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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 1:30pm-2:01pm MSK

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we have world experience very serious experience, abortions are completely prohibited, for example in andorra, honduras, nicaragua, el salvador , malta, the philippines, the vatican in a huge number of countries burta are prohibited, except for exceptional cases, most often these are medical indications in venezuela, egypt, indonesia, iraq, iran, liechtenstein, micronesia, mauritania, nigeria, peru,
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poland, saudi arabia, uruguay, chile and many, many other countries. these issues are very cleverly resolved in the united states of america, by the way, in the country whose representatives wrote us constitutions, as well as with the death penalty, which is permitted in some states. in some states, for example, in alabama, in arkansas, in louisiana, missouri, oklahoma, tennessee, texas, south dakota and other states. in america, since 2022, the supreme court of the united states has overturned the right to terminate a pregnancy at the federal level, adopted in 1973, that is, the state, it folded itself.
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in our country, this issue is not regulated in any way, despite the fact that, by and large, we are facing a very serious demographic problem, remember, we talked about this in one of our issues: today, in terms of the number of abortions, russia remains one of the world leaders, why is that? this is what msu professor, doctor of sociological sciences, andrey vladimirovich milekhin writes in his report demography. according to the un forecast, if the current trends continue, by 200 the population of russia will decrease to 112.2 million people, which threatens the country with an automatic rollback to the level of an ordinary agrarian power, the loss of any chances for the formation of any sign.
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1 and 4, this is what peskov says, while to maintain the population at least at one level, the coefficient should be: two and one, almost twice as much. and why are we so calm about this? because the level of population decline in our country is maintained precisely due to what? due to emigration. and this somehow relaxes us, if you just look at the numbers. here is what alexander senelnikov, professor of the department of sociology, family and demography of the sociological faculty of moscow state university, says about this. listen, the extinction of the people may happen in a few centuries, but long before it dies out, its territory will inevitably be populated by people from other countries who have stronger
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family traditions, and the remnants of the indigenous population will be assimilated by migrants, the non-indigenous population will assimilate migrants, which... we hope, on the contrary, can this suit us? i want to be understood correctly, it is naive to assume that, for example, a ban on abortions can solve the demographic problem, absolutely not, but i am trying approach this issue from a slightly different angle, because the danger is not in the abortion itself, the danger is in the flow, in the conveyor. of that very life that has not yet come into being, but it already exists, it is given by god, that is what
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we are talking about, in this there is, in my opinion, just disrespect not only for someone else's life, disrespect for ourselves, how many families beg from... from doctors, from shamans for the opportunity to give birth to a child, for some reason they do not succeed, at the same time, having received this opportunity, we are completely in everyday life we ​​have the right to lose this opportunity, that is, to stop someone else's life, let's see who... is really promoting this magical right to preserve absolute freedom of abortion in russia, for example, listen to what tamara edelman says, we already know her well, how she tries to convince us of what needs to be done. in
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1936 , abortions were generally banned that were done on the initiative of a woman, but i had a relative who died. and propaganda against abortions, which is actually quite meaningful, but it is carried out in wild ways, and is not accompanied by any other alternatives, that is, the only alternative is to simply give birth, give birth and give birth, they explain, oh, how good, this is, of course, your main goal in life. and if you don’t give birth, it will be terrible, how wonderful, how wonderful, then it turns out that these are diapers, that these are sleepless nights, that these are problems everywhere, from the moment of birth to the maternity hospital, where they bully you, yell at you , god knows what antediluvian methods
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they use to help you give birth, and so on, so on, then, kindergarten, school, problems, problems, problems, and there is no talk about this, because if we talk about this, suddenly someone...
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in the office, where it would be written that such and such a deputy, here some draft law appeared and immediately to them there in the office, that's if they said immediately.
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of a fortress planted from the inside, and you listen to what the doctor of the university of
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toronto, the scientist writer ian garner writes about our country, three cute white children, another one is on the way, icons on the walls, dad serves in the navy, russia is full of this terrible ethno-nationalist, fascist iconography, fuck. i know that what i just said is bleeped out, but i have no other words, that is, think about it, a happy family of three children, the wife is expecting a fourth child, the father serves in the navy, an orthodox family, judging by the icon on the wall, all this together, this bastard named ian gardner calls fascist iconography, that is , a mockery of the secret.
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of our time we can not show it in its entirety, so we will show only fragments, but i highly recommend watching it in its entirety, there was such a man with a mustache. who believed that poor ugly schizophrenics should be sterilized, or better yet killed, and those they conceived should be destroyed in the bud, as he, yes, said, well, actually, do you like this kind of morality, it was his fight, it was the third reich, yes, it was adolf hitler, it was the t-4 program, by the way, a very serious program, t-4, which was ideologically justified and
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actually implemented, moreover, the first concept of surrogacy. about the abolition of the ban on abortions. why did he do it? it's very interesting. look, there is testimony of one of our intelligence officers who worked in washington in the seventies, oleg vladimirovich pilipets, who received from the former ambassador of the united states to the soviet union, gariman. on july 18 and 23
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, 1955, a meeting took place in geneva between khrushchev and the leaders. the united states was then represented by dwight esenhower, england by prime minister anthony eden, france by prime minister edgar faure. at that meeting, the western partners issued a number of demands to the soviet union in order to improve relations with western countries. the three most important ones were: a reduction armed forces, condemnation of stalin's activities. lifting the ban on abortions, and as we remember very well, all three demands were met, and the key demands were: reduction of armaments, that is , weakening the country, condemnation of stalin, that is, condemnation of the one who was the leader in the victory
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over fascist germany, and the extermination of the population for... it was canceled and allowed only in certain states, and in france abortions were allowed only in 1975, what an amazing coincidence, so who demands from khrushchev in 1955 to allow abortion, who writes us a constitution in 1993, in which
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the protection of human rights begins with his birth. us a very powerful gdp, a prosperous country, as we know, at the same time you can imagine that in 2023 in korea in the south, 57% of strollers were bought for pets, with which happy couples walk, only 43% for babies. in korea
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today, the birth rate is 0.70. this is the lowest in the world in one of the most prosperous countries, than we can this explain, i don't know, but it seems to me that this is the hypertrophied egoism of humanity, the greed to share benefits with someone new, the desire to improve personal life. the life of another, this is the desire of today's man to have everything at once, this is the artificiality into which our whole life is gradually turning, artificial intelligence, artificial meat, artificial men, artificial women, artificial distance learning, you can exist in this artificial world
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and feel great. i want you remind one small episode from our film a few days in the life of oblomov about naturalness. look, his life is subordinated to the goal, work, not a single unnecessary action, step, unnecessary word. and here he is healthy, rich, at 60 years old he looks younger than you. and why, andrey? at 60, you need to look 60, not 35. that's right, only then at 35 you don't need to look 50, like you. oh, andrey, well, your gold miner will live another 100 years, earn another 100 fragments, but why? everyone thinks only about how to eat, what harmful. what is useful, what doctor to see, what waters to go to, everyone thinks only about how to live, and why, no one
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wants to think, this is a remarkably common phrase, to live for yourself, and what does this mean, isn't it the same thing we often talked about, when the quality of life is determined by the quantity and quality of pleasure. in this life, remember alisan sergeevich pushkin, who at 35 wrote these lines: "it's time, my friend, it's time, the heart asks for peace, days fly by, every hour takes away a little bit of existence, and you and i are alone "we suppose to live, and lo and behold, we die." didn't pushkin live for himself, creating his great works, including these strict ones? because living for himself, it turned out that he lives for entire generations, and for centuries. well, okay, look, for example, students who are studying to be obstetricians and
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gynecologists are taught to perform abortions in the sixth year of their residency, this is a mandatory stage of training, absolutely right, because there are circumstances in which they must be able to do everything, but with all that it seems to me that in the same. there may be courses that teach a doctor to try to help a woman save the fetus, and not just help get rid of it, because if this were the case, there probably would not be such statistics as, for example, that in 30 years since 1991, only in state medical institutions, 50 million abortions were performed, think about this figure, from 1920, when abortions were allowed until 1991, according to
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very rough estimates , 180 million unborn children were killed, think about these figures, remember that said the great dmitry mendeleyev, who was engaged not only in chemistry, but also in demography, he predicted that by the year 2000 in russia there should be at least 600 million citizens, he died in 1907, i could not imagine that in just 13 years, in the twentieth year , abortions would be allowed, from this year to ninety -one, 180 million would be killed, plus their children, and how many among them could there have been great military leaders, writers, scientists, artists? doctors and so on and so forth. i understand that this can be considered speculation, so to say, emotional lyrics. but if we
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were not standing today on the threshold of that catastrophe, which the same dmitry sergeyevich peskov spoke about, then probably there would not be this conversation. but i do not know whether this information is included in the medical training program. in our medical schools, what does this lead to? remember at least this monstrous story with elina sushkevich. this monstrous kaliningrad case, which revealed a terrible problem. deformation, amoralization, moral degradation were monstrous force, demonstrated precisely in this case. the essence of the case was that the woman who was admitted. sudden birth, premature pregnancy, she is from central asia, accordingly, she does not have any compulsory medical insurance there, an insurance policy there and everything else, she was not registered, she ends up in the russian hospital.
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the child is born alive, a live birth, the team begins to save him, the head doctor arrives a day later and begins to accuse them of saving this child, then they come to the conclusion that one of the teams that arrived, which they called from the center prenatally, she asks her: well, you do something with these children, she filled a syringe with magnesium.
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like professional deformation, when it becomes a flow, it becomes a convention, it becomes habitual, it becomes natural, that is, the naturalness of an abortion is equated with the naturalness of the birth of a child, you will tell me, well, how, well , of course it is natural, but for a surgeon who operates every day, what for an ordinary person is horror, a nightmare, blood, scary, for a surgeon it is commonplace, it is natural, yes, of course, for a surgeon it is natural. ordinary, correct, but his activity is aimed at saving someone, and not at killing, there is a small difference here, although practically from the point of view of physical actions, they are all very similar to each other, and it is surprising, you look, in this situation, demographic, which the presidents talk about, which scientists talk about, look at what problems women who want to keep a child face?
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just as an example, listen, when she finished, let's say, the examination, she told me she said, what are you expecting, everything is as bad as possible for you, you have a frozen pregnancy, it’s strange that all the tests were done in favor of having an abortion, we went to all the possible nearest ultrasounds, we looked, and what did she tell me, i’m worried, everything is fine with you, there was a weak heartbeat, it was quietly audible, but it was audible. i go into the office, i say: i need to register, then she went to examine me and said, like at your age you need to study, and you’re like giving birth to children, maybe after all will you have an abortion? i say: no, well i got pregnant with my second child, it started bleeding from the very beginning of the pregnancy, i went to the hospital to see our head nurse, she said: you need to have an abortion, she said: there was one like this before you, they cleaned it out, well, the
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baby was born, 2 weeks later i had... the bleeding went away, everything was fine, the baby was born 4.800 56 cm, it turns out they did an ultrasound, to which she told me that there is a dense egg, there is no embryo, the ginger is not developing, supposedly you most likely have a frozen pregnancy, we went to another polyclinic on admirala yumashova, there they did an ultrasound for me, they say everything is fine, the baby's heartbeat is audible, that's what the geneticist says, look, hello, i'm a geneticist, gynecologist, crisis line save life, we analyzed the line's work from june to september 2020, out of nineteen requests from pregnant women with fetal pathology, only four had valid indications for termination of pregnancy, the remaining 15 women were sent for an abortion without any indications, these are the problems that arise between psychologists who are called to do...
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not a single woman, and not even the social central city hospital was sent for help, i'm not even talking about the psychological one, and we work in the corridor, that is, our specialist must consult a woman in the corridor, and the attitude of doctors has not changed, that is, doctors are still negatively disposed towards our work, as they tell us, you go here, you go there and somewhere...


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