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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 11, 2024 7:00am-7:31am MSK

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now an ad, and then we'll tell you about the background of one of the bloodiest crimes of the nineties, the explosion at the kotlyakovskoye cemetery in moscow, which caused the death of 14 people and the injury of several dozen more? watch the investigation by eduard petrov. large purchases will become easier, apply for a loan with cashback from death in 5 minutes in the mobile application. stop at cean
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fight, the boldest taste, with a mortgage for building a house, a new building or a secondary, choose what everyone will like, on domklik everyone will find housing for themselves. they were heroes of the afghan war, and became traitors, ruthless killers. hello, eduard petrov is in the studio. the crime was organized by the radchik with the aim of eliminating the fund's leaders. do not go buried in the elevator. rachikov was an amazing
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person. mrachikov read the belt very well on a real person. rachikov are caravans, this is sabotage work, liquidation. radshchikov seal, constituent, other documents did not hand over, took possession of the money, for such an amount you can buy not 20, not 50, strollers, of course, it was a shock, how this money ... made them kill each other, do you consider yourself innocent of what is happening? yes, yes, yes, forgive me, spread his hands, what does this mean, what forgive me, this is not forgiven, several hundred thousand veterans of the afghan war returned from a foreign land to their homeland
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tried to integrate into peaceful life, in those years the state provided them with pensions and benefits, but this was not enough, then many of... the internationalists went into business, the first fund for disabled people of the war in afghanistan appeared, and then the second, a real bloody struggle began between them, a battle for financial flows, former brothers in arms turned into fierce enemies, at this moment the lowest human qualities appeared: greed, envy, betrayal, deceit and cruelty. the desire to get a safe with all the money of the funds led to a criminal outcome, the veterans used the skills they had acquired in the war against their own colleagues in peacetime, to eliminate competitors, they did not spare money, did not spend.
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november 10, ninety-sixth year, during the funeral of mikhail lekhadey, who was killed by the head of one of the afghan public organizations, at the katlikovsky cemetery of the capital. a powerful explosion thundered, a radio-controlled bomb went off right next to his grave, former afghans and their relatives were scattered by the blast wave across the entire territory, that day 14 people died and dozens were wounded, so who was behind the organization of the vile bloody crime, from whom did the order come plant explosives in a cemetery press a button on a remote control, in whose? in the end it turned out to be money from afghan funds. we took on this case and conducted our own investigation.
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the explosion at the katlyakovskoye cemetery is the final confrontation between two organizations of internationalist soldiers. both were called the same: the russian fund for disabled veterans of the war in afghanistan. but at the same time, they had different bank accounts and seals. imported goods worth millions of dollars passed through the organizations. the first fund was headed by mikhail lekhadey, a combat officer, a disabled person who lost in the war, a leg and an eye. the second fund was headed by valery ratchikov, an active employee of the ministry of defense, also a veteran of the afghan war and also. a disabled person left without legs, it would seem that the comrades who had been through fire and water could share. in this film, we tried to answer this question. to do this, in 2020, we met with the direct
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participants of those events, they presented us with their versions. the then minister of internal affairs of russia anatoly kulyakov. now he is retired, but he still cannot forget kotlikovka. his namesake, former head of the moscow department of internal affairs, nikolai kulyakov. now he works in the capital's mayor's office. general kulyakov. he personally went to the scene of the incident. franz klintsevich, a former afghan veteran, is a military specialist and leader of the veterans' movement, who first became a state duma deputy and then a senator. he knows everything about afghan funds. judge pyotr shtunder of the moscow city court, who sentenced one of the defendants in the criminal case of the explosion on...
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a witness to this high-profile criminal case. let's remember 1989. the soviet union is taking out troops from afghanistan. this is becoming the main event for the great country. more than half a million of our soldiers and officers have paid their international debt in the rebellious republic. there is not a single soviet soldier, officer, or warrant officer behind me,
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i also want to say that our soldiers, well , we need to put up monuments, probably so, 10 years of war brings terrible losses, the exact figures are not mentioned on tv, but the country's leadership knows, 1,500 people died in the democratic republic of afghanistan, almost 7.00 returned home disabled. soldiers, those who went through afghanistan hoped that they would be greeted as heroes at home, but no one was waiting for the internationalists, the healthy could not find work, the disabled did not receive pensions for months, to learn about afghanistan.
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the ash tree is ringing again, only the spring wind, quietly, quietly, of course, perestroika is not going easy and not painlessly, happy new year, dear comrades, the end of the eighties, a difficult time for the country of total deficit. the vapors of essential necessities and a deep economic crisis, money
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is depreciating, grocery shelves are empty, the population is rapidly becoming poorer, everywhere cooperatives and stalls with imported goods, snickers and acid-washed jeans, spontaneous markets, including huge ones, like, for example, at the luzhniki stadium. some afghan soldiers also had to become traders. at the same time. household chemicals were finally disappearing from stores, sugar, vodka and cigarettes were being sold on coupons , strikes and rallies were taking place all over the country due to delayed wages. in general, young guys were leaving for the afghan war from one state and returning to another. then the most
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active internationalist soldiers began unite, the first public organizations appeared in many cities of the country. in moscow, such a name was pansher, named after a gorge in northeastern afghanistan. disabled and enjoyed great respect, his guys called him sanych, the guys called him sanych, he was an officer of the military registration and enlistment office in afghanistan, lost a leg, his eye was also blown up by a mine. mikhail likhodey paid special attention to young people who were seriously wounded in battle. as a result, likhodey became one of the founders of the russian fund
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for disabled veterans of the war in afghanistan. he first appeared within the framework of our organization. as a structural division, but when they realized that some economic activity could be carried out through this fund, it was registered as a fund and left the russian union and became independent. the fund received solid customs privileges, duties on imported goods were minimal. soon commercial enterprises that worked with the public organization began to import alcohol, cigarettes, video recorders, refrigerators and televisions into the union, paying a penny fee for such privileges, businessmen gave the fund a certain percentage, the money was supposed to go to help with the rehabilitation of veterans of the afghan war, and under their auspices there were markets, customs, warehouses, in
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general, everything happened, in general , such, well, such a patriotic.
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our organization has many good deeds, and i am pleased that we have a memorial complex, for example, recently made for the deceased helicopter pilot, we are remembered in the navy, where we brought in money, they remember in the fifty-first regiment of the tula division, when we withdrew money, these, put in an envelope when officers had not received any money for months, and
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there was nothing to take the children with, they brought them in envelopes, handed them to the entire regiment. easy money from businessmen and state budget money, envious people appear, or rather, the main envious person, another leader of the veterans' movement, valery radchikov. an active serviceman, a colonel, he enjoyed authority among his comrades. in afghanistan, radchikov stepped on a mine, lost both legs and, having received treatment , returned to the front line with a weapon in protest. hands. rachikov was an amazing person, in my opinion rachikov was a hero. rachikov was brought up on soviet ideas about heroism. rachikov read very well about a real person. leo maresyev was a great guy, he was a standard. granchikov lost both legs in the war. he was disabled. and being
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disabled, he returned to the front by hook or by crook.
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i was warned that the stretch marks, when i raised my head, i saw, the stretch marks flashed the sun, i was thrown up so high, the dust cleared, i fell, the only thing i managed to do still in the air to curse, because it was so unexpected and unclear what happened, i immediately understood what to expect me, somehow so abruptly, well, somehow so, well, i was left without legs at the moment, i realized. returning from the war, valery radchikov rapidly increased his influence, he became the leader.
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clouds began to gather over valery radchikov, who was involved in financial fraud. the siiloviki seriously took up his public organization. a former soldier, an afghan, radchikov believed that the head of another fund had a direct relation to his troubles disabled afghan war veterans, mikhail lekhadey. in the nineties, the country faced a difficult criminal situation. shots and explosions thundered on the streets of cities , bandits, businessmen, security officials, and politicians were killed. on november 10, 1994, hired killers dealt with the chairman of the russian fund for disabled war veterans in afghanistan, mikhail likhodey. the head of the public organization and his bodyguard were killed by a controlled bomb. likhodey was blown up in an elevator,
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together with nurin, his bodyguard, they were riding in the elevator, then a bookmark was made, first they beat him, there, there, well, again , they almost wanted to beat him, as a result, in the end, they blew up the elevator. many guessed who... benefited from the death of mikhail likhodey, they said that the head of another organization of disabled afghans, valery radchikov, could have been involved in this crime, but there was no evidence of his guilt, and the hero of the afghan war himself, active officer radchikov, was somehow able to convince everyone of his innocence. did everyone understand who it was? no, well, they guessed that it was rachikov, he
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but killing only one trahirov was not enough, it was important to achieve the liquidation of the entire fund and control the financial flows associated with disabled afghan war veterans, and for this it is necessary to eliminate all the friends and associates of mikhail likhodey at once. you do not decide which option you will get, but you decide what your future will be. go to wherever you want, with an educational loan from sber with state support, calculate payments right now vtb has a new credit card with a huge plus, plus 20,000 rubles for regular spending, can you imagine? even more, interest 200 days not to pay, another category of cashback to get rubles.
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