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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 1:00pm-1:31pm MSK

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in connection with the attack by the ukrainian armed forces , a counter-terrorist operation regime has been introduced in three regions at once: kursk, bryansk and belgorod. the authorities are taking additional measures to ensure the safety of residents. the reasons for introducing the counter-terrorist operation regime were set out in detail by the national anti-terrorist committee. the kiev regime has made an unprecedented attempt to destabilize the situation in a number of regions of our country. the result of the terrorist
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attack on the territory of the kursk region by units of the ukrainian armed forces was civilian casualties, destruction of residential buildings and other civilian facilities. in order to ensure the safety of citizens and prevent threats of terrorist acts, the enemy's sabotage and reconnaissance units, the chairman of the national anti-terrorism committee, director of the fsb of russia alexander vasilyevich bortnikov, have made a decision to organize counter-terrorism operations in the belgorod, bryansk and kursk regions from august 9, 2024. the counter-terrorism operation mode is special legal regime in russia, which is introduced in certain territories to prevent a terrorist attack or minimize its consequences, the legal basis of the cto regime, the law on countering terrorism. it implies a number of temporary restrictive measures. they are valid only in the territories where the cto was introduced. there
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, document checks and inspection of personal belongings of citizens' vehicles are allowed. the authorities can strengthen security at a number of sites , restrict traffic on streets, roads and certain areas. it is possible suspension of communication services or restrictions on the use of networks. the organization may have its transport seized to deliver those in need of medical care to the hospital and to pursue suspects in terrorist attacks. temporary resettlement of citizens to safe areas is permitted. law enforcement officials conducting counterterrorism operations may freely enter residential and other premises for counterterrorism activities , and the sale of weapons, ammunition, explosives and alcohol may be restricted or completely banned. armed forces continue to repel an attempt by the ukrainian armed forces to invade russian territory. over the course of 24 hours , active actions by units of the northern group of reserves, air strikes, and artillery have thwarted attempts to break through enemy mobile groups.
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missiles with a thermobaric warhead at a temporary deployment point for foreign mercenaries on the southern outskirts of sudzha have destroyed 15 militants. over the past 24 hours, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 175 servicemen and 36 armored vehicles, including 10 tanks and a grad multiple launch rocket system. in total, during the military operations in the kursk direction, the enemy lost more than 1,100 people and 140 armored vehicles. the operation to destroy the formation of the ukrainian armed forces continues. now a video from the ministry of defense at night, the crews of the s-30-sm and su-35s fighters struck a concentration of manpower of the ukrainian military equipment in the border area of ​​the kursk region. the enemy forces were hit by aerial bombs with a universal planning and correction module. having received confirmation from intelligence about the destruction of the targets, the crews safely returned to their base airfield. fire
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positions in the border area of ​​the kursk region were also taken up by tank crews. footage of the equipment entering the strike lines was also distributed by the defense ministry. the locations were not chosen by chance, these areas are considered dangerous from the point of view of probable tank attacks by the ukrainian armed forces. our crews are fully prepared to carry out combat missions and fire both direct fire and from closed positions. humanitarian aid is being sent to kursk from all regions of the country. the first vehicle with cargo has left. from omsk, residents collected more than 20 tons in just 24 hours, household chemicals, medicines, cereals and canned goods, gasoline generators, clothes, everything that is so necessary for people who are forced to leave their homes. another 30 tons of humanitarian aid have been sent to kursk and stuly, local authorities are also ready to provide ambulances and donor blood. and , of course, to accept victims. the day before, more than 120 residents of the kursk region had already arrived in tula. they were met at the station by emergencies ministry employees, volunteers, psychologists and
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doctors, people will be accommodated in hotels at recreation centers. another 160 will arrive in the region over the weekend guests. now commercials, and then our broadcast will continue. new issue of the author's program nikita mikhalkov besagon tv. pain can be different. it doesn't matter what caused the pain, if there is pintalgin. universal remedies for different types of pain. pentalgin, we will do without pain. are credit card debts attacking? i will show you a couple of tricks. we collect all credit card debts on one hallva conveniently repay 24.
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why we named our program that way, but as usual i would like to first report to you that our previous program on the russia 1 channel, on the russia 24 channel, in social networks, vkontakte, telegram, odnoklassniki, zen and so on, was watched by more than 11 million people, which we are of course very happy and grateful for. you for your attention to us, i also wanted to let me take a second to tell you the following: look, this is a list of our official channels, besagon, everything else that you see in the telegram channel, on other platforms, these are scammers, extortionists, fraudsters who cannot be trusted, they ask you to subscribe, they will insert my photos, do not believe them, real resources, here are the ones that i showed you now, i cannot help but answer the numerous questions that were
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asked to me about the olympics, you know, i do not want, frankly speaking, to dwell on this in detail now, because this the topic has been covered enough, condemned and so on and so forth, you remember what we are talking about, which seems to me to be encouraging, that it is not only us, not only in our country that we are outraged... the negi should be upset, offended right now, seeing what happened at these olympics, just sitting here
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and allowing france to mock the country, your religion, you are making fun of everything that you consider sacred, this is the last supper, this is sacred to christianity, what are we doing wrong, saying that this is disgusting, this is not art, journalists, public figures, bloggers and even athletes condemned the concept of the event, calling it a disgrace, a french journalist from the publication wrote about the opening ceremony of the games as an africa show and , moreover, apologized to the whole world and refused to cover the olympics. as a sincere patriot, a frenchwoman, i refuse to participate in this freak show and apologize to you, the world, a guardian columnist called the ceremony a toxic spectacle. and even elon musk expressed his disappointment with the words. it was extremely disrespectful attitude towards christians. you yourself understand that this is not our, so to speak, such a tendentious attitude towards this. this. is becoming a worldwide disease, you know, as
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they say, in the russian proverb god marks the rogue, you remember that when raising the olympic flag they first tried to raise it, it turned out that they raised it upside down, this is a very interesting sign, it seems to me that it also has its own sacred meaning, do you know that according to the etiquette of state symbols... an inverted flag has several meanings: listen, firstly, it is an insult to the state of the nation. secondly, it is an international sign that the country is in a dangerous situation and asks for help. thirdly, the science of flags says that an inverted flag is a sign of disaster or defeat in war. i don’t know, on purpose. not on purpose, but i repeat to you, the god of copper is rogue. it is in connection with this, when the flag was already
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hung correctly, that the witty users of the networks had this image: look, well, you know what 666 means, it is the sign of the beast, it is the sign of satan, by and large it is in general, it is true, because it is absolute satanism, to mock... the evening for the whole world, it is punishable, maybe not immediately, but inevitably, but today i would like to talk about something else, and i think that for us no less important than the olympic games, and by and large much more important, what is the basis of the future of the country, it is the people, it is demography, look what... about this the deputy of the state duma pyotr tolstoy says . listen. i will simply say briefly that we
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want to ban the adoption of children from russia, citizens of those countries where gender reassignment is permitted. and an initiative is being developed that is aimed at improving the quality of medical services provided in the area of ​​providing services for artificial termination of pregnancy. and an initiative is being developed, in fact, in the coming days it will be submitted to the state. duma on recognizing the right to life, health protection before the birth of a child, this is very important, and our doctors are talking about this. thank you for your support. here's what 's interesting, although the words spoken by pyotr tolstoy were met with applause, nevertheless however, there was an immediate and absolutely opposite, negative reaction to what he said, immediately there were concerns about a complete ban on abortions, about the middle ages, obscurantism , and so on and so forth. his proposal
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implies an amendment to paragraph one of article 18 of the law on the fundamentals of protection. health of citizens of the russian federation. and now it will sound like this: everyone has the right to health protection both before and after birth. that is, it means that assistance should be provided, including to the unborn child. fortunately, today medicine is can do while he is in the womb of the mother, and this is not like an operation that is done to the mother, but it is. an operation that is done to the fetus, that is , to another creature, a living person, this is of course the greatest achievement of science and medicine, but what is surprising is that many lawyers believe that there is little chance of this law seeing the light of day, it is strange why this is so, because , let's say, there are countries in which
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the rights of an unborn person are protected by law, these are slovakia, the czech republic, ecuador.
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the same person, that is, these are billions individuals are completely different, they can be similar, they can be of the same nationality, skin color, eye shape, but they are individual, and therefore, every unborn person is just an unborn, new individual, a new unique being, the highest creation of nature, but if we break away from thinking about universal human ethics, about religious ethics and so on, let's just come down to earth and think about - the practical significance of what we want to talk about, because we know that the results of interruption pregnancy, that is, this embryo, it can
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be used for treatment, salvation, even rescue. other people from various diseases. but let's turn to the dictionary of biomedical ethics, here's what it says: the basis of the ban on the use of an embryo or its tissue for the purposes of biomedical research is the opposition of the hypothetical benefit to humanity and the real rights of a specific embryo. here, watch a short video, quite old, 2002. so that our national perspective is not closed to us by talk about ethics, about morality, about religion, everything this is very important, all of this is very necessary, but at the same time we need to understand that there is a goal, fatal diseases, we can say, this is neurodegeneration, neurodegenerative diseases of the brain, these are the problems
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of diabetes, the first and second types, these are the problems of accelerated aging, these are autoimmune diseases, this is... there is much more, this is regeneration in a broad sense, then, we need mechanisms, we need a certain degree of scientific and medical freedom, obviously, at some stages we can quite calmly try to replace, move away from organ transplantation and patient to save his life by transplantation of fetal, that is, cells. khikh says that aborted human embryos can be used as medicinal raw material for sick people, using so-called fetal cells, but
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it is impossible to obtain them without, so to speak, killing the fetus, and quite a large one, as is believed, having reached 12 weeks of its, so to speak, existence, i want to immediately make a reservation, his merits are noted by the state, he is a knight of the order of merit for the fatherland, he is a laureate of the state science prizes 2022 and so on and so forth, he accepts the most difficult ones, saves a huge number of people, his... namely in increasing the birth rate, he says a completely fair thing, with which it is impossible not to agree, the so -called fetal therapy, it can
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save from a huge number of diseases, for example, from diseases of the central nervous system, down's disease, parkinson's, alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, kidney disease, male infertility, impotence, diabetes and many, many different... other diseases, and if you look at it from a rational point of view, then actually, if there is such an opportunity to help people, anyway this abortion was done, and this dead fetus can help prolong the lives of other people, why can't this be done, nevertheless in russia there is a law from june 23, 2016 number 180 fz on biomedical cell products?
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flush down the drain, an absolutely fair remark. and the authors of the monograph continue this thought,
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high-risk newborns. if abortion is regarded as violation of the fetus's right to life, how should we treat the fact that in 2000 alone , about 2 million artificial abortions were performed in our country. if in the country only for...
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his rights are protected from birth, that is, in other words, in our country the left hand does not know what the right hand is doing, on the one hand, we consider it immoral to use an embryo that has not been born, as if considering it protected by the state as a person. on the other hand, according to the constitution, only someone who has already been born is considered a person, let's say it again let's remember who wrote this constitution for us in
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1990. it's nothing to read, all these pages are still hot, and the translation is so crudely done, unsuccessfully there, there are these, you know, not in russian, everything from there sits jeffrey sachs sat under yeltsin, that's what they did, and what did they do for russian, for citizens, or what, did they work for the benefit of citizens, no, they worked for the benefit of the west. for their own benefit,
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given that in september 1993 of the same, anticipating what was written in the main law, our leading scientists prepared a conclusion, it dated september 3, 1993, from the point of view of modern biology, genetics and embryology, human life as a biological and... a single nucleus containing unique genetic material, it cannot be likened to an organ or part of an organ of the mother's body, so it is obvious that abortion is an intentional termination
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of human life, as biologists... the letter of the law, this is a theory, this is the opinion of specialists, professionals and so on and so forth, but what do ordinary people think? moreover, this survey was not made in the middle ages, not in last century, it was made in 2024, here is the opinion of people, the opinion that a child before birth is already a person, is held by 77% of russians, 72% allow abortion only for medical reasons,
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data... grew for 9 months, i can't imagine it, and i can't, so she lies down and says: now is the very moment when i will give birth to a person, and there was a person inside me for 9 months, he lived in me, a living person, small, that is, i walked around with a person all the time, i understand, can you imagine, in a woman a living person, not just some organ, but just a living person inside you, he pushes there, imagine what is going on in a woman's head emotionally, yes, then
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she gives birth and says, it's him, and you? experience abortions are completely prohibited, for example, in andorra, honduras, nicaragua, el salvador, malta, the philippines, the vatican in a huge number of countries, aburta are prohibited, except in exceptional cases, most often these are medical indications, in venezuela, egypt, indonesia, iraq, iran, liechtenstein, micronesia, mauritania, the united arab
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emirates, algeria, brazil, bhutan


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