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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 11, 2024 8:00am-8:31am MSK

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valenitsa kurskaya is currently saving the lives and health of those injured when a ukrainian missile fell and was shot down in the sky over the city tonight. 13 residents of the apartment building have been hospitalized. a fire broke out in the building, and the ministry of emergency situations rescued and evacuated almost 50 people. our special correspondent stanislav bernwald is monitoring the situation in the region; he is in direct contact with the studio. stanislav, hello, what do you know about the situation? roman, hello, we are right at the place where the events unfolded at night, the main ones are right here, now you can come a little closer to show the remains of the rocket that fell on the residential building, what it is, it is extremely difficult to say yet, it is clear that the ball players will be busy determining the type of this weapon. it was exactly at midnight, when
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people were in their apartments, the wave was so strong that many of the victims have injuries, namely shrapnel, there really were a lot of fragments from the rocket, apparently, most likely also cluster munitions, a fire started, it is clear that here here right next to the house where the cars were parked, and they immediately caught fire, let's see. shrapnel damage, the fire started not only here in front of the house, but in the house itself, that is, the entire span immediately caught fire, the power of the impact, and the power of the detonation was so strong that it even broke a pillar, people immediately jumped out and from the house - to nearby houses they went down into the basements, there were many wounded, let's listen to what the eyewitnesses say.
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one hit, two hits, three hits, on the fourth half of the hut was blown apart, what they were wearing that, so i immediately ran out into the street, look, everything is burning there, looked at this house, cars, people ran, such a fuss, we went out all in smoke, of course, there was panic near the entrance, it was just awful, everything was in smoke, an ambulance, in short, a fire truck, well, there on the ground. it is very important to say that a missile threat was declared literally a minute after the missile threat was declared, and what happened is what we are now seeing, and people are actually in shock, now hospitals are working with patients specifically from this area a blew out windows in nearby houses, here i say again, there was a fire, a whole span caught fire, now a - they are placing people in temporary accommodation centers, let's... we listen to
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what the authorities are saying . a signal was received about a fire in a residential building, an apartment building, nine-story, six-entrance, 213 apartments. all reserves were immediately sent here, the civil defense and emergencies ministry, the regional structure of the ministry of emergency situations, began to extinguish the open fire. as soon as the situation allowed, they immediately began to survey and... evacuate victims, well, and it is worth saying that after all, this strike was aimed specifically at civilian infrastructure, that is, they understood where they were hitting, why they were hitting, just now we talked to a woman who has a broken arm, and shrapnel wounds, well, she refused hospitalization, she was given assistance on the spot, she says that the explosion was so strong that she was... carried from one
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end of the room to the other end of the room. we continue to monitor the situation, all the latest news on our air. roman! stanislav, thank you, on direct line with korskaya our special correspondent, stanislav bernvalt, was in the region. the ministry of defense distributed footage of the combat work of russian troops, who are pushing the ukrainian armed forces out of the kursk region. drone operators detected an enemy column, the coordinates were received by the tornado s multiple launch rocket system crew. a precise salvo destroyed five armored vehicles and up to twenty servicemen. the aviation carried out important tasks. su-25 attack aircraft fired unguided missiles at the ukrainian armed forces. the target was a concentration of manpower, armored vehicles, and cars. their coordinates were transmitted by intelligence. it was also confirmed the destruction of the objects. the aircraft returned to the airfield. another concentration of enemy forces was eliminated by k-52 helicopters. in this case, unguided missiles were also used. then. the crew fired off heat
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flares, performed an evasive maneuver and returned to the airfield. on the ground , tank crews attacked the ukrainian armed forces units, modernized t-72s opened fire on... ukrainian units both with direct fire and from closed firing positions, drone operators helped with fire adjustments. loaded trucks from different corners of russia are heading to the kursk region, the regions of the country are sending humanitarian aid to those affected by the attacks of the ukrainian armed forces. for example, aid is being collected in the astrakhan region, it was organized by united russia. residents of the perm region loaded 20 tons. food, medicine, water, baby food and portable chargers, in addition to this , the company sent refrigerators and generators. orenburg residents sent clothes, bandages, household chemicals and hygiene kits. more than 40 tons of cargo were formed into kolugas. cars from yakutia are on the way generators and even a welding machine are being transported.
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columns from chuvashia and tatarstan, nizhny novgorod and vladimir regions have already arrived in kursk. volunteers from the people's front are unloading vehicles and distributing aid on site. it is being sent to accommodation points, delivered to homes, and packages with the most essential items are being handed over to people being evacuated to other regions right at the railway station. messages about explosions have been coming in from regions of ukraine all night long, in most places there have already been several series of detonations, such is the picture, in particular in khmelnitsky region, the latest information appeared there at about 5 a.m., as well as in poltava, where the strikes occurred shortly after midnight in kherson, which is controlled by the kiev regime. reports from this city came late the previous evening. in addition, explosions are known to have occurred in kiev, the suburbs of kharkov and sumy. air raid sirens were sounded in the regions of ukraine several times during the night. in total, the siren was heard in more than half of the country. in the luhansk people's republic
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, a resident of the regional capital was detained on suspicion of espionage. according to the fsb, ukrainian special services recruited her even before the start of the special operation. we suspect.
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nothing like that, as if criminal , takes pictures for a newspaper in the winter of 2022 , they sent her the coordinates of the lugansk oil depot, the task was standard: come and take pictures, and already in march a ballistic missile hit the strategic facility. i just looked at the consequences at the oil depot, and it so happened that i was riding in public transport, well, somewhere, probably a week later, i shot a video. that the ukrainian armed forces were directing fire based on her intelligence data understood. but i tried not to think about the victims of such attacks, i hope this did not happen, that i did not kill anyone. the woman admits that she would be exposed one day, she was sure from the very beginning and, as it turned out, it is pointless to count on the help of the ukrainian special services. this is not the first person
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recruited by the ukrainian special services, someone cooperates for money, someone is blackmailed with compromising information, others are threatened with reprisals, but the end of these stories is always similar: detention, investigation and trial. according to russian laws. galina will be tried for espionage, if if her guilt is proven, she faces 10 to 20 years in prison. alexey alexeyev, nikita zhuravlev, dmitry pyrk, svetlana bondarenko, vesti lugansk. hezbollah may launch a retaliatory strike on israel within 24 hours, writes the israeli newspaper maariv. according to the publication, us officials assume that the lebanese group will carry out an air attack first, followed by iran. this will be a response to the assassination of the leader of the palestinian movement. at the same time, as the newspaper claims, a number of arab countries have asked the parties to the conflict to postpone the attack until the resumption of ceasefire talks in the gaza strip. let me remind you that they are scheduled for august 15. meanwhile, hezbollah drones carried out pinpoint strikes in the lower galilee. the israeli army said
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that they repelled the attack and fired several retaliatory missiles at southern lebanon. the target was the military facilities of the shi'id group. at night, a mass rally was held against lithium mining, demonstrators blocked several transport hubs and a railway station. alika komarova will tell you more. mass road blockades, serbian flags and... threats to the government a rally against lithium mining took place in belgrade last night, with about 25,000 people participating, according to local police. even before the protest began, oppositionists began to intimidate the government. we are blocking the entire urban infrastructure of belgrade, starting with the railways. the government is threatening the lives of citizens of the country and we have come out to put an end to this. initially, the protest was declared as a gathering of environmentalists. allegedly, serbian citizens do not agree with belgrade's plans. developments deposits of jadorite, which contains lithium. the mineral deposits are located in the west
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of the country and could make serbia one of the largest suppliers of lithium to the european union. the protesters have one argument: the government is selling valuable minerals, depriving the country of national wealth. i think this should finally stop, there are too many lies. anyone who understands a little bit and has a little brain, they know that the government's actions make no sense. there were a number of bad decisions, but this is too much. with the central square, the demonstrators went to the international highway from budapest to thessaloniki, completely blocked the traffic, threatened to set up a tent city. the internet publishes harsh footage, a motorist tried to leave the encirclement of protesters and hit several people. then the crowd went to the belgrade railway station.
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aleksandar vucic has a responsibility to the citizens of serbia to do what they elected him to do: lead serbia, maintain peace and stability. without him, this will not be possible. they are not attacking him by chance, he is platinum, which is holding our country back from disorder. on the eve of the rally, vucic reported that russian special services had warned belgrade about impending mass riots, organized by representatives of western countries. however, the action ultimately ended without clashes with the police. in the rostov region, they are repairing an overpass adjacent to the oksaysky bridge,
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this is an alternative road to the toll road to the south. the reconstruction was divided into two stages. first , the work is carried out on the right side of the road, while traffic is organized on the left in two directions. the topic will be continued by evgeniy danilchuk. under other circumstances, repairs to this section of the road would have led to colossal traffic jams. this is an overpass adjacent to the oksaysky bridge, in the terminology of the road worker. at 1.60 km of the m4 highway. the flow of traffic here has always been huge, especially in the summer, but the early completion of the construction of the high-speed bypass of oksa significantly relieved this section of the road, which has now become an alternative to the toll road. it took on about half of all transit traffic. in these road workers, almost painlessly for motorists, were able to begin repairing two overpasses at once, this one at 1.56 km junction in the mega area. work on both sites is being carried out in parallel. cast asphalt concrete is being laid, work is being carried out on concreting
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monolithic cones and work is being carried out on painting the visible surface of reinforced concrete cans. the posts of the barrier fence and railing fence have already been installed. in the near future, we plan to install the upper layer of shima. the reconstruction was divided into two stages: first, the entire complex of works is carried out on the right part of the structures. at this time , traffic is organized on the left in two directions, naturally with a speed limit, then all this will change places. the repair of this half of the overpass is nearing completion, as soon as the last layer of road surface is laid and the barrier is mounted on the fence, the traffic flow will be redirected here in order to immediately begin repairing the second half. the traffic pattern on this section of the road will change in about 7-10 days. difficulties for traffic will remain, the flow of cars, even on the already repaired part of the bridge in each direction will still merge into one lane, but this will not last long. a full range of works on... history day by day, the new series
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is dedicated to the entry of the baltic republics into the ussr and the rupture of relations in the nineties, the causes of the consequences of those events, the participation of western intelligence services in this are being investigated by experts. july 28, 1989 latvia recognized the 1940 declaration on joining the ussr as illegal. in march 1990, the declaration of restoration of independence of latvia. a little earlier in march 1990
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, the supreme council of the lithuanian ssr proclaimed. lithuania an independent state, and already in 1991, the infamous events at the tv tower took place in vilnius. in fact, this was the first color revolution on the territory of the ussr and the first unknown snipers on the roofs, shooting at the crowd, as well as the first loss in the ranks of the famous special forces of the kgb of the ussr, alpha, after afghanistan. these events became a vivid manifestation. of neo-nazism, and neo-nazism controlled, returned with the help of the special services of nato countries. the events in vilnius were the result of very large contradictions, in which the big
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history of mistakes in geopolitics also played a role. mikhail sergeyev gorbachev was primarily focused on the policy of opening up , on the policy of interaction with europe, with the world, the policy of new thinking, which just became more active after his visit to the united states of america, and here mikhail sergeyevich’s hope is that everything, we will be completely open, we will become equal to the world, we will demonstrate ourselves as a country of democratic transformations, this country. democratic transformations will fit into that european world, into that european convoy, which was so interesting from his point of view, but we did not fit in, well , because the soviet union did not fit in at all in the format in which it was, and a complete system of changes was needed, and this happened against the backdrop of real subversive
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actions that were taking place throughout the entirety, along the entire perimeter of the soviet union, president gorbachev, who...
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terrorists trained by the cia, children fascists, would destroy their own civilian population. today it is absolutely obvious that the events in vilnius developed according to a template, played out. extras of the maidan type: some seize, pretend to be a civil protest, others open fire. the scheme is old, the scheme is primitive, the scheme is template, as the events on the maidan in
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kiev in 2014 showed, the old cia theme, to shoot at both, and naturally blame the ussr. in the west, the events in vilnius were interpreted differently, as aggression of the soviet union against sovereign lithuania, they talked about the fact that... lithuania and other baltic countries joined the ussr against their will. i want to talk about the background of the baltic states joining the soviet union. in 1934 , the idea of ​​the so-called eastern pact was promoted, it was promoted by france and the soviet union. they tried to conclude a number of agreements in order to prevent hitler from advancing into europe, including in the interests of the baltic states, unfortunately, nothing came of it, with hitler, first agreements poland, and then, i remind you, such
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a molotov-ribbentrop pact, in august of 1939 the soviet union signed an agreement, according to this secret protocol, an appendix to it, we defined zones of influence, not that the states entered according to the protocol, no, just. in august of 1939 this molotov-ribbentrop pact was signed, and already in september we signed agreements on military cooperation with the baltic states, according to which a military base was located in each of these states. the ideology of the war with hitler, stalin clearly understood this there, to move it away from the center as much as possible, yes, let's say, from moscow, so that the attack would continue as long as possible. let's go back to 1940. the second world war had been going on for a year, and there was still a year left before the start
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of the great patriotic war. poland, denmark, norway, belgium, the netherlands and luxembourg, as well as france, were occupied by fascist germany and italy. they hoped that hitler would get bogged down in the war in europe. but in 1940, if you remember, france held out there for only 2 months, signed a shameful peace, and a decision was made to test the waters about the possibility of the baltic states joining the soviet union, but again this happened as a result of elections, in 1940 there were elections in each of these states, and a decision was made,
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for these politicians, and the baltics, they were already half free of people, there is a small population there, few people will stand up, and therefore everything is already under control, they have these authorities called the baltics and the power there is completely dependent on the united states, they will say what they want, and if the united states says that history does not exist, that now it is the only history that has ever been, that is enough, everything, everything is very simple. glorifying stalin's years, under the high banner of moscow will live happy nations, latvia, estonia, lithuania.
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on the territory of estonia, one, in latvia two ss divisions were created. today in the baltics supporters of nazism are positioned as heroes, but again in the west they turn a blind eye to this and
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deny the facts of heroism.
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70% were suitable for germanization. in latvia, 50% were subject to destruction. in estonia 25% of the population. they do not remember that the red army paid for the liberation of the baltics, with the lives of more than 61 thousand people , with the blood of more than 200,000 wounded. let us emphasize that the soldiers
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of national formations also fought bravely against fascism. the 16th lithuanian rifle division, the 130th latvian and the 8th estonian rifle corps. the historical conclusion is very sad, 30 years have passed since the collapse of the soviet union, and we have seen that all those republics that left us, except for belarus today, are playing a contradictory policy, with us today it is very difficult to clearly, competently... carefully, carefully build relationships with everyone, undoubtedly, today we are trying to regulate relations with each of the countries that are part of the post-soviet space, we need to work a lot in this direction today and we are doing a lot, but unfortunately, those difficulties and contradictions that appeared in the gorbachev era to this day are very hard to fall on the history of our country.
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in russia, funding for environmental programs is growing, last year on them, on their 139 billion rubles were allocated for implementation, actively invest in such projects and business, this is in the new issue made in russia. green technologies, elimination of accumulated harm, landfills, emission reduction, forest restoration, cleaning of the arctic, volga, in fact, there are a lot of programs, at the end of the twenty-third year, the results of five years of work of the national project ecology were summed up, funding has grown significantly, business actively invests in environmental programs, already about half a trillion rubles. how does all this happen?


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