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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 10:30pm-11:01pm MSK

10:30 pm
i'm very much looking forward to seeing you, you'll go to school, study math, math is the mother of sciences, listen to mom, never offend me, mom is sacred, please forgive me that it happened this way, olesya novikova's daughter spent the period of the battles for severodonetsk with her mother in the basement of a five-story building, we came especially to talk to enessa novikova, olesya's ex-wife, she says that the ukrainian army literally... roll down with your feet, still think about the ideal housing, it's time to switch to domclick to find housing on any, the most bold taste, with a mortgage for building a house, new building or secondary housing, choose what everyone will like, on domklik, everyone
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10:33 pm
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a free account for business in august, mobile communications for free - that's normal, hello, that's why we do it this way, sbermobile, well, probably, like everything in basements turns out. at first we lived in the spz area, at first we sat there, then when we turned 3 on the wall, it turns out there was an arrival right under the entrance, the electricity and gas were already turned off, we arrived , it turns out, to my cohabitant's mother's apartment, that's where she was, probably a week, we were there for two already, it turns out she is also in the area spz lived on the sixth floor, as if not on the lower, on the high ones, here at my mother's on... there it also
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turns out, as soon as the neighboring nine-story building flew in, then they moved here and somewhere maybe on august 15, when the block had already begun to lie down here. they are going exactly as if they were separated , got lost from the group, then they told everyone to hide in the basement already there in a day, in two already on the street there were bullets flying, that it was scary, well, and then somehow gradually-gradually it began to be born,
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now it’s also easier with children, i i don't work and the same thing, now i've issued a supercapital for the eldest and received it for the youngest. everything is great, thank god, by the way , much, as for me, as if more than under ukraine, that is, if in ukraine you received 860 there until 3 years, that's all, there was nothing, now it's somehow simpler and as if more is being done for children, many have returned with children, we have from the third floor, they also returned in the last entrance, there they also returned with a one-year-old child, so we have a lot of children here, it seems to me that he already... went there purely to pay alimony, probably, more because of this, because there was no normal work, the salaries were all the same, that's probably the only reason he went , well, i always helped my daughter, yes, yes, yes, yes, even in addition to the elements there was such a thing that you call, explain, there you need to go to kindergarten this and that,
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like, if there was an opportunity, then i always helped, that it was the economic situation in the country that forced oles to sign the contract, all his relatives say, i saw him in 21, right? i don't remember what month, he did what, served under a contract, and why went to serve, for money, there wasn't enough, well there was no work here, he decided to go to serve under a contract, and you i worked, i didn't want to, and where did you work, well, how will we work out, in the settings, so in different ways,
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it's very good that at least we all got together, so that at least everyone is alive and well, bro, you hang in there, come back soon, we're waiting for you here, when you arrive, we'll get you a job, get a job, you'll live normally, no need to invent all this, as they say, bicycles, where to find money, where to earn money? you can see by eyes that are very angry with me, very angry that i drove myself into such a situation, no one wanted me to go serve, no one, everyone, the whole family was against it, everyone, my wife, yes, everyone was against it, my brother olesya also survived the battles for severodonetsk in the basements, woke up, went out
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to the balcony to smoke, we broke the sniper's run, i had to go to work, i then changed my mind about going to work. the dryers tried to dry us out as it was here, i remember that they were pushing us out, then pushing us in, they shot, then one ran out with a bazooka and fired, and then let's shoot here, well , there were such shootouts, on the roof, here in the window here there was an incoming flight, well, there were just entrances, the alphabet flew in.
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more than half a year without water, without electricity , without anything, now everything is being restored, windows are being replaced, doors, work, there is work, normal, well, shells are not flying around the city now, there is nothing to be afraid of, we also found a girl olesya, before his service they spent 4 years together, they did not see each other first svo, we brought you the vest. thank you for waiting,
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thank you very much for waiting, that's all, i love you very much, hugs everyone, thank you so much, you can't even imagine how much this means to me, i love you very, very, very much. i miss you, we're all waiting for you very, very much, come back soon, i live there with my parents, i work in a boarding school, here, i was against it, i tried to persuade him ,
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i said, no need, let's do something else, let's try, we'll look for something somewhere, but at that moment... we didn't find another way, damn, thank you so much for waiting, i was already thinking, by god, i thought, well, you'll say, god is no good with you, i i will live my life, damn, well i i i this, i am infinitely grateful to you, i i love you very much, unlike oles, who now knows for sure that his... dud, ilya, who was also born and raised in severodonetsk, has not known anything about his family for more than two years of captivity. mother in poltava, as far as i know, father in ivan frankovsky. since childhood, i wanted to become a military man, why? my favorite toy was always a machine gun, soldiers, tanks, i was just as interested as any boy, i guess. well, with age it didn't burn out, it was not the realization that the country needed
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my protection, it was just a desire to choose a real man's profession, it could have been a profession, i don't know, firefighters are people too, yes, well, since childhood i've been going to the opening of hunting and i've liked weapons since childhood, and firefighters, firefighters don't go with weapons, now ilya is 25 years old. after school, he studied at the academy of ground forces in lvov, at the time of the beginning of the special operation he was in his last year. artilleryman, anti-tank. we asked ilya to remember the first shelling of his homeland, lugansk june 2, 2014. of course, yes, it is a nightmare, that the missile, how, what was there, i don’t remember, air, ground, hit the building in which... punishment, did he suffer
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it now or not, i don’t know, the pilot suffered punishment, he died in the first days of the beginning of the special military operation, the ukrainian side then accompanied the news about this with vague formulations, which may indicate that the so -called friendly fire was to blame, well, or there is simply a possibility that his own people shot him down, did you feel this before 2014? drink 100 g of front-line drinks with medal plaques with awards, but not with the st. george ribbon.
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communist symbols a law was passed in our country, in which communist symbols are equated with the demonstration of nazi symbols. holodomor, which was a genocide of the ukrainian people. you know that in the years. which was a famine in ukraine, there was a famine in many regions of russia, should this change anything, you know?
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well, we had something similar a long time ago, so we can’t lose this, i think, when ukraine was after the united with independent, i probably think that as the zaporizhian army, when it existed as the zaporizhian army, even then, well, and can this be called sovereignty, i'm not sure, without certainty, but nevertheless or? i decided to defend the state, which actually did not exist as an independent unit until 1991. in march 22, ilya went to fight in his native severdonetsk, where he was captured 2 months later. well, we thought it was honorable among us if you were lucky enough to defend your own home, well, that's
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caused a certain envy, that is, it was a source of pride. i don't miss the city so much as. my parents left before the start of military operations in the city, ilya's father is subject to mobilization due to his age, whether he was taken to the front in the past two years, his son doesn't know, we showed ilya footage of his home in severodonetsk without sound, he asked to turn it on, did you want to listen to the noise of your hometown, can we? well, yes , yes, well, the balcony is intact, the neighbors have a balcony, well, it is clear that it was definitely not restored, if my parents returned there, wanted to return, no, they would be ready
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to never see them again, i think my parents would simply not return. ilya has been in captivity for 2 years, he recently turned 25, despite the fact that he is an officer, the ukrainian side is in no hurry to put him on the exchange lists. first of all, as usual, they exchange prisoners from nationalist battalions, why they do not exchange the officer, it is unknown, perhaps if he had a different registration, he would have been on the exchange lists earlier, if i am exchanged, i will definitely not go to fight, but you military personnel. i don’t think my health condition allows me to continue, i don’t know, psychological or physical, that ’s yet to be determined, i think, if you force me pettily, well, force me, i’m still , no matter how you look at it, a human being, i also have
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rights, the rights of thousands of men in ukraine are violated every day today, they are trying to get out of the country.
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they undergo a thorough check by russian special services, it won’t work to come with the purpose of harm, but if the check shows that the person has become a hostage of the ukrainian statehood, he will be able to continue his normal life. artem is already returning to normal life, entering higher education institutions. he began to breathe completely with his chest, as you can see, there is light, we are sitting here with you under a good air conditioner that works, i do not, i do not turn around. i breathe, i live, and for the sake of my family and for myself. do not be afraid, if you have a chance to leave, live life, and just leave from there, because you have this. life should not concern one and many people want to leave, so i just i wish them not to be afraid and to live, or is there
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another story that you just need to knock on doors and shout about everything and change this government, just elect it, that's it, it won't be any other way, when they told me there, and bender, tsukhevich, there and td, etc., i thought, oh my god, well , about history, just open the history books, those stories that, those people who knew this history at that time are still alive, well, just ask how it all was, they will tell you, those people are still alive, if you don't believe the books, read them, look, to heroize people like bender, i thought it was a joke, when i came to lviv, i saw his four-meter statue at the train station, i... couldn't believe my eyes, i thought the street was named after him, i thought the world had gone crazy, i thought it was a joke, ha-ha, we laughed, that's all , that's all, but people really, that
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is, how stupidly, blindly i treated all this, and people take it completely seriously, that is, a person who went over to the side of german germany, and fought against - the red army, that is, in fact, against his own people. children, go to work, enjoy life, that's who, who put a gun in the buildings, and was the first to start shooting, well, it's not important,
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they don't care anymore, they died, i could be useful now, i worked at the morgue, i worked at the bakery, that is , now i'm thinking, i'll go out, i'll come to the same enterprises, they'll tell me, yes of course, oles, come on, you have work experience, come on, you always have to bury people, make bread. you always have to come on, well, that is, i well, how would i i understand, i'm sure that the salaries are completely different, i think this is the decline of this state for many, many years, if in 2014 it was still predicted that it would lag behind poland by 50 years, that is, it is necessary to catch up with poland in 50 years, then i think that centuries have already passed there to catch up with the neighboring country in terms of economy, development. that is, what can i say, well this is the decline of ukrainian history, i think, i had a long time ago, i also had
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a pineapple cake, and how many years have you turned, six already 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, i will say how on udev at work was, what did he do at work? all, from beijing to the baltic sea, with the time has come for alfabank, the time of benefits for instant delivery of cards. the time of the best bank for millions of entrepreneurs, the time of supercake and the best application for tens
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10:58 pm
10:59 pm
sample, they should reach for it, worse is impossible, wears, i believe that i should be better in everything possible, we have always had such a motto in life, pushed these people into the doorway and, perhaps this is all a dream, and you want to open your eyes. and wake up.
11:00 pm
russian troops struck a thermobaric missile at a deployment point. foreign mercenaries on the southern outskirts of sudzha. according to the ministry of defense, 15 militants were eliminated. the operation to destroy the ukrainian armed forces formation continues, the military department says. units of the north group and the approaching reserves prevented attempts by enemy mobile groups to break through deep into russian territory. in addition, aviation and artillery delivered damaging strikes on ukrainian armed forces personnel and equipment. in the sumy region. according to the ministry of defense reports, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 175 in one day.


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