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tv   RIK Rossiya 24  RUSSIA24  August 11, 2024 9:00am-9:30am MSK

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in kursk, doctors are fighting for the lives and health of those injured when a ukrainian missile fell, it was shot down in the sky over the city tonight.
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now ballistics experts are determining what type of weapon was used, so our air defense worked and one of the missiles fell right next to a multi-story building, which is behind me, and the shell detonated, the entire span immediately went up in flames, nearby cars also caught fire, literally across the road, well , how much is it, probably 200 meters, right here... and on the other side of the frame, also houses without windows, fragments quite serious fragments, are on this side, and people started running out of the house, many helped each other, let's listen to what eyewitnesses say, how it all happened, a loud bang and the glass flew out, we only managed to hide in the basement, everyone came out here, everything is burning, blazing. the men started to drag away cars,
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what they could, all the women, children, hid in the basement. the tail of the shot down missile is right next to the house, we were able to go up today, take a look, it looks very similar to khaimars, but i can't say anything for sure, after all, specialists have to make an assessment, this missile was shot down in the sky, that is, the air defense worked, as everything happened, literally before... before it was shot down, an alarm signal was heard, it was midnight, i 'm saying it again, and it's very good that in the courtyard of the house, well , there were no people, because the damage there was of course the maximum shrapnel, that is , if someone was on the street at that moment, most likely certain death, all forces were immediately involved, the forces of the ministry of emergency situations, the police here it turned out right away, let's listen to how it went... the work was carried out precisely after this
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terrorist attack, a group of 34 units of equipment, 114 personnel, including from the ministry of emergency situations, 11 , 42 personnel and 15 vehicles, as a result, 15 people were rescued , 30 were evacuated. the blast wave was so strong that people were thrown back just a few meters from the windows, there are victims, mainly the victims have shrapnel wounds from the glass, and well, today we talked to a woman, she was thrown back so hard, and that she flew through the whole room, hit the wall, and she had a face injury from shrapnel, well, a broken arm, the victims are now receiving all the necessary assistance in medical institutions.
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cities, in kursk itself, as before, every, probably, an hour and a half, a missile threat is declared, we continue to monitor the events, roman, i give you the floor. stanislav, thank you, our special correspondent, stanislav bernwald, was on the direct line from the kursk region. footage of the combat work of russian troops, which are pushing the troops out of the kursk region, was distributed by the ministry of defense. important the tasks were carried out by aviation, su-25 attack aircraft fired unguided missiles at the militants, the target was a concentration of manpower and armored vehicles, the coordinates were transmitted by intelligence, which also confirmed the destruction of the objects, the aircraft performed an anti-missile maneuver, released heat traps and returned to their base airfield. loaded trucks from different parts of russia are traveling to the kursk region, the country's regions are sending humanitarian aid to those affected by the attacks of the ukrainian armed forces. for example, aid is being collected in the astrakhan region, it was organized by united russia.
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residents of the perm region loaded 20 tons, food, medicines, water, baby food and portable chargers. in addition , the enterprise sent refrigerators and generators. orenburg. collected clothes, bandages, household chemicals and hygiene kits. in koluga , more than 40 tons of cargo were formed. cars from yakutia are on the way, carrying generators and even a welding machine. columns from chuvashia, tatarstan, nizhny novgorod, vladimir regions have already arrived in kursk. on the spot, volunteers of the people's front unload cars and distribute aid. are sent to accommodation points, delivered to homes. a package with the most necessary things is handed over to people right at the railway station. who are being evacuated to other regions. reports of explosions have been coming in from regions of ukraine all night today. in most places , several series of detonations have already occurred. this is the picture, in particular, in the khmelnytskyi and poltava regions, as well as in kherson, which is controlled by the kiev regime. in addition, explosions are known in kiev, the suburbs
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go wherever you want with an otber educational loan with state support, calculate payments right now we continue the release: mass protests took place in tel aviv, thousands of people demand that the israeli government sign an agreement on a ceasefire in the gaza strip and conclude a deal with hamas to release hostages from the enclave. demonstrators blocked the streets and unfurled banners calling for time not to be wasted. let me remind you that the mediators offered the parties to the conflict meet on august 15 at the negotiating table on neutral territory in qatar or egypt. thousands of activists gathered in english cities for so-called counter-protests after a week of anti-migrant
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demonstrations across the country. in solidarity with the newcomers, people took to central squares in london, edinburgh, belfast and many other british cities. they unfurled banners with slogans saying no to racism. organizers said the rallies would be a peaceful response to the violence of recent days. at the same time, the british prime minister keir starmer stressed that the police must remain on high alert. around a thousand people were arrested during the mass riots earlier, and almost half of them have already been charged. let me remind you that a wave of demonstrations swept across the country after a man from a migrant family killed three girls. and in serbia , a mass rally against lithium mining took place last night. according to the local interior ministry , more than 27,000 people took part in the demonstration. the protesters blocked several transport hubs.
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after our broadcast will continue with nikita mikhalkova's author's program besagon tv. what if the bank? there will be only banking services, without travel packages, food delivery, tickets, someone will say, how dare they, that's it, ural sip bank, nothing extra. i welcome you, dear friends, to our
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next issue of the author's program besagon tv, which will be called where a person begins. i think you will understand why we named our program that way. but as usual, i want to first report to you that our previous program on the channel russia 1, on the russia channel. in social networks, vkontakte, telegram, odnoklassniki, zen and so on, was watched by more than 11 million people, which we are of course very happy about and grateful to you for your attention to us, i also wanted to digress for a second to tell you the following: look, this is a list of our official channels, besagon, everything else that you see in the telegram channel, on other platforms, these are scammers, extortion ...
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and so on and so forth, you remember what we are talking about, which seems to me, to some extent encouraging, that not only we, not only in our country the outrage at what people saw at the opening of the olympic games in paris, but it affected a huge number of not only christians around the world, but also people of other religions remember this reaction in different countries, including well, you
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know, it's just sad to think that we live in a period of time where this could even be approved of. all religions should be upset offended right now, you see what happened at these olympic games, just sitting here and letting france make fun of country, over your religion, you make fun of everything that you consider sacred, this is the last supper, this is sacred for christianity, what we do anyway, saying that it is disgusting. this is not art. journalists, public figures, bloggers and even athletes condemned the concept of the event, calling it a disgrace. french journalist of the lancorec publication juliette brien wrote about the opening ceremony of the games as an aflik-show and, moreover, apologized to the whole world and refused to cover the olympics. as a sincere patriot, a frenchwoman, i refuse to participate in this freak show and i apologize to you the world. the guardian columnist described the ceremony as a toxic spectacle. and even elon musk expressed his disappointment with the words. it was extremely disrespectful to christians. you yourself understand that this is not
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our, so to speak, such a tendentious attitude to this. it is becoming. a global disease, you know, as they say, in the russian proverb, god marks the rogue, you remember that when raising the olympic flag they first tried to raise it, it turned out that they raised it upside down, this is a very interesting sign, i think it also has its own sacred meaning, do you know that according to the etiquette of state symbols, upside down... and the flag has several meanings: listen, firstly, it is an insult to the state of the nation. secondly, it is an international sign meaning that the country is in a dangerous situation and asks for help. thirdly, the science of flags says that an upside down flag is a sign of disaster or
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defeat in war. i don't know, it's on purpose, it's not on purpose, but... i repeat to you, god, rogue, medel. it is in connection with this that when the flag is already was hanged correctly, the witty internet users had this image: look, well, you know what it means, 666, it's the sign of the beast, it's the sign of satan, by and large, it's generally true, because it's absolute satanism, to mock the last supper. to the whole world, it's punishable, maybe not immediately, but inevitably, but today i'd like to talk about something else, and i think that for us no less important than the olympic games, and by and large much more important, what is the basis of the future of the country, it's the people,
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this is demography, look at what state duma deputy pyotr tolstoy says about this. listen. i'll just say briefly that we want to ban the adoption of children from russia by citizens of those countries where gender reassignment is permitted. an initiative is being developed that is aimed at improving the quality of medical services provided in the area of ​​providing services for artificial termination of pregnancy and an initiative is being developed, in fact, it will be submitted to the state duma in the coming days, o.
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can do this while he is in the womb mother, and this is not like an operation that is done to the mother, but it is an operation that is done to the fetus, that is , to another creature, a living person, this is of course the greatest achievement of science and medicine, but what is surprising is that many lawyers
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believe that there is little chance of this law seeing the light of day, it is strange why this is so, right? let's say, there are countries in which the rights of an unborn person are protected by law, these are slovakia, the czech republic, ecuador, honduras, guatemala, chile, hungary, the dominican republic, madagascar and many, many others countries. and we don't even have to go far. abkhazia, a wonderful post-soviet country with a rather tragic history. in 2016. adopted an amendment to the law on health care, here's what it says: the state recognizes the right to life of an unborn child from the moment of conception.
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our national perspective, talking about ethics, about morality, about religion, all this is very important, all this is very necessary, but at the same time we need
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to understand that there is a goal, fatal diseases, we can say, this is neurodegeneration, neurodegenerative brain diseases, these are problems of diabetes mellitus type i and ii, these are problems of accelerated aging, these are autoimmune diseases, these are many things that... this is also regeneration in a broad sense, then - we need mechanisms, we need a certain degree of scientific medical freedom, obviously, at some stages it is possible to quite calmly try to replace, to move away from organ transplantation and save the patient's life by transplanting fetal, that is , liver cells. or mesanchymal stem cells taken from second-trimester fetuses. on in this video gennady tikhonovich sukhikh
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says that aborted human embryos can be used as medicinal raw materials for sick people , so-called fetal cells are used, but it is impossible to obtain them without, so to speak, killing the fetus, and quite a large one, as... it is believed that it has reached 12 weeks of its, so to speak, existence, i want to immediately make a reservation, gennady tikhonovich sukhikh is a great professional, he is a doctor of medical sciences, he heads the center of obstetrics, gynecology, perinatology named after academician khulakov, his merits are noted by the state, he is a knight of the order of merit for the fatherland, he is a laureate. childbirth is the most difficult, he saves a huge number of people, his role is huge in increasing
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the birth rate, he says a completely fair thing, with which it is impossible not to agree, the so-called fetal therapy, it can save from a huge number of diseases, for example, from diseases of the central nervous system, down's disease, alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, kidney disease, male infertility, impotence, diabetes and many , many other different diseases, and if you look at it from a rational point of view, then actually, if there is such an opportunity to help people, anyway, this abortion was done and this dead fetus can help prolong the lives of other people, why can't this be done? nevertheless, in russia there is a law from june 23, 2016, number 180 fz, on biomedical cell products, according to:
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we cannot disagree, listen, the fact is that research in the field of embryonic stem cells are associated with something controversial, the right to decide whether this pregnancy will develop or not belongs to the woman herself. tell me, where is the ethics here? is it ethical to waste biologically invaluable material that can not only save, but also revive another life, in ...
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lie to everyone from birth, that is, legally , a child who is here in the hands of his mother, he is not considered a person, his rights are protected from birth, that is, in other words, our left hand does not know what the right hand is doing, on the one hand we consider it immoral use an embryo that has not yet been born, as if considering it protected by the state as
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a person, on the other hand... according to the constitution , only someone who has already been born is considered a person, let's remember once again who wrote this constitution for us in 1993, american advisers were sitting on two floors in the white house, writing laws for us and writing a constitution for us, by the way, and all the laws, all the decrees that yeltsin and gaidar adopted, i was a member of the government, i remember. they bring all this in english, and then they sit there they urgently translate, translate, translate at 12 o'clock at one o'clock in the morning they gather us, we still won't have time to read anything, all these uh pages are still hot, and the translation is so crudely done, unsuccessfully there, you know how it's not in russian, all from there sits uh jeffrey sachs
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uh, sat under yeltsin. that's what they did, and what did they do, for russian, for citizens, or what , did they work for the benefit of citizens, no, they worked for the benefit of the west, for themselves, despite the fact that in september of 1993 of the same, anticipating what was written in the main law, our leading scientists have prepared a conclusion, it is dated 3 se... 1993 from the point of view of modern biology, genetics and embryology, the life of a person, as a biological individual, begins from the moment of the fusion of the nuclei of male and female germ cells and the formation of a single nucleus containing...


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