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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 10, 2024 11:00pm-11:31pm MSK

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russian troops struck. a thermobaric missile at a deployment point of foreign mercenaries on the southern outskirts of sudzha. according to the defense ministry, 15 militants were eliminated. the operation to destroy the ukrainian armed forces formations continues, the military department says. units of the north group and the arriving reserves prevented attempts by enemy mobile groups to break through deep into russian territory. in addition, aviation and artillery carried out damaging strikes on the ukrainian armed forces manpower and equipment in the sumy region. according to the defense ministry, the ukrainian armed forces lost up to 175. servicemen and 36 units of armored vehicles,
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including tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, field artillery guns and a grad mlrs launcher. about the situation in the border areas of the kursk region, a report by stanislav nazarov. armored vehicles of the northern group of troops take up positions in the border area. many lines of defense are armored, heavy equipment is based in duty areas in case of an attack. su, our tanks are quickly moving forward to hit targets. in the border areas of the kursk region, tank crews and northern groups are preparing to combat deployment to suppress enemy mobile armored groups. tank crews near kursk work closely with units of our reconnaissance strike drones. operators. pv drones
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of the russian defense ministry destroyed the american armored vehicle maxpro. now the areas where there are clashes, limited by fortifications, civilian vehicles are stopped at checkpoints many kilometers away. we are standing here, checking vehicles, both civilian, military and even police transport. like people relate to this security measure? well, everyone is very understanding, they prepare their passports, show. our helicopters strike at concentrations of ukrainian militants with s-13 missiles. the russian aerospace forces operate on the occupied positions of the kiev regime militants around the clock. at night they struck
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at a concentration of enemy manpower. there remains a high drone danger in the border areas of the kursk region. the servicemen of the sever group carefully camouflage our armored vehicles. the positions of the tanks are at a considerable distance from each other. friend. in kursk itself , missile hazard sirens sound periodically. air defense forces managed to destroy 26 enemy drones over the region. our unit continues to build up its heavy equipment forces. stanislav nazarov, evgeny kirilenko, mikhail siberev, kursk region news. now commercials, and after our broadcast will continue with a new issue of nikita mikhalkov's author's program. besagon tv. one of my friends has the fastest
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i welcome you, dear friends, to our next issue of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called where a person begins. i think you will understand why we named our program that way. but as usual, i want to first report to you that our previous program on channel 1 on channel russia 24 in social networks, vkontakte, telegram, odnoklassniki, zen and so on, was watched by more than 11 million people, which we are of course very happy and grateful to you for your attention to us. i also wanted
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to digress for a second to tell you the following: look, this is a list of our official bissogona channels, everything else that you see in the telegram channel, on other platforms, is... swindlers, extortionists, fraudsters who cannot be trusted, they ask you to subscribe, they will insert my photos, do not believe them, real resources, here are the ones that i just showed you, i cannot help but answer the numerous questions that were asked to me about the olympics, you you know, i don't want to, frankly, dwell on this in detail now, because this topic...
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so to say that it is disgusting, it is not art. journalists, public figures, bloggers and even athletes condemned the concept of the event, calling it a disgrace. french journalist of the publication lankoreh juliette brien wrote about the opening ceremony of the games as a kakaf-show. and what's more, she apologized to the whole world and refused to cover
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the olympics. as a sincere french patriot, i refuse to participate in this freakshow and apologize you the world the guardian columnist said of the ceremony as a toxic spectacle. and even.
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and ask for help. thirdly, the science of flags says that an inverted flag is a sign of disaster or defeat in war. i don't know, on purpose, it's not on purpose, but i repeat to you, god and the rogues of copper. it was in connection with this, when the flag was already hung correctly, that the witty users of the networks had this image: look, well, you know what it means. 666 is the sign of the beast, it is the sign of satan, by and large, this is generally true, because it is an absolute satanism, mocking the last supper for the whole world to see, it is punishable, maybe not immediately,
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but inevitably, but today i would like to talk about something else, and i think that for us it is no less important... than the olympic games, and by and large it is much more important, which is the basis of the future of the country, it is the people, it is demography, here... look at what the state duma deputy pyotr tolstoy says about this. listen. i will simply say briefly that we want to ban the adoption of children from russia by citizens of those states where it is allowed gender reassignment. an initiative is being developed that is aimed at improving the quality of medical services provided in the area of ​​providing services for artificial termination of pregnancy. and an initiative is being developed, in fact, in the coming days will be. to the state duma on recognizing the right to life, health protection before the birth of a child,
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this is very important, and our doctors talk about this, thank you for your support, this is what is interesting, although the words spoken by pyotr tolstoy were met with applause, nevertheless, it immediately arose and absolutely the opposite, negative reaction to what he said, immediately raised concerns. a complete ban on abortions, the middle ages, obscurantism, and so on and so forth. his proposal implies an amendment to paragraph one of article 18 of the law on the fundamentals of health protection of citizens of the russian federation. and now it will sound like this: everyone has the right to health protection both before and after birth. that is, it means that assistance should be provided, including to the unborn.
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it is strange why this is so, because, for example, there are countries in which legislative protection is provided the rights of an unborn person, these are slovakia, the czech republic, ecuador, honduras, guatemala, chile, hungary, the dominican republic, madagascar and many, many other countries. and we don’t even have to go far. abkhazia, a beautiful, post-soviet country with a rather tragic history. in 2016 , it adopted an amendment to the law on healthcare,
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here’s what it says: the state recognizes the right to life of an unborn child from the moment of conception prohibits artificial termination of pregnancy, and why didn’t we again the ban is being discussed, the conversation is about ethics, what i want to understand what is very important to understand, here if.
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the results of the termination of pregnancy, that is , this embryo, it can be used for treatment, salvation, even saving other people from various diseases. but let's turn to the dictionary of biomedical ethics, here's what is written there: the ban on the use of an embryo or its tissue for the purposes of biomedical research is based on the opposition.
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this, this is much, what else, this is regeneration in a broad sense, then, we need a mechanism, we a certain degree of scientific and medical freedom is needed, obviously, at some stages it is possible to try to replace, to move away from organ transplantation and
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save the patient's life by transplanting fetal ones, that is, - says that as a medicinal raw material in this video gennady tikhonovich sukhikh can use aborted human embryos for sick people uses so-called fetal cells, but it is impossible to obtain them without, so to speak, killing the fetus.
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before the fatherland, he is a laureate of the state science prizes 2022 and so on and so forth, he takes the most difficult births, saves a huge number of people, his role is huge in increasing the birth rate, he says a completely fair thing, with which it is impossible not to agree, the so-called fetal therapy can save from a huge number of diseases, for example, from diseases of the central nervous system. and down's disease, parkinson's, alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, kidney disease, male infertility, impotence, diabetes and much, much more various other diseases, and if you look at it from a rational point of view, then actually, if there is such an opportunity to help people, anyway, this abortion was done
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and this fetus died, it can help prolong the lives of other people, why can't this be done? nevertheless, in russia there is a law from june 23, 2016, number 180 fz, on biomedical cell products, according to which in our country it is unacceptable to use for the development, production and application of biomedical cell products, biological material, obtained by interrupting the development process. of a human embryo or fetus or disrupting such a process, it is prohibited, well , look at the picture, i will quote once again academician gennady tikhonovich sukhikh, with which it is impossible not to agree, listen, the fact is that research in the field of embryonic stem cells is associated
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with something controversial. the right to decide whether this pregnancy will develop or not belongs to the abortion itself. abortion to be used in order to save abortions, then why can't the results of this
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another person, well, that's fair, or is it better to just flush him down the drain, but here the question arises: why were 2 million abortions performed, and what number of these 2 million abortions were mandatory, necessary to save, say , a woman's life, here a conflict arises between the cause and effect relationship, you understand what i'm talking about, let's now see how this... it is number 180 of the federal law relates to article 17, paragraph 2 of the constitution of the russian federation. look, the fundamental rights and freedoms of man. are inalienable and belong to everyone from birth, that is , legally a child in the womb
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of the mother, he is not considered a person, his rights are protected from birth, that is, in other words, our left hand does not know what the right hand is doing, on the one hand we consider it immoral to use an embryo that has not been born, as if considering it protected by the state, like... the government was, i remember, they bring all this in english, and then they sit there urgently translating, translating, translating at 12 o'clock at one in the morning they gather us, we are not yet
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we won't have time to read anything, all these pages are still hot, and the translation is so crudely done, unsuccessfully there, there are these, you know, not in russian, jeffrey sachs sits there. on september 3, 1993, from the point of view of modern biology, genetics and embryology,
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the life of a person, as a biological individual, begins from the moment of the fusion of the nuclei of male and female germ cells to form a single nucleus containing unique genetic material, it cannot. organ or part of an organ of the mother's body, so it is obvious that abortion is the intentional termination of human life as a biological individual. look how this fetus develops, look, this is a person, the authors of this conclusion are the head of the department of embryology and the faculty of biology of the lomonosov moscow state university, professor. doctor of biological sciences, vladimir aleksandrovich galichenkov and professor of the department of embryology, doctor of biological sciences, dmitry vasilyevich
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popov. well, okay, these are the letters of the law, this is the theory, this is the opinion of specialists, professionals and so on and so forth. and what do ordinary people think? moreover, this survey was not done in the middle ages, not in the last century, it was done in 2024, here is the opinion. the opinion that a child is already a person before birth is held by 77% of russians, 72% allow abortion only for medical reasons, according to research by the institute of sociology of the federal research sociological center of the russian academy of sciences. now listen, here is just the point of view, just a man, just a person, just a father, this is the singer vasily vakulenko, aka the famous basta stronger, simply, because they give birth to people, simply, yes, well life, of course, no, that it simply, it must at some point allow that in its body, yes, another person appeared, he
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grew for 9 months, i cannot imagine this, and i cannot, so she lies down and says: now is the very moment when i will give birth to a person, and there was a person inside me for 9 months, he lived in me, a living person, a small one, that is, she walked all the time. with a person, you understand, can you imagine, in a woman a person, a living one, not just some kind of organ, but just a living person inside you, he pushes there, imagine what happens in a woman's head emotionally, then she gives birth and says: it's him, and you, she takes it, we know each other in principle, we are kind, good afternoon, and then what can be done to a man stronger, cooler than the fact that a woman gave birth to a person, i just can't imagine, nothing, i really want you to understand me correctly, there is no talk at all about such a... ban on abortions, that's not what we're talking about, we're talking about individual attention to each case, if i may say so, especially since we
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we have world experience. very serious experience, abortions are completely prohibited, for example, in andorra, ganduras, nicaragua, el salvador, malta, the philippines, the vatican, in a huge number of countries, abortions are prohibited, except for exceptional cases, most often these are medical indications, in venezuela, egypt, indonesia, iraq, iran, liechtenstein, micronesia, mauritania, the united arab emirates, al algiers, brazil, buta, qatar , costa rica, mali, morocco, monaco, libya, nigeria, peru, poland, saudi arabia, uruguay, chile and many, many other countries. these issues are resolved very cleverly in the united states of america, by the way, in the country whose representatives wrote our constitution, as well as with the death penalty, which is permitted in some states, abortions
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are prohibited in some. states, for example, in alabama, arkansas, louisiana, missouri, oklahoma, tennessee, texas, south dakota and other states. in america, since 2022, the supreme court of the united states has canceled the right to terminate a pregnancy at the federal level, adopted in 1973. that is , the state, it has folded into itself responsibility. for this act, that is, it is decided, it is decided by the people living in this particular state, despite the promotion of lgbt values ​​in america in the countries of the civilized world, at the same time, those same farmers who feed america, they continue to live by their own laws. this, by the way, can become a reason for very serious problems within the united
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states itself. elder pais and svyatogorets, a monk of mount athos, who in 2015 was canonized by the russian orthodox church as a klikuma of saints, said that when the state takes responsibility for committing an abortion, then the lord punishes the entire nation, when the state renounces making this decision, then the sin falls on the specific person who committed it. in our country, this issue is not regulated in any way, despite the fact that, by and large , we are facing a very serious demographic problem, remember, we talked about this in one of our issues, today, in terms of the number of abortions, russia remains one of the world leaders, why is that? this is what he writes in his report demography, professor of moscow state university, doctor
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of sociological sciences. milekhin andrey vladimirovich. according to the un forecast, if current trends continue, by 200 the population of russia will decrease to 112.2 million people, which threatens the automatic rollback of the country to the level of an ordinary agrarian power, the loss of any chances for the formation of any significant, sovereign.
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peskov says this, while in order to maintain the population, at least at one level, the coefficient should be 2 and 1, almost twice, and why are we so calm we treat this as such because the level of population decline in our country is maintained precisely due to what, due to immigration, and this somehow...


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