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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 5:30pm-6:01pm MSK

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i was happy, yes i received a message in my email that i was going, i'm actually sitting at school, i'm already crying with happiness, i wanted to go so much, i was not disappointed, the camp lived up to expectations, yes, yes, each shift elects a president and vice-president of the camp, this is a local government, in this shift the president was veronica from gorlovka, veronica, the first question, how was your rest, super, very. i don't want to leave, just a lot of positive emotions, memories, i really want to get here again in the near future, for everyone without exception children here a trip to the camp is an event that they were really looking forward to and which they will certainly remember for the rest of their lives, i submitted an application on may 11, and i found out that i was going on june 1, and i spent these two weeks, i went to the artek website every day, i was really looking forward to the result, i was very happy, i really wanted to go, but... everything that i expected
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to see here, everything came true, yes, yes, a bunch of new acquaintances from different cities, just the sea, the sun, the beach, that is, i haven't gotten bored yet at home, no, no, at first no, well at first i wanted to leave, at home, mom, there family, everything, and then, when i met the guys, every day there were more and more events, acquaintances, everything, just yesterday everyone was already crying, everyone was already hugging, that is , i don’t want to leave, of course, as i already said... above veronica from gorlovka, a city that is now being shelled in the ssu almost daily. and it is clear that in these conditions, all schools are on distance learning. and if you count the pandemic, then almost half of veronica’s school years were spent remotely. and also a person who, well, i can’t live without society, i constantly need somewhere to be in some kind of society. i was very happy, that is, of course, any child from gorlovka wants to get in, talk to someone, get to know each other, because we don’t really have that opportunity.
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the city is in the rear, by the standards of the svo zone it’s pretty quiet, but still sometimes it’s noisy here and the air defense is working, and here it’s noisy, for children from gorlovka, unfortunately, this is a familiar situation, but what about the children who are from the dining areas, plus or minus, for whom it ’s not as often as they reacted, some kids, let’s say, even little ones, i i noticed that they don't even understand what it is, well, the guys may not have gotten used to it or i don't know, but of course we understand. we're not
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causing panic, everyone's used to it, but the guys, some may not notice, some are used to it, well, somehow, in the soviet union, berdyansk was considered the most popular resort in the country on the azov coast, to crimea... it's just a short drive from there, but for many tourists in soviet times and now, berdyansk is not an intermediate stop, but the final destination, vacationers come here specifically, we are on one of the central beaches, in which, as it were , in berdyansk there are many beaches, but this is the central third beach, and yes, you can see a bunch of people who came to relax, well, of course, there are local residents.
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who also come with pleasure in the water, the water warms up to about 26 °, and this is precisely the plus that distinguishes us from other, uh, resorts in the sense that the warm sea, wide sandy beaches, as probably in all resort towns, for a significant tourism is the main source of income for some local residents, that is , people live all year on what they earned in the summer. compared to what it was last year, now people have come, well, we are also sort of doing something to restore this flow of tourists in all, well, at all opportunities we tell people to come there to all sorts of meetings, exhibitions, we participate in, which are held in moscow in other cities, which are connected with tourism and in this way, well, there is such advertising. plus
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, we recently held an info tour, to us tour operators from different regions came, there is no official resort season in berdyansk this year, which is understandable, after all , the front line is only... 100 km away, but judging by the number of people on the beaches and the number of cars with license plates from other regions, this summer the season on the azov coast is not bad. there were no free rooms in the hotel that belongs to vera gorobets' family on the day of the shooting, and this occupancy rate is quite normal for this summer. please tell me how this season is going, is there any better promotion member. well, for example, last year, yes, there were a lot more people, they come with children, we are very happy that it is quiet, calm, it is very good for us, there are a lot more people, yes , compared to, approximately in what, what, by
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what percentage increase, well, by 50 percent for sure, yes, compared to last year, and the geography, tourists, where do people mainly come from? krasnoyarsk krai already comes, well, yes, and rostov, that also often comes to us, well, mostly from the dpr, lpr, and also from the cities of the zaporozhye region, and the people who come, as they say here, from the mainland, from other regions of russia, they find out about you, well, that is, through yandex, so we advertise everywhere we can, and they come and call. are interested. in season, prices for rooms in vera's hotel start from 4.00 per day. the hotel is on the coast. on this side of the berdyansk spit , the sea is very shallow and therefore mainly families with small children come here. they really like the sea of ​​azov. it's
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like paradise for children. it turns out that we have sand, we have there are places where it is not deep. here on our side there is a bay, there is knee-deep water, so children swim. here. here and of course we are different, now you are in a protected area, here birds of paradise fly in, it is very beautiful here, we have beautiful sunsets, many tourists go specifically to the berdyansk spit, here, because unlike most of the azov coast, where it is shallow, in the middle of the spit it is relatively deep, and the beach line is wide. berdyansk spit, here are very wide beaches, people, in the height of the season, well so visually not so many, well at least less than on the beaches in the city center, but nevertheless the rooms in the hotels that are located here are almost all occupied. on the spit
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along the coastline there are private houses where rooms are rented, boarding houses, sanatoriums, hotels, including quite high-level ones. in this hotel the whole season is difficult. room, guests from new russian regions. we are in the cost from 7,000 per day and almost all in one of the hotels of such spa hotels, which are called sunresort, and here it is really there are a lot of guests, vacationers, all the rooms are full, such a good, let's say, good conditions, there is a swimming pool, you see, there is a beach nearby, clean water. the sand is clean, a chaise lounge, umbrellas, well , here are the rooms where you can relax in the sun. this season, after a two-year break
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, an aqua park opened in berdyansk, where at the time of filming the final preparatory work was underway. a lot is changing in the city in terms of infrastructure, especially with regard to roads. they are making a new road, yes, they are making a road, all the communications are here, but this is like there was a terrible road here, well, the whole thing was like a washboard, well, well , work is being carried out in parallel on the engineering networks, so that those that are on the road or under the road, that's why there is such a comprehensive approach, well, this is what... was missing for many years, berdyansk sort of survived, that's how it has remained since those times, but unfortunately, in recent years under ukraine, nothing like that has been done here, that is, the networks are worn out, well, in general, these works are being carried out now, little by little they are being put in order,
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we have the shevsky region, the tver region is very helps us in this regard. the small village of urzuv on the azov coast was founded by greek settlers from the crimean gurzuf in the 17th century, hence the similarity to... the population of urzuf is less than 300 people, but in the summer it increases several times, and this year is no exception, although officially the resort season in the dpr, given the situation, no one, of course, opened, there are a lot of people, but you can't stop them, they all want to get healthy, spend their children on perehmura, most of it is the donetsk people's republic, our donbass, that's almost 90%, a few people from lugansk. people's republic, there are also people from big russia, well
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, there are only a few of them, people are just a little afraid when you walk along urzuf, it's hard to even believe that the line of combat contact is just two hours away from this resort village, and so... an ordinary tourist place, some dozens in the south of our country, the only difference is that the dpr has a curfew, all establishments close at 22:00. again, like in any other resort place, in urzuf, in the private sector rooms and numbers are rented everywhere. on weekdays , finding a free one is not a problem, unlike on weekends. the same situation is in the sanatoriums and boarding houses near sufa. that is, at the moment, it is like a weekend resort.
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until 2014, the majority of tourists
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came to urzov from donetsk, and a significant percentage of vacationers were from russia. there were a lot of people here, the village was, one might say, full, more in the middle of the village everything was full, people even came at night, asked for everything, so that they could take them for the night in those houses that were not suitable were for housing. after 2014, everything changed, the village remained under control. that is, it is nice, that when people remember you, that they come and expect from you exactly the service that was before, that
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is, we try, of course, to maintain it. as we said above, most of the tourists in urzuf are people from the cities of donbass, but there are also people, of course, not so many of them, who come from big russia. my name is marina samartseva, i came from krasnoyarsk, well, i was here before.
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you yourself did not have any concerns here here to go, no, on the contrary, i wanted to see with my own eyes the attitude of people to the new government, to the new.
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well, it doesn't make sense, probably, there's a swimming pool here, there's a children's playground here , there's a hotel room here, we have our own beach line, tatyana says that the participants...
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well, i think yes, yes, in any case, especially well , gurlovka, donetsk, yes, it happens, well, this year it may not be so, but in those years people really came, they took a break from the noise, from all of this, yes, at least you can sleep, get some sleep, this moment was, in a resort village with a population at 3.00 people there is also a small amusement park, its owner alexander luka started this business in sidovo 26 years ago, well i work here in sidovo, if you start the first steps from the ninety- eighth year, 1998, well, here we count, we have been working until today, we started little by little with little things, well and so little by little over this period we have grown to such a volume, well , what it is now, that is, always something new every year, something that was interesting, something bright, beautiful, so that people liked it, well and so little by little with each
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year we, well, from the main attractions, this ferris wheel, yes we brought it from st. petersburg, then... back in the nineteenth year - we installed one of the large attractions, and so little by little we began to add, add, add, expand it. people are more willing this year, considering that the front has moved away, to come to you, or have you not noticed any difference with previous years? well, there may be a difference, it's just that it has expanded, so to speak, yes, our territory, liberated territories have appeared, and people a little.
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became a tourist city, two giant metallurgical plants operated here, and the water area definitely could not be called an ecologically clean place. now, when the city is being restored,
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tourist infrastructure, hotels, embankment beaches are appearing in mariupol. one of the main attractions of the city, the nilsson water tower, has already been restored. of course, they come, yes, we were industrial, but we tried to make all our objects interesting. our tourists, so that they were in demand, therefore, therefore we have always included them in our excursion routes and we try to return to this task in the same way, so that the city is interesting precisely for its antiquity, therefore we love our city very much and prepare all excursion routes specifically with our objects, most of which are now being restored. mariupol is now one big construction site, it is even more surprising that tourists are already coming here, of course there are not many of them, but nevertheless... they are there, in your opinion, has anyone already started coming to mariupol or are people still afraid to come here on vacation? no, you know, people are interested even in the situation we are in now,
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because people come here to compare the city of today, and to come to us next summer and see even better changes in the city, most of the hotels in the city are still being restored, well , in those that are working it is difficult to find a free room. they stop for a couple of days in the city on the way to berdyansk or crimea, it was industrial, yes, but of course, we all always wanted our sea to work for well as it was for tourists, especially since the azov sea is a very useful sea in general. well, somehow because of the port, because there is a railway there , it comes to the port, somehow this hotel opened in the twenty-second year,
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the building was repaired quite quickly, unlike the neighboring houses, it was not damaged much, during the battles for the city the hotel was badly damaged, and how difficult it was to restore, well, completely all the windows, doors , everything was completely changed in this, well, externally you see, as if the facade was not damaged much, why because... look at the same port, the pride of the city of mariupol, at our sea, which is worthy and ready to meet our tourists, as it is
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incredibly clean and warm, well, and if you look , you can walk along your favorite sea and at the improvements that our builders have now carried out, yes, sister cities, this is a huge thank you to them for this work, because this has never been here. there was no such space, there was no such clean air, and it is really very pleasant to walk here in the evenings with friends to show this place to tourists next to the embankment now has beaches with all the conditions. yes, this beach has also been improved, yes, how much? yes, yes, yes, completely from scratch, everything is new here, decking, accessible, gazebos, showers, restaurants, sun loungers, that is , everything is here completely. comfortable cozy, there was no tourist beach infrastructure here, if i understand correctly, absolutely, there was nothing here, here was just again
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an abandoned territory with a small... such improvement completely changes the territory of sand just, well, just with the concept of the entire visit to our resort town, that is, if earlier a tourist drove past us, yes, to get to the coast, today he has a colossal opportunity, and this is a big plus for us, that we can keep him in our city and show everything that we have today. will be. considering the relative proximity of the front, and berdyansk, and urzuv, and mileikina and sidova and other coastal cities and towns, you can not call a paradise for a tourist and now in the summer season mainly residents of new regions go there, but this bye. in some time , people from all over the country will come to this part of the azov coast.
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everything is not so scary, if there is an instruction, we continue the review on... the armed forces continue to repel the attempt to invade the territory of russia during the day by active actions of units of the northern group and the approaching reserves by air and artillery strikes the attempts of the enemy's mobile groups to break through were stopped. missiles with a thermoboric warhead at the temporary deployment point of foreign mercenaries on the southern outskirts of sudzha were destroyed 15 militants. over the past 24 hours, the ssu suffered losses of up to 175 military personnel and 36 armored vehicles, including 10 tanks and
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a multiple launch rocket system. in total, during the fighting in the kursk direction, the enemy lost more than 1,100 people and 140 armored vehicles. the operation to destroy the formation of the armed forces of ukraine continues. today, the minister of health mikhail murashko convened a meeting on the organization of medical care in the kursk region. he said that a route for scheduled and emergency patients has been formed. the region has enough medicines, medical products, personnel and hospital capacity to help all those wounded during shelling by the ukrainian armed forces. the minister also noted that the all-russian disaster medicine service coordinates the work of the federal medical and biological agency, rospotrebnadzor and other agencies in the medical unit during an emergency situation. the head of the ministry of transport, former governor of the region roman starovoit, is currently in the kursk region. he is personally involved in issues of ensuring the safety of the transport complex, and also interacts with the regional government on resettlement of people from border areas.
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the main task. to ensure safe.


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