery radchikov. an active serviceman, a colonel, he enjoyed authority among his comrades in afghanistan, radchikov stepped on a mine, lost both legs and...
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they tried in every way to make valery radchikov the second maresyev, as is known, the legendary pilot of the great patriotic war also lost his legs, but did not give up with...
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a little higher, they were the first to warn me about the stretch marks, when i raised my head, i saw, the stretch marks flashed in the sun, i was thrown up so high, the dust cleared, i fell, the only thing, i managed to curse in the air, because it was so unexpected and incomprehensible what happened, i immediately understood what to expect, just like that, so abruptly, well, somehow , well, i was left without legs at the moment somehow realized, having returned from the war, valery radchikov was rapidly increasing his influence. he became the head of the russian fund for disabled veterans of the war in afghanistan, pushing mikhail lekhadey aside, and was actively mastering the organization's cash flows. the officer was given an apartment in
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the center of moscow, in the house where the famous marshal dmitry yazov lived. but questions soon arose about radchikov's financial activities. he was suspected of money laundering and embezzlement of the fund's funds. at that moment, impeccable. according to the customs service, after investigation that we received, it was approximately 2.5 billion rubles in today's money , they received a lot of money. for such a sum , you can buy not 20, not 50 wheelchairs and not make 100 prostheses there, for such a sum , you could provide each disabled person with very
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serious, at that time, very serious support. after financial fraud in the public organization was revealed, valery radchikov lost his post as chairman of the fund. the hero of the afghan war harbored a grudge, instead of radchikov. the chair of the head of the organization was occupied by the same mikhail likhodey, a former friend and now a rival. from that moment on, a war broke out between them. a split occurred in the organization, radchikov and his supporters refused to voluntarily resign their powers in favor of a new team, and created a clone of the fund with the same name, but with a different bank account. now valery ratchikov and mikhail likhodey fought only for financial flows , with the difference that the hero of the afghan war, active officer radchikov thought only of
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himself, putting the fund's money in his pocket, while mikhail lekhodey continued to provide financial assistance. disabled afghans, the latter's activities were greatly respected by his colleagues. misha, he did a lot, uh. when he was chairman, there was, well, an abandoned house, completed on reikhvoy proezd, house 11, almost 300 people received apartments there , the president of russia, boris nikolayevich yeltsin, came to the opening of the house, there was lushkov, this is our afghan house, misha organized the receipt of a garden plot in the supinsky district, 120 houses were built there, all these 120 houses were given away for free, radchikov ended up in a field from the point of view of law enforcement agencies,
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tax crimes were identified, many violations were found, the main one of which was the transfer of a significant portion of profits to commercial structures, in just one year , the public organization of afghans rachikov collected hundreds on customs benefits.
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did not present. clouds began to gather over valery radchikov, who was involved in financial fraud. the security forces seriously took up his public organization. a former soldier, an afghan, radchikov believed that the head of the another fund of disabled afghan war veterans, mikhail lekhadey. in the nineties, the country had a difficult criminal situation. on november 10, 1994, hired killers dealt with the chairman of the russian fund of disabled afghan war veterans, mikhail likhodey. the head of the public organization, his bodyguard, died in the explosion of a controlled bomb. likhodey was blown up in the elevator,
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together with nurin, his bodyguard, they were riding in the elevator, then a bookmark was made, first they beat him, there, there, again they almost wanted to kill him, as a result, in the end finally blew up the elevator. and guessed who benefited from the death of mikhail likhodey, they said that the head of another organization of disabled afghans, valery radchikov, could have been involved in this crime, but there was no evidence of his guilt, and the hero of the afghan war himself, active officer ratchikov, somehow managed to convince everyone of his innocence. did everyone understand who it was? no, well, they guessed what it was.
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dealt with the villain, but killing only trakhirov was not enough, it was important to achieve the liquidation of the entire fund and control financial flows related to disabled afghan war veterans, and for this we need to remove all of mikhail likhodey's friends and associates at once. two bike hits at a bargain price, only in tasty point, attack credit card debts, i'll show you a couple of tricks: collect all credit card debts on one kholva conveniently pay off 24 months, and don't forget about purchases in installments, kholva - simple installment techniques, looks like an allergy, primiladin renival, tetiresina, we trust renival, we
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