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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 6:30pm-7:01pm MSK

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the cinema has a billiard room, a gilded chess set on the table, an impressive collection of weapons in a separate room, and even the legendary ppsha from the great patriotic war. when the police brought ignatyev to the investigator's office, he looked little like a lover of luxury, and appeared before the camera in a stretched-out t-shirt and shabby pants. for you, the arrest was a surprise. and why? because we work honestly. but the investigation has other data, i don't see it, they didn't present me with anything, absolutely nothing, pressure on business, but the police are sure that it was ignatiev's business that put pressure on consumers, the former power engineer founded a large grid organization that took electricity from the rosseti volga company, and then supplied the energy resource to local residents. this is one of the substations on the outskirts of ulyanovsk, which , according to some sources, was acquired by alexander ignatiev several years ago. in fact , owning such an energy facility allowed him to become a serious intermediary
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between the rosseti company and the end consumer. electricity that goes through this highway on one of the sections passes through private equipment, the owner of which receives profit. this graph clearly shows how the scammers' scheme supposedly worked. consumers paid for electricity based on meter readings. this data was sent to small household companies controlled by ignatievo. this information settled there. then the scammers from a larger company. ignatievo deliberately inflated the costs of supplying energy resources, no one compared these figures with the actual volumes consumption. the regional agency for tariff regulation obediently raised the cost per kilowatt, and the rosseti volga company was forced to regularly compensate part of the fictitious costs, and gnatyev and the company. it turns out that they receive money twice: first, directly from the consumer, secondly, by compensating for tariff decisions, which. fall on the shoulders
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of the higher-level network organization, that is, us. the fraudulent scheme lasted 4 years, the security forces brought all participants in the scam out of the shadows. more than thirty simultaneous searches, a large amount of documentation, bank cards, large sums of money, both in rubles and us dollars, expensive cars, luxury items. ignatiev's fleet seemed to have transport for any needs of his hobbies. here is a very... powerful swamp vehicle on huge wheels, it can, as stated on the manufacturer's website, easily overcome rocks, water, and ice, and, apparently, either ignatiev did not have time to drive it much, or he loved it very much, because the car looks practically like new, by the way, they say that this swamp vehicle was called ignatyev kuziy. it is not difficult to imagine how much such a lifestyle cost the entrepreneur, but when communicating with our film crew, alexander ignatyev pretended that he was very...
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now no one will interfere with the work of her enterprise, and the residents of ulyanovsk have hope that electricity bills will become smaller, because daylight hours are getting shorter. maxim shevchenko, denis tsitsaronov and sergey shcheptev. news, duty unit from ulyanovsk. the police of the cis member countries may a common digital trace database will appear. this will allow criminals to be promptly detained on the territory of different countries, for example, to track the phone calls of criminals and operations on them.
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the main goal of the ministerial meeting is to erase the boundaries between police departments of different countries and establish a seamless fight against criminals, who, by the way, have already learned to use bureaucratic obstacles to avoid punishment. state duma deputies
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have made an unusual proposal: to test artists for alcohol and drugs before going out. stage. the reason was another scandal connected with the concert of rock musician gleb samoilov in krasnoyarsk. the former lead singer of the group agata kristi rolled his eyes, could barely stand on his feet and could not clearly sing any of the lines of his hits. this performance has already been responded to in yekaterinburg, where samoilov's performance scheduled for august 9 was cancelled. officially, for some independent reason.
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they assumed that someone managed to get high from the stat, doctors even saw unhealthy notes in such a performance. it is possible suspect that he takes drugs that expand consciousness, there are a lot of them, starting, so to speak, with alcohol and ending with other psychoactive substances. perhaps he was so inspired by the song, in connection with this he rolls his eyes, by a strange coincidence, there in krasnoyarsk a week before samoil's concert. natalia chastyakova ionova, known as glucose, also had a strange time. oh, well, here we go. according to the audience, among whom were children, the artist behaved very unconventionally. she touched herself in intimate places,
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she barely missed the soundtrack talked. i want to chat with you, you know, i think it's not worth it. there's only one question: is there any legal liability for stars for such? antics. earlier, the ministry of culture recommended introducing a dress code for artists. the initiative was supported in 12 russian regions. but sobriety is also part of appearance, so the mandatory procedure for testing artists for alcohol and drugs can be very, very useful. yes, and often star participants in such performances end up in so-called rehabs, rehabilitation centers for drug addicts. this week, one of these establishments attracted the attention of investigators. according to them, in the moscow region center, which positions itself as an elite place for wealthy clients, patients could be beaten and starved. we decided to find out who provides rehabilitation services in such establishments and how they make money on addiction, an investigation by alexandra mostovaya. investigators are now the main
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visitors of this rehabilitation center in the extremely moscow region mytishchi. according to them, this huge house has turned into a torture chamber for ten. tied to a chair, yes, in the basement, and three of them knocked me down, but it's like being in a torture chamber. such institutions are now called by the fashionable word rehab, a distorted abbreviation of the english reabilitation, that is , rehabilitation. in fact , there is no talk of any restoration of health.
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patients complain of beatings, hunger, all kinds of abuse, all this for a lot of money. the average cost of staying in such an institution in moscow and the region is about 100,000 rubles. in the regions it is cheaper, but not much, that same rehabilitation center in mytishchi also positioned itself as an elite institution for wealthy clients, two employees of the rehabilitation center vector. life were charged with illegally depriving patients of liberty suffering from alcohol and drug addiction. so far, only two security guards of the center have been charged. its director and staff psychologist artem nefedov went into the shadows, but perhaps not for long. the media write that his center did not have a license. the website allegedly lists the details of a completely different company. we reached nefedov, but he asked him call back, soon blocked the editorial number. would like to talk to you about the scandal that broke out around your rehabilitation center, is this
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possible? could you call later? in how much time should i call you back? we visited another rehabilitation center of nefedov, it is located in the odentsovsky district of the moscow region, this cottage also does not look like a medical institution at all. here are two floors, yes or three, three, and many rooms, i see. we did not see any medical equipment or hospital wards inside, the patients were in unattended mansion, the case that they will not even be able to provide qualified assistance, an example of this is the high-profile story of the death of the famous actor dmitry maryanov, he died in the same dubious rehabilitation center in the moscow region, the artist suddenly had a broken tromp, but the employees did not even call an ambulance for him, they were afraid that ...
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the business of broken human destinies, the owners of all sorts of semi-legal centers, it seems, does not care about the future of patients, and especially their health, only money. there is no single standard, no control, there is a huge army of addicts, so this kind of amateur activity turns out, and periodically we see stories of someone being wrapped in a carpet. died, someone was forcibly detained. today, almost anyone can
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rent a house, hire staff, usually ex-addicts, and call it all a rehabilitation center. the activities of such institutions are not controlled by law. the ministry of health, the government as a whole must restore order, that is, if you want to open a rehabilitation center for treatment of alcoholics and drug addicts, be so kind as to go through all the necessary fire safety system, and prove it. this is what a real center for addicts looks like, it is headed by the famous singer stas piekha, he does not hide the fact that he himself took drugs in the past, but managed to overcome the disease, and now helps other people do it, experienced doctors and psychologists work in his institution, there is all the necessary medical equipment, and in this office, as it were , the initial consultation takes place. stas piekha is sure that the owners of all these newfangled...
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sat, the ministry of internal affairs, the russian national guard and officials dealt a powerful blow to illegal gold miners.
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my colleague, olga zhurenkova, also took part in the special operation. she flew to magadan, where, by the way, a federal journalist rarely sets foot, and visited an illegal factory of the so-called predators. so, who is mining in the subsoil and how, those obsessed with gold skim the cream, leaving behind dirty rivers and cut down forests. special report. our program helicopter pad in the suburbs of magadan, police officers, fsb officers, representatives regional ministry.
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to use the capabilities of the kolomyia air fleet more actively. aviation helps the police to quickly identify groups that illegally mine gold, it is very difficult to catch them red-handed using only ground transport. the mining area is too large and the landscape is difficult. we were lucky with the weather today, visibility is excellent, clear, a good view opens up, the helicopter pilot, twenty-six-year-old milana smerdova, is the first woman in the world who has the right to operate a multi-purpose helicopter. on the way we see several areas where they wash for placer gold. the crew has received permission to land, the helicopter begins to descend. they put on a bulletproof vest and take up arms, in all likelihood, we will now be unloading from the helicopter. short instructions on the airfield, then by car
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. special forces groups quickly leave for the site, the outskirts of the city of susuman. there is an illegal processing plant here. containing ore, as a rule, such mini-enterprises have their own security service, so there is no time to hesitate, oh, us lucky, the devices are not stopped, the machines are working, now let's look at the process itself, the mechanism, that is, this is ore containing gold, ore, there, there is gold, yes, then they take these stones, so to speak, crush it to a fine state, then the mixture goes into a special... mill, here it is crushed to a powder state, then this powder goes through pipes to another machine, this material is then laid out on a vibration table and separated, that is, due to the fact that gold is heavier, it flows uh to the this edge, thus a gold-containing concentrate is obtained, such a black mixture, then
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gold is obtained from it through chemical reactions, in the next room the gold is evaporated from the concentrate using acid, it is poured... here acid is poured into a non-drying container, that is, after which the acid is heated to speed up the reaction, here on the table there are molds for ingots, you can’t touch them with your hands now, operatives work here, judging by the production capacity, the work here was put on stream, this illegal factory operated several months, here are the employees of the underground enterprise, amateur chemists, you can't call anywhere, yes, you are the head here, no, and what are you doing here? and what are you doing ? what does it consist of? and the bags with what? i load, and what is in the bags? planting, sand? simple ordinary sand? from the beach? yes, or maybe not simple? i don't understand. the employees live and work under one roof, in the next room their simple life is arranged. everything is visible, without words, the sofa is dirty, there is even a crow here,
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it seems to me, she is scared now, work, this illegal. gold ore processing factories are shut down, equipment is being dismantled and taken away for special storage, we arrive at another point, according to operational data, there is another similar illegal factory a few kilometers from here, the employees of the underground enterprise, it seems, were warned by someone, they managed to close the workshop and escape, the machines are stopped, but a few hours ago they were working at full capacity, there are several cars on the territory, filled to the brim with sacks, ore, that's right. it's not for nothing that they call it gold, it's in magadan the region has the largest volumes of gold mining in russia, the development of deposits in the region began in the thirties of the twentieth century. lone prospectors, attracted by rumors of gold, came to kolyma. according to the law , only enterprises can mine precious metals in our country, but at the gold mines there have always been so-called predators, workers without
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a license and permits. according to some data , there are more than half a thousand such illegal prospectors in the region. as a rule, they are financed by emissaries of criminal groups specializing in the illegal purchase gold, equivalent exchange of gold for drugs is practiced, sometimes such organized crime groups are provided with protection, security forces warn of possible raids in remote areas of the region, only according to preliminary data, about a ton of illegally mined stolen industrial gold is exported from the region annually, engaged in gold mining, having completed all the relevant documents, now there is a sufficient amount of funds, including ... that is, satellite means, tracking systems through vonas, where you can actually clearly take and see what is happening on this or that license, everyone should understand this, the stone age, the time of the gold rush, ... the security forces connected unmanned aircraft to the search for illegal prospectors, in this footage , a reconnaissance drone recorded work from the air in the village of udarnik in the magadan region. information
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is transmitted to law enforcement in real time, a capture group is deployed. up close, you can clearly see how illegal prospectors collect small ore in a bowl and begin to wash it. in the cup is the so-called gold concentrate. among small particles of gold are visible in the black rock. and this is footage of the arrest of the head of the mining company's site. the police believe that he stole and kept among his personal belongings mineral raw materials that contained almost one and a half kilograms of native gold. the damage caused amounted to over 8 million rubles. the identities of possible accomplices of the defendant are being established. placer gold deposits are located along the banks of rivers in forests. the gold mafia causes damage not only to the state, but also to the environment. black prospectors are filming gold. leave behind destruction, cut down forests, pollute rivers, this is clearly visible from the air. a decision was made by the government of the magadan region, to organize an interdepartmental commission with the purpose
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of stopping such illegal mining, would carry out raid activities, at present raid activities have proven themselves on the positive side. our colleagues from the eduard petrov investigation program spoke in detail about illegal gold prospectors in transbaikalia. this region is also. among the leaders in reserves and gold mining. here, security forces eliminated a large criminal organization whose members secretly exported the precious metal abroad. the roles in the group were clearly divided. among those arrested were gold miners, couriers who transported the precious metal. buyers and so-called financiers, people who paid for the illegal goods. last year, the courts of the magadan region considered five criminal cases related to the illegal circulation of drak-metals. all of them were initiated as a result of the operational-search activities of the department the fsb of russia for the magadan region has seized more than 23 kg of gold worth almost 93 million rubles from illegal circulation. one of the high-profile
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sentences is a ten-year term for two members of a criminal group; they illegally stored and imported heavy metal and also tried to bribe security officials. according to experts, the annual volume of the so-called shadow market of precious metals in the region can reach 2 tons. these are mainly stolen precious metals. small prospectors, including those working under contracts with large enterprises, are taking away in several ways: through the seaport by mail by transport and forwarding companies, transported under the guise of legally mined gold, but most often the illegal gold is melted down into homemade bars and hidden in cars. kalyma is connected with neighboring yakutia by a single road, the channel for the supply of illegal gold has been worked out for a long time, from yakutia the precious metal gets to the caucasus. from there to turkey, then it returns to the country already in the form of jewelry. in addition, participants illegally buy up industrial gold in the region and ship it to turkey and armenia. they
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usually transport it by air, under the guise of jewelry, bracelets, buckles, rings, which are handicraft-made in small workshops. to disguise illegally mined gold, it is smelted, mainly given the appearance of household items, clothing items, even toys, and covered with paint. in this form , camouflaged gold, this method is used by criminal elements to transport through multiple control zones. during the gold mining season, usually from may to december, there is enhanced control at the magadan airport. illegal carriers rarely hide gold nuggets in luggage, the airport has modern equipment with which employees identify the precious metal. now, for example, they carry a special load inside gold, official. it looks like metal. well, according to the letter of guarantee, these are metal products, drac-metal mined in the magadan region. siiloviki regularly conduct raids, stop the work of
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illegal gold miners from the ground with air, it is important to stop the barbaric plundering of the country's gold reserves. olga zhurenkova, denis tsitseronov, dmitry stepanov, dinara yusipova, dmitry manyshev, nikita kotelkin. news duty part. soon after us, watch eduard petrov's investigation, the film the fall of an afghan, an explosion. on kotlyakovka tells about one of the bloodiest crimes of the nineties: the mass murder at the kotlyakovskoye cemetery in moscow was the result of a struggle between two funds through which huge amounts of money passed. who ordered the explosives to be planted, we'll talk about that soon. our final the release is over, follow the legal news in the telegram channels vesti dezhirnoy partiya and honest detective, also go to the platform, watch and stay on the channel russia24.
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who are you? i, a traveler, aeronaut, jean. ivan, ah, so we go out namesakes. what fairy tale, without ivan? eh, what started? without deception and without flint. likhodi imprisoned me in flints. pen, self-written, magic ink, you will get. the main thing is, van, hurry up. so give me a horse. mechanical, beat yourself on the head, you do have a nickname, where it is necessary, that's what they call me, because i'm not taking you where you fool want, where it is necessary, i can't live without traveling, flint, he who has flint in his pocket doesn't need a pen , soon!
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we watch to learn about the world, educational programs and documentaries, we watch, we watch, in the application or on the website.
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they were heroes of the afghan war, and became traitors, ruthless killers. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. the crime was organized by the radchik with the aim of eliminating the fund's leaders. ihodi played a role in the elevator. rachikov was an amazing person.


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