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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 11, 2024 8:30am-9:01am MSK

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in russia, funding for environmental programs is growing, last year 139 billion rubles were allocated for their implementation. business is also actively investing in such projects. this is in the new issue of made in russia, green technologies. elimination of accumulated harm, landfills, emission reduction, forest restoration, cleaning of the arctic in the volga. in fact , there are a lot of programs. at the end of the twenty -third year, the results of 5 years of work of the national project ecology were summed up. funding has grown significantly, business is actively investing in environmental programs, already about half a trillion rubles. how does all this happen?
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we will tell you in our program made in russia and the first story from the irkutsk region. at this place in the city of usk. pole sibirskaya in the irkutsk region , a large chemical plant has been operating since 1936. during this time, it accumulated a huge amount of waste, some of which ended up in the angara, and baikal is not far from here. as a result, the site was recognized as an ecological disaster area. what happened next, we will now tell you.
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actually, here is footage of what happened further: the threat was eliminated. there were 17 hazardous tanks located here, which we refilled and brought to a safe condition, and then disposed of at specialized enterprises. here we also liquidated 12 wells of the rossolo field, into which hazardous waste epichlorgrin was pumped at one time , the oil electrolysis shop, which posed the greatest danger, was localized and liquidated, and the localization of the oil lens on the bank of the angara river was also completed. in general, the implementation of these measures allowed to lift the state of emergency and today the site does not pose a threat to the population. but before this happened, a unique operation was developed. the executor was the enterprise of rusatom, the federal environmental operator. experienced specialists were involved. a large, serious team,
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the government of the russian federation, the government of the irkutsk region, the administration of the city of usuli sibirsky, the ministry of natural resources and other representatives of various ministries and departments. we attracted the scientific community. here in the irkutsk region there is a very good institute named after favorsky, which assists us in developing action plans in the aftermath. personal handling of waste and what we should do with whom. and the whole team faced, oh, what a difficult task. the threat was really very serious. this territory was once called the usolsky chernobyl. in general , as a result of the activities of this enterprise , 1,600 hectares of land appeared to be contaminated. if to say for comparison, it is 2,252 football fields. so, more than 136 tons of hazardous waste were taken out for processing, some
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containing mercury will be processed here. in this territory, the state corporation rosatom is working on the construction of an industrial and technical complex for processing waste of the first and second class of hazard east, which will primarily be aimed at processing the hazardous waste accumulated here. last year , monitoring showed a tenfold decrease in the concentration of mercury in the air. in order to pollutants did not enter the environment, the system, the sorbent curtain, for the first time in russia it was used here, the experience gained will be replicated. using the example of this enterprise , a new law was made, the so-called usolsky law, which obliges the owners of such enterprises to develop a plan for the liquidation of their facility in the future in order to prevent such a possible environmental. disaster.
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it was necessary to demolish about 370 emergency buildings. and in general, the work to eliminate the accumulated harm should be completed by the end of the twenty -eighth year. and what next? the thing is... that before the enterprise began to agonize and not comply with environmental standards before bankruptcy, it was one of the leaders in the chemical industry and this site may have a second life. a chemical cluster will be created here, a federal chemistry center, which will certainly give a significant boost to the socio-economic development of the city. work on the design of this center has already begun, after all, usol is a city of chemists, it has always been, i have already been once... said that at the olympics at the moscow olympics in 1980 all the products of paint and varnish were from usol khimprom, at this place the state spent large m well financial resources, well it is necessary to simply create
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a new site, safe, ecologically clean. today we heard that the president said, zero pollution in baikal, well with the development of production there, or not production. tourist infrastructure, we went further and say that zero pollution in ingara, that is for us this is such a sacred place, we will be in general to spend both regional and federal funding there, if the conditions for such environmental safety are created. our next story from the murmansk region is about how companies are modernizing production for the sake of ecology. well, if we look in that direction, we see a building under construction, this is a building
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for electrostatic precipitators, gas cleaning, refining shop, and this year we have them appearing and will be launched in the first quarter of next year. already brought to the modes, four electrostatic precipitators of four fields, with high quality and efficiency of cleaning from flue gases, fluidized bed furnaces, this allows us to reduce sulfur dioxide emissions, well, in the project, we estimate a reduction of about a thousand tons due to the efficiency of this equipment, and we also began to extract salt from the drains, the former waste is now being sold, now a project for the entire volume of disposal of our salt drain is in the design stage, well, i will say that the costs are certainly not small, but since we are a responsible company, the project costs about 10 billion, green programs for this plant are very important, it
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works at the junction of metallurgy and chemistry, here it produces cobalt, nickel, strategic metals, without nickel it is impossible to obtain alloy steels, which are necessary for civil construction, for defense enterprises including, and nickel is now actively used in the field of development of electric transport and green technologies, these are the so-called lithium batteries, here are also lists of products ultra-pure carbanyl nickel powder, concentrates of precious metals, all this is contained in the ore, which is mined in the arctic, to enrich it, to extract useful to help electrochemistry. at the end of the nineteenth year, we introduced the technology of electroextraction of nickel - in the nickel electrolysis shop. it turned out that this technology allows you to get metal with a more even smooth surface and purer metal. in the bath with electrolyte
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there are cathodes on which nickel is deposited and an anode, the task of which used to be heroically dissolved, giving up useful metal. the sediment polluted the process. now. does not dissolve the raw material is powder, the product became cleaner and safer for the environment. in the middle of the twenty-third year we released the first pilot batches of premium nickel, and we see that we successfully compete in this market with suppliers in asian countries. the new technology already produces 70% of nickel, and volumes have grown by 30%. assistants in increasing productivity. robots, programs for which were written by russian it specialists, but people are also very much needed, because new projects are planned, for example, the production of lithium hydroxide, this material, so that the viewer understood, this is used to produce batteries for electric vehicles, yes, yes, this is the main composition
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of the cathode in the battery . many enterprises are currently experiencing a shortage of personnel, it is not easy to attract people to live and work in the north. but thanks to new jobs, special support programs, including for social workers, for the first time in the last 33 years in the mormon region , according to the results of last year, migration growth, we are building two houses in murmonsk for young specialists, so that they can at a preferential rate to rent, well, and a separate program that we launched, successfully implementing, this is our own domartiki, we give up to one and a half million rubles depending on the category, to those who want to buy or build their own home in the murmon region, plus a two-percent preferential mortgage for young professionals federal, which we have earned. president, and if people go to work, then enterprises produce more and more products, often better than imported ones
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, increase exports, well, as they say, load nickel by the barrel, yes, yes, yes, yes, the plant actively supplies nickel to the world market, the product is known and in demand, particularly in asia, but many companies, especially against the backdrop of aggressive sanctions, need support to break into the market of the same china, this is what the russian... export center is doing. podnevestnaya has already hosted two festivals of the fair made in russia. dozens of companies were able to show their goods. and not only show them, but also conclude contracts. the following figures show the turn of exports to asia. last year, the trade turnover between russia and china set a record in terms of volume. the fact that this event had economic effects, our companies
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received export revenue from retail sales during the festival itself, and the contracts that were concluded with distributors now allow us to enter completely different volumes into the chinese market, in addition, we see demand for such festivals in other countries, we now have a request and agreements to hold the same festival in the fall made: russia in the emirates. in in general, companies are increasingly ready to enter foreign markets, as they say with value-added products, not raw materials. the company comes up with and actively promotes. innovations that can clean any surface and liquid from dirt, for example, if you need
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to clean an engine part, ultrasound comes into play. ultrasound causes nanobubbles to appear in water, when they burst, microexplosions are obtained, these microexplosions affect the contaminants that are present on the surface of some part and wash them off, beat them off, and thus this is how it is cleaned. such installations are made to special order. the largest ultrasonic bath in the world was made in vologa. this bath is about 25 m. we created such a bath for cleaning diesel locomotive bogies entirely. ultraviolet lamps help to enhance the effect, they disinfect parts, pipes, even radioactive waste. there is also an installation for ships so that ballast water does not pollute the sea. and in russia. about 400 ships require the installation of such similar systems,
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installations, so to speak, in land-based design are already being exported, and here you can count on support in the rts arsenal free participation in exhibitions abroad, business mission, training, compensation of expenses for logistics, certification, patenting, analytics. as for financial support, we also had record figures last year, our roseximbank provided financial support in the amount of almost 600 billion rubles. these are very large figures for a bank, which , being a key development institution, is expanding its product offerings for russian exporters, we also have an expansion of our other product line, as financial measures in terms of lending, in terms of factoring, in terms of various aspects of insurance, which is very important in export... available support options can be found on the digital platform my export, it was launched in
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2020 as part of the national project international cooperation and export, operates in a one-stop shop mode and provides exporters with online access to government and business services. the main goal is to simplify entry into foreign markets. in addition to loans and guarantees, there is also insurance on the platform, also very interesting products, very important. insurance, because exsar insures accounts receivable, accordingly, this significantly reduces the risk of the exporter to enter new markets. next, another story of support and also environmentally friendly, from dagestan. how can waste be converted?
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income. there is an example in dagestan. a plastic recycling enterprise has been created here. what is obtained from it you will see now. well , our company dak polymer has been working since the twentieth year, 2020, we are engaged in the collection and sorting of polymeric materials, such as... drip irrigation of this pipe, tape, other materials, also film, we are engaged in collection, sorting for further, for further processing. further processing is the receipt of such granules, already a product for sale, for other plastic enterprises, such as the manufacture of plastic pipes, the manufacture
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of plastic membranes, boxes, is also used in...
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let's return to the products, actually, the topic of what useful can be made from recycled materials, the granules will be picked up by a company from orenburg area. this is what the raw material looks like. there are 30% hdpe, low-pressure polyethylene, 50% wood. and about fifteen other different components, such a cocktail is needed to make a polymer board, oh, it's still warm, how it is produced and where it is used, you will find out now, according to the law, you cannot make everything
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from secondary raw materials, only if there is a need, add a granule that will become a polymer ... chinese extruders so that they produce, or rather, squeeze out, a product of the required quality. well, from behind we see, yes, such polymer board is coming, yes, how many types of products do you have in total? in total there are more than 250 types in the assortment, well, this is if you take into account the color, like size, type of product and so on.
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in particular, terraces made of polymer boards can withstand heat and cold, sun rays, snow, and therefore they are taken not only to the dacha, but are purchased for the improvement of cities and not only boards, many elements, prototypes of which are first born in a 3d printer, and the quality ... is checked in the laboratory, thick balusters, thin balusters, fence posts 125, hundredth, they come with various kinds of fittings, these are plugs for the board and various kinds of lids, skirts and so on. every year the market for such products grows by about 30%. i. in the first year, revenue there was 5 million, yes, in the second 50, in the third 150, in the fourth 200-50, last year closer to 400, this
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year, well, closer to 800 will already be, there is not one production line, but 11 for the purchase of equipment from the industrial development fund received a preferential loan of 50 million rubles. we registered 3 years ago. launched the work of our own industrial fund, it was not in the region, there was no ministry of industry in the region, despite the fact that it is an industrial region, we have a ministry of industry, and a fund, the fund has issued more than 65 loans, the industrial fund is large, and we also have a small and medium business fund, there have been almost 400 such replacements of guarantees in the last 2 years alone, you are quite large, which allow, accordingly, to support, to develop the economy. financial assistance gives an effect: more production volume - already 5,000 tons per year, more taxes paid, more jobs, the company is no longer against
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moving to a larger premises, and you have exports, we have exports, so we sell to kazakhstan, eh, we are currently negotiating with uzbekistan, with azerbaijan, quite active, and here too you can count on support. for example, not knocking on foreign doors independently, but under the common brand made in russia. marking with a bird for a potential buyer is the same as a quality mark. we provide benefits for any of the participants of this program, to receive all the preferences from the fact that his product is on such a conditional shelf under the brand, made in russia, of course, each exporting company with its brand can independently enter the market and promote.
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and the product is exported to other countries in many countries, yes, we also have projects in finland. in thailand, in switzerland there are our modules, in germany. technologies are also interesting in ur, and if closer, then in the cis countries. and the export of sun catchers is supported.
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similar solar modules are produced in the world only three companies, including the russian hewl, the founder of this scientific and technical center. we started our work with a solar cell efficiency of 20%. now the efficiency is 24%. the limit of this technology is about 26-27%, that is, we still have room to move at the level of 2-3%. there are flexible modules, there are durable ones that are mounted in the facade of the building. this is really a novelty, but our company already has several completed projects in russia, in particular, recently in moscow, on rublevo-arkhangelskoye highway a building with a bpv facade based on curtain wall structures has been reproduced. in general. the russian consumer, having looked at the aggressive west, sanctions, escapes of former partners, now demands its own product. yes, it is far from everywhere, but with the development
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of industry with ... restraint, the range is increasing, including in the field of green technologies, processing, production, localization and development of electric vehicles, batteries, chargers for them is underway, clean energy is developing on the energy of atom, wind, water , sun. we are on one of the central beaches in berdyansk
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and yes, you can see. a bunch of people, there are a lot more people now, they come with their children, when you walk along urzuf, it's hard to even believe that the line of combat contact is just two hours away, like water, warm, artek took us under its wing, the children don't have a minute of free time, no time to be bored, hello, hello, who 's from where, from lugansk, bluish,
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let's translate from official language into understandable language, everything is not so scary if there are instructions.
9:00 am
in kursk, doctors are fighting for the lives and health of those injured when a ukrainian missile fell, its shot down. in the sky over the city tonight, 13 residents of a nine-story building were hospitalized, a fire broke out in the building, the ministry of emergency situations rescued and evacuated almost 50 people. our special correspondent stanislav bernwald is now on the line from the region. stanislav, hello, we are waiting for details. yes, roman, hello, the shelling of the city of kursk began somewhere around midnight, right away.


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