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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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protect facilities and maintain law and order. according to the law, during the actions of this regime , citizens can be temporarily resettled to safe areas, providing them with residential premises. also , security forces have the right to monitor telephone conversations and other means of exchanging information, and restrict the use of communications. the organization's car, in urgent cases, and residents can be used to deliver the wounded to the hospital, as well as to pursue suspects in committing a terrorist attack. reasons for the introduction of the cto regime in detail stated. the kiev regime has made an unprecedented attempt to destabilize the situation in a number of regions of our country. the terrorist attack on the territory of the kursk region by units of the armed forces of ukraine resulted in civilian casualties, the destruction of residential buildings and other civilian facilities. in order to ensure the safety of citizens and prevent threats of terrorist acts, sabotage and reconnaissance. with
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enemy formations, the chairman of the national anti-terrorist committee, director of the fsb of russia alexander vasilyevich bortnikov, a decision was made to organize counter-terrorist operations in the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions from august 9, 2024. over the past 24 hours , the armed forces of ukraine lost almost 300 servicemen and about thirty combat vehicles, including four, in the kursk region due to the active actions of russian troops and the fsb border service. our units prevented the enemy's attempts to penetrate deep into the region and delivered powerful strikes on targets. the ministry of defense was sent to reinforcement of the group in the kursk direction , armored vehicles, artillery and other combat equipment. over the past day , a missile threat was declared in the region 11 times. today , early in the morning, sirens sounded again, but the threat was soon removed. russian aviation destroyed armored vehicles, cars and concentrations of manpower in the border area of ​​the kursk region with precision strikes. bsu, these shots were taken from
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the mi-28 nm helicopter. the location of the target was determined by reconnaissance. the pilots showed the helicopters to the firing lines at an extremely low altitude, and thus avoided counteraction enemy air defense. the crew was given a salvo of unguided s-13 missiles, immediately after the attack they shot off the heat traps and returned to the airfield. intelligence confirmed that all objects were hit. another successful airstrike on the crew's account. the pilots were given the coordinates of a new target at night, which turned out to be a concentration of manpower and equipment in the border area of ​​the kursk region. our military brought the aircraft to an advantageous firing position and dropped an odp-500 aerial bomb. thanks to the planning and correction module, this was done without entering zone of possible destruction of enemy air defenses. when intelligence confirmed the destruction of the objects, the su-34 safely returned to the airfield. russia notified magat about the situation
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at the kurdish nuclear power plant. as stated by the permanent mission of our country to international organizations in vienna , fragments of downed missiles were found at the station according to preliminary data. the diplomats noted that ukraine's reckless actions not only threaten the russian nuclear facility, but also put the entire global nuclear industry at risk. in turn, the director general of magat stressed the need to ensure the physical safety of the nuclear power plant. rafael grossi called on the parties to exercise maximum restraint. humanitarian aid is being sent to kursk from all regions of the country. the first vehicle with cargo left omsk. more than 20 tons of the region's residents collected in just 24 hours. household chemicals, medicines, cereals, canned goods, and also gasoline generators, clothing. everything that is so necessary for people who are forced to leave their homes. another 30 tons of humanitarian aid have been sent to kursk. local authorities are also ready to provide vehicles ambulances and donor blood. and, of course, to receive the victims.
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more than 120 people had already arrived in tula the day before; they were met at the station by emergencies ministry employees, volunteers, psychologists and doctors. the people will be accommodated in hotels at recreation centers. another 160 guests will arrive in the region over the weekend. ukrainian troops have received preliminary approval from the west for an attack in the kursk region, the publication writes. in particular , the attack was supported by the united states and germany. journalists claim that now those countries that previously did not allow kiev to carry out strikes on the russian.
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kulakov received information about the actions of an unknown intruder, which was dangerously maneuvering near a russian object of maritime economic activity. the severomorsk sailors fired warning shots, forced the ship to stop and lie down in a dray. the second group of soldiers practiced similar actions using the ship's k-27 helicopter. the works of the classic of russian literature maxim gorikov were presented at moscow venues. the plus festival in the program started in the capital dozens of events, the main ones will take place on the open stage of gorikovo park, the youth theatre and the film studio named after him will present their projects. about the main events of the festival, alexandra perfil'eva. every muscovite and guest of the capital, here in gorkov park
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, is greeted like this by the orchestra, which performs the music of the era of alexei maksimovich. and where are you from moscow. gorky's tales together with the minin moscow chamber choir. the artists prepared for more than six months. how are you ready already? of course, always ready. 100%. 200. in the play yevgeny mironov will also play. he will read the stories makarchudra and the old woman izirgil.
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the artist confesses to us that he had never been so closely involved with the writer's work before, but now he dreams of staging a play himself at the theatre of nations. they didn't stage it, the post-soviet one. it was during perestroika, yes, they somehow pushed it onto the shelf of socialist realism, but it turned out that he was a fantastic, great, large-scale thinker, philosopher, besides, i was interested, i was interested in his personality, bitter, he subtly felt and conveyed russian soul in his works, for several years the festival was held in the most important cities for the writer, nizhny novgorod, where he was born and kazan, where he wrote some of his best works, in the capital , the project will go beyond the gorky park for the first time in 3 years. the moscow theater for young spectators will show performances from different regions of russia. and at the gorky film studio, which has borne the name of the classic since 1948, they have prepared a special project of the formation of an immersive show. here, actors and the director rehearse
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they shoot everything that happens on camera, you can see it on the big screen. what gorky meant is also what directors try to explain with the help of cinema. you can even try yourself as a cameraman, everyone gets their own experience, their own knowledge, it's hard, here you are, seryozha, for me, no, such a format, the director admits, came to mind right away, it took 2 months to implement the idea, our viewer gets into four studios, where he can take part in the filming himself - scenes based on gorky's works in voice acting, which means...
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he clings to any opportunity, here he is they say there is a trumpeter who heals with a trumpet. here everyone can feel like one of the heroes of maxim gorky's work. the festival will be held from august 8 to 11. alexandra perfileva, lionita aronchikov and dmitry nabokov. vesti. in moscow , dozens of women were left without money after a free visit to a cosmetologist. one story is similar to another, the clients were convinced that they needed to undergo an expensive rejuvenation course. my colleagues will only tell about this in the vesti duty part program right after the commercials,
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of immigration laws were detained. hundreds of newcomers were taken to the police station. vladimir bazov found out all the details at the scene. the morning for the guests of the three stars hostel did not begin with coffee. law enforcement officers arrived at dawn so that no one had time to leave for work. there are traces of a torn breakfast on the tables. someone got by on sandwiches, another indulged himself with a sweet melon. he didn't have time to finish it. the beds weren't made, apparently they were going to eat. almost 400 people came out in an endless line one by one, probably many of the detainees were working illegally with forged documents or without them at all, everyone was taken to the internal affairs agencies to check their documents, and the building was literally empty. the blue building on novatorov street stands alone, surrounded by a blank fence, behind which nothing can be seen, entry inside is only by passes. they just hang up, but our film crew managed to look into the star hostel to talk to
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the few remaining guests whose documents were in order, and everything is in order with you, but just like that, despite the name, the hostel hardly reaches even one star, endless corridors and cramped rooms for 10-12 people, one kitchen per floor, here is the kahnya, the so-called hostel, continuous, of course, unsanitary conditions, some kind of table of some kind of dirt. here you can see that the guests cooked on these stoves, clearly they did not bother with the safety of the wiring, here here, for example, it is clear that something has clearly burned, the wires are right outside, in general , there are problems with security in this hostel. law enforcement officers have reason to believe that some of the foreign citizens were delivering pizza and working on construction sites just to divert attention. in fact , an extremist community could have been emerging within the walls of this building, perhaps even
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with the connivance of the administration of the rubber shelter. the administration is in charge.
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year, 80 years since the liberation of belarus from the fascist invaders. unity and unity of nations in the fight against evil, as if they became a symbol of the meeting of the council of ministers of internal affairs of the cis member states. on the agenda of the main police countries are key issues of combating crime. after a short introduction, straight to the point, discuss the results of interaction, work on mistakes and introduce new methods of combating crime at the interstate level. persistently, and practical application, therefore for... noted that the new cycle of the interstate
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program search has already brought significant results. from january to july, eight comprehensive coordinated. joint operational and preventive measures, including an annual operation. thus , the location of 213 persons wanted by the ministries of internal affairs of foreign states has been established in the russian federation. partners detained 130 defendants who committed a crime on the territory of our country. during his speech , our minister noted the severity of the problem of illegal migration, which significantly affects the crime situation. arriving citizens may have an unexpunged or unexpunged criminal record. and after continue to break the law. vladimir kolokoltsev proposed a solution: it is necessary to update and promptly update databases, and it is necessary not only to report the presence or absence of a criminal record, but also to briefly describe the acts committed. this can greatly help the police. of course, the head of the russian ministry of internal affairs touched upon the issues of cybersecurity and terrorism, which with the development of digitalization often merge
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together. according to the results of the first half of the year , an increase in extremist and terrorist crimes is noted. at the same time, a significant part of the above-mentioned acts were committed using the internet, in order to prevent such criminal sheets we are conducting comprehensive preventive work, including with foreign citizens. the goal of the work of the council of the minister of internal affairs of the cis member states is to actually erase the boundaries between police departments in the name of combating criminals who, by the way, have long used bureaucratic obstacles to avoid punishment. an example of successful state cooperation between our ministry of internal affairs and colleagues from belarus vladimir kolokoltsev cited in an interview that he gave only to our program. we jointly documented the criminal activity of an international organized crime group. already at the moment, 60 citizens who were engaged in these cyber frauds and other
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crimes have been procedurally detained. dozens of searches have been conducted. one of the alleged organizers lived. the intensification of the activities of these fraudsters, including call centers operating in ukraine, especially from there they attack you too. in addition, the delegation members
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studied the practical experience of belarusian security forces. thus, in the center for training, advanced training and retraining of personnel of the republican ministry of internal affairs, future and already active security forces demonstrated their skills in combating threats, including mass riots. in addition, as part of the visit to the republic of belarus, the police laid flowers at the khatyn memorial complex in memory of the victims of the great patriotic war and honored the memory of the dead with a minute of silence in the very center of minsk at the victory monument. became was erected 70 years ago in honor of the victory over nazi germany, and an eternal flame was lit at its base in 1961. the head of our ministry of internal affairs, vladimir kolokoltsev, and his colleagues from the cis member states took part in the ceremony. don't miss eduard petrov's investigation this weekend on the russia-24 tv channel, the fall of the afghan, the explosion at
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kotlyakovka, the battle for financial flows, under their auspices there are markets, customs, warehouses, in general, everything that hasn't happened, in today's money they received 2.5 billion rubles, a lot of money. former brothers in arms turned into into bitter enemies, the first thing he came to me with trembling lips, says: it wasn't me, who was behind the organization of this vile bloody crime? we will do everything to ensure that the bastards are found, didn't want to, so what did you want then, didn't you want to kill me? were left without money after a free visit to a cosmetologist. everyone's stories are like carbon copies. clients were convinced that they needed to undergo an expensive rejuvenation course. and when
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expenses went beyond the personal budget, the clinic imposed a loan on the guests. at the same time, patients have questions not only about the cost of services, but also about their quality. dmitry blinnikov will continue. the medical center on sukharevskaya square is getting its money back maria came accompanied by a lawyer, but the employees immediately disappeared somewhere. only one security guard remained. i couldn’t get through to the management either, but i’m afraid that no one will be able to help you with this issue, according to maria, she was invited to a session with a cosmetologist for free, and during the appointment the doctor said that her face was so bad that without the latest drugs can't do without it, a frightened patient was forced to undergo treatment for a quarter of a million rubles. i closed two savings accounts and paid for the contract , they brought me a stack of papers that i had to quickly sign, she says she was like under hypnosis and only then realized that she had lost all her savings, when i had already left the clinic, i realized that, uh, that something very bad had happened to me, that the market value of the procedure, namely the drugs
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that were injected into me, it is three times lower, yes, market value, than what they calculated for me clinic. other clients also complain about this center. people write that they cheat you out of huge , simply cosmic sums of money, force you to take out a loan, and directly put moral pressure on people. and many even give many non-existent diagnoses, invent all sorts of diseases that do not really exist. natalya wanted to do an ultrasound and came across an ad for this particular clinic, as it turned out later, there are no such specialists here at all, this is a way to lure a client. i signed up with them, on the day of the appointment i was literally an hour away when i left from home, they called back and said, "sorry , we have.
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on the interactive board, the chairman of the investigative committee of russia is shown how the adjacent territory of the luhansk academy of isk will be developed. the head of the department began his working trip to the lpr with a visit to this most important facility. finishing work is currently being completed here. alexander bastrykin gave a fundamental instruction: the university must be ready for admission on september 1.
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thanks to the work of investigators , specific officers from among the commanders of the armed forces of ukraine who gave criminal orders back in 2014-15, charges were brought in absentia against the former first deputy commander of the national guard of ukraine, oleksandr krivenko, and the former head of the main intelligence directorate of the ministry of defense of ukraine, yuriy pavlov. as a result of their criminal actions
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during the specified periods, the controlled immobilists carried out numerous shellings of settlements in the lpr and dpr, police punitive operations, as a result of which 132 people were wounded, including three children. the meeting ended with the presentation of departmental awards to distinguished employees investigative committee. andrey romanov, the duty officer. the moscow city court has announced the verdict in absentia for the killer who rewrote the history of the country's criminal world with one shot. that's right. maxim shevchenko was investigating. in the deserted hall of the moscow city court, there are no spectators, not even the main participant. instead of astamir budba, the verdict is being heard by a lawyer. the defendant in the criminal case about the high-profile murder of the late 2000s, here is his rare photo taken by abkhaz
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law enforcement. he fled russia several years ago, under criminal budba was targeted after a thorough investigation into the murder of the country's criminal underworld leader vyacheslav ivankov, better known in certain circles as yaponchik. he was seriously wounded in july 2009 at the exit of the thai elephant restaurant in moscow. ivankov was shot from a gazelle parked on the opposite side of the road. ivankov was then urgently hospitalized, but the doctors' efforts were ineffective. three months later, the victim died. vyacheslav ivankov began his criminal career back in the sixties of the last century, quickly gained authority, even receiving the unofficial status of the king of the criminal world. at the dawn of the nineties, he did not get involved in the confrontation with the organized crime group and went to the united states, where he achieved unprecedented success, becoming an authority on an international scale. yaponchik, who had about 250 people under his command, supervised restaurants in manhattan and organized a
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money laundering company in brooklyn. fbi officers detained ivankov in ninety-five tried him for extortion, this is what he said in an interview recorded in an american prison. i am not an expert on some kind of organized crime, no matter what. my, let's say, sad tragic fate is not yet a sign that i, as an expert , can judge some kind of organized crime. in 2004, ivankov was extradited to russia. where a criminal case had long been investigated against him on charges of murdering two turkish citizens, which occurred back in 1992, but by decision of the jury , ivankov was acquitted. in his last years, he lived quietly, but remained one of the most influential thieves in law in the entire post-soviet space. the person who ordered ivankov's murder is believed to be his criminal rival, the so-called thief in law ilya simoniya, better known as makhu.


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